The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 23, 1923, Image 4

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TAX SALES If you drive a Ford, we have just the battery for you! A genuine Willard at a remarkably low >rice—built right up to standards and without an equal for value. If you want a still bet ter battery, there's the All-Rubber Bat tery, built especially for Ford service and con taining not one bit of wood. It's a bear for wear—there’s none can touch it. PERRY AUTO CO SALES AND SERVICE Perry, Ga. Weak, Ailing WOMEN should take CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Sold Everywhere » GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACOIDENT-HEALTH-GROUP The GUY puts tho SURE in your Iii8uraneo. 305*306 Citizens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w It costs no raoro to get the best policy and the most efficient ser vice so why not get it. Am just as close to you asyo ur telephone JOHN W. BLOOD WORTH Attorney and Ooitnbeltob At I <aw Perry - Georgia. W» Practice In Both State and Federal Courts. , . ( Insect bites ? MENTHOLATUM .stops the itching and. ives comfc J m m MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Loan Money op Real Estate without Commission. A. A. SMOAK, 3mc, Psrry.Ga, FOR SALE:. Corn, Hay, Count*, Meat, r un. Lard, Sides and Shoal Apply v A. A. Sneak, Parry, Ga. W. A. STROTHER. - INSURANCE Pihhy. Gkob a,a. FOB SALE:—One side board 4>bo canning machine and one case •f Ne. 2 cans, will sell cheap. Mrs S P Crowell, Perry Ga. On tho first Tuesday in September 1923, will be sold at the Court House door of Houston County between the lawful hours of sale, the following property to Witt- All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 13th district of Houston County Ga,, and being that strip of land lying on the east side of 'the Nation il Highway from Perry to Vienna Ga., and lying on the south-east of lot No. 301 and bounded ns follows; on north hy lands of ,J VV l-Iui'dle, east by li M Harvord* south T)y lands of M's L A Borum. on west by National Highway, and con, turning 10 acres more or less, to satisfy a certuin tax execution for the year 1922 and all costs aeerued thereon. Levied u pon ns the property of Julius C Borum and found in possession. All that cortuin lot in the Walden trnct of the H C Harrirestate lands, lying in tho north-west portion of Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., being known ac cording to W H Harris survey of said tract as lot No. 71, fronting on Walden Street 48 feet and extending back of uni form width to the ditch runnning along the northern boundary of said Walden tract. Said lot fronting on the north side of Walden Street and bounded on tho west side by Knoxville Street onroad Levied on as tho property of Carrio Harris to satisfy a ft fa for state and county tuxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession uotifted. All that one sere of land in lot No. 212 in the sixth district of Houston County, Ga., bounded as follows; west by lands of J M Culppor ostate, south by lands of WE Groone east by lands of T H Brown and on north by lands of T H Brown, said one acre of land being the land sold by .James Cliett to Katie Cllott and re corded in Clerk’s Office Superior court of Houston County In book No. 20 and folio 144, on Februaiy 5th 1914. Levied on as the property of Mary Martin to satisfy a li fa for Htate and county taxes for the year 1922. Tonant in possession notified. All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in tho Gth district of Houston County Ga., and being a portion of what is known as the Moss Jjuke Fruit Farm ana comprising GO neres of land more or loss and lying west of the public road leading from Fort Valley to Maeon via Mathews store and more fully described ns follows: commencing at on tho west like of said road at an iron stake or stob for a starting point and running thence west in a straight lino by a pump just a few feet from the west iintLpf said public road, said pump being on the line to the public road known ns the Crawford County road via Wiley Greon place. Thence northerly along the said Crawford County road to the line of tho lands of li E Brown, thence east along the lino of iho lands of li E Brown to tho lino of the lands of the Culpepper estate, Thence southerly along the line of tho lands ot tho Culppepper estate to an iron stob, Thenco easterly to an iron stob on the public roud from Fort Valley to Macon vln of Mathew’s store. Thence southerly along tho lino of tho public road from Fort Valley to Maco* via Mathews store to the iron stob at the point of be ginning. Levied on as tho proporty of J L Reynolds to satisfy a fi fa for state and County taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that 79 acres of land lying on tho onst side of lot No. (12 in tho 9th district of Houston County Ga., and some times known as a part ot the Hurst place. Levied on as tho proporty of John L Wilson to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that tract of land in tho 1 Ofch dis trict of Houston County, Georgia con taining 150 acres and being all of lot No. (54 in the plan of said district except 50 acres in the northwest corner of said lot No. (54. Levied on ns tho property of W E Giles to satisfy a fi fa for state nnd