The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 19, 1923, Image 4

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& iff " j. f - K ORDINARY'S CITATIONS LEGAL SALE OF LAND. Georgia, Houston County. The appraisers appointed to set nsi*l a year's support for Mrs Essie Beiry Widow and six minov children of J A Uerry doooasod having inudo ihtir report this is to notify all persons concerned to show eaiiBe if i nv they can why this nppraisment shou d not be allowed at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in August 19-3. Th'a July 10th 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. Houston County, Georgia. C S Gurr having applied for letters of administration I to Bonus non on the ♦•state of Gabriel Green deceased, this is to notify all versons concerned to show cause if an.v th y can why bis application should not bo grunted at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in August 1S2&I This duly 10th. 1923. Emmett Houser, Orcinary. Georgia, Houston County. W W Howard Jr..having applied for lettor^of administration on the oatate «*£ Airs Lucindy Howard* deeaasod, this is to cite all all persons concerned to apponr .it tlio court of Ordinary on tho first Mon - j day in August 1923 to show enuso if any they ean, why his application should not lie granted. This July 3rd 1923. Emmett Houser Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. Mra Carrie T Mathews having applied Tor letters of administration with will an nexed on the estate of .Miss Elizabeth Thwoatt doooasod. This is to cite all persons concerned to appear at the court of Ordinnry on tho first monthly iu August 1923 to hIiow cause if any they can why her application should not bo granted. This July 3rd 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. C B Watson having applied for letters of administration on the ostato of John Wilson Johnson deceased, this Is to cite all persons concerned to appear at tho •court of Ordinary on the first Monday in August 1923 t>> show ciiuho if any they oan why his application should not be granted. This July 3rd. 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. We Guarantee KING’S IIUTREATMENT tho new, scienliiic prescription which brings TM MEDIATE and PERM ANEN r RELIEF to those tortured by Indigestion Suffer no more from Gas pres sure around tho heart-Ner vousness— Dizziness— lntes t i- nivl Indigestion - Toxi O o n- dition— Heartburn - Irrila ted stomach or Colon Sour stomach —Excess acids, and oilier ills commonly caused by Indiges- tiou. Buy a 12 ounce prescription today. Take it under the terms of our Guar- anteo. KING’S NuTREATMENT positively restores NATURES ACTIVITIES to your entire digestive tract. If yon are not satifled after taking nix ounces (one half prescription) re turn balance hud yourmonony will bo cheerfully rofuudod. Get a bottle today—Eeat what you like tomorrow. PERRY DRUG COMPANY. Georgia Houston County Whereas, on March 4th. 1918 0. E, Rape did execute and deliver to J T Hi r • ring a certaiu deed to secure debt with power of sale t.i s> cure certain indebt- ness describ'd therein, said deed to secure debt being recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior t ourt of Houston County. Georgia, in Deed Book ‘•24” folio 27; And Whereas, said J T Herring has heretofore assigned and conveyed to the undersigned, toe said deed to secure debt with power of sale together 'with the in- debtedn s-s secured thereby and the land described therein; And Whereas, said indebtness hns be come du- and remains Unpaid ; And Whereas; the power vt side con tained in said deed to secure debt Inis booome ' porative by reason of the failure ■if said O E Rape to pay said indop ed- noss, which is evidenced hy one promis sory not ■ for the principlesnm ol $1000.00 dat d March 4, 1918, due March 1st 1923 bearing interest from date at 8 per c nt per annum, payable annually, andlnving n credit of $200.00 on August Is’. 1918; Now Therefore: By virtueof the power of sale contained in said deed to secure debt I lie undersigned will sell before the Court House floor of Houston County, to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday July 30th. 1923, between the legal hours of sale the following real estate, towit: •‘All ihe following descr bed property to-wit: fifty three acres of land, more or less, in the Upper 5th. District of said Comity of Houston, being part of lot No. 98, bounded as follows: On the east by land of A J Garvin, on west by lands of Walker Kemper, on south by lands of Dr. S. 1). Smith, on north by a part of original Calhoun Plnce, also (8) eight acre, more or less, being a part of tho Original Wm. Caihoun plaer, bounded as follows; On east by liiida of J D Cherry and public road, on north bv lands of E A Champion and old publio road, and being all the lands purchased of J O Mc Kinley”. The proceods of said sale will be ap plied fir*t to the payment of the principal and interest of raid debt, taxes in surance and costs including the costs of this proceeding, and the remainder, if any, will bo paid to the said O E Rapo. This 25th. day of June, 1923, Tho Fourth Nnt'onal Bank of Macon Ga. Duncan & Nunn, Attorneys atLaw SHERIFFS SALES. Georgia, Houston County. Will bo sold before the Court House door botwoen the legal hours of sale on tlie first Tuesday in August 1923 lo the Ikighest bidder for cash the following property to-wit: One black mare mule named Bell shout 13 years old, Levied on as the property «if VV A Dunbar t > satisfy a fi fa from lhe city court of mous'oii uonnty in favor of Fiauters Fertilizer co. versus W A Dunbar. Also at the same time nnd place one Muck mare mule named Bell about 9 years old one mouao colored mare mule ubout 9 years old named Ida, one mouse colored mare mule about 8 yearsold named Doll and one yell"vr nmre mule ubout8 years old n*med Ida. Levied on am the property of W A Dunbar to satisfy a fi fa from tue city cour t of noust-m county in favor of W O Kenny & go, versus W A Dunbar. This July 10. 