The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 08, 1923, Image 7

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15== SHERIFF'S SALES. Georgia, Houston County. Will be sold before tlie court house door at I’erry Houston County Georgia on the first Tuesday in December 1923 between the legal hours of sale to the. highest bidder for cash tho following property to-wit. 1 McCormick Binder levied on as the property of James Alien-Smith to satisfy a fi fa from the City Court of Houston County in favor of Merrctt' Hardware Co vs James Allen Smith. This October. 1, 1923. Also at Ihe same time and place one International Tractor levied on as tlie property of J A Smith to satisfy a Laborer’s Lien from the City Court of Houston County in favor of C M Smith vs J A Smith. Levied by Thomas W. Leverett L. o. of the 769 district G. ,M. of Houston county Georg'a. Also at tho same time and place one fifty horse-power return tu'mlor Sclio- field boiler. Levied on as the property of S A Bassett and found in his possession to satisfy a fi fa from the city court of Houston Couttty in favor of Peacock Auto Supply Co., Inc vs S A Basaett. This November 7, 1923. Also at the Same time and place “That certain warehouse, frame struc ture, covered with galvanized iron, lo cated on spur track of Southern Railroad In Southern Yards, Port Valley Houston county, Georgia, being 30x80 feet in size and bdng the second warehouse to the . cast of Fair Ground Street, located on .said spur ,rack ” Levied on as tho prop- ' erty of B W Bowman and found in the possession of J A L Wilson to satisfy a fi. fa. from the city Court of Houston county in favor of oonrod & Lee vs E W Bowman. This November 7, 1923. Ten ant inpoBBesion notified. Will be sold before, the court house door in Perry, Georgia, on the first Tues day'in Decemoer 1933, between the legal hours of sale, the following described property to-wit: All of the undivided interest of J B O’Neal deceased, in and to all the following described property: That tract or paroei of laud beginning at the corner of the street opposite what was known ns the Baskin lot on the Macon road, said street being thirty feet wide along said road, the distance of 100feet; thence south parallel with Church Street the distance of 256 feet; thence weai 102; thence north 212 feet to the starting point, making a lot of 8-8’s of an acre, more or -less, on which is situated what was formerly known as the “Monk dwelling,” said section of land lying and being in the Town of Fyron Houston County, Georgia, . levied upor and sold as the property of H C 0’ .to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the City Court of Houston County and made re turnable to the November Term 1923 thereof in favor of the Farmers Bank of Byron against H C O’Neal. Tenant in possession noiified. This the 7th day of November, 1923. T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff —Blount plows and parts at H P Houser’s. iticnmcmd, 1 va.—speaking at a luncheon here, David Lloyd George, war-time premier of Great Britain, urged that America cast her might on the side of “humanity and peace.” “My last appeal in leaving the capital of the South,” he said, "is an appeal to you who have memories of a great war which raged around this capital and who have more recent memories of another war where you contribut ed to help .liberty, that you should also cast the might and majesty of your nation on the side of humanity.” Keirial Pasha Is Named President Constantinople.—The national as sembly at Angora has voted the es tablishment of the Turkish republic. Mustapha Kemal Pasha has been unanimously elected president. The assembly accepted the constitutional amendments proposed without opposi tion and loudly cheered the republic. The influential popular party, at a meeting previously held, accepted Mustapha Kemai’s republic tp pro claim a Turkish , republic and for the election of a president who WQUld bo empowered to nominate a premier. Savannah Rioters Appeal Case Savannah.—-Certiorari proceedings have been signed by Judge Peter W. Meldrim, it is announced, transfer* ring from the city court to the su perior court cases“made against C. Humbert, J. L, Humbert, J. T. Alex ander and-Gordon Shuman, alleged to be implicated in proceedings leading to their arrest In the riotous demon stration about the Chatham county! prison last June, when a mob attempt ed to take [Walter Lee, negro, from' the jail and lynch him. May Reveal 8layer Of Film Director) . Seattle, Wash.