The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 22, 1923, Image 6

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SIDEWALK GLEANINGS LOCAL NEWS OP TOWN AND COUNTY —Dr and Mrs R L Cater visited relatives in JHawkinsville Sunday. THE ORPHAN —Miss Queen Helden of Athens is visiting her sister Mrs L. M. Paul Jr. —Mr and Mrs E D Taylor of Mac«.n were the guests of Mr and Mrs U 3 Gurr of Perry Sunday. —Mr and Mrs. AH Woodard and daughter visited relatives at Perry and Bonaire last week end. —Rbv. W H Lord, Miss Annie Woodard,Mrs IT Woodard,and Mr J M Gooden attended the revival servh e* at the Fort Valley Bap tist church Tuesday evening. -Miss Frances Cooper of the Georgia College for Women at Millcdgeville spent the week-end with tier mother, Mrs Lucile Cooper. —•Ur. Edgar K Rainey of Arlington visited his brothers Messrs Mack M Rainey and J 8 Rainey hero last week-end. Dr, Rainey was r< ared in Perry but has not vistod here in twenty years and his old time friends were glad to see him again. PERRY MEN ENJOYING HUNT m Eighteen members of ferry Hunting Club repaired to their lodge a few days ago, and are now waging a relentless campaign against tho wild things of Oemub gee swamps with more or less sue- gsoss it is said. Reports, however indicate that while plenty of game is to be ' found some members of tho party are having their troubles. One hunter, especially well pre pared with three negro attendants is reported to have shot one hun dred times at birds Tuesday and returned to tho camp with one rabbit. Another is reported to have killed two birds but they both got away. There are some good hunters in Ibis crowd and the others are getting mighty good practice, so that tlioy may soon acquire the Jcnaolc of Ailing their game bags. At any rate there seems to be plenty of sport and fun for every body. - The members of the party are. W A Strother, E Holtzolaw Dr S r Dobbins, J f Ethridge, T D 'Mason, G S Gurr, H M Heard, H T Gilbert, M G Edwards. 8 p Crowell. P M King, G B Wells George B Winn, E W Traylor, W % Sims. The cry of the orphan for food and care is heard and heeded or ears are Stopped to ward of the appeal. On tiie treatment of the helpless every one stamps with a die of action the heart's passion or hardness to human suffering One who cares makes an effort to hearten life for the poor orphan Mr. Hershey, the candy king gave us a splendid example of oaring for these little ones when he turn ed over the income of his sixty factories to care for them in and near his home city. While we are not able to do so much as that in many instances yet we want to help them. Next Monday November 26tb. every Baptist in the vicinity of Perry is asked to answer to Him who folded the children to his bosom and blessed them, what can I contribute to the Orphan Home at Hapeville? Answer that question with a donation of food. Leave it at Perry Warehouse for shipment in the Rehoboth car. Think bow happy the kiddies will be to get a meal sent from yon. X GROVANIA P. T- A. MEETING The Grovania P. T. A., held its regular business meeting Friday evening, Nov. 16th. The presi dent called the meeting to order all repeating the Lord’s prayer. The officers and committies gave their reports, which proved the Association is not sleeping but working. Several interesting talks and suggestions were made. We have something over fifty members enrolled. A very inter esting program was rendered after which a social hour was enjoyed by all. Delightful refreshments were served by the high school girls. Candy was sold during the evening for benefit of the school. We are glad to have so many fathers with us. PresB Com. air COURT ADJOURNS UNTIL FRIDAY 1 WOODSON PERDUE DEAD J. Woodson Perdue, age years, died at his residence „ Kathleen, Ga., last Sunday morn ing at 6:30 o’clock. Ho is survived by throe sons J:T, G E, and J W Perdno, Jr. apd two daughters, Mrs. J I) Ed wards, of Bonaire, Ga., and Mrs M F Edwards of Kathleen. The funeral was held at the Bonaire Methodise Church Mon day riiorning at U o’clock, Rev Blocker officiating. Interment W88 in the church cemetery. BOONE-TAYLOR The many friends of Miss Rena Baone and Mr. ED Taylor will be interested to learn of til ir marriage which occured at For syth on November 1] th, the mar riage was however not generally known here until a few days ago. The bride is a daughter of Mr. W. O. Boon now of Macon, but? was born and reared near Perry. The groom until recently Was eu- f? a K e d as a druggist in Perry. Houston City court with Judge A 0 Riley presiding was in session here Monday and Tuesday during which time about 20 civil oases were disposed of. The claim case of Heard Brothers vs Flanders oonsumed most of the day Tuesday The court has adjurned until Fri day at which time defendants will file answers and the appearama' docket called. The criminal docket will be taken up Monday and later next week some unfinished business on ciVil docket will be completed. The same jurors will serve next week as duriugthis week’s session CARD OF THANKS Wo desire to express our heart felt gratitude to the friends who so kindly ministered unto us dur ing the recent illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, Mrs R L Uhels, and to those who have extended to us expi’essions of lov ing comfort and Christian sympa 1 thy during our recent bereave ment. This as reviewed through responsive hearts and human eyes, has corneas a blessing in the midst of our sorrow, and we shall ever view the expressions as light in the midst of darkness, and cheer to dispel in part the gloom that has overwhelmed ns. Mr. R L Uhels. Mr. aud Mrs. R E Ogletree. CARD OF THANLS To the many friends and neigh bors Wh6 so kindly extended to us their uid and sympathy • during Boffi parties^havemany'friends rec ' ent »■”«“»»« of our id- well wishes here. ' I fat ^ r ’ exte » d thanks and may each and every one of you be bless ed as we have in hours of bereav-t ment. J T Perdue, NOTICE The Grovania P. T. A., will give an oyster supper at the school; building Friday eveming, Nov. 23 JSvery body invited to come. X '» Will Soon Be Here We have all the ingred ients for your fruit and other cakes, Raisins, Cur rents, Citron, Cherries, Coconuts, Spices, Nuts, Cranberries and Celery. The best grades of plain and self-rising Flour, Granulated, brown and confectioner’s Sugar, Try our Plum Pudding, Minse Meat, dried fruit. