The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, July 19, 1923, Image 8

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UMBMBM First and most The first starting battery (1911) was an Exide, and today more new cars leave the manufacturers* hands equipped with Exides than with any other battery. We have the right size Exide for you, and the right kind of repair service for all makes of batteries. Auto Co., Perry, Ga. j S We handle onty genuine Exide parts © Georgia, Ckattahooohee County, l’urtaxnt to an order of the Court of Ordinfc?j' of 0 luttahooohee County Geor gia, lue Court having jurisdiction of the estate of Mary J Lester, deceased, there will bo sold at public outcry to the highest bidder on the first Tuesday in August, 1923. to-wit, August 7, 1923, within the legal hours of salo, on the* premise of the real estate hereinafter described us being located in Fort Valley Houston l ounty, Georgia, the following described property of the estate of Mary J Lester, deceased, to-wit. ''All that lot or traot of land, situate and being in the City of Fort Valley, in Houston Com.ty, in the Stnto of Georgia and fronting sixty-five (65) feet, more or less, on Persons Street, and running back north of uniform width of 65 feet, more or less, for a distance of one hun dred sixty-eight (168) feet, more or loss to the lot of R E Brown, and being the same hr d which was conveyed by C E ( Martin to Mary J Lester, by deed datod May 22, 1919, and reeordod May 23, 1919 in Book 27, page 850 in tho office of Iho Clerk of the Superior Court of Houston County, .Georgia.” Terms: Cash This 2nd day of July, 1923. W. I. Van Horn, Administrator of Alary J Lester, deceased. ■■■■"■ • J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACCIDENT-HEALTH-GROUP The GUY that put* tlie SURE in your Insurance. 305-306 Citizens & Southern Bank Building. Telei Lines 1142-3514-w It costs no more to get the best policy and the most efficient ser vice so why not get it. Am just as close to you as your telephone- u • State of Georgia county of Houston. To Tho buperior court of Houston csuuty: The petition of R L cater, J P cooper, G c Nunn, J P Etheridge, L F cater, W J£ bwnnson, H T Gilbert. S P Crowell, S L Norwood, Jr., W L lienry, H E Evans, A At Anderson. J W Bloodworth, c E McLendon, nnd S A Nunn all of the cou .ty ot Houston and State atorosaid. re-'Pectlully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, and successors, to be incoipo- rnfed nnd made n body corporate under the law- of the State of Georgia, under the corporate name and style ot “Houston Telephone Company,” 2. The object of said corporation is pecunairy guln to its stock holders, 3. The Unprecedented and Extraordinary announcement is made that from now on there will be We carry Cushion Cover* for Crates and Baskets in stock. Perry Warehouse Co. WITH THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN MOTHER ? Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute fc' Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of .?f9 ve P. Ttet™™ 2!L package. Physicians everywhere recommend it • > The pi incipnl place of business of said corporation sh ill be at Perry iu nouaiou county, Georgia. 4. The capital stock of said co poration shall be ten thousand (10.000) dollaih divided into shares of tho pur value of one hundred ($100.00) dollars each, but petition*!* pray that they be grunted the right to increase said capital stock from time to time upon a vote ot tho majority of the stock oniHtumling at the time ot such vote to an amount not to exceed twenty five tnotisaud ($2f).00.00)dollarn. 6. The business to bo carried on by said corporation 1b a general telephone busi ness. 6. Petitioners desire the right to havo and use a corporate seal, to sue and bo •>ued, to purchase, own and sell real estate, to execute promissory notes nnd other evidence of indebtedness and to pledge any and all of tho corporate property and franchises ns seourity for the payment thereof. Wherefore: Petitioners prny that they 'be incorporated as aforesaid, nnd tuul they be grunted all the rigliti and privileges at d immunities wuicli ate or may hermltcr lie granted to like corporations under the laws of fhil state. This loth day of July. 1923. Duncan & Nunn, A'torucyu for petitioners. State of Georgia county of uoustnn. 1, a L WusJcii, oltrk of die Mipcrlor court of iiuuslon oouuty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is n true copy of the orig nul petition for charter 11 cd in the office of. the Clerk ol Superior Court of Houston county. Wit ioss my official signature and seal of mid court, this July 10th, 1923. ii. L. vVASDEN, oleik -superior Coutt, Houston County, Georgia. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE C olored Comics verv djr In a Four Page Comic Section Everywhere-Royal Cords United StatesTires are Good Tires T HE growing number of Royal Cord Clincher* you see on the roads give* an idea of how many car owners there arc who want the best tire money can. buy. There weren’t near enough Clincher Royals to go around last year. This year—even with the production more than doub led—you can best be sure of them by taking them at the moment* A. M. ANDERSON, IDENTIFY YOURSELF I WITH BUSINESSMEN USE PRINTED STATIONERY LET US PRINT IT * OR YOU PRICER REASON ABLE THF HOME JOURNAL PERRY, GEORGIA