Newspaper Page Text
We have put our Gins in good shape and have
new brushes and Ve are ready to gin your cotton
and buy your seed^and cotton. We are always in
the market for Cotton, Cotton Seed, Hay, Peas,
Corn, Velvet Beans, Peanuts and
. , ' ' •'' ’ ’ /• ' '
all farm products.'
Perry Warehouse
troops has been asked.
$1.50 a Yo»r In Advance
No. 43
Brief News Items Gathered Here And
There From All Sections Of
The State
Yankee Artillerymen Start Batting
Spree Which Carries Them
To Victory
Atlanta.—Warning that a spirit ol
revolt is growing among the people a»
the result of continued effort to to
crease taxes to keep pace with ever
growing governmental extravagance,
New York.—Beaten, crushed after
one of the most spectacular world's
series fights to history, the New York
Giants surrendered to the Yankees
PROPERTY LOSS $2,500,000
Officials Believe That Many Hav<
Been Drowned—Many Stories
Of Heroism T*>!d"
Mayor Waiter A. Sims recently issued the world’s championship banner they
an appeal “to the people of Georgia”
for an expense-cutting commission to
replace the Georgia tax commission
which is now seeking means of adjust
ing the tax system of Georgia to meei
equitably the growing demands made
upon it.
Mayor Sims’ attack on governmental
extravagance is hinged on a denial
of tax-dodging implied in Governor
Walker’s statement to Atlanta credii
men that “half of the property in At
lanta is paying no taxes at all.” Ful-
have flown for the past two years.
And with this record-shattering mil-
lion-dollar title battle at an end, the
emblem of supremacy flutters atop
the Yankee stadium, greatest and
costliest monument of the diamond.
The Yankee won the sixth and final
game at the Polo Grounds, lair of
the Giants, by coming from behind
and scoring five runs in a dramatic
pulse-gripping eighth toning rally
ton counts pays one-fifth of all taxes J ust when it seemed that .the McGraw
collected by the state of Georgia, men . fighting desperately with their
Oklahoma City, Okla.—Slowly reced
ing overflow waters of the North Can
adian river laid bare a stark, desolate,
'water-choked waste in the lowlands
of Oklahoma City’s south side, which
was inundated with the worst flood
in the history of the state.
The total damage is placed at $2,-
500,000 in preliminary estimates of
city officials.
With scores suffering from expo
sure, authorities are penetrating still
farther into the stricken area to res
cue many whd were marooned when
the torrent lashed furiously down up
on their homes.
More than 2,000 of the 15,000 per
sons who fled before the onrush of
the waters are still homeleess. They
are quartered in halls and churches
throughout the city. The remainder
We are On the lob from January to §
January, twelve months each year, a
You can buy One Sack or A Hundred 1
| Tons, or More, any day in the year §
and get prompt delivery. 8
Our Customers get this kind of Service without S
any Extra Cost. g
Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers.
Mayor Sims saffc and a closer check backs to the wall, would tie the series, Qf the host have returnG( j t0 t k e j r
is kept on taxable values here
in any other county.
“If the same amount of energy
were used in reducing expenses tc
meet revenue as is used in trying to
increase revenue to meet expenses, we
would find that Georgia has plenty
of money for all necessary purposes,"
the mayor declared.
“One out of every 12 adult males
to the United States is holder of a
public office of some kind and one-
eighth of the total earnings of all the
people in the United States is going
now to maintain government,” he as
serted. “In Georgia state government
expenses has increased from $6,000,-
000 for 1916 to $16,000,000 for 1923.”
In income tax is assailed by the
mayor as dangerous to farm, indus
trial and commercial progress and he
iprotects against imposing any penalty
Ion tho thrift and industry of the peo-
and force a seventh contest to decide
the struggle. The final score was 6-4.
Thus the American league cham
pions swept to their third successive
homes by means of vehicles that pass
ed, often hub deep, through streets
still filled with backwater.
The known dead list stands at two,
triumph, completed the rout of the cR y officials and members of res-
once-proud and mighty Giant ma-, cue crews declare it probably will bo
chine and, by the decisive margin of | greater when the receding waters
1 Power For Valdosta November 1
j Valdosta.—Work of erecting the
itransmission line for the Georgia-Ala-
ibama Hydro Electric company to Val-
-jdosta is progressing rapidly and it is
i announced here that the line will
jyery probably reach this city by No
vember 1. The line has been com-
ipleted through-Eldorado, between Tif-
ton and Valdosta. When the power is
[turned on over this line the present
isteam plant of tho Valdosta Lighting
[company will not be abandoned, but
•will be fully maintained for use ia
'emergency. With this new source of
[power the local company will be to
' position to supply every demand for
•power in this city for many years to
four games to two, gained their first
world’s title in more than two de
cades of embattled history.
Thus, too, was yritten into the an
nals of the national game a struggle
for tho highest stakes it has ever
known, a gigantic spectacle eclipsing
all previous records, that was wit
nessed by more than 300,000 fans
who paid more than $1,063,000 to
gate receipts.
The story of that eighth inning,
coming when it appeared that the
.deadly southpaw arm of Arthur Nehi
;and the inspired play of Frank Frisch
[had checked the headlong rush ol
jthe Yankees, will go down as one^of
[the most startling decisive champion-
Ishlp turns of all time.
That brief,- thrilling, yet tragic span
witnessed with amazing suddenness
make possible a thorough search of
the flooded areas.
The dead thus far known are Mrs.
