The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 22, 1923, Image 4

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TO VOTE ON CITY COURT MATTER DECEMBER 5TH The bills providing for the abolishing of ihe City Court of Houston County and the establish ing four session a year for Ihe Superior Court were passed by the Inst, eneral Assembly and ave to be ratified or rejected by the voters of Houston County in an election to be held on the first Wednesday in December. (Decem ber 5th) The following are the bills ns passed, published for the infor mation of the voters* AN ACT To repeal an Act entitled “An Act to establish a City Court in and for County of Houston; to define its powers, juris diction, proceduro and practice; to pro- . Tide for tho appointment of a Judge and other officers thereof| to define the powers of the Judge and other officioi't( thereof and for other purposes, approved August 8, 1908, and also to repeal all laws amendatory of or in relation to said Act, and to abolish said G-ty Court, and to provide for tho disposition of business ponding in said 1 ity Court, and for othor puiposoN. SECTION 1 Ilolt onaoted by tho Gonornl Assembly of tho State of Georgia and it is hereby onneted by the authority of tho same. That from and after the passage of this Act, that iho Act npprovod August N, 1808, establishing tho City Gourt of Houston County, in and for tho County «C Houston, and all Acts amor.ding said Acts heretofore reform'd to in above caption nro hereby repoulod- SECTION 2 Bo it further onaotod, That from and aiftor tho poHsago and approval of this Act, the said City Court of Houston County be, and the same is heroby abolished. SECTION 3 it Bo it further ouaotud, that nil suits pending in said City Court of Houston Comity nro hereby transferred to the Superior Qourt of Houston County mid all judgements and executions heretofore rendered in and by said City Couit of Houston County are hoieby k ptaliveuud of full foreo and vigor that all such executions and nil musno and final pro cesses of said City Court of Houston | to tho qualified voters for their approval i or rejeciim, which election shall be held (nnd tne result thereof shall be consoli dated and declared in the same manner ns now provided by law lor holding elections for members of the General Assembly. At said election voters who wish to cast ballots for tho approval of j thi i Art shall have written or printed thereon "Against City Court" and those who wish to cast ballots against this 1 Art shall have written or printed thereon : "For City Comt." At the Court Houso in said County on the day succeeding said election at twelve o’clock noon,- thfi ro-sult of said elertion shall be de clared by the managers thereof to tho Ordinary of said County, who shall undt r j his hand nnd seal certify the result thereof to the Secretary of Slate. section 8 Po it further enacted hv the authomv aforesaid. That it is hereby made tho duty of the Ordinary of Houston county to have publisher! and printed at the ex pense of said county, ballots tally sheets and blink r< turns for said election mnungeis; and that after tho approval of this Act tho Ordinary of said county shall give notice of the election hereinbefore called by publication in two issues of the official gazette of tho County of Houston said notice to bo given more than 30 days prior to tho date of said election' section 9 Ho it furlher enacted that h11 laws and parts of Iuwb in conflict with this Act be, and tho same are horeby repealed. This 4th. day of August 1923. Approvod: CLIFFORD WALKER Governor AN ACT To provide for holding four torms a year of tho Superior Court of Houston county, To prescribe the time for holding the same and for othor purposes. Section 1. Be it enactod by the Gcno*al Assembly of tho Stale of Georgin, and it is hereby onaotod by tho authority of the sumo that there shall. l<o held in each yoar four tormB of the Superior Court in and for the eounty of Houston, said Citato, in the .Macon Judical Circuit. Section 2 Be it further enacted by authority aforesaid, that Hio terms of Bald court shall bo hold on the fourth Monday in January, on tho first Mn»dny in April, on the foilith Monday iu July, and on the first Monday in Ootobor of each year. Sec I ion 3. Bo it further onaotod by tho authority aforesaid, that the Judgo of said court