county taxes for the year 1922. Tonant in possession notified. All thst certain store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley Ga., on south side of Main Street, fronting on said street 25 feet, oxtending from the center of the east wall of STapey & Evans livery stable nnd extending back southerly 140 feet moro or less to the public alloy running through said Block, said store lot being same ns recently built upon by 15 T Marshall in August 1901, said store be ing the one now occupied by J D Wilson & Sons. Leviod on ns the property of j I) Wilson & Sons, .T D Wilson, Chester Wilson ,to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for ihe year 1922. Tonant in possession notified. All that tract or parcel of land, lying nnd being in tho northwest corner of lot No. 11.4 in tl'e sixth district of Hnust on County, Georgia, .said trivet containing 52 acres more or less and being bounded as follows: on the north by land of Holt, east by Slocum, south and west by Charles M Hardison. Levied on as tlio proporty of J M Jackson estate to satis fy a fifa for state and county taxes for the yenr 1923. Tenant in possession notified All that tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the lower fifth dis trict of Houston County, Georgia, known and distinguished as P in,the plan of said district by tho number 146, containing 70 neres more or less, on the west side of said No.146. Levied on as the property of W W Ethridge to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes f"r the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. —F OR SAL E—Pair good IMtales, cheap. Apply T D Gurr, fforrjr Ga. \ This 8th day of August 1923. T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff —FOR SAL E-Long Leaf Yellew Pine Shingles Nos. 1 and 2 E. W. Traylor, Perry, Ga. I “Feeling Fine!” 'T was pale and thin, hardly able to go,” says Mrs. Bessie Bearden, of Central, S. C. "I would suffer, when 1 stood on my feet, with bearing-down pains in my sides and the lower The Woman’s Tonic and I then remembered my mother used to take it.. . After the first bottle I was better. 1 began to fleshen up and 1 re gained my strength and good, healthy color. I am feeling fine. I took twelve bottles (of Cardui) and haven’t had a bit of trouble Since.” Thousands of other women have had similar experiences in the use of Cardui, which has brought relief where other medicines had.failed. If you suffer from female ail ments, take Cardui. It is a woman’s medicine. It may be just what you need. At your druggist’s or dealer's. E 92 wmm Take it home to the kids. Have a packet in your pocket for an over-ready treat. A delicious confec tion and an aid to the teeth, appetite, digestion. rNDIGESTION causes bloating—gassy pains that crowd the heart—constipation. Always find relief and comfort in CHAMBERLAIN’S TABLETS No griping—no nausea—only 25 cents Reduced Round Trip Fares for .x . Summer Travel TYBEE “Where Ocean Breezes Blow” and other attrac tive South Atlantic Seaside Resorts. New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia and resorts in the East via Savannah and steam ship going and returning same route; or going one route, returning another. Lake and Mountain Resorts in the Carolinas, Virginia, » Tennessee and Kentucky. Resorts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. Denver, Estes Park, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Mesa Verde National Park, Pueblo and other re sorts in Colorado. Yellowstone National Park in Montana and Wyoming. * Glacier National Park in Montana. Grand Canyon, Arizona. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Santa Barbara, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma, Washington; Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., Lake Louise and. Banff, Alta. St. Johns, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ottawa and Muskoke Lake, Ont.; Montreal, Murray Bay and Quebec, Que., and other resorts in Canada. ,y Resorts in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, New < Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Total fares, schedules, routes, service, sleeping and parlor car accommodations and any other information or assistance you may desire will be cheerfully and promptly supplied by Passenger and Ticket Agents. r\ Central of Georgia Railway The Right Way F. J. ROBINSON, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. Come “bo TYBEE yflhUre Ocean Breezes Blow DUNCAN & NUNN Attorney* Sc Couneellor* at Law. 1 Practice in Al! Courts. PERRY, GA. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENTv Insurance On Farm Property A Specialty PE*PY,GA. BF YOU HAVE 5^ I Malaria, Piles, Sick Headache, Costivo la Bowels, Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach, and Belching; your food does not assimilate, you have no appetite, Tult’s Pills will remedy these troubles LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We are prepared to clone loan* prowpl'iy on Farm Lands. 6 par ct Interest. DUNCAN Sc NUNN. Perry, Ga. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Excursion Fares via Money to Loan oa Farm Lands in Houston County a A Low Kate of Jlateres li you wiui;money quick writ* orca’l Hatcher-Turpin Co. 235 Mulberry Si. Maeon, Georgia. Come now and Subscribe for The Hems Journal i. " vY.