The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 02, 1923, Image 6

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SIDEWALK GLEANINGS LOCAL NEWS OP TOWN AND COUNTY —Miss Dorothy Hardeman of St Louie, Mo., is visiting Miss Frances Cooper in Perry. —Mrs. It E Hudson, of Unadil- la, is visiting at the home of her father in Perry. —Mr Jake Murray is visiting his sister mrs G P Barron at Mathews, Ga. — Mr and Mrs D B Bush of Myron spent last week with their daughter Mrs W N Boler. —Mrs Bessie B Wright and son Mr Carson Wright have returned home ai ter a visit to relatives at Aiken, S. C. —Mrs. George W Johnson and young sou of Sasser are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T b Chapman. —Cutting weeds and grass on streots of the city is the order of the day and the work will con tinue until every street is olean we are told. —•Equipment for the new stand ard Oil Co., filling station lias been received in Perry and con struction work is expected to begin at an early date —Up to Wednesday morning fifteen ears of meltons had been shipped from Perry. The shipping season is now well under way but due to unfavorable season the crop is very short. —Mr Marx Kunz has purchased the L B Gay home on Evergreen Street and will take possession at an early date. It is said also that improvements will soon be made to the building. —Mr, T F Anderson has com pleted the remodeling of his home on Evergreen Street, adding a spacious front porch and making otkor improvements. —Construction of the L C How ard dwelling on Swift Street is well under way. It is understeod that Mr. Howard will occupy the dwelling ns a home. —The Methodist Sunday School will remodel the basement of the church to make room for their growing Snnday School, and a campaign is now oa foot to raise the funds for that purpose. —Rev. EC Cowan, of Sparks, preached at the Baptist church Snnday night. Rev. Cowan eon* ducted a meeting at ths Baptist chnroh here about a year ago and made many friends in Per ry who vWere glan to see him again. The peeeh packers are con- sp eious for their absence in Per* ry this week since the season earns to a close. Maay of the packers go from here to other states north where the season is just now well under way. —A fi Bloeker of Davidson county, Tenn., has purchased of Frances E and Frederick W Wil liams, the former W Z Williams farm five miles south of Perry.The consideration is 950,000 and the transfer includes 1,107 acres of land, all live stoek and all farm and saw' mill machinery equip meat. TO DEDICATE SCHECONNEE BQIDGE The plans to dedicate the New Echeconnee Bridge joining Hous ton and Bibb Oounties should be of interest to the people of this county. According to tenative plans the new bridge will be dedicated with fitting ceremony to the World war Herees of Bibb County on next Sunday afternoon. General lienri Gouraud, the famous French Com mander of the Raiuliow Divisim who will be-the gof st of Macon will take a prominent part in the ceremony. The Handsome, new bridge which is now almost completed was built by Bibb and Houston counties. Complete plans for the dedication ceremony'will be an nounced later by-the’-Macon- coin-' puttee. WHITE-HAYS A marriage of much interest to many friends throughout the state was that of Miss Annie Lois Hays, daughter of Mr and Mrs C F Hays Byron. Ga., and Mr Arthur White Fort Valley Ga., which was solem nized at the home of the bride at 4 o’clock, Sunday afternoon, July 22nd. The spacious living room was beautifully decorated with ferns, palms, garden flowers and southern smilax. The improvised altar was banked with ferns. A musical program preceeded the ceremony. A solo “At Dawning'* was sung by Miss CorlisH Gassett accompanied by Mrs H Clinton Jackson, at the piano. The bride and groom entered from the hall to the strains of Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March. The curtains to the entrance being drawn back by little MisseB Catherine Persons and Virginia Hays, who wore dainty frocks of white organdy. The bride and groom were met at the altar by Rev. C C Heard, pastor of the Baptist church, who performed the ceremony during which lime “A Gypsy Love Song’" was softly rendered by Mrs. E Clinton Jack B on, The bride was lovely in a suit of bioge poiret twill heavily cm broidered. She wore a corsage of bride’s roses. A black picture hat with accessories