The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 09, 1923, Image 6

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^ - SIDEWALK GLEANINGS LOCAL NEWS OP TOWN AND COUNTY — Miss Catheriao Calhitigs of Atlanta is visiting relatives in JPeny. —Mrs. S P Crowell and children are at Dahlonega for a summer va cation of several weeks. —Miss Beulah Patterson of Port Valley spent the week end in perry with Mrs. 0 G Boler* —Mrs. A M Anderson and chil dren are at Dahlonega for a visit of several weeks. —Mr J N, Weaver of Macon was the guest of Mr and MrsE. J. Thompson several days this week, —Miss Norino Swanson was a recent guest of Mvs Young Harris Fraser at Clarks ton. —Mr W B Swanson and Miss Lois Swanson spent several days his week in Atlanta. —Mr. and Mrs. 0 A King and Mr. J B King are visiting rela tives and friends in Tifton and Albany this week. —Prof. P* M. Greene of the Twelfth District Agricultural Col lege was a visitor in Perry Mon day. —Mr. Horace Holdeu of Athens spent several days ibis week in Perry, the guest of Mr daughter, Mrs. Lee M Paul, Jr. —Mrs. Emma Roquemore and Miss Annie Woodard are in Atlan ta this week attending the whole sale millinery opening. —Mr. William W Woolfolk, Jr, of Louisvilly, Ky., is spending hiH vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. W W Woolfolk in Perry. —Misses Queen and Prances Holden of Athens were the guests of their sister, Mrs. Lee M Paul, Jr., the past week. —Miss Norino Swanson has re turned home after completing a six week summer courso at Emory University, —Miss Sue Rogers of Marsh&U- ville is visiting her aunt, Mrp, Mary Lou Levurett at Wollstou this week. —Mr and Mrs Gordon Rogers and two children Gordon Jr., and Catherine of Marshallville spent last Sunday afternoon in Perry with homo folks. —Misses Russel Hollin6head and Dorothy Driskell of Sparta and Mrs. Mamie Rice of Ozark, Ala., are visiting at the home of Mr. P M Houser in Perry., —Mrs. Mattie Braswell, MrsR E Mathews and Mrs. Fred Som- mons of Fort Valley spent Mon day in Perry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W H Boler. —Mrs Baxter Joues and chil dren are spending several days in Perry with Mrs Joues parents Mr and Mrs L P Gater. Mr Jones will join them for the week-end. —Miss Helen Dennis, who has completed a summer couse at? Em* ory University is visiting relatives in Kenfuck}' before returning to her home here. —The first open ootton boll presonted at this office this season was brought in by Superintendent Dave ltaley from the Evans & Strother farm one .mile north of Perry. The first open boll appear ed in field Saturday he said. A DL1GHTFUL BARBECUE Mr Gpo. S Riley vras host at a most enjoyable barbecue at his beautiful country home on last Tuesday afternoon About 150 neighbors frieuas and home-folks were present to enjoy the delightful repart and the charming hospitality of Mr and Mrs Riley and family. Barbecue, brunswick ste\K and cold lemonade in plenty and pre pared just right. in every detail was served under the big oaks of |the beautiful lawn'. MISSIONARY SHOWER Miss Clara Howard of Kathleen Ga., who sails in August to Korea as a kinder garteu missionary, was the honor guest at a beautiful shower, Wednesday afternoon, July ?5, from 4 to 6 o'clock at the lovely home of her aunt, Mrs. H E Talton. This happy occasion was the plan of the five respective auxil iaries comprising the Unadilla group of the Cordele District, Unadilla, Elko, Grovania, Perry and Andrew Chapel and attended by a good representation from each society together with rela tives of the honoree. Those assisting the hostess were Mrs. A R Talton, Mrs. H T Beall, Mrs. S T Bryan and Mrs. J B Bryan. In the receiving line were Mrs. H B Taltbn, Miss Clara Howard, Mrs. R H Howard, Miss Mary Talton aud Miss Julia How ard. The gifts were presented in a unique way, being ushered in on a minature steamboat, sailing both our flag and Korea’s and piloted by three small sailors, little cous ins of the honor guest. These gifts had been selected to meet the needs of a missionary, consisting of beautiful blankets, a splendid steamer bag with fnll toilet accessories, lovely linens and lingeries and a wrist watch togeth er with personal cheeks with most appropriate and beautiful words. Mrs. George Nunn of Perry pre sented these tokens of love and good wishes which Miss Howard gratefully accepted and in a pleas ing