The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 22, 1923, Image 3

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3l"W" CLOTHE/ /HOP 454’CHERRY JX. . ' . SERVICE SAFETY rv - i y Tin* bank «taad* guard eeattleuty ptovidiag your fund* wA protection SERVICE IS OUR ONLY COMMODITY Our Bank is built on it Our efforts center around it Our success depends on it REMEMBER We give Ford Tickets HOUSTON BANKING COMPANY “The Bank of Service.” PERRY, ------ -GEORGIA. New York.—After forty years on the stage, an actress has been given an opportunity to prove that she Is entitled to stardom and has succeeded. This is the story of Lucille La Verne, who assumes the leading role in “Sun Up,” an excellent American folk play by Lula Vollmer, how playing, here. £he Players Company, Inc., an organ ization formed foi< the purpose' of bringing out from obscurity American plays of merit, Is responsible for the recognition of Miss La Verne after all' these years. j C:-,- , Largest Airplane Is Made For Army! Dayton, Ohio.—The Burling bomber! TAX COLLECTOR’S APPOINTMENTS LAST ROUND Ib the largest airplane. The Martin; bomber, the largest airplane In use( by the air service before the advent, of the Barling, is a pigmy compared' to It The Barling soon is to make a tour of the country. The exact Itinerary has ont yet been announced,! but the machine will be at New York! about October 20. The Barling has! a wing spread of 120 feet, a height of, 28 feet and an overall length of 65 feet The gasoline capacity Is six! Urns, or 2,000 gallons. ! Bonds Defeated In Richmond Election Richmond, Va.—A proposal to issue $50,000,000 in bonds for completion of the state’s highway system was over whelmingly defeated at the polls, earlf returns indicating a majority of the 30,000 to 40,000 against. ANOTHER PIANO SACRIFICE Due to inability to keep up payments, we have had a high grade piano, in the beat of con dition, turned back to us. This instrument we can sell for a rare bargain, giving terms ,to respon sible parties. For full particulars, address Ludden & Bates, Atlanta Ga. —Thorough-bred Collie Dog,about 14 months old for sale or exchange for'Possum Dog, R. M. Aultman Byron, Ga., R. F. D. No. 1. —F OR SAL B—Indian Game C^ohrels at 23.00 R. M. Aulman f)ron. Ga., R. F. D. No. J.* General Election in Britain Certain , London.—One effect of Prime Min-, ister Baldwin’s speech at Manchester has been to strengthen the convic tion that a general election is Inevit able wltbin a comparatively short time. Some observers see significance ;in the phrase the premier used when after asserting that the problem of unemployment necessitated recourse “to radical and drastic measures’* he gj* <solleoton books will be said he proposed to tax manufactured . 3 * goods, especially those Imports which l caused the greatest amount of unem ployment. ., , STARTLING VALUES IN New Fall Overcoats Suits - Shoes - Hats MEN! You can count on a sure savings at our store as we sell only for cash and one price. You don’t have to pay for the man that won’t pay. OVERCOATS $20 and $25 SUITS $20, $25 and $27 SHOES $4 to $7 HATS $2.86 ' ‘WmBi • V'4v OUR TREES SUCOED WHERE OTHERS FAIL. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE JUSTIFY OUR CLAIMS Selected, vigorous, well rooted Buds and Grafts- of all the best varieties. Plant the More as an ear ly, heavy, annual boarbr—the variety with, no regrets. FLORIDA NURSERIES W W Bassett, Prop., - - ‘MonticelVo; Fla. I will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of collect ing state and county taxes for 1928. After these appointments are filled,'the closed for Liners With Immigrants Coming Over New-York.