The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 23, 1923, Image 8

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LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS Doings of Georgia Lawmakers Gathered For The Benefit Of Our Reader* seat J. E. Davi'dson as' the, rep- resonatlve of Peach county. ; By Shettlesworth of Gwinnett—To- mpolnt a committee to investigate! :he status of the Mason’s Annuity. ; By Greer of Macon county—To ap propriate $3,000 to the state board of lealth for the free distribution of diph theria antitoxin. Atlanta.—With a bare quorum pres- j By DePoor of Clayton—To reappor- 1 ent the house of representatives, held :,on . the , hoU8e of representatives so , a . . . is to give the eight larger counties the first tu day afternoon session • ;w orepresentatives and th other coun- of the year last Saturday, the session j e s one each. (being featured by failure of the bill | -- ■■ ■ - jby Elders of Tattnall to aprpoprlate Will Not Appeal From Recent Decision State funds to match federal funds j Washington—The government will (provided under the Sheppard-Towner not appeal from the recent decision act, better known as the "better-ba- of the United States court at St. ibies” bill. The vote was 82 .for and Paul, in which it was held that the 123 against the measure, falling to se- interstate commerce commission had (cure the necessary constitutional ma-' authority to consent to the lease and |jority required of appropriations seek ownership pi the Central Pa- Ijneasures. jcific railroad by th Southern Pacific | Representative Covington of Col* railroad. This announcement was jquitt spoke in favor of the bill, call* made by Attorney General Daugherty iing upon the chivalry of the house to after several conferences with Pres- (provide this sum for tho sake of fu« ident Coolidge at which were discuss- ture citizens of the state. led exhaustively the various adminis- Huxford of Clinch opposed the act, tration policies involved. declaring that its inception was in _ . rr—; TTTTTl—n the. th a ,Zmu, i Coolidge Begins White House Duties the theories of Socialism. The speak- «r was asked by Parks of Terrell if , Washington. President Coolidge uni , took up his duties for the first time woman ISS ° y at the executive offices in the white greT L nnsw ref’’yes ‘ but lt h ^ The chlef executivo arrlved at sJJJh y ® 8 ’ 1,ut Mr : nt his desk early in the morning from A™ / 1 WtlB “ 0t th New Willard hotel, where he had i WaS ^.established a temporary headquar- of Fulton asKeU * gm .T„ th ? UK ™ hoi Ho w« a “omJaJod «■« *&&*•. 8 a »* l » *!»« by hla secretary. Edward T. Clark, BERGDOLL SHORTS TWO MEN Frenchmen Concealed Selves in Fugl five's Hotel While Others Were Outside In Automobiles ■£3 to appropriate money for the sake 4>t hogs. jljyhe bill originally .called ,for $24,- 020.55 for each of the years 1024 and 1025 to match a like amount of fed eral funds, but an amendment was Adopted roduclng the amount to $5,000 Norfolk, Va., for each of the two years, f | Norfolk, Va and was met by Secretary Christian, who will remain on duty for a few days to assist the president. Elects City Manager —Col. William B. Cau- A bill by Guosb of DeKalb to legal- sey, an engineer and executive of in- izo cash bonds in criminal cases in ternationai reputation, was elected by Jieu of surety was passed. Another unanimous vote of the city council bill also by Representative Guess, city manager of Norfolk at a sal- which would have made the burning ary of $20,000. Colonel Causey will of a house by its owner in rural die- take office September 1, on which date iricts for fraudulent purposes a penal the retiring city manager, Charles E. offense with punishment from two to Ashburner, will report for duty as tour years in the penitentiary, was head of the city government of Stock- tabled when no quorum could be ton, Calif. Colonel Causey returned rounded up to vote on it. I on the Leviathan about ten days ago Another bill by Milner of Dodge, to from Europe. For several years he authorize an increase from $1,000 to has engineered in Austria, ill,600 for traveling expenses of tho 1 Eberbach Baden.