The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 02, 1923, Image 3

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SERVICE SAFETY \ —. 9 € | i s ad t : * s 1 SEE IF OUR ADDITION IS CORRECT j ADD A Desire > A Dollar RESULT—A Bauk Account. I ADD A Desire j A Dollar ; r s | gg RESTLT — Discretion, A Bank Account at this Bank. If you find us correct, why not accept the little suggestion. YOU’LL BE GLAD—AND SO WILL ATE HOUSTON BANKING COMPANY “The Bank of Service.” PERRY, ------- .GEORGIA 1 Mlm AVERAGE VOLUME OF BUSINESS OF CO-OPERATIVES INCREASE A large increase in the average volumn of bnsiness done by far mers’ baying and selling associa tions in 1921 as compared with 1913-17, inclusive, is shown in compilations recently made by the United States Department of Ag- rienltnre. The average business done by 632 associations In i 921 wai 1195,- 500 as compared with $144,700 in 1913, an increase of more than $48,800. The’figures show that 641 asseoiations in 1014 did an average bnsiness of $187,300 as compared with $20$,800 In 1921, an inorease of $69,000. The aver age increase by 298 asseoiations in 1921 over 1915 was $50,000; 534 associations ineroastd their busi ness $56,000 on the average in 1921 over 1916, and 499-organiza- iions in 1927 show an average in crease of $8,290 over 1917. A part of the inorease is attri buted to the higher price levels in 1921 than in the years 1913-17, !bnt the major part of the increase was due to a larger volamn of bnsiness done, the department tys, Figures for 1922 and 1928 date are uot available, but the I'department estimates that since 1921 a further increase in volume of business has occurred. X FOR SALE:—One side board one canning machine and one case of No. 2 cans, will sell cheap. Mrs S P Crowell, Perry Ga. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States for the Western Di vision ef the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter ef E A Champion individually and trading as Fort Valley Brokerage Company, bankrupt in bankruptcy. To the creditors of B A Cham pion, of Fort Valley. in the eewntyof Houston and district aforesaid, bankrupts: Notice is hereby given that on July 25th, A. D , 1923, the Mid \y B. A Champion , wae dnly adjudicated bankrupt, and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at ,M aeon, in Bibb county, Georgia, in room 304 Grand Opera House Building on August, 7,1923, at 11 o’clookin the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their elaims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrnpts, and transact siieh ether business as may properly come before the meeting. The bankrupts are required to be pres ent on that day for examination. lfacon Ga.,this .Toly 25th, 1923. J N TALLEY, , Referee in Bankruptcy, Wonderful Hew goal Oil Light IlilIM.IIIWliJlCTIBBIBflBfflSBnaaH immapmcimBaBiimaaBaai Weak, Ailing WOMEN should fake —F O R SAL E—Pair good Mules, cheap. Apply T D Gurr, Perry Ga. We carry Cushion Covers, : or Crates arid' Briskets in tock. Perry Warehouse Co. Burns Vapor , f ^ Saves Oil IS.;] r Beals. Electric COLO MEDAL at Worldfl m Exposition B map Ita Whlto Light la noarmat to day- light In coif* Costs You Nothing to have this wonderfi oil (kerosene) mantle T!ie Woman's Tonic j' 4 Sold' Everywhere 3BB!inn?r!iniCTSllIlll!l]lllllllllJllTHIl,lllllllllilWWWtBWnim)ffiiHiimnnrrmn ^piaiBrwiiiiiimir<nrBjj,m!ntmr,TiU^iiHnriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii are perfectly » the best oil lamp you ever saw. Twice the Light On Half the Oil Recent tests by the Government andnoted scientists at 35 leading Universities prove the Aladdin gives morn than twieo the light and burns less than half as much oil as the best round wick, open flame lamps on the market Thus the Aladdin will pay for itself many times oyer in oil saved, to say nothing of the increased S uantity and quality of pure white light ; produces. A style for every need. $1000.00 Will Be Given by the Mantle Lamp Company—the larg est Coal Oil (kerosene) mantle lamp house in the world—to any person who shows them an oil lamp equal to the Aladdin. Would they dare invite such comparison with allother lights if there were any doubt about the superiority of the Aladdin? Let Us Call and Show You This Greatest of All Lights JAMES D. MARTIN. Jr., Perry, Ga. Distributor for Houston County A BUILDING not only looks complete when it is covered with a Carey Roofing, but it is complete — perfectly protected, finished in appearance — a structure built economically and sure to prove economical to maintain. There is a superior Carey Roofing for every type of building. Let us tell you about the one for your building. Roof for Every Building* j FOR SALE BY H. ANDREW & SON PERRY, GA. ATTENTION MELON GROWERS / We can supply you Melon Paper, Stem Paint Nails /. and Tacks Also Forks for hauling straw and Wagons for hauling. We will have Cotton Picking Sheets Picking Bags, and Steelyards, for the Cotton Season. See us for a complete line of Groceries, Feed and Farming Implements. We want te buy your Oats, Rye, Wheat, Chickens, Eggs, Hay, Corn, Peas and Peanuts. Make our place your headquarters. Tell us your wants and let us help supply them. —FOR SAL E—Good Young Horse. Work anywhere. Apply at this office. * Gjfeo. C. NtJNiSr THE1HUSTLBR! OPPOSITE DEPOT _ _ PERaY,'(JA