The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 23, 1923, Image 3

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Thu bank stands guard ceaselessly providing your funds with protection GEO, iC.j^XTNX TIItt [IIUSTLE& “ Ns •;* ' : I '■ M- -ty? S» ■'}'•-!<,■ =r w ~2= Zd ft .'■■■■ f "m * BiS S n I I r s WE PAY TWO KIN DS OF INTEREST 4 per cent •' and Personal Interest ) ; ; and In Return for your Business We Often Safety Service Satisfaction HOUSTON BANKING COMPANY “The Bank of Service.’* 1 A & t=S perry, -Georgia i r SAVE HAY! Large quanities of hay has been shipped into Houston county this year and pros pects are that more will be shipped here next year. You need a good Mowing Machine and Rake to help save it. We sell the McCormick Mower which is the best known machine on the market. We have them ready for delivery. to early B. H. ANDREW & SON PERRY, GA. sp PIANO FOR SALE A high grade piano near Perry to sell at less than half original price. We will sell this piano for just what is due on this account. For further information write the Williams-Guttenberger Music Co., Macon, Ga. CASTOR For Infants and Children In Use Fob* Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys 8c Councellors at Law. i Practice in All Courts. [ PERRY, GA. v W - — v —it PETITION FOR DIVORCE Georgia Houston County. Pauline Self Marshall vs ■ Louis Marshall Petition for divorce in Superior Court, October term, 1923. To the defendant, Louis Marshall:- The plaiutiff, Pauline Self Marshall having filed her petition for divorce against Louis Marshall in this Court, re turnable to this October tern of this Court, and it being made to appear that Louis - Marshall is not - 'a resident of said County, and also that he does not', reside within the State, and an order having been made for service upon him Lewis Marshall by publi cation, this, therefore, is to notify you Louis Marshall, to be and appear at the next term of the Houston Superior Court to be held on the first Monday in October, 1923, then and there to answer s.aid-complaint. | ,.' | Witness theHorioraible H A Mathews, Judge, of the Superior Court. This 22nd day of August, 1923. H. L. Wasden. Clerk. Costs You Rothiig to pay us a cent unless you are perfectly satisfied and agree that it ia the best oil lamp you ever saw. Twice the Light On Half the Oil the Aladdin gives more thantwico the light and burns less than half as much oil as the best round wick, open flame lamps on the market. Thus the Aladdin will pay for itself many times over in oil saved, to say nothing of the increased quantity ana quality of pure white light it produces, A style for every need. $1000.00 Will Be Given by the Mantle Lamp Company—the larg est Coal Oil (kerosene) mantle lamp house in the world—to any person who 6howa them an oil lamp equal to the Aladdin. Would they dare invite such comparison with all other lights if there were any doubt about the superiority of tkS Aladdin? Let Us Call and Show You This Greatest of All Lights JAMES;D. MARTIN, Jr„ Perry, Ga. . c i v- . ■ •■}■#' -ft .... . Distributor for Houston r County 1 yard wide sheeting, 10c yard at H. P. Houser’s. per when it is covered with a Roofing, but it is complete — perfectly protected, finished in appearance—* a structure built economically and sure to prove economical to maintain. There is a superior Carey Roofing for every type of building. Let us tell you about the one for your building. “4 Roof for Every Building* FOR SALE BY B. H. ANDREW a SON PERRY, GA. WE WANT TO BUY COTTONSEED We will be Prepared at all times to pay best prices for seed or will exchangs hulls and meal for seed. r COTTON PICKING SHEETS Just received large supply best grade Picking Sheets. See us before buying. Steelyards for weighing cotton wagons, Harness, Lines, Collars, Pads, Bridles and other necessary things for handling cotton crops. We have a nice lot of Pigs, Shoats and sows foy sale. Just ready for fattening. Oats, Wheat and Rye will be very scarce this fall We have a stock now. Place your order w/ith us. before it is too late. You can profit by trading with us. OPPOSITE DEPOT ■ • /