The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, October 04, 1923, Image 6

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SIDEWALK GLEANINGS SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION LOCAL NEW3 OP TOWN AND COUNTY —Mr. and Mrs. H LWasdeu an nounce the birth of a girl on Tuesday, October 2nd. —Mrs If F Cater has been ill for Beveral days at her home ifc Washington Avenue. —533 bales of cotton were gin ned in Perry this season up to Oct. 2nd. —Prof, and Mrs. Frank M Greene of the District Agricultu ral schoel of Cochran visited rela tives in Perry Tuesday. —Mr and Mrs L. F. Cater re turned last week from a motor trip thru north Georgia. They visited Borne, Oartersville and Rockmart, spending the week-end in the last placet Rockmart. t. T. A. MEETS The Parent-Teaohers Associai tion held its first meeting of the year 1923-24, in the main build ing of the Perry High School,Fri day afternoon, September 14th. ’' The feature of the afternoon’s program was a talk by Col. Sam uel A Nunn, on the Constitution of the United 8tales. Quite* fit ting was the subject for two rea sons, namely; The study of the Constitution being one of the re quirements for the organization for this year and that that partic ular week had been set by the American Bar Association as Constitution Week. Despite his intimated disbelief that the Tweu tieth Amendment will revolution ize politios and civilization he was heard with pleasure and apprecia tion by his almost entirely femin ine audience. Aims for the Association for the now year were read by the Secre tary; new committees were ap pointed by the presiding president Mrs. Powers Cooper; pledges to the school for the purpose of cur rent literature were made and school uoeds wore disscussed, The result of which discussion was that the Association pledged some 8150 or 8200 for the purchase of laboratory oquipment. At the conclusion of the pro- gramidelightful refreshmeuls were served. However, not before an interesting announcement had been made to the effect that Mr Houston Houser would speak the October meeting on, The New School Building. x for Fail Planting Go to T. D. MASON'S for your new Fall Seed. Genuine Texas Rust Proof and Fulgium Oats, BIRTHDAY DINNER 1fl ?“ September 27th ^lie beautiful oak grove on r?f I ? . Aultn } an Place, in the 5th district of Houston County there was spread upon the table in memory and honor of Mr Z Aultman, it, being his 75th birth day, the most elaborate barbeouo, bread pickles and fried Chicken, Brunswick stew, and other delicous eateables, and the prettiest of aL was the large cake mounted with 75 candles representing each useful! year of Ids Me was lighted and blown out fcy Mrs Aultman. Attorney M Kunz of Perry Ga.. being the local booster of the occasion who spoke in behalf of Mr Aultman s life and usefullness as a citizen, not only of Houston County but of Crawford County After the address Mr Z T Auit- mau as-lied the blessing with a p ^ ei V!l ou 0V61 ’y body partook of the delightful spread prepared by the of Messrs Roy and- vjreen Aultinan. The occasion was enjoyed be yond expression by his, relatives and friends, each and ev’ery one greeted Mr Aultman with a hearty handshake and wishing hint man.v more usefull years yet to come and j/hat .lug great- companion ever ;Jive to enjoy the. future happiness -as she has in the past. He received rt great number of presents from his loyal friends as a token of love ana-gratitude they held for Up ? ;«a„r - :■ Houston Superior Court conven ed here Monday morning for its regular October term with Judge H A Mathews presiding. A full calendar of over50 cases are before the court for disposition this week. In his charge before the Grand Jury Monday morning Judge Mathews very earnestly and at length stressed the duty of the Grand J ury in investigating crime, deploring the tendency at this time on the part of oitizens in usurping the power of the law, punishing of citizens without trial by court, and the trampling un der foot the constitution of the I : e iL* f- - state, which is the safeguard of 11 ™™ 1S ine ume our liberties and our civilization. Other points touched upon were the laws against gaming and the the prohibition law. The