The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 23, 1923, Image 7

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*.Motors run better on CROWN GASOLINE k 1 . cAPure. Powerful Motor Fuel X Always Better POLARINE OIL Best for Lubrication, “ Bay at the pump with the Crown sign, STANDARD OIL COMPANY INCORPORATED Mrs Jesse Davis entertains de lightfully with a bridge tea in honor of Mi S8e3 Vera Watkins of TUomasville and Miss Mary j Robertson of Marietta who are her attractive visitors, Mrs Davis received, her guests in the music room where she was assisted by her mother Mrs J A Hiley of Fort Valley and her sister Mrs Hop Hall of Milledge- vill* After the prom a delicious salad course and tea was served. The players were: Misses Katherine Cater, Cindy Cooper Vera Watkins, Mary Roberson, Virginia Polhill of Hawkinsville. Mesdames. E W Traylor, J D Martin, Tom Cater, S L Norwood, Jr„ Hop Hall. Ned Davis, Mrs. Lewis Siugleton, of Fort Valley. Those coming in for tea were Miss Eva Davis Mesdames Charlie Harris, Manning Davis, Jack Hodge, Paul Hodge. THE MOTHER WHOSE CHILDREN NO LONGER SEEMED TO WANT HER Suddenly they have all grown *op and left her—the babies she used to tuok in bed at night. The old house is empty and silent. All have forgotten her. Her birth days pass unnoticed. Each child has embarked on a drama of liis own. Loves, ambi tious, temptations carry them away. The story of their lives sweeps you along. Your life—your home—y our mother. Never before has the screen touchod with such beauty and such dramatic force a subject which finds an oeho in the lives of every one of us. “The Old Nest” is a masterpiece 9f a new type—a presentation of life as it really is with its moments of great joy and flashes of exquisite pain. One of the most heart-gripping dramatic stories ever narrated. GOLDWYN PRESENTS “THE OLD NEST” Rupert Hughes heart-gripping story of home with the greatest star cast ever assembled. STRAND THEATRE Friday and Saturday Aug. 24-25 Perry Public High School ^ • ipens September 10th, 1923 for Fall Term Session. r e have a full corps of Competent Teach- sers Gramme* School and High School. |l scholars are requested to begin on the first day. icidental fees payable in advance are $2.25 tor Grammer School and $4,00 for High School. J. W.- BLOODWORTH, Chairman of Board of Education, H. P. HOUSER, Secretary, Board of ' Education. J. M. GOODEN, Supt of School. EDITOR GETS IN BAD !ome now and Subscribe fcr A Oklahoma editor was just about to go to press when he “pied’ 7 a couple of articles, one concerning a public sale, and the other a write-up of a weddin. He asked the office devil to got the two articles together and he did but here is how he put the two together, and the mixture was not known to the editor until an an gry preacher and mother of the bride appeared on the scene. “William Smith and Miss Lucy Anderson were disposed of at pub lie auction at my barn one mile east of a beautiful cluster of roses on her breast and two white calves before a back ground of farm im plements to numerous to mention in the presence of about seventy guests, including two milk cows, six mules, and one bob sled. Rev Jackson tied the neptualknot with 200 feet of hay rope and the bri dal couple left on one John Deere gang plow for an extended trip with terms to suitpurchasers.They will be at home of their friends with one good baby buggy and a few kitchen utensils after ten months from date of sale to re sponsible parties and some fifty chickens. 7 ’—Ex. PETITION FOR DIVORCE Georgia, Houston County. Will H Ford Su- The Hems Journal. NOTICE All users of water leaving sprinklers running over night will be charged double the amount of their monthly rate. H T? Gilbert W B Sims GommitUe Daisy Wilconson Ford No. 1323 Petition for divorce in Houston perior Court, October Term, 1023. To Daisy Wilconson Ford: The plaintiff, Will H Ford, having filed his petition for divorce against Daisy Wilconson Ford, in this Court, returnable to this term of the Court, and it being made to appeur that Daisy Wil conson Ford is not a resident of said County, and also that she does not reside within the state, and an order having been made for service upon her, Daisy Wilconson Ford, by publication, this, therefore, is to notify you, Daisy Wil conson Ford, to be and appear at the next term of the H ou& t°n Supetior Court to be held on the third Monday in October, 1923, then and there to answer said complaint. Witness the Honorable H A Mathews Judge of tho Suporior Court. This August 15, 1923. H L Wasden, Clerk, Every school has a definite function in a community; that function is to better equip the people, both men and women, for the ..responsibilities of oitizensliip to better prepare them to do the work they will be called upon to do when they take their places in the community; and to help them enjoy a more complete life. The prosperity of any com munity depends upon tho edu cational ciulificatinn of its mem* bevs--not a few of them but all of them. The North and East are more prosperous than the South because the people are t mined well to do the work they are doing Their schools are adapted to the needs of the people- It takes more money to do this, but they have found that it pays. They are spending more money for edu* cation than we are ansi they are getting larger returns in proportion for their money. Education means prosperity; ignorance means poverty—not only financial poverty but poverty of soul and mind. I feel that our school is net functioning in the commnnity as it should. There is not enough of the practical side of life taught* too much theory, The majority of our students are from communities in which farming is the only occupation. Our sohool is not doing enough to help keep loyS and girls on the fafcm. These boys should be tanght to becomo good farmers, and all girls, both in and out of town, should be taught to become good housewives. We need a vocational agriculture course and a domestic science oourse. Other schools have them, why can’t we? We neod more labora* tory equipment for Chemistry, This latter subject has never been tanght here, except, probably ye^rs ago. It must be added this year. We need historical maps. This subject cannot bo successful ly taught without them. These are vital needs, but by no I means are they tho most impor tant. Wo need a new modern up-to- date school building. If you will search the State over carefully I hardly believe you will find a town* large or small, that needs one quite so badly. You can find towns all over this state and other states, not half the sizo of Perry with modern up-to-date school buildings. I saw them this sum mer in this State and in Alabama. Don’t your children deserve as good advantages as'other children? Whether yon/ have children or not you should be interested in this matter. It matters not what business you may bo engaged a better school means a better busi* ness for you. For a better school produces a more efficient people; and a more efficient people pro duce prosperity, not only in some but in all. fylay the people of this town and cemm.upity awake to the ciyiug nepd and let not an'other year pass before a new school building is erected. Think on these things. Yours truly J. M. Gooden, Supfl/ Vli CARD OF THANKS MEETING AT THARPE’S MEMORIAL CHURCH A series of meeting, conducted by the pastor Rev. H H Mosely will begin at Tharpe’s Memorial church next Sunday morning at II o’clock and continue for a week or more. Services will be held each day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. A cordial invitation is extended to every body to attend. We wish te express our heart* felt thanks and appreciation to every one of our friends, who so gladly rendered a helping hand or spoke a consoling word to us dur ing the illness and death of our son and brother, Bailey. May our Heavenly Father’s richest blessings ever be yours is onr prayer. , A L Caldwell and Family. FOR SALE:—Best red ash Tennessee Jelico coal delivered 49.50 per ton. G. W. Winn, Perry /a*. REVIVAL AT WELLSTON The people of the community are invited to attend the Revival meeting at Welston wnich begins on next Friday at the WeliHon Methodist Gburoh. J Rev. H B Blocker, the pastor J will conduct the services each day and a good meeting is anticipated, Everybody it cordially invited. Mm