—Grover Cleve- land Bergdoll, the American draft evader, shot down and killed one man and wounded another recently when men concealed in his hotel apartmen. seized him in a kidnaping attempt Two other men waiting outside la an old American army automobile with an American shield on the side were arrested after being menaced by a crowd. The German authorities said one was an American army lieu tenant and the other a Russian prince. Both of Bergdoll’s assailants were Identified as Frenchmen, tti the. serv ice of the Americans. Bprgdoll said the men seized him but that he succeeded in breaking free and then drew a revolver end fired. The police arrested the two Ameri cans in order to save them from the crowd which threatened to lynch them. Those in the hotel said that the two men who went inside tried to choke the draft evader. Tho reported attempt of Americans to kidnap Bergdoll and spirit him out side the jurisdiction of Germany, ,was the second since he escaped from military authorities in the United States In. 1920 and sought refuge abroad. j Bergdoll and his brother, Irwin, were the most notorious draft evaders in this country during the world war. Irwin served a sentence at Leaven worth and only recently was released to return to the home of his wealthy mother, Mrs. Emma Bergdoll in Phila delphia. Grover made several attempts to escape the custody of federal authori ties^ At last, while he was on leave at his mother’s home, in custody of soldiers, he made good his escape. After he had escaped the surveil lance of his guards ho drove away in a big automobile, across several states and into Canada, eluding cap ture . and getting aboard a ship bound for Europe, although all police of the cities through which he passed and hundreds of secret service men were bending every effort to make him prisoner. The escape was so sensational and Bergdoll so openly taunted the govern ment about the ease with which he accomplished it that a congressional inquiry was held, and those responsi ble severely reprimanded. Hardly was the fugitive comfort- fttate school auditor likewise .failed Predict Governmental Saving In 1023' to receive a quorum vote and was 1 ^ asliington. Preliminary budget tabled I estimates for the next fiscal year as A bill to create a bureau to by P „ re8ldaa L^°” lid f -termer service men of the world war vido a total of Shi 00,000,000 tor the ond Snnnibh-Amorican conflict was 1 running’’ expenses of the government, nassed bv at theiaturrtav Pared with $1,826,000,000 for the !.“*“"? wu “ «*. comlon ' passed by tho house at the Saturday. PoBta . denartment ex- 1 ably set up ln a hotel In Ebervach, morning session and ordered trans- ^ver 'which arehandled Baden ’ when early ln 1921 - men inittod to the senate for action. pe ” 8es ' nowever, wnicn are nanaied attempted to abduct him and his con- batcher of Burke, author of the bill,! wder separate account, and Provi- £e p « “ a ™ n ™ co <> .fivnlninert (Pm mnnniirn wenirt sion for interest and retirement of j ’ C-v , ' A -a-meri- yexplalnod that the measure would exneeted to brina can glrl was woun( Ied in the ensuing fro ate a bureau under direction of an la0 puunc aeDt a F e expected to bring p lsto j batt i e official appointed by. the governor J he ^^? aa ® a L tot w t0 approximate- Two Qf the -from throe men recommended by the ly ?3,a00,000,000. ^ For last year the fitate executivo committee of the total was ? 3 * 542 » 000 .° 00 * American Legion. The director would | . assist war veterans in counties in Auth0 rl«d To Sign President’s Name which the American Legion was un* Washington. — President Coolidge released, enlisted in the American Able to render aid. h aa B j gne( j a paper authorizing Mrs. forces on the Rhine, and returned to An amendment was attached to the y lla p Pugh a c i erk j n the general this country late in 1921. bill providing that dhe bureau direc- JaU(1 o£Clc0( ^ slgn hls name to land lor report to the federal government grants> SUe i B the only person in the names of persons receiving compensa- RervlcG o£ tUe country with authority tlon who were not entitled to it. £o a i ga the president’s name to offi cial documents, would-be kidnapers wore reported to be American military intelligence operators. One, Carl Neuf, was sentenced to a German prison for 18 months. He later was A salary of $2,600 as compensation for the bureau director was fixed by the bill. An annual maintenance fund of $2,GOO was also outlined. Daylight Bandits Black Roadway Alma.—George Langford, manager The bill outlines duties of the director of the Langford Lumber company, a s»f the bureau, providing that he shall big sawmill situated about eight miles disseminate all information given out north of Alma, was held up and rob hv the government for benefit of dis- , bed of $550 in money, his watch and abled veterans and assist veterans pistol by two white men as he was of the world war and their widows on his way from Alma to the mill with in obtaining benefits and rights of- the payroll. Mr. Langford, in com- terod bv the government. ( pany with another man, had been to Representative Atkinson of Cam- town for the money. When about six den introduced a resolution asking miles out he came to a log and when that Lieut. Cen. William J. Hardee he stopped to move .the log the men of the Confederate army