to match com pleted tho costume, Among the many guests in at tendance were Mr and Mrs F E White, father and mother of the groom; Mr Emmett Tucker, Mr r T Marshall and Miss Inez Mar shall, of Fort Valleyi Ga., Mrs S W McKnight of Ariton, Ala., Mrs A S Persons and ohildrein of Sa vannah; Misses Leuise and Lou Bussey, of Talbotton; M4ss Eva Brown, of Atlanta; Mr and Mrs Ralph Adair, of Homestead, Fla., Miss Frances Hancock, of Bonaire Ga., and Mies Ruby Russell, of Woodlaud, Ga. X PEACH SEASON ENDED The last car of peaches has left this station and the peach season is at an end here. On Tues day the last car for use here had been ordered out bringing the total solid car shipment for tho season to 430 cars- This total does not include twenty-five or more cars partly loaded here te be finished at ether stations near here during the season. The record this season it is thought will rank Perry third or probably second in voiumn of shipraenta in the peaeh section. The quality of fjrjnit grown id. this sfhtipn has. been above the average and prices received as good as the best received any where. * STEWART COLE DIES IN MACON Stewart Cole age 41 prominent business man of Macon died at the Middle Georgia Sanatorium last Saturday afternoon after an ill uesa of several weeks, his death however came unexpectdly as it was though he was on the road to recovery. Besides bis wife who was Miss Clifford Powers of Perry he is survived by two children, Madison Kilmofe Cole and Corinne Powers Cole, His mother Mrs M F Cole, two sisters, Mrs W G Lee of Ma con and Miss Mae Cole of Newnan. The decease is related by mar riage to a number of people of Perry and has many friends here who are grieved to learn of his death and who symathize with the family iu their sorrow. —Miss Lois Swanson has re turned home after attending sum mer school at Emory University; —Mr W A Strother and family and Mr Hal Gilbert will leave B’riday'for a vacation at his old home''at West Union, S. G , and other points in the mountains- P 5 jffi> ' V — T. 13. MASON Groceries & Hardware, PHONE 46. Perry, - - - - Ga. The Store Where “QUALITY” Is Paramount. FISHING TACKLE We .have a complete line of everything for the fish erman, including Hooks, lines, Sinkers, Floats, Flies and Minows. BASE BALL GOODS Real Quality Goods like the Big-Leaguers use. OIL COOK STOVES Do your cooking,canning and preserving cheaper and more comfortably with a Bon Ami or a new Perfection Oil Stove. GARDEN HOSE Highest Grade Hose at a big saving, Nozzeles and Sprayers for same. Also all kinds of Garden and Farm Tools. Milk Bottles and Tops. Early Amber Cane Seed and Good Garden Seeds CUTLERY A full line of Shears, Knives, Razors and Ra zor Blades in all the high grade brands, including Cattaragus, Keen Kutter, John Primble, Boker, etc Fresh by Express AND As Usual All Binds of QUALITY GROCERIES Come to See Us We Appreciate Your Trade. Goods Delivered. Respectfully ", T.D. MASON. WE WANT YOpR BANK ACCOUNT We want it on the basis of SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE BANKING We want it because we are in position to han dle it safely for you. We carry Burglary, For gery and Fire Insurance. We want it because we can give you prompt service. Our employees are efficient and polite. We want it because we can make it mutually profitable. You make deposits, we furnish Check Books, Pass Books and Service, No ac count too large or too small for us to handle. You want SAFETY FIRST, LAST and ALL the time. We furnish it. You want reasonable accomodation, at the proper time. We furnish it. r “The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY LOAN 0 SAVINGS BANK PERRY, GA. R. L. CATER, Brest. ' L. F. CATER, Cashier. “Canning Season.” We have a full line of Fruit Jars, Cans, Rubbers,, Jelly Glasses, Alluminum and Enamel Preserving Kettles at lowest prices. Our stock of Hardware, Crockery, EnamelMare, Glass ware, Tubs, Backets, etc., is complete. We also carry a full line Groceries and Feed Stuff. Our prices aae the lowest. We have the biggest trade in town—there ii a reason. J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND.” PERRY, - GEORGIA. Courtesy and Service Make their Appeal. Our Busi ness is Good. There’s a Reason. Our line of Hardware, Groce ries and Farm Supplies is com plete and our prices are right. Come in to see us and let us serve you. H. C. Walker Co PERRY, GA.