The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 23, 1923, Image 6

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« mmmm SIDEWALK GLEANINGS LOCAL NEWS OP TOWN AND COUNTY -—Miss Helen Murray of Atlanta visited relatives in Perry this —Mr. Fred H Houser spent Mon day and Friday in Pcrrjr with home-folks. —Mrs. Geo 0 Nunn and chil dren are at Indian Springs this week, —Miss Louise Anderfcon of Ma con is the guest of Misses Emily and Addie Kate Martin. —Perry High School will open for the new term Monday Septem ber 10 th. —Miss Lorena Middlebrooks of Prrry spent last week in Monti- cello with Miss Harriett Maddux. —Miss Harriett Maddux, of Monticello, is visiting Miss Lore- na Middlebrooks of Perry. — Mrs. A B Walker and Miss Annie Bloodworth have returned home after a pleasant visit at In dian Springs. —Mrs Ida Rogers left Friday last for several weeks visit to In dian Springs, ForByth and Mar- pkallvi'lc. —Miss Sue Rogcn returned to her home in Marshallviile Monday imorniug after a most delightful weeks visit to relatives and friends |a Perry. —Prof, and Mrs. J M Gooden have returned to Perry after visit ing at Roanoke, Ala., Leslie, Ga , and other places during the sum- mor holidays, —Misses Beverly and Mary Shelly Wallace who havo been visiting their aunt, Mrs. E C Leverett, iu Wellstonhave return ed home* —Mr. and Mrs. R L Marchman, Jr., Mrs. R L Marchman, Miss Essis Rogers and Miss Francos Marchman have returned homo after a pleasiwt visit to Columbus. —Go to church Friday and Saturday, Strand Theatre, Jub- ject—“The Old Nest” the picture with a sermon praised by minsters every where. —Mr W A Strother and family and Mr Hal Gilbert have returned after a visit to his old home in West Union S. C., and parts of interest in the mountains of North Carolina, —Mr. A S Wellons of Tifton spent the week-end with his fam ily who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J M H Barfield near Perry. Mr. Wellons and family have just re lumed from a trip in the North and East, visiting Detroit,Toronto Gan., Niagara Falls and New Yfcrk. TELLS OF VALUBLE MINERAL DEPOSITS HERE In an address to citizens at the Court House here Tuesday Mr Dandridge Spotswood geologist of Petersburg Va, announced the discovery of valuable mineral deposits near Perry, and told of the really wonderful possibilities that are to be realized with the development of the natural resources of this immediate section Mr Spotsworth, during the past few weeks has made a survey of a large aera of the Ross Hill section four miles south of here and re ported the existance of limestone and fullers earth in almost in- exautable quantities, suitable for manufacture of the highest grade of cement. He announced also the discovery of Lignite (coal _ in formation) which he believes exists in great quanties in this section. This substance is very valuable as a fuel and the byproduct are used in the manufacture of glass, automobile tires and other pro ducts- The presence of the limestones, fullers earth and sands suitable for the manufacture of glass, augmented by lignite as a cheap fuel right at our very doors is a combination that is sure to at» tract great manufacturin enter prises hero that will mean much to,this section when this presence becomes known to manufactures who are looking for just such opportunities he says. The address of Mr Spotswood was interesting and instructive going into many phases of the lhanufacture of cement and glass as well as giving a description of the geology r of this section- Another announcement he made regarded the strong possibility of gas and oil here. This was evidenc ed ho said by the “up lift” con dition at Ross Hill being (over 100 feet higher than Macon) showing gasseous pressure, and the bowed over condition of limestone and rock strata. Oil he thought probable would be found on the ridge and. the territory contenget to it, Surveys made near here in clude the territory embreed by the farms of J W Uhels, N W H Gilbert, J W Bloodworth, Hodge <& W imberly and J R Pickard. Other examination will probably be made during the geologist visit here. It has long been believed that the territory covered the geologist report contained numerals that were of commercial value and now their nature value are more definately known every oitizen should be vitally interested in making the possibilties of this territory a reality. CAMPING PARTY AT LAKESIDE Mr. and Mrs. J D Martin, Jr., and children Emily, Addie Kate, Jane and Tattee and their guests, Martha Cooper, Georgia Rutli Harris, Stella Duncan, Chloo Traylor, Martha Burkett, Annie Louise Johnson, of Gray, Louise Anderson of Macon have spent a most delightful week at Lakeside where they had a cottage. During the week quite a num ber of Mr. and Mrs. Martin's friends enjoyed their hospitality, a swim and an houest-to-goodness least. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. KL Marchman and family and MrsW L Oit. On Tuesday evening Mr; and Mrs, J P Cooper and Miss Aurelia Cooper. On Wednesday Mrs C K Brun son and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cater. Thursday Mr. and / Mrs. C B Andrew and children. an,d Miss Olga Thurmond,.. . Friday Ml® Martha Baylor,' Mrs C E Brunson, Misses .Elizabeth and Dorothy . Brunson, • Mr. and x Mrs Tom Cater and'Mr. and Mrs E W Traylor. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. C H Hardison. J.,F. B. BOSWELL DEAD J. F. B. Boswell, age 62 years, died at his home hereon Thursday morning August 16th after an illness oi about a week. Funeral services were conducted at the home on last Thursday afternoon at 3 o’clock and interment was at Evergreen cemetery, Mr Boswell came to Perry with his family from Carrollton Ga., about seven years ago and for the past several years was engaged in the mercantile and restaurant busines here. He was the head of a large fkmily.Besides his wife he is survived by three sons and four daughters—Messrs Charles and George Boswell of Perry, Mr. Youig Boswell of Vienna, Misses Lois and May Boswell of Perry, Mrs II E Daniel and Mrs. E A Spence of Garrollton and" several grand children. He is also survived by a sister and brother Mrs M V Cantrelle of Bremen and Mr Oscar Boswell of Atlanta, : The people of the community extend sincere sympathy to the family in their time of bereave ment. „■. —Messrs S P CroWell a.nd A M •Anderson left Saturday .to join .their famlies at Dahlonega for a short vacation. f —The work of remodi mg the basement of the Methodist church for Sunday school room will be gin soon, T. D. MASON Groceries & Hardware, PHONE 46. Perry, - - - Ga. The Store Where “QUALITY” Is Paramount. FISHING TACKLE We .have a complete line of everything for the fish erman, including Hooks, lines, Sinkers, Floats, Flies and Minows. BASE BAI L GOODS Real Quality Goods like the Big-Leaguers use. OIL COOK STOVES Do your cooking,canning and preserving cheaper and more comfortably with a Bon Ami or a new Perfection Oil Stove. GARDEN HOSE Highest Grade Hose at a big saving, Nozzeles and Sprayers for same. Also all kinds of Garden and Farm Tools. Milk Bottles and Tops. Early Amber Cane Seed and Good Garden Seeds CUTLERY A full line of Shears, Knives, Razors and Ra zor Blades in all the high grade brands, including Cattaragus, Keen Kutter, John Primble, Boker, etc How Do You Feel When Putting Your Money In a Bank? Do you want a SAFE and CONSERVATIVE BANK, or don't you caie? Do you know that this bank has been operating 34 years and in that time has grown SLOWLY but STEADILY in size and strength? Do you know that the Perry Loan & Savings Bank does not owe 1 cent of borrowed moae^? Do you know that all the money it does owe is to its depositors and that it has sufficient mon ey and Saleable, GILT EDGE securities on hand to be away above the legal reserve re quired by the State Banking Laws. Do you want a safe bank in which to deposit your money and do your banking business? Then use 4 ‘The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY LOIN & SAVINGS RANK PERRY, GA. R. L. CATER, Brest. L. F. CATER, Cashier. Fresh by Express AND As Usual All Binds of QUALITY GROCERIES Come to See Us We Appreciate Your Trade. Gopds Delivered. Respectfully T. D. MASON. “Canning Season.” We have a full line of Fruit Jars, Cans, Rubbers, Jelly Glasses, Alluminum and Enamel Preserving Kettles at lowest prices. Our stock of Hardware, Crockery, Enamel^are, Glass ware, Tubs, Buckets, etc., is complete. We also carry a full line Groceries and Feed Stuff. Our prices aae the lowest. We have the biggest trade in town—there is a reason. J. W. BLOODWORTH “THE FARMERS FRIEND." PERRY, - GEORGIA. Courtesy and Service Make their Appeal. Our Busi ness is Good. There’s a Reason. Our line of Hardware, Groce ries and Farm Supplies is com plete and our prices are right. Come in to see us and let us serve you. H. C. Walker Co PERRY, GA. wBSUUBffl