be memorial- covered him with guns and took the l«ed in the central group on the Stone money, watch and pistol. Mountain memorial. | The general tax act, which would Increase the state’s revenue approxi mately $2,600,000 annually, according to estimates by several , legislators, was passed and ordered transmitted immediately to the senate. Last year the tax act brought into the state treasury about $5,500,000. A sharp increase was made in the tax on horse traders, gypsies and for- '•rne tellers, which was raised from $25 to $250. An effort on the part of ReDvesentativo Woodruff of De- ICalb to increase the tax on pawn brokers was defeated. An announcement relative to the tax on labor agents was passed. It oi’ovidea that in addition to paying a tax v of $1,000. all afcents taking la borers out of the state must give bond sufficient to cover debts of the laborers. * * * Bills Introduced In The House The following bills and resolutions The Cuno Government Ha6 Fallen Berlin.—Unrest is on the increase in Germany, food riots, strtvj disorders and agitatipn fostered by the Commi; nif-ts are c^nong the troubles the gov ernment of Cuno conteded with before the chancellor han.W hia res ignation to the president. To makr matters worse, the government’s ten ure c.f office, by reason of the “n< confidence'’ decisipn of the United So cialists, appears to be over, for there was every indication some time beforr that the government would renounce its retirement at almost any moment Death List Mounts In German Riots Berlin.—Unconfirmed rumors from various points of middle Germany in dicate that there has been fatal riot ing owing to shortage of food money Twenty persons are reported to have been killed in Hanover and 16 in Jteitz, Rioting also is reported in Neisse, Silesia. Chaotic conditions still prevail in various sections of Ger many owing to the situation created by the shortage of food and the gen eral spirit of unrest. Mexican Recognition Awaited Harding Austin, Texas.—Details for the rec ognition of Mexico by the United States were complete and awaited only the return of President Harding to Washington when the president was stricken in San Francisco, accord ing to reports brought here by John A. NorriB, chairman of the Texas board of water engineers, from Mexi cans in El Paso. U. S, Will Move To Avert Strike Washington.-—Governmental inter vention designed to prevent a suspen sion in anthracite production after September 1, it was indicated the oth er day, will be taken early in the Coolidge administration. While infor mation as to the exact method to be followed was lacking, there is'said to were introduced in the house of rep-; be a probability that the federal coal resentatives: j commission will invite officials of the By Bowdon of McDuffie and oth- 1 miners’ union and representatives of ers—To appropriate $500 to purchase I tbe anthracite mine operators to re- fc portrait of Thomas E, Watson to sume negotiations for a wage, con- be hung in the capital, I tract. i-J3y Etmis, oi. BaLcLwltt and otherj—J ~ ' Plan Consolidation Of Cuban R. R Havana.—The tariff bill, passed by the lower house of the Cuban con gress, after an all night session, pro vides for the consolidation of all the railroads in the island. It "is speci fied that all new railroad construction must join the consolidation unless the now lines make a network joining at least four provinces together. Richmond Papers To Change Hands Richmond, Va.—S. L. Slover, owner and publisher of the Norfolk Ledger Dispatch and part owner of the Pe tersburg Progress and Index-Appeal and the Portsmouth . Star, completed negotiations for the purchase of the controlling interest in the Richmond Times-Dispatch and the Evening Dis patch, formerly held by J. O. and T. S. Winston of New York and Virginia., the management of the latter paper's announced recently. There will be no immediate change in the policy of the two issue of the Dispatch. j , 4 First and most The first starting battery (1911) was an Exide, and today more new cars leave the manufacturers’ hands equipped v/ith Exides than with any other battery. We have the right size Exide for you, and the right kind of repair service for all makes of batteries* McLendon Auto .Co., Perry, Ga. / We handle only genuine Exide parts o IDENTIFY YOURSELF WITH BUSINESSMEN USE PRINTED STATIONERY LET US PRINT IT lORYOTj/ PRICES RFAwSONABLE - . •! . MOTHER! Fletcher’s Castoria is a harmless Substitute f< Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrup prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages Constipation 'Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, an ’Natural Sleep without Opiates - To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend tfc (