shall draw a Grand Jury for the April County, which liavo not been executed, j and Octobor terms only of Haid court; shall bo returnable to the Superior Court, provided, that, the presiding judge in his of tho County of Houston, and all claims, 1 discretion might require the attendance Illegalities and oth r issues arising from 1 of a Grand .Jury ut tho January and July tho execution cf such processor and fi faB torms, or olthor of them if his judge- uhall bo returnable and determinable as ' moot tho business of the court should though same lmd is mod from the Super- require it. ior Court of H Houston County. SECTION 4 Section 4. , Bo it further enacted by tho authority Be it furthor onaotod, That all criminal aforoMuid, that this law shall not become cases founded upon indiotmoni. pending I oflfeetivo in any event before tin* first day in tho City Court of Houston County, of January 1924, and shall uot bo ef- ioctlve at all unless the bill to abolish tho Cltv Court of Houston county, which bill shall bo introduced, passed and ap proved at the 1923 session of tho General Assembly of Georgia, shall bo ratifie I as in said bill provided by a majority of the qualified votors bf Houston County at tho spooial olootion called for he pnrpo-e of voting for determining the question of ratifying or rejecting the said bill. Section f). Bo it further ennoted by the authority aforesaid, That all laws and parts of law in conflict with this Aot be and the same TRUSTEES SALE of when this Act shall booouio effective, shall bo transferred to the Superior Court of Houston County, and ujl orlnpnnl oases founded upon accusation ponding therein, shall bo at onco heard by somo Jnstico of tho Fence of the County of Houston, who shall liavo power to bind over the aeousod Tor his appearance at the next term of the Superior Court of said County, or to discharge in tho same manner ns if brought boforo him upon a warrant; provided, whoro tho accused lias been regularly bound ovor upon a warro”t to tho City Court of Ilouston .County, or has given bond for his ap-’ pearanoe before Bald Court, such com- , raittal or bond shall be considered valid , aro aoro ^ repealed, to Bcouro his prosonco at tho next term of the Suporior point of Houston County. Slid ION 5 1 Bo it further enacted, That such motions for new trial ns may be pending in tho City Court of Houston County, wlion this Aot becomes affeetivo, shall bo hoard by tho Judgo of tho Superior Court of the Macon Judicial Circuit, and that whoa after this Act becomes effective, judgment, is rendered in tho Supreme -Court of Georgia, or the Court of Ap peals of Goorgia, in any ousos pending therein from the City Court of Houston • Covnty, tho Clerk of the higher court . shall send tho remittitur in 'said ease to tho Clerk of the Superior Court of Hous ton County whero it shall bo made Ihe . judgement of said court us having juris diction thorein, .“SECTION C Be it further enactod, That all dockets minutes records books and papers of the City Court of Houston CouDty, shall be held by tho clerk of the Superior court of Houston county as part of the rocords of that oourt. SECTION 7 Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that thi.8 Aot shall go into «Eee* Decernoer 31st. 1923; provided, tkat .its provisions sh >11 not become of foiwe.and effect iude>s ratified by a ma jority of votes oast by the qualified voters «af Houston county at an ele ition, which is here&y called to bo held on the first Wednesday in 1) eeraber 1923, for the purpose of submitting the provisions of Hus Act to the qualified voters of Hous ton county at an election, whioh is here by called to be held on the flirt Wed- - merday in December 1933 for tne purpose submitting the provisions of this aot In The District Court of the Unitod States for the Western Division of tho Southern Dis rict of Georgia. In the matter of 0 John Irwin .'■locum 0 In Bankruptcy , Bankrupt. 