The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, August 30, 1923, Image 4

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^vi.?ju!xacmjL'jAixa[ Reduced Round Trip Fares On the first Tuesday in September 1923, , will be sold at the Court House door of j Houston County between the lawful! hours of sale, the following property to wit:- All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 13th district of Houston County Ga,, and being that strip of land lying on tlip east side of the National Highway from Perry to Vienna Ga., and lying on the south-east of lot No. 301 and bounded as follows; on north by lands of J W Hurdle, east by H M Harvord south by hinds of Mis L A Borum, on | west by National Highway, and con- They’re Not Expensive Either! A genuine Willard Battery for only $15.16 It’s made in the same plant and by the same amen that make Willard Threaded Rubber and other Willard Batteries. It bears the Willard name—so that both Wil lard and we stand back of it* „ Mrs. Anna Clover, of R.F.D. 5, Winfield, Kans., says: “I began to suffer some months ago with womanly troubles, and I was afraid I was going to get m bed. Each month 1 suffered with my head, back and sides—a weak, aching, nervous feeling. 1 began to fry medicines as 1 knew I was.getting worse. I did not seem to rind the right remedy unUl someone told me of taining lo acres more or less, to satisfy a certain tax execution for the year 1922 and all costs necruud thereon. Levied u pon as the property of Julius C Borum a nd found iu possession. All that certain lot in the Walden tract of the jH 0 Harris estate lands, lying in the north-west portion of Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga., being known ac cording to W M Harris survey of said tract iib lot No. 71, fronting on Walden Street 48 feet and extending back of uni form width to the ditch runnning along the northern boundary of said Walden tract. Said lot fronting ou the north side of Walden Street and bounded on the west sille by Knoxville Street onroad, Levied on as the property of Carrie Harris to satisfy a fi fa for state and county tuxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession uotifted. All that one acre of land in lot No. 212 In tho sixth district of Houston County, Gn., bounded ftB follows; west by lands of J M Culpper estate, south by lands of W E Greene east by lands of T H Brown and on north by lands of T 11 Brown, said one acre of land being the land sold by James Cliett to Katie Cliett and re corded in Clerk’s Office Superior court of Houston County in book No. 20 and folio 144, on February 5th 1914. Levied on as tho property of Mary Martin to satisfy a fi fa for Btato nnd county taxes for tire year 1922. Tenant iu possession notified. All that tract or pareel of land lying and being in the Cth district of Houston County Ga., and being a portion of what is known us tho Moss Lake Fruit Farm nnd comprising GO acres of land more or less and lying west of the public road leading from Fort Valley to Macon via Mathews store and more fully described as follows: commencing at a point on tho west line of said road at an iron stake or stob for a starting point and running thonoe west in a straight line by a pump just a few feet from tho wost line of said public road, said pump being on the line to tho public road known ns tho Crawford County road via Wiley Green place. Thence northerly along the said Crawford County road to the line of the lands of R E Brown, thence east along the line of iho lands of R E Brown to the line of the lands of the Culpepper estate, Thenoe southerly along the line of the lands of the Culppepper estate to an iron stob, Thence easterly to an iron stob on the public road from Fort Valley to Macon via of Mathew’s store. Thence southerly along tho line of tho public road from Fort Valley to Macon via Mathews stove to the iron stob at tho point of be ginning. Levied on as the property of .T L Reynolds to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922, Tenant in possession notified. All that 79yi acres of land lying on tho east side of lot No. 62 in the 9th district of Houston County Ga., and some times known as a part of iho Hurst place. Levied on as the property of John L Wilson to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant iu possession notified. All that tract of land in tho 10th dis trict of Houston County, Georgia Con taining 160 acres and being all of lot No. 64 in i he plan of said district except 50 acres in the northwest corner of said lot No. 64. Levied on as the property of W E Giles to satisfy a fi fa for stato nnd county taxes mi' tire year 1923. Tenant in possession notified. All thst certain store lot in Block “E” in Fort Valley Ga., on south side of Main Street, fronting on said street 25 feet., extending from the center of the east wall of Slappy & Evans livery stable and extending back southerly 140 feet more or less to the public alley running through said Block, said store lot being same us recently built upon by B T Marshall in August 1901, Baid store be ing the