The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, September 20, 1923, Image 2

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time. Good line of Mattresses that will please everyone. You are invited to look over these goods. GROCERIES, FURNITURE, UNDERTAKING. Night Phone No.22. Day. Phone No. 8 ; Pbbry 6a. J, D. Dormieny and Colonel Allen Garden will have charge of the motorcade.—Atlanta Constitution. • i;-; V.'w-?-.£ THE HOME JOURNAL Price $1.50 A Published Every Thursday Morning Official Organ of Houston County JOHN H. & JOHN L. HODGES Thursday,Sept. 20. **HIS PAPEH REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE T 55htiWrJdM^| * •' . '■ GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES In referring to the manner i n which their cars take hills most men talk as if the credit were all their own. Bill thinks the U. S. will never be come as dry as statis tics. It takes money to make |the mare go and a spend-thrift to make the money go. SHEARS AND SUNSHINE A TIMELY ARTICLE Bobbed hair may not hold ideas, bntitseems that they do hold other things, including husbands, tact and bottled sunshine., A San Francisco judge says that no bob - , „ . _ _ , chaired woman has ever asked a The dissertation of Lee Langley y ^j vorc(J jjj 8 court, and the San el Rome, Representative in the Legislature, in Sunday’s Tele graph on the pertinent subject of “What is the matter with Geor gia)" was a clear-cut estimation and announcement of the mis- fortunes and handicaps that the Francisco emergency hospital says that no bob-haired giyl has at} temped suicide in .more than a year. Considering that, mentally, the bob haired woman is usually in the katydid class, the suecess she State has largely brought upon is makln(? of herself calls for study itself. In dealing with the ten* We it is becaU8e 8 he wants deucy towasd utter soldislniess 1 j. 0 pi easef because she has dis and ruinous taotios on tlie part of • COV ered a novel interest in life, individuals in the public life, Mr. Langley set forth: As soon aB the winners in an election are deolared, the opposing politicians start ull over the State whispering their poison through every cabin crack in Georgia. They work most actively in rural sections and toll the farmers how awful they are being deceived, abused and imposed upon, until the farmers get so sorry for them selves that they don’t feel like working, have no heart to work, and think only of vengeance and reprisal against their alleged op pressors. It is tho same old Istory every two years. Politically-in spired self-sympathy on the part of farmer voters has put more demagogues in office than all other agencies. This all leaves us whore we have been for many years, with constantly changing governmental policies, and un sound, conflicting, confusing and unequitable laws. We will never prosper at home to draw oapital from abroad until we stabilize our fiscal laws so we may know what to depond upon at home, and out side iuvestors be assured that con ditions existing when they made an investment in Georgia will continue until there is some sound economic reason reason for chang ing thorn- Mr. Langley believes Georgia is Teaching the point wheve even her own people aro slow to mako in vestments in the State, and new industries are doubly hesitant about ooming in, Certainly, his artiolo is timely. The warning needs to be heeded. —Macon Telegraph. Thebe is quite a large acreage in vegetables for fall shipment grown in the veoinity of Valdosta this year and a good yield 1b ex pected. Houston farmers might take their cue from south Georgia farmers who it is claimed are making money on vegitables grow ing. DIXIE HIGHWAY OFFICIALS MEET The annual mooting of the Cen tral Dixi Highway association will be held in Maeon Wednesday) night. Delegates from each of the counties south of Macon will at tend. Foikstou, Waycross, Douglas ©teilla, Fitzgerald, Abbeville,! Hawkinsv'ille, and Perry will be well represented at the meeting, a | motorcade of about one hundred cars being scheduled to go to the! central city. It is expected that the delegates from the southern •ad of the route will join the delegation at Fit*ge aid aboif noon, when they will be served, with refreshments by the chamber! ef commerce. Hon. L. L. Griner, ’ NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS and because sho has given herself a new deal. No woman herself, or this sad old world is anything less than mighty good fun. When The Worm Turns He Meets Fither A Chicken Or A Fisherman . , When a rich old nmn looks for a bride he usually gets a dam-sel. So far as Bill ean discover, the now truth compelling drug called scopelamin has been tried only on a few criminals and the like who probably would tell the truth half the time without any seopolamin. What Bill demands for being con vinced is an experiment on second hand flivver traders. “And if you can’t recollect whether you paid it or not, it’s likely you didn’t,’’ comments Bill comfortingly, so soon after the first of the month. Homo itself would seem charm ing, however, if desoribed by the chap who writes summer resort literature. Our idea of a patient man is the one who bought a century plant to see if it really would bloom every hundred years. We wonder at times why the advocates of simplified spelling still use “epitaph” intead of “epitaffy.” Straw votes are never significant They merely indioate the people’s choice. SEE IF WE CARE Just a little love, a little kiss, From just a little loving little beaut; *Ti8justa little loving thing like this, That makes a lovely breach Of promise suit. We’d all be happier if we realiz ed that there’s nothing in the world worth worrying over. Generally a receiver is appointed when there is qolhing left to ie- eeive points, out Bill. Bill thinks women will never be men’s equals until you can slap one on tho back and borrow a dollar. The longer automobile tours are better. They make you so much more glad to get back home. People Call Them “Bad Colds’’ As Though Thebe Were Good Ones. J. H. Necessary of Shawnee, who married Doliio Myers of Bui- bank, apparently was one of the necessities of her life, snickers the Wiohita, Kan.Eagle. Nero fl Idled while Rome burned but now when there’s a fire every- automobile and In the District Court of the United Slates for the Western Di vision of tho Southern District of Georgia; In the matter of John Irwin Sloenmb, bankrupt. To tho creditors of John Trwiu Llocumb of Bonaire in the county of Houston and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on Sept,, 18th, 1923 the said John Inviu Slocumb was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at my office, 304 Grand Building, Macon, on September 28,1923, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time tho said creditors may attend, prove their claims, ap point a trustee, examine the rupt, and transact such other bivsi ness as may properly come before said meeting. The bankrupt is required to be present on that day for examination. Maeon, this Sept., 14,1S23. J. N TALLEY, Referee in Bankruptcy. OOOO'VDOOOOOOOOOOOoooOOOOOOOOOOOaOOOOOOnOOCOOCXJUOOO I . ADVERTISEMENT j i ° F J W. B. SIMS | New shipment or Art Squares and small | Some very beautiful eesigns. * 8 New line of grass rugs “Art Supreme” c quality ever handled. § Wood finished iron beds, very popular at this —PIANO For Sale—We h a v near Ferny, a fine piano, slightly used and partly paid for, which we will sell to party willing to complete remaining monthly pay ments. Send name and address for full information, Cable Pia no Co., 82-84 N. Broad Street At lanta, Ga. Subscribe for the HOME JOURNAL and keep informed on the afairs of your county. The Old Reliable Kerosene FIRE PROOF (TRADE MARK REGISTERED)' ‘Best for LIGHT COOKING \ For Sale by Reliable Dealers DISTINCT PRINT