condition ef the county jail was another point stressed. He asked that the condition of the jail as to sanitation and other fea tures be investigated and reeom mendations be made as to im provements. It being well known that the jail is entirely inadequate for present needs. i D . n - • The Grand Jury was organized and viarden oeed, with Dr. C F Cooper, Foreman, and E Holtzclaw, Clerk. Up to Tuesday night 22 true bills had been returned, there being 3 for murder, 2 for manufacturing whiskey, 3 for burglary and 1 for arson. The civil calendar had not been disposed of Wednesday morning cal U ye°to'L rt8 f |Tomato Soup,Sour Krout The criminal docket will be taken up next Monday at which time Judge Malcolm Jones will preside. The following jurors will serve next week. Tkavebbe J URORS-2nd Week c l Pender, e l Duke, a d I India Relish,Baked Beans Thompson, Frank Harrison, J B Hearn, B H Fincher, L G Hartley Peanut Butter Annl*» Andrew Aultman, W L Henry, J rcanui DUKer > A PP le W McCoy, W L Lewis, Bridger Butter Snacrhetti Marn Watson, B R Marshall, M » Kn-l DUllGr > ?±P a g n ettl, Maca- son, J W Uhels, C P Marshall R M Johnson, L O Rogers, G W ,Winn, Geo. v T Eubanks, 0 F Cheek, G L Thames, N W M Gilbert, C E Mar tin, Ralph Bassett, W G B risen- dine, E Z Tucker, M S Bazemore, H V Williams, W H Phillips, W M Bartlett* J C Parker, B H An drews, Sr., Frank Morse, R L Marchman, O B Edmondson. White Bermuda, Red (Yellow and Multiplying Onion Sets. Try our Heinz Goods, Choose Your Bank— —as you would choose a partner. Whether you are in business or not, look for those qualities in your Banker .which you value so highly in your closest friend. They are the qualities that will make your baeking connection most helpful and satisfactory. PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK *‘The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY GA. ■Bi Chow Chow, Pickled On ions, Sweet Mixed Pick les, Sweet Gherkins, Sour Spiced Gherkins, roni, Olives and Cherries Coffee and Tea Chase and Souborn, White House, Maxwell House, Kake Kan, also „ ■ „ bulk coffee ground while G B Barfield, W O Hartley, C I Broad rick, A F you wait, 25c, 35c, 40c, D DuPreo, AT 9 G Sharpe, Hartman, J E W 8mith, H J Stripling, G B Bryan W R Edwards, J H Edwards, Fred H Sammons, W D Murray, W F Hwdy, J H Lowe, D B Corder, W B Greene. J D Edwards, H F Rape L B Gay. O E Pearson, W J Potts I G O Wright. H W Glover, C Stembridge, G L Slocumb, Charlie Walker, A Hill Rigdon, W Ed Vinson. D F Ray, G D Hartley, J S Cainey, J G Duke, E B Davis J H Leary, F P Smith. RUMMAGE SALE The U. D. 0., will have anoth-| er rummage sale, Oct., 6th at the) picture show building. Please look among your clothes and all send something to the picture | show building that morning. AI committee will be there to receive | them. x and 5Qc lb. IMPROVED KEROSENE OIL LAMP BURNERS VAPOLITE Burners are strongly and well made of the best grade of heavy steel brass, and nickel plated. Chimney holders keep the cnimey firmly in place. Made only in a No. 2 burner but I can fit No. 1, 2 or 3 lamps with it. Burner and chimney require less cleaning, because there is no smake or accumulation of sediment. FIVE YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE with each burner, that the VAPOLITE burner will produce a larger, whiter, brighter light, with less 6moke or smell, than any flat wick burner made. Buy one of these burners and give it a trial and you will come back for another. Priced reasonable, 50 cents each. JAMES D. MARTIN, Jr., Distributor, PERRY, GA. Paradise Chocolates, 49c ponnd. Try a box. Kallamazoo Celery Fresh shipment each week. T. D. MASON PHONE 46. LODGE NOTICE Special meeting of Houston •Lodge No. 35 F. & A. M., Friday! night. Work in Third Degree. E. Holtzclaw, W. M., Frederick Bonner, Sec. Courtesy and Service ,.. • .,*r Make their Appeal. Our Busi ness is Good. There’s a Reason. line of hardware, Groce ries and Farm Supplies is coih- , plete and our prices are P. T. A. MEETING POSTPONED , On account of the meeting be- thg held at the Methodist, church the October meeting of the jParent- Teach association will be post poned until the close of- the meet ing. x let in to see us and us serve you* PERRY, GA.