1923. T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff. SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE Unler and by virtue of the the authori ty and powor granted in a cet'Lain second mortgage made by Ida Lou Whoclus to Atlanta, Trust Company, same being dated December 1st 1919 and recorded in Housto i County Hood Book £8 page 194, tho Atladta Trust Company will ex pose to salo at public outcry and sell to the highest bidder, before the courthouso door at Perry, iu Houston County, Geor gia, between the legal hours of sale, on Tuesday, Auiiu ,t 7th 1923, the fblluwiug described real estate, as tho properly or IDA LOU WHEELUS, to-wit: That tract or parcel of laud lying in tho fifth district of Houston County, Georgia, con sisting of the west half of lot Number Ono 1-Iundrod Ninety Throe (193), con taining One Hundred Ono and One Fourth (i01 *4) acres; and One Hundred Fifty i (150) acres of lot Number One Hundred Ninety Four (194), being all of sai I lot except 50 seres out of tho Northeast cor ner thereof; all lying in one body of two hundred fifty, (250) acres, mor i or less, and bounded as follows: North by lands of John L Miller, east by lands of Alex- Smith and Chns. Watson, south by landf, of Ed Stubbs and Hattie Wheelus, and : west by lands of rims. Potts,’Richard 1 Smith and T H Willinghnm. Sale and conveyance of above described property I aro to bo made subject to the torms and I provisions of n certain security deed from , , Ida Lou Wlieolus to Atlanta Trust Com- j I parry, same being dated December 1st ' ! 1919 and recorded in Houston County 1 Deed Book28 page 191. Trains of Sale Cush. Atlanta Trust Company By E. R, Black, President Tifwn ThedforcPs Tit isn’t I ——bJLh ■ ■■■!! W* DUNCAN & NUNN Attorney* & Councellcirt at Law. Practice in At? Courts. PERRY, Ga. E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurance On Farm Property A Specialty FE«»P V, GA. Insect bites ? MENTHOLATUM .stops the itching and. lives comforts /5= IF YOU HAVE ■ ( Malaria, Pile*. Sick Headache, Coitire \1 Bowels, Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach, and Belching; your food does not assimilate, you have no appetite, wTutfs Pills will remedy these troubles w» Weak, Alliist WOMEM should take TEACHERS EXAMINATIONS. The State Examination for teachers’ license will be held at Perry, Ga., on the 3rd and 4th of August 1923. i M. O. ^losley, O. S. S. We carry Cushion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. I LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We avo prepared to clone loans prowptly on Farm Lands. 6 par ct. Interest, DUNCAN & NUNN. * Perry, Ga. JULY SPECIALS Big reductions this month and ana presents given away with all cash purchases above §1.00 H. P. Houser. ISa Woman’s Tonic | Sold Everywhere || II MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Loan Money or Real Estate without Commission. A. A. BMOAK, 3mc. Perry.G*. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children fn Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature ot Inactive ® liver “I have had trouble with an inactive liver,” wrote Mrs. S. Nichols, of 4412 Spencer ^jg St., Houston, Texas. ‘‘When I would get constipated, I would Cl feel a light, dizzy feeling in my ggp _|j head. To getup in the morning g>“ with a lightness in the head and r3 a trembly feeling is often a sign Jjt. that the stomach is out of order. §p £§ For this I took Thedfad's §L Tf Black-Draught, and without a* |P <|g| doubt can say 1 have never im <$ found its equal in any liver g> s f£j medicine. It not only cleans || the liver, but leaves you in such S> <§1 a good condition. 1 have used || /J] >t a long time, when food does |L "3 not seem to set well, or the stomach is a little sour.” Ik, fs/ l , f IBLACK-DRAUGHif | Liver Medicine. \ jjp SUMMER COMPLAINT makes little headway with children whose careful mothers protect them from stomach and bowel disorders, hot weather cramps, weakening diarrhoea - with CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Quick in action « satisfying in results. Acetylene Welding at M jLendon Auto Co FOR SALE:-. Gorn, Hay, Countr Meat, r rm, Lard. Sides and Shou daw. Apply A. A. Smoak, Perry, Ga. W. A. STROTHKR, - INSURANCE - Pkhhy. Gioitnu, ; “Canning Season.” We have a full line of Fruit Jars, Cans, Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Alluminum and Enamel Preserving Kettles at lowest prices. Our stock of Hardware, Crockery, Enamels are, Glass ware, Tubs, Buckets, etc., is complete. We also carry a full line Groceries and Feed Stuff. Our prices aae the lowest. We have the biggest trade in town—there is a reason.' J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND/.’ PERRY, - GEORGIA Money to Loan on Farm Lancia in Houston County a' Low Bate of "la teres li you wuu money quick write creaT Hatcher-Tucpm Co. 235 Mulberry St. Macon, Georgia. We carry Cnshion Covers for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. Excursion Fares via * Central of Georgia Railway THE RIGHT WAY | GET ACQUAINTED } | THE NEW DRUG STORE 1 | But You Don’t Have To Be Known I To Get Service | Our Stock Is Complete, The Best | Everything Found In A Modem Drug Store DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES , TOILET ARTICLES DRUG SUNDRIES CIGARS TOBACCO SODA The Best Cold Drinks In The County. PERRY DRUG CO., PERRY GA. S .REST ROOM FOR LADIES we of