—Sixteen liners with ap proximately eighteen thousand alien passengers will have raced to their anchorages below quarantine by mid night of October 81, when the No vember immigration quota opens. Special interest is attached to the November rush, as quota allotments of some nations will not be exhaust ed until next July 1, as special per mission had been given some steam ship companies to land 20% of the en tire national quota monthly since last July. Powersville-Monday, 26th. a. m. Dunbar, Monday, Nov. 26th, p. m. Fort Valley, Tuesday, Nov. 27th, all day Henderson, Wednesday, Nov. 28th. a.m Elko, Wednesday, Nov. 28th. Grovanja, Friday, Nov. 30th, riaa Railroad's Fight President's Plan New. York.—Presidents and other executives of every grain or coal-haul ing railroad in the country recently drafted! what was unofficially report ed to have been an unfavorable re ply to. President Coolldge’s recent pro posal for revision of rail freight rates on shipments of those two commod ities, which were detsined for export. A . committee of the presidents was named to submit the draUod reply to the president at Washington at an early date, or just as early as they could be received at the. white house. Hayneville, Friday, Nov. 80th. Wellstou, Saturday, Dec. 1st. Byron, Saturday, Dec. 1st. Perry, Tuesday, Dec, 4th. Kathleen, Thursday, Dec. 6th Bonaire, Thursday, Dec. 6th, Fort Valley, Friday, Dec. 7tb. Myrtle, Saturday, Dec. 8th. (Jlaude, Monday, Deo. 10th. Heard, Monday, Dec. 10tli. Hattie, Tuesday, Dec. 11th. Tucker’s store, Tuesday Dec. 11th. p Perry on 18th. 19th. and 20th. T. E. Tbarpe, Tux Collector p. m. a. m. p. m’ a. m. p. m. all day a.m. P. m all day a. m. a. m, p. m. a. m. m. Hot Points For Cold GEO. C. NUNN’S LEGAL NOTICE. $150,000 Damages . .In .Big Fire Moultrie.—-Property loss estimated at $15,000 resulted-from the burning of a iarge barn on the Dan Baker farm ini this county. Several hundred bushels of. corn and other feedstuffs, together with tnachihery and farm im plements wefce. burned when the barn was destroyed. The live stock kept in the building was saved. No insurance was. carried. The Baker barn is the fourth one to be-burned'in the Mbul trie., 'territory within the past few weeks, and authorities, here are at'a loss as to the cause of Hie fires. Georgia, Houston County. Mattie Clark Thomas - Equitable Petition - in the Superior vs - Court of Houston Jim Coney et al. - County April - Term 1924. To Jim Coney, Beatrice Coney and Horace Clark, their heirs, legal represen tatives or assigns: You and each of you are, hereby com manded to be anil appear at the next April Term 1924e of-the Superior Court of Houston County which will be held on the 1st Monday in April 1924, to make your answer 'in the above named and stated case, as required by the order of the court. Witness the Honorable H A Matthews Judge of.the Superior Court of- Houston county, this I2th day of. November 1923. tt "I . XKfnn/1 am Y11 onlr Giiwavifii 1 nf H. L. Wasden, Clerk Superior Court of Houston County. Ring up or call to see us tor Syrup Barrels and Cans. Purina Horse and Hog Feed, Lard Can^ Meat Salt, Seed Grain, Cotton Seed Hulls and Meal, Velvet Beans, Bran and Shorts, Hay, Com, Chicken Feed, Purina Pig Chow, for fattening. GROCERIES HARDWARE and IMPLEMENTS Avery Plows and Parts, Oliver Plows and Parts^ Harrows and WdRons^ Collars, Bridles* Gear,, Har ness Leather Lines, Hay Wire, light and heavy, Nails, Staples, Axes and Handles, Shovels, Forks* Hoes, Files, Locks, Post Hole Diggers and lots tf other things that you should consider in your fees!, and repair bills for the winter that we hav’nt toon* to list. We want to buy Turkeys, Chickens, Eggs* Corn, Peas, Hay, Pecans, Peanuts, Hogs, Cows,and. other farm produce that ybu have to sell.. Come to see us and we can make it mutually pro fitable and will assure you best of service^ 4 FOR SALE: 1- 25 [ HP Skinner Center Crank Engine. 1- 25 Arne's Boiler. Both in perfect condition, Price $250.00 each> Southern Lumber Co,, Macon, Ga. ; geo. < •. xrxx. Till-: III WTI.KU PER -RVfOfiSL. OPPOSITE DEPOT . .