R. H. Loose and her daughter,' Clara,
eight years old, who were drowned
when a boat in which they attempted
to gain land, after tarrying in an ef
fort to save their personal effects, was
caught in the mill race at Wheeler
Park, a municipal resort, and cap
Loose and another daughter, Bessie,
10, were rescued from the top of a
large tree into which they had climbed
when the boat went over. They had
been there twelve hours when a skiff
driven by two intrepid oarsmen, fi
nally nosed its way among the trees to
the park and brought them to safety.
Loose was taken to a hospital where
his condition was pronounced serious
Ithe ascendancy of the Yankees to the ■ as a result of exposure,
jpinnacle of their career, and simub | Rescue squads are still working at
taneously the utter collapse of the top speed. A negro family brought
-Giants, the crushed hopes of McGraw' to land over more than a mile of rac-
|for three successive world’s titles— j tog waters told their rescuers that
a debacle so stunning .that it seems a t least seventy-five other negroes
l One Tyhoid Death In Thomas
| Thomasville.—Only one death from
jtyphoid fever in Thomas county this
[year is the report from Dr. Winches
ter, health officer of the county. This
case was that of a negro child who
did not take the free vaccine at one
'of the colored schools. Dr. Winches
ter has been remarkably successful to
his work in the anti-malarial and
typhoid fever campaigns, and he is re
garded as one of the beBt health offi
cers to the state.
to have marked the passing for all
the time from championship heights
of the Giant machine as it emerged,
broken, from the test.
It witnessed, too, the failure of the
game’s idol of idols to answer a call
to fame that Would have raised him
to heights greater than any he lias
ever touched. For Babe Ruth, star
of stars, the mightiest hitter ever,
while he had started the Yankees off
;in the first inning with his third home
run of the series, fell down wretched
ly in 'the eighth inning pinch, strik
ing out with the bases full and the
Yankees yet one run behind.
In his place a new hero was lifted
were marooned on the brow of a hill,
the only submerged spot on what
had been a negro settlement.
"Society Drinking” Is Chief Difficulty
Washington.—Drinking in high so
ciety is the chief difficulty in the way
of making prohibition effective, to the
opinion of Prohibition Commissioner
&aynes. Praising the work of the cit
izenship conference, Haynes said it
would help to stir the local officials
to assisting in enforcement, particu
larly to watching petty bootleggers
and blind tigers. “A close analysis
of the proceedings reveals absolute
If Its Bargains You are looking
for Call at
and find them. We are prepared to fill all orders
for Hay Ties, yrup Barrels, Crockery and- Enamel*
ed Ware, Gun Shells, Stoves ana Ranges.
Our hardware line is complete and we carry the
largest stock of Groceries in Perry and can there*
fore fill your needs in these lines to your
best advantage.
unanimity of opinion that the most
S?Bob: Meusel, who stepped into’the outstanding difficulty in the way of
i Decrease Shown In Cotton Glnninga
Thomasville.—According to the re
port of Hi B. Stubbs, special agent,
I there were ginned to Thomas county
;of the crop .of 1923, prior, to Septem-
-ber 25, 1,594 bales of cotton, as com-
[pared with 3,626 bales to the same
date in 1922. This is not quite half
breach that the Babe had left and de
livered the blow that resulted in three
runs and clinched the Yankee
, triumph.
For seven innings, Nehf, hero ol
i the Giants’ 1 to 0 victory in the third
game, waved a magic wand over the
Yankee bats and it seemed that his
portside slants would again restore
Giant hopes and keep them to the
fight. Backed by the spectacular de-;
fensive work of his teammates, par
ticularly'the dynamic Frisch, be al
lowed but one other hit outside of
enforcement is the non-observance of
the law among a small minority, but
nevertheless a very influential group
of citizens at the very apex of the so
cial scale,” Haynes said.
of the amount made in the county last Ruth’s circuit clout, while the Giant3
year The acreage this year was very ;W ere hammering Herb Pennock, Plug-
much, larger. 1 l igto’s southpaw ace, for nine hits and
Grain Adulteration Charges Unfounded
New York.—The Canadian royal:
[grain inquiry commission, which has
•been here for several days investigat
ing charges that high-grade dominion,
wheat was being adulterated with low-
grade American grain, previous to de
port, has been unable to find any evi
dence to substantiate the charges, it
was unofficially reported by a mem
ber of the commission’s party.
Stekas and Fresh Meats of
All Kinds.
Staple and Fancy Grocries.
Prompt Service. Phone 12.
We have
[Combining Schools Is Issue In Brooks
Quitman. — The school election
, which is to he held- on the east side
iof the county soon will be hard fought
.by both sides. The election comes as
the. result of'a plan to consolidate a
[four runs. ' i
But out of the clear sky of apparent, Thirteen
Giant triumph came the collapse of
Slain At School House
the collapse SB ManIla < p - L ~ Two schooJ teachers,;
Nehf, and with him the last break in' one supervising teacher one lieuten,
the shattered chain of McGraw’s ant * a ser seant an(1 ei sht privates of
pitching staff. From the highest peak; the Philippine constabulary were kill-
inumber ofrural schoolMPP * of effectiveness, from brilliant control, ed by Moros at a school house at
. 6 eaSt Nehf suddenly went to pieces and' **** Baluan ' Province, Island
isideand^thebone of contention is ;« Rosv » R Va n who of Hindanao, according to advices re-
the site of the school center.
‘Rosy’’ Ryan, who succeeded
[failed in a valiant attempt to
Ithe tide.
calved here. The aid of United States 1