—Deciphering of the! cryptic papers of Arthur Covell, crip pled astrologist, who recently pleaded guilty to the .murder of Mrs. Ebbar Coveil, his sister-in-law, may reveal “a’ strong due” to the slayer of William Desmond Taylor, noted film director/ found shot to death in his home in Los Angeles about two years ago, Luke sJ May, local criminologist, announced, j to mourn for him, besides 15 grand-children, 3 great grand children and a host of relatives and friends. But we do not grieve as those without hope, having lived before ns a devoted Ghristain life- When he was a young man he joined the Methodist Church and remained a faithful member thru the years- X MRS. A E MCNEESE DEAD On Friday night Nov-, 2nd,God in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to call Mrs. Mattie Kate Ohauncey McNeese to her eternal reward. Having suffered such a ^phort illness, her death came as a severe shock to her family and friends who so earnestly sought to relieve her of her suffering and restore her, had it been God’s will, Mrs- MeFeeso was 43 years of age and for some time had been a member of the Methodist church at Henderson, Ga. She leaves to mourn her death, her beloved husband, seven daugh ters, Clara, Maggie, Willie, Au gusta, Gene, Sara and La Verne andi one son, John Henry. Interment was in Elko cemetery Bev. F L Stokes having officiated. : —-—-o, MATTER DECEMBER 5IH The bills providing for the abolishing of the City Court of Houston County and the establish ing four sessiou a year for the Superior Court were passed by the last General Assembly and are to be ratified or rejected by the vpters of Houston County in an election to be held on- the first Wednesday in December (Decem ber 5th) The following are the bills ns passed, published for the infor mation of the voters- AN ACT Weak, W 0 ME thould take •—Shoes to fit every one at H P Houser’s. “He’s Already Patented Four Inventions” .TJNNT thing, too . . . When he first came here he was just an ordinary worker. For a time, when things were slack, I-even thought that we might have to let him go. “Then, gradually. I noticed an improvement in his work. He seemed to really .understand what he was doing. “One day he came into my office and said he had worked out a new arm for the automatic feeder. I was a little skeptical at first, but when he started explaining to me, me said, Send in that coupon. I ever made—I knew it " j could see that he had really dis covered something. And when I started questioning him, I was .amazed. He certainly did know •what he was talking about. ’ “So we sat down and talked for over an hour. Finally, I asked him where he had learned so much •about his work. He smiled and •took a little book from his pocket. *• ‘There's no Becret about it,’ he said. ‘The answer’s right here. •Four months ago I saw one of. those advertisements of the Inter national Correspondence Schools. I had been seeing them for years, but this time something inside of These inventors and many others once studied with the/.C.S.. ■■ ■■ ■■ It was the best move the minute I started my first lesson. Before, I had been working in a sort of mental fog-—just an automatic part of the machine in front of me. But the I. C. S. taught me to really understand what I was doing.’ “Well, that was just a start. Three times since he has come to me with improvements on our ma chines—improvements that are JESSE G. VINCENT Viec-preiidcnt of Packard Motor Car Co„ inventor of Ike Packard Twin-Six and co-in- ventor of tke Liberty Motor. JOHN C. WAHL Firet vice-preeideat of The Wakl Co., inventor of tke Wakl Adding Mackine, tke Evertkarp Pencil and the Wakl Fooataia Pen.' W.J. LILLY Inventor of tke Lilly Minn Hoist Controller. H. E. DOERR Chief Mechanical Engineer, Senilis Steel Co., St. Lonie. being adopted in other plants and on which he receives a royalty. He is certainly a splendid example of the practical value and thorough ness of I. C. S. training,” Every mail brings letters from students of the I, C. S. telling of or salaries me study. ■ JML _WL for you, it. you will only, make the start. Just fill out and mail the coupon printed below and, without cost or obligation, get the full story of what the I. C. S. can do for you. To-day — not To-morrow — is the day to take that first definite step toward Success.' : — — TEAR OUT HERE- — — T-~ —' BOX 889 SCRANTON, Without cost or obligation on my. position or in the subject before wh INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, lease tell me bow 1 can qualify for the have marked an X In the Hat below* PA, MHHHP Engineering Electric Lighting Mechanic*! Enrlneur Mechanical Draftsman Machine Shop Practice “ ‘ l Position, BalUoadl Civil Engineer. Surveying and Mapping Mine Foreman or Engines Karine Engineer Architect Contractor and Builder Architectural