The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, October 18, 1923, Image 8

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JA , t:. . SIM SOUTHERN KA LlLWAY Paying our share First , and most eo gpior ting battery (1911) was ^n JBxide, and si !-: !• cars leave the necessary cost of govern ment. This to a duty mat throu ^ — '1.1 f fi anf-.ti i l!j /! I fi Every citizen, every industry, employees over a period of every- public service enter- fivel.weelpbViifv-^ a til lo ssaqnriib prise must pay a just share of - Mftfe ] 1 privilege of ctizenship. “ ,J fthe Vestment in Southern ta ; " 'v •<; no- 'cu »siT i , Schools, courts, police and fire Railway System were ab- systemsl .public; insti^tlohs,! , ^orbed by taxes. To put it in highways must ^pthjij way, the earnings om 2,000 miles of our lines rere entirely devoted to pay- f' w if'r*: cf :ji!I ip *' vji. i-i• ■ Vi.'--i-iaii l The Southern Railway> : I' hm l il« in tnvAR—.9? 07nnf) s fnt* &atih : Thi ‘ ing taxes. in taxes— $21^000* fot each The Southern Railway Sys- averageof$150,500 eachbanking hour ’] ‘eCeipls' froni carrying @c snige^s; arid was equal to 'jijsjhare of the duties of citizen- ie wages’* paid our 60,000 the manufacturer s’ hands j Vtrrl 0 vfeoiltiw 5e.WPBe,4; sll ,iq yino,Mit si d# a WH?B,nMm0 ( S e«d|ii ,[ins oi ft^rfA?ftle s * ze mmm. Exide for you, and the right ' a t:ind of repair service for all repair mmmot batteries. rfjOSt bmi jrtdOj: .jbO 'grtiwod V> Memlon Auto Co., yljqawi':) t>;Vp Q_ ftQlgSIMGA Y ’ a ' mf&lum&te only genuine Exide ports m iills Hw&x. In Canadian Province ‘ TT—4i |* V t ■ V Stt^eB jjthrouBh Minnesota, New York,.-i-Still klbfting Wt the $ttur at R warmth of his reception in New 1 ret “ rn to New Yoi YorkiJriavhilLloyiB h’e'birgfd.UxiPrexn'iiinV f^ w of threat Britain, left here recently Oklahoma front leAet Bd c|m for Caba'da, where he will make a Ekfaliffina fglty; 11 Qma.^fMahonS’k number of speeohea before jrojturning..> $PM to the United States later tbiB month, edit qal civil war was lulled bjS a enveloping both gubernatoflajl The ex-Premier was given a hearty and le ® ,slatlve headquarters on i from ■m^flKmar tide by’County Agent. J. William Fi- Tol?,i $£n0g' ihstV.tfdt'ionl- , -ife tl raise . alfalfa, Its use and, .wheu. to plant it.. (jip{Y{,iI muters that thronged Orand Central stRte assembly called for at a: ■ • '4 i w ! thetTtttd'‘df'hid'dQpartfiref" iea ^ ly “ da ^' by - GavwnoEj - c,Waltor leorge left New York on a Govern °r Walton apparently has e: 'tion to Hm-lHrair'tiite itimmwKyJp afta«J| Stops wCbe,i»dde.'dt l^Hfyoy,^^ffi.#r|fi» d ucted M Burlington and Rutland, on this side ,^ , ta ? a a ^he goverte ; of the border. His train was made snid he did not care to see .press J j’up. of New York vidian National cars, and ln his iiume- <hy ' conference -Vith the Mate pftr^^vereiqoyefnqr; fpitl^, P.ku:frv ^ Governor Martin Glynn, Sir Henry ^ ... T - * - . .. gf regular ; them has be lanadlan Railway Sys- ' vllich Is in Progress will end dlscpn- - . i,,,,^,’r,phm-;.A 1 fLi. ieriean& ? 4n; the : patty iPM^tpraUsts, in ^ rain at Rouse’s Point, opinion of Henry|6. Wallace, secretary hornton, director of Canadian rail- Se * 8 Better Tlmes For Agrlculturtets t ays, and‘tMrd. iThortitba, 1 father -^ fflcers of the Canadian ” ’ " ’ " item. The' Ahierieanis 'will leave the train at , . n the Canadian "boundary. word's The first Canadian stop will be daIry C0n 3ress and the national dairy .made at Montreal, and from^ttoStf* “The farmer is not rfflt !the former Premier will inaugurate anc ^ n ^ ver will be; he is our mj§st tour of the dominion to thank Ca- conservative citizen and any talkfc’Of m. .His .20 in the llis Mathilde McCormick, tin > rere"'fra^"wffi w c1^watfc^^s' i ^W d *^'Sfite^iK^hn'^ ;i lihckefeller .(and expimssicuig Qt£QQjL. will. w ] have apparently given up their plar __ _ .... eefion wltlx his" visit was’ttfe* effort f radical Irish sympathizers to mane O 1 ^ their dislike^ for Jiim. i Colorado River Surveyors Are Safe 9 mm ijpfcifflil Still, z Carrollton.—Revenue Officer W. M. Cobb and City Marshal Brown, of Bowdon, captured,A : 260 T gaB9n eaTOnp. ity still recentlyCnCar/.BOwabnf'i- Thle still was new and in operation, mak ing its first run when captured. The operators escaped.V'Thb£ I' brought to this city' and 'beWroyed. * njfieijw 800 To Join In Pageants a^RjISpd " K " * * Slanting windshield,and one-man tcjD lend,material aid in giving 3 wmrnm^ by owners, is the additional leg room provided by the enlargement oi the cowl* £MC)j HAQMawft^affiae w tO’OOCICi, Vufew Ford it fevoni IwipsksoN irmz riiiw enoHi>B‘jl5B fcfaf > nrgm bps \ Boen Belchdt;- 1 bti6,Wihifr- ! dt Jc committee and who arranged the cost of the 800 taking part in the pageant, turned over 't}S M|Sf MkM §Tn Al@os ready-made ^rSgrW. 1 TMFs. Belciier 1 otq i-»-bn r l’)0 bo. m JVS1 ^ewi Jka ■ateamiE-jH’ aatfa rnnw rmoir pi,ww Play ■The American public, faced with the termination of the United M: the bituminouS^|&ld, must bear a hand' hO'W’an'a maxe sure the representtftives of the public in official position do yfcajfog wr rttun away from the is&e^^lfeal squarely and vigorously,was the ad vice prafffiggf M Brydon, president of the National Coal association, before the general ses sions of the 26th annual convention Subscribe for the HOME JOURNAL and keep m stats AiDmm 9, telling the world of their aver- from the flood-swept gorges of the Blon to the statesmen who brought Grand Canyon, where they have been it the Free State. Eggs were isolated since September 14 during , ,, . .... t- .cast,, in. his general direction ! their navigation of the uncharted riv-1 ■ American Mining congi’ess. I er. i w ' • " s ;.es« .ectosst,® M your county. ■jSm INDISTINCT PRINT J