one now occupied by J D Wilson & Sons. Levied on as the propeity of J L) Wilson & Sons, J D Wilson, Chester Wilson to satisfy afi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified. All that tract or parcel of land, lying and being in the northwest corner of lot No. 11,4 in the sixth district of Houst on County, Georgia, said tract containing52 acres more or less nnd being bounded as follows: on the north by land of Holt, east by Slocum, south and west by Charles M Hardison, Levied on ns the property of J M Jackson estate to satis fy a fifa for state ami county taxes for the year 1923. Tenant in possession notified All that tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the lower fifth dis trict of Houston County, Georgia, known and distinguished as P in the plan of said district by the number 146, containing 70 acres more or less, on the west side of said No.146, Levied on as the property of W W Ethridge to satisfy a fi fa for state and county taxes for the year 1922. Tenant in possession notified'. This 8th day of August 1923. T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff resorts in. the East via Savannah and steam ship going and returning same route; or going one route, returning another. Lake and Mountain Resorts in the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky. Resorts in Michigan, "Wisconsin and Minnesota. Denver, Estes Park, Colorado Springs, Manitou, Mesa Verde National Park, Pueblo and other re sorts in Colorado. Yellowstone National Park in Montana and Wyoming. Glacier National Park in Montana. Grand Canyon, Arizona. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Long Beach, San Diego, Santa Barbara, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma, Washington; Vancouver and Victoria, B. C., Lake Louise and Banff, Alta. St. Johns, New Brunswick; Halifax, Nova Scotia; Toronto, Ottawa and Muskoke Lake, Ont.; Montreal, Murray Bay and Quebec, Que., and other resorts in Canada. / Resorts in New York, Massachusetts, Maine, New I used two bottles before I could see any great change, but after that it was remarkable how much better I got. I am now well and strong. I can recom mend Cardui, for it certainly benefited me.” If you have been experiment ing on yourself with all kinds of different remedies, better get back to good, old, reliable Cardui, the medicine for women, about which you have always heard, which has helped many thousands of others, and which should help you. too. Ask your neighbor about it; she has probably used it. For sale everywhere. PERRY AUTO CO 8ALBS AND SERVICE Perry, Ga. STORAGE BATTERIES Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. Total fares, schedules, routes, service, sleeping and parlor car accommodations and any other information or assistance you may desire wilt be cheerfully and promptly supplied by Passenger and Ticket Agents. Central of Georgia Railway The Right Way Have a packet in your S pocket for ever-ready | refreshment | Aids digestion, ■ Allays thirst. | Soothes the throat, s For Quality, Flavor and ■ k the Sealed Package, S get UJg F. J. ROBINSON, General Passenger Agent, Savannah, Ga. Sold Everywhere » GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR SAFB-ACOIDENT-HEALTH-GROUP ’XhB GUY that puts tho SURE in your Insurance. -*M5-3D6 Citizens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w It costs no more to get the best policy and the most efficient ser- •vice ao why not get it. Am just ■saw close to you asyo ur telephone. TPhere Ocean Breezes Blow" \ E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Inouranck On Farm Property A Specialty PE'*HY, GA. JOHN W. BLOOD WORTH ATTORNEY AND CoirKSELT.OB At Law Perry - Georgia. 'Wb Practice In Both Stato and Federal Courts. PERFECT HEALTH Tutt’a Pills keep the syatem in perfect order. Regulate the bowel* and produce A VIGOROUS BODY A sovereign remedy for sick headache* constipation, Tutt’s Pills Excursion Fares via Athrbbibt Towels only 10c each at H P Houser’s. MENTHOLATUM Lquicldy soothes LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We nre prepared to close loans prowptly ©n Farm Lands. 6 per ct. Into root. DUNCAN & NUN^j Perry, Ga* THE RIGHT WAY MONEY TO LOAN C am prepared to Loan Money or &|0*I iEatate without Commisaion. A. A. SMOAK, 3mc, Perry.Ga. Money to Loan on Farm Lauda in Houston County a* Low Rate of jlntare* If you f\ui,money quick write oreaT Hatcher-Tucpin Co. 235 Mulberry St. > Maeon, Georgia, For Infants and Children In Use Fob* Over 3©Years Always bears —e Signature of ^£ VOX SALE:- Corn, Hay, Count*, HCeat, r un, Lard. Sides and Shou] dkm. Apply JL A, Smonk. Perry, Ga. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorney* & Councellore at Law. Practice in AU Courts. PERRY, GA. Come now and Subscribe for JWR SALE:—One side board canning machine and one case 2 cans, will sell cheap. Mrs SB P Crowell, Perry Ga. causes bloating—gassy pains that orowd the heart—constipation. Always find relief and comfort in —F OR SAL E—Long Leaf Yellew Pine Shingles Nos- 1 and 2 E. W. Traylor, Perry, Ga. Journal FLAVOR LASTS