Draftsman Structural Engineer Chemistry Pharmacy Business Management Industrial Management Trefflo Management • ■ Business Daw • _ Banking and Banking lew f S Accountancy (Including C.P.A.) Nicholson Cost Accounting Bookkeeping iJ Business English □Business Spanish Advertising Stenography tad Typing leather . Civil Service Bellway Mail Clerk.... Common School SubiWt* High School Subject* Illustrating Name- . Street Address- •ww** -weft- city- -State... ..Occupation— Persons residing in Canada should send this coupon to tho International Correspondence Sohools Conadion. Limit edt Montreal, Canada. Local Representative, Se L. Poitchard, 563 1-2 Mulberry Street Macon, Ga. To repeal an Act entitled “An Act to establish a City Court in and for County of Houston; to define its powers, juris diction, procedure and practice; to pro vide for the appointment of a Judge and other officers thereof; to define the powers of the Judge and other officio is thereof and for other purposes, approved August 8, 1908, and alBo to ropeal all laws amendatory of or in relation to said Act, and to abolish sold C.ty Court, and to provide for the disposition! of business pending in said City Court, and for other purposes. SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this Act, that the Act approve'! August 8, 1908, establishing the City Couit of Houston County, in and for the County of Houston, and all’Acts amending s» id Acts heretofore referred to in above saption are hereby repealed- BEOTION 2 Be it further enacted, That from and after the passage and approval of this Aot, the said City Court of Houston County be, and the same is hereby abolished. 7 SECTION 3 Be it further enacted, that all Buits pending in said City Court of Houston County are hereby transferred to the Superior Court of Houston County and all judgements and executions heretofore rendered in and by said City Court of Houston County are hereby kept alive and of full force and vigor ihni all such executions and al l mesne and finul pro - cesses of said City Court of Houston County, which have not been executed, shall be. returnable to the Superior Court of tbe County of Houston, and all claims, illegalities and other issues arising from the execution of such processes and fi fas shall be returnable and determinable as though same had issued from the Super ior Court of Houston Count/, >• V SECTION 4 Be it further enacted, Thai all criminal 1 casta founded Upon indiotmeni. pending in the City Court of Houston County, when this Act shall become effective,, shall be transferred to the Superior Court of Houston County, and all criminal cases founded upon •. accusation pending therein, shall be at once heard by some -Justice of-tfie Peace of the County of Houston, wJjo. shall have power to bind over the accused . for . his" appearance at the next tefm of the Superior Court of said. Countyto discharge in the samo manner Ah if brought before him upon a warrant*, provided, where the accused* has been regularly bound over upon a warrant to the City Court of Houston County, or haB given bond for his ap pearance before said Court, such com mittal or bond shall be considered valid to secure his presence at the next term' of the Superior Court of Houston County. :'j SECTION 5 Be it. further enacted, That such motions for hew trlal as may be pending In the City Court of Houston County, when! this Act becomes affective, shall be heard by the Judge of the Superior Court of the Macon Judicial' Circuit, and that when after this Act becomes effective, judgment is rendered . the Snpreme Court of Georgia, or the Court of Ap peals of Georgia, in any cakes pending therein from the City Court of Houston Covnfcy, the Clerk of the. higher court shall send tho remittitur in said case to the Clerk of the Supertor Court of Hous ton County where it shall be made the judgement of said court as having juris diction therein. SECTION 6 Be it further enacted, That all dockets minutes records books and papers of the City Court of Houston County, shall be held by the clerk of the Superior court of Houston county as part of the records of that eourt. ■■ ■ • : 'v//.-■,• >.