and impressive manner ex pressed her deep appreciation. Following this a dolieious ice course was enjoyed. Refreshing punch was served throughout the nfternoon by Misses Rosa McGee and Dorothy Howard. The occasion gave unusual pleas ure to our entire group. X NATHAN B. GRIGGS DEAD *• —V»V l Nathan B. Griggs, age 37 years, died at his home hear here last Friday morning at 5 o’clock after a lingering illness of several months. Funeral services were conducted at the home at 5;30 Friday afternoon, Rev. Warwick of FortValley officiating and burial was at Evergreen cemetery. The esteem with which the de ceased was held was attested by ihe bountiful floral offerings and the large crowd attending the fu neral. His friends in this section were ail who knew him aud bis amiable disposition endeared him to ail with whom he came in con tact. His fortitude and bouaucy of spirit even to the last hours of his life won the admiration of his friends. He is survived by a sorrowing wife, t«fo young sons and one daughter; his mother, Mrs. N T Griggs of Maoon, and two brothers and<4>wo sisters, j J Griggs of Fort Valley, J T Griggs of Macon, Mrs George Boswell of Perry and Mrs. J E Piercs of Valdosta. • The tender sympathy of this community goes out to the loved ones in thir sorrw. FASHEE-BUNCAN Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fashee, of Maplesville, Ala., announce the engagement of their daughter, Vivienne, to Mr. Lawton Pope Duncan, of Tallassee, Ala., the wedding to take place Sept. 6ih. —Macon Telegraph. The prospective groom is the oldest sou of Mr. and Mrs. C C Duncan of Perry and has many friends here who will be interest ed to learn of his coming marriage. MEMORIAL SERVICES FRIDAY . Memorial services will be con ducted a t,.Perry on Friday afters noon at 5:30 on the Court House lawn. This i^sin according to the proclamation of President Coolidge The people of this community and county are invited to gather oii this occasion to pay their re spect to our Jate lamented Presi dent Warren Harding. T. n. MASON Groceries & Hardware, PHONE 46. Perry, - - - - Ga. The Stqre Where “QUALITY” Is Paramount. FISHING TACKLE We .have a complete line of everything for the fish erman, including Hooks, lines, Sinkers, Floats, Flies and Minows. BASE BALL GOODS Real Quality Goods like the Big-Leaguers use. OIL COOK STOVES Do your cooking,canning and preserving cheaper and more comfortably with a Bon Ami or a new Perfection Oil Stove. GARDEN HOSE Highest Grade Hose at a big saving, Nozzeles and Sprayers for same. Also all kinds of Garden and Farm Tools. Milk Bottles and Tops. Early Amber Cane Seed and Good Garden Seeds CUTLERY A full line of Shears, Knives, Razors and Ra zor Blades in all the high grade brands, including Cattaragus, Keen Kutter, John Primble, Bokef, etc Fresh by Express AND As Usual All Binds of QUALITY GROCERIES Come to See Us We Appreciate Your Trade. Goods Delivered. Respectfully T. D. MASON. WE WANT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT We want it on the basis of SOUND AND CONSERVATIVE BANKING We want it because we are in position to han dle it safely for you. We carry BurglaVy, For gery and Fite Insurance. We want it because we can give you prompt service. Our employees are efficient and polite. We want it because we can make it mutually profitable. You make deposits, we furnish Check Books, Pass Books and Service, No ac count too large or too small for us to handle. You want SAFETY FIRST, LAST and ALL the time. We furnish it. You want teasonable accomodation, at the proper time. We furnish it. “The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK PERRY, GA. R. L. CATER, Brest. L. F. CATER, Cashier. “Canning Season.” We have a full line of Fruit Jars, Cans, Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Alluminum and Enamel Preserving Kettles at lowest prices. Our stock of Hardware, Crockery, EnamelMare, Glass ware, Tubs, Buckets, etc,, is complete. We also carry a full line Groceries and Feed Stuff. Our prices aae the lowest. We have the biggest trade in town—there ia a reason. J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND.” PERRY, - GEORGIA. and Service Make their Appeal. Our Busi ness is Good. There’s a Reason. Our line of Hardware, Groce ries and Farm Supplies is com- plete and our prices are right. Come in to see us and us serve you. • let N. C. Walker Co PERRY, GA. mm ■ : ^