The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, September 13, 1923, Image 4

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Where Ocean Breezes BlSw' Excursion THE RIGHT WAY P. C. Tomion fie Co. tiiUdilpU*, P«. BrVpAc/^j e extra 1 High test' GR/WULATID; L*ircmaTOf>eA»j fiw^AP^jn TAX SALES 1 >n Ow first Tuesday in October 1923, be i,oW nt the Court House door of >~v, Mto>i County between the lawful limra isf-snlo, the following property to %axtz- * Atf ;S&at tract or paroel of land situate and being in the 19th district of County, Georgia, consisting of t&vw3»lo of land lot No. 92 and con- *U^r,Vyr nci'es. Levied on ns the pm iwfcy of L. B. Aultunm to satisfy a fi ja* Ujr state and county taxes for the year 'Tijuant in possession no'.ilied. •AX'&int tract or pnreel of land lying “VaS .tr.M-J\g in the twelfth district <>f lious- *fcw County, Georgia, and being 35 acres 3Se;iSe nortlienst corner of hind lot No. :»«sadfconnded as follows; On the north nmxaJAn «tul cast by tlio Gatnnmge place, rtitrAlei. west by lands Lelonging to Troup lOte^e-l, formerly owned by Troup Daniel ■aoadVJtiv*! llooreland. Levied on as the :p;wpo)'ty of Anderson Duluvrt to satisfy a il.A'i for state mid county taxes lor the 1322. Tenant in possession notified. JSS1 Hint tract or parcel of land situate tfc&ag and being a part of lot of lan'd No. 145 and comprising 43 acres of land more <xr Ass*. fSaid land bounded as follows: <iaaiiSA2‘jsouth by land lot No. 146. east by •uajBjts* known ns Mill lot No. 144, north samlrstf-fA by central of Georgia Kail lioad y. lievied on as Ilia property of ‘W'.J jfitosm’cll to satisfy a fi fa for state stud *roanty taxes for th" year 1922. Teawnrt.iu possession notified. TL’his 5th day of Sip., 1923, T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff ORDINARY’S CITATIONS dSatVB&m, Houston County. Jnfia Dinkins having applied for let- Maraof lulmiuistration on the oslate of 1 Bt'749taM‘u Donkins docoasod, this is ihoro- £t*ri. txiito .all porsons concerned to np- fftnaraftihe Court of Ordinary on the first Mtiaikny to October next and show cause V& mr 4lnjy can why his application arinnxJld not be granted. This September 1A23. .Emmott Houser, Ordinary. <*»w,c£ia, Houston County. L AM ark administrator of the estate «*! MjkdSm 0 Bushing done used having up- I»S«£a1 for letters of dismixsion from his aiy/rarafstration, this is to cite all persons ^rwurwnwwl to uppoar at the Court of Ordl- *mr,iy on the first Monday in October next «ir •etimx cause if any they can why his should not be granted. This ,(S^.p<te.uUior4th. 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. Ctaaisia .Houston County Jr.i.«i»s T I-Inncock having appliod for ■^pMiidMunsliip of Kobcrt C Hancock iBLuuattiie, this is to cite all persons con- wrm’/jl to appear at tho Court of Ordi- ?»auri>;, -wa the first Monday ip October next fckrt&oMT«Ause if any tiny can why his stp-yff.-ration should not ou granted. This Hm.jtemb c r 4th. 1023. EmmOU Ilouser, Ordinary. m Odors Toilets, sinks, closets, out houses, etc., require little attention when Red SEAL Lye is used to keep them clean and sanitary. Cuts the housework in half and does it a lot better at that. We will tell you many other ways to use Red SEAL Lye. Send for booklet. Full directions in each can. Be sure buy genuine SEAL Lye. *qj paAoad sqooj sjq pirn ‘qaoM. eqq Il« 110AV qpj oq put, Aupuopj qs«[ uoiqcli.iosqviH niq pred uuui siqj, SHERIFF'S SALES. Georgia, Houston County WHB'too sold before the 'Court House rfcrair-between hours of snlo on Tuesday in October 1923, tho tff*3tfow.ia)K ..toparty to wit: Ono two horse wagon, one black mure mule xifexxat JG jours old named Emma and one tolaas'fc lurwro mule about fi years old named ti&k. Lewied on and to be sold ns the pra^oriy of L E niunlin to satisfy a miirtv-.u-'c fi fa,fmm the City C our * pf BZariGta* County iu favor of tho Crawford AEwnwAy Bunk versus L E iitmilin. This SfcpaeaMlter.fith. .1923.. T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE OF LAND. Bt$r virtue of un-order from the court of 4JtdSxuiry dt llou-ton County, will bo sold aafi jsahl'C out ory, on tho first Tuesday Hr. U&tob'r 1923 m the courthouM- in said <h»maty between the legal hours of sul , tSm-> bract of land iu said county, be- iamg?