• SECTION 7 Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this Aot shall go into effect December 31st. 1923; provided, that its provisions ahull not become of force and effect unless ratified by a ma jority of votes cast by the qualified voters of Houston county at an election, which is hereby called to be held on the first Wednesday in December 1923, fob the purpose of submitting the provisions of this Act to the qualified votf-rs of Hous ton county at an election, which is here by tailed to be held on the first Wedr nerday in December .1923 for the purpose •f submitting the provisions of this set to the qualified voters for their app’ ovkl or rejecticn, which election shull 1)6 held and tbe result thereof shall be consoli dated and declared in tlie same manner as now provided by law for holding elections for members of tbe General Assembly. At said election voters who wisli to oust fofillofcs for tlio approval of thi3 Act slmll have written or printed thereon “Against City Court” and those who wish- to east ballots against this Act shall have written or printed thereon “For City Couit.” At tho Court House in said County on the. day - succeeding said election at twelve O’clock noon, the ro-sult of said election shall bo de clared by the managers thereof to the Ordinary of said County, who shall under his hand and seal rcrt’fy the result thereof to tho Secretary of State. SECTION 8 ”° it further onacted by tbe authority aforesaid. That it is lioroby made tho duty of tho Ordinary of Houston County to have published and printod at the ex pense of said county, ballots tally sheets and blank rtturns l’or said election managers; and that after tho approval of this Aot the Ordinary of said county shall give notice of the oloctiou hereinbefore called by publication in two issues of (ho official gazette of tho County of Houston said notice to be given moro than 30 days prior to the date of said election 1 SECTION 9 Be it further enacted that all laws and parts of law? in conflict with this Act be, and the samo arc hereby repealed. This 4th. day of August 1923. Approved: CLIFFORD WALKER Governor AN ACT To provide for holding four torms a year of the Superior Court of Houston county, To proscribe the timo for holding the same and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enaoted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, and it is hereby enaoted by tho authority of the same that there shall he held in each year four terms of the Superior Court in and foil the county of Houston, said i-tate; in tho Macon Judical Circuit. Section 2 Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, that the terms of said eoiirt Bhall bo hold on the fourth Monday in January, on the first Monday in April, on the fourth Monday in July, and on the first Monday in October of each year , Soolion 3. Be it further enacted by tho authority aforesaid, that tho Judge of said court shall draw a Grand Jury for the April and October terms only of said court; provided, that the presiding judge in his discretion might require the attendance of a Grand Jury at the January and July . terms, or either of them if his judge* ment the business of tho court should require it. Section 4. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that this law shall not become effective in any event before the first day of January 1924, and shall uot be ef fective at all unless the bill to abolish tho City Court of Houston county, which biu' Bboll be introduced, passed and ap- —“ session of the General proved at the 1923 Assembly of Georgia, shall be ratifei ns in said bill provided by a majority of tba qualified voters of Houston County at the Bpeoial election called for tbe purpose of voting for determining tlie question of ratifying or rejecting the said bill. * Section 6. Bo it further enaoted by the authority aforesaid, That ail laws and parts oflriw in conflict with this Aot be uni the same era hereby repealed. . ; Georgia Houston County R.L Boram having applied for letters of administration on the estate of R E Smith deceased, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any tb.iy a u why his application should not bo grant ed at the court of ordinary on the first Monday in December next. This No vember 5, 1923. Emmett Houser. Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. T James D Means having applied fof dis mission from the guardianship of Louie D Van Means this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause if any they can Why his application should not be grant ed at the court of Ordinary on the first Monday in December next. This No vember 6, 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary Georgia, S V Parker having applied fo* letters of administration on the estate of Weeks Parker deceased, this is to cite all per sons concerned to show oaut», if any they ean why his application should not be granted at the court of Ordinary on the first Monday In December next. This November 5, 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. . ■■■««» Hemstitching and Pico ting Pleating, Buttons covered all sizes. Miss Zipp Simmons, L. F. II* Store Mft«oa Gn. y ms. nBnBB5BB£m£mm§