0 Under and by Firtue of an order pnssed by tho R feree in Bankruptcy in the above stated case and court, the under signed, nk trustee in bankruptcy will sell at tho store-house of said bankrupt at Bonaire, Houston County, Georgia on October 30, 1923, at eloven o’clock a. in. Eastern time, to tho highest bidder for cas’d, tho following doscriued properly of the bankrupt: The en ire stock of merchandise, con sisting of dry goods, shoos, clothing, as well as all Uie si ore fixtures of the bank rupt, together with all the notes and accounts due the baukrupt as of the date of sale. Also, about eighty (80) head of hogs, mere or less, one (1) two-horse wagon. Said property will be sold as property of the bankrupt and will be sold freed from all lines, any valid lines to be at- 'taenod to the proceeds, The successful bidder is required to deposit ton per cont (10 per cent) of his said bid at the time made and if said sale is not confirmed the amount will be re funded without deductions. The said sale will be made subject 4o confirmation. This 17th day ef October 1923. J. T. Sisson, Trustee in Bankruptcy, Bonaire, Ga. Acetylene Welding at M ;Lendon Auto Co SHERIFF'S SALES. A Wish “I have taken Cardui for run down, worn-out condition, nervousness and sleeplessness’, and I was weak, too," says Mrs. Silvie Estes, of Jennings* Okla. “Cardui did me just lots of good—so much that I gave it to my daughter. She com plained of a soreness in her sides and back. She took three bottles of Georgia, Houston County. Will be sf Id before tho couit house door at Ferry Houston County Georgia j on the first Tuerday in December 1923 j between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash tho following prnpertv to wit. 1 McCormick Binder levied on ns th4 property of J imes Allen r'mith t<> sntisfy a fi fa from the City Court of Houston County in favor of Merrett Hardware Co vs James Allen Smith. ' This October 1, 1923. Also at Ihe same time and plac" International Tractor levied on a? The Woman’s Tonic and her condition was much better. “We have lived here, near Jennings, for 26 years, and now we have our own home in town. I have had to work pretty hard, as this country wasn’t built up, and it made it hard for us. “I WISH I could tell weak women of Cardui—the medicine that helped give me the strength to go on and do my work." E 95 After Every Meal Have a packet in your pocket for ever-ready refreshment. Aids digestion. Allays thirst. Soothes the throat. For Quality, Flavor and the Sealed Package, k get E. HOLTZCLAW FIRE INSURANCE AGENT Insurance On Farm Property A Specialty 1 P3RRY, GA. — PREVENTI&N bettor than euro. Tutt’s Pills taken in time, are not only a remedy for but prevent SICK HEADACHE bOioumeu, constipation and kindred disease* Tutt’s MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Loan Money or Real Estate without Commission. A. A. 8MOAK, 3rac. perry.Ga. J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACOIDENT-HEALTH-GROUP The GUY that puts the SURE in your Insurance. 305-30G Citizens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESEN TATIVE MISSOURI STATE LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. f t costs no moro to get the best policy and the most efficient ser vice so why not get it. Am Just as close to you asyo ur telephone. one tne 1 property of J A Smith to satisfy a i Laborer’s Lien from the City Couit of j Houston County in fnvor of C- M;Smith 1 vs J A Smith.- Levied by .Thomas-W. Leverett L, 0. of the 739 cl Strict.G. M. of Houston county Georgia. Also at the same time nnd place one fifty horse-power return tuliulor Scno* field boiler. Levied on ns the property et S A Bassett and found in his possession to satisfy a fi fn from Die city court of Houston County in favor of Pea oeh Auto Supply Co., lno vs S *A Rns^ett. This November 7, 1923. Also at the samo time and place ‘That certain warehouse, frame struc ture, covered with galvanized iron, lo cal ed on spur track of Southern Railroad in Southern Yards, Fort Vulloy Houston county, Georgia, being 3UxG0 feet in size nnd being the second warehouse to the oast of Fair Ground Street, loented on said spur ,raek " Levied on ns the prop erly of E W Bowm n and found in the possession of J A L Wilson to satisfy a fi. fn. from the ciky Court of Houston county in favor of oonrod & Lee vs E W B nvrann. This November 7, 1923. Ten ant inpossesion notified. jo qutig sjocajsj oqj jo joabj u| joojoqt figGI mJOjQ joqutOAOjsi oqj 04 0[q stunt -3.1 opuui pun A;nnof) uojsnoH jo janoQ AlO 0l D moi f pousst *'jj n .Cjsijns 04 1««>N<0 0 H J° ^liodoJd otfj sn piob pun uodn poiAo; ‘nifijoso ‘tfjunoo uojsnoH ‘; 30 uttoj oqj uj fiuieq pun f/uiiq pun; jo uopoes pin* u ‘aui[’j0Mp rquojv,, oi(4 sn uau,u>[ ifpouuoj sbav 4«q.\v poiBinje si qotqav no ‘sboj jo ojotu ‘ojos un jo sjg-g "40 mi n Suiqnra ‘4U|od Snypnijs oq4 04 300 j STS THOU oouoqj fgoi 1F8A oouoqj fjooj qqz jo oounjstp oqj qojnijQ qjiAV i3((naod qjnos oouoqj .‘jooj jo oounjsip oqj ‘pnoj pinB Suoiu opjM. jooj Smoq 400149 ptnB ‘pnoj uojnpj oi(4 no 401 uiqsnq oqq h i uMouq sum 4nqAA 04;soddo 400J48 oqj jo joujoo eq4 411 SuiunxSoq punj jo ’"MBd jo 40UJ4 4«qj, : .f4.xodo.1d poqjjosop . .mokoj oq4 pn 04 puu ni ‘posnooop inoN,© H f J° 48OJ04U5 popiAipun oq4 jo [(y :4jav-04 -tyjodoad poq'iaosop 8auvo((oj oq4 *0(n* jo sanoq (i?ro( oi|4 ii0OM43q ‘E86I Joomooon u; .fnp -80IIJ, 48.ig oq4uo *n(fijoo0 'iCjjoj ut aoop osuoi{ 4.11100 oq4 o'jojoq p(os oq ((i v\ Byron against H O O’Neal. Tenunt in possession notified, This the 7th day of November, 1923. T. S. CHAPMAN Sheriff Thmk This Over Isn’t it reasonable to suppose that the largest battery maker can pro duce and sell better bat teries at a lower figure than any other maker? Willard Batteries are the choice of 134; car manufacturers. These men know batteries and their knowledge is based on tests and facts. Their experience should be of value to you. PERRY AUTO fcO SALES AND SB RVIOE Perry,Ga. The acute pain d of RHEUMATISM } will be relieved by this treatment. Apply Sloan’s gently without rub- • j bing. A tingling glow—comforting warmth, spreading through all the aching tissues I The pain eases off —then dtops. Get a bottle from your druggist today—35 cents. Sloan’s LlnimenMifo paint ORDINARY’S CITATIONS Georgia Houston County R L Borain having applied for letters of administration on the estate of It E Smith'dei ens^d, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any th/y d n why his application sln uld not be grant ed at the court of ordinaly on the first Monday in December next, This No vember 5, 1923. Emmett Houser. Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. 1 James D Means having applied fof dis mission from the guardianship of Louie D Van Means this is to cite ail persons conoernod to show cause if any they can why his application should not be grant ed at the court of Ordinary on the first Monday in December next. This No vember 5, 1923. Emmett Houser, Ordinary Georgia, Houston County. S V Parker having applied for letters of administration on the estate of Weeks Parker deceas d, this is to cite all per sons concerned to shnweaus-, if any they can why his application should not be granted at ilie court of Ordinary on the first Mono ay in December next. This November 5, 19^3. Emmett Houser, Ordinary. —FOR SALE—Abruz i Seed Rye at $2.00 per bushel. Gall on me at home or at B H Andrew & Son. 0 A Thurmond, Perry, Ga. TAX SALES Houston County, Georgia. Will be sold before the court house door between ihe legal hours of sale to the h'ghe't bidder lor cash on the first Tuesday in December 3923 to satisfy a tax fi fa for state and county taxes Ihe following prsperly to wit:- Aii thut tract or pared of land, lying and being iu the 6tn district of Houston County Georgia and being the north half of lot No, 10 in the said district and containing 101 acres of land more or le-s and being bounded on north by lands of Ben Dinkins&Ba8setEstate,eastof Randolph Walker, south by lands of N A and Steve Bassett’s other lands, and west by lands of J D Lamar and Frank G*eer. This November 7tli 1923. T. s- Chapman, Sheriff. FOR SALE:- Gvrn. Hay, Count*. Meat, r im, Low’d. Side* and Shorn] den. Apply , 1- A. A. Smoak. Percy, Go, —P OR SAL E—One seven room house. Well adapted for two families. Apply at this office. Hemstitching and Pico ting Pleating, Buttons covered all sizes. Miss Zipp Simmons, L. F. ' M. Store Maoon a. GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED ' OCULISTS PRESCRIPTION FILLED MACON OPTICAL CO. J. N. Kalish * - F. H. Johnson “Optical Specialists" 565 Cherry St., . Macon, Ga. I I I LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Wo aro prepared to close loons prowptly on Farm Lend*. 6 per cL Interest. DUNCAN & NUNN, / P«»ry, Ga. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorney* A Councellorc «t Lew. Practice in AU Courts. PERRY, Ga. W. A. STROTHER INSURANCE Perry, Ga. —FOR SALE—The W L Henry home on Macon street with all modern equipment. Apply to A A Smoak, Perry, (Ga. JOHN W. BLCOD WORTH Attorney and Counseliob At i,aw Pebry- Georgia. We Praetlee In Both State n Fadorai Court*. H