>8£^£ acre'* mar: or loss of that lot jaaankur 3tf being nil of said lot except 40 tttmtit in the northwest corner, also 50 a»r*se axons or less of the north part of Ifr&auuiebur 37, tho rost of said lotbulong- mkgg 4® ike lands formerly owned by J G Hxrsi pOfnlt«aid laud lying in the 5th dis- said county containing in the as-?jrnssEJite 212}i acres more or less. "Tbxmu.eadi. This 3rd day of Septomber iaai W. W. Howard, Jr. jJIjsbiijiistrator Mrs. Lhciudu Howard. JPOHM W, BLOODWORTH ACTQfcNKY AND COUNSELTOB ' At I iAW Fkury - Georgia. Wa Practice In Both State 'atid Federal Courte. . This man failed to pay his sub script-ion Inst Monday and ho did not feel well all the week and he didn’t look any better than he felt. □B Weak, Ailing WOMEN Sold Everywhor© P Ifl no R Anna Clover, of R.F.D. 5, Winfield, Kans., says: “I began to suffer some months ago with womanly troubles, and I was afraid I was going to get in bed. Each month I suffered with my head, back and sides—a weak, aching, nervous feeling. I began to fry medicines as I knew I was.getting worse. I did not seem to find the right remedy until someone told me of Tho Woman’s Toole I used two bottles before I could see any great change, but after that it was remarkable how much better I got. I am now well and strong. I can recom mend Cardui, for it certainly benefited me.” If you have been experiment ing on yourself with all kinds of different remedies, better get back to good, old, reliable Cardui, the medicine for women, about which you have always heard, which has helped many thousands of others, and which should help you, too. Ask your neighbor about It; she has probably used it. For sale everywhere. SAVE HAY! Large quanities of hay has been shipped into Houston county this year and pros pects are that more will be shipped here next year. You need a good Mowing Machine and Rake to help save it. We sell the McCormick Mower which is the best known machine on the market. We have them ready for delivery to early B. H. ANDREW & SON PERRY, GA. WMGLEYS Take it home to the kids. Have a packet in your pocket for an over-ready treat. A delicious confec tion and an aid to the teeth, appetite, digestion. PECAN TREES OUR TUBES ST7C0ED WHERE OTHERS FAIL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE JUSTIFY OUR CLAIM Selected, vigorous, well rooted Buds and Grafts of all the best varieties. Plant.the More as an ear ly, heavy, annual bearor—the variety with no regrets. FLORIDA NURSERIES \ ^ W W Bassett, Prop., - - Monticello, Fla. ^ E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurance On Farm Property A Specialty PEWPY, GA. To cure costlvenoia tho medicine tnuit be more than a purgative; it must contain tonic, alterative and cathartic properties. Tntfs Pills possess those qualities, and speedily restore to the bowel* their natural function. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We nre prepared to dose loans i/owpcly on Farm Lands. C per ct. Interest. DUNCAN Sr. NUNN, . Perry. Ga. For Infants and Children in Use IF^ Always bears the Signature of —W&H SALE -The W L Henry JS«3Ei.e.«u Macon street with all vecafcteru tnnumuenfc. Apply tc Ferry’, Ga. Cotton Sheets, Osnaburp ssniks, Hay forks cheap, ai JBBL P*. Ho user’4. 36 inch sheeting 10c per yard Ginghams 10c per yard, new work gloves, at>H. P. Houser’s. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorney* & Councellors at Law. Practice in All Courts. PERRY, GA. FOR SALECorn, Hay, Count* Meat, r un, Lard, Sides and Shou] dor*. Apply A A, Smoak. Perry, Ga. FOR S A L E —One seven room house. Well adapted fer two families. Apply at this office. W. A. STROTHER INSURANCE PFRRY, «a. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Loan Money or Real Estate without Commission. A. A. SMOAK, $016. Perry.Ga. on Farm Lands in Houston County a* Low Bate of JIaterea ii you vtut,money quick write orca’l Hatcher-Tucpin Co. 235 Mulberry St. Maeon, Georgia. Subscribe for the HOME JOURNAL and kee informed on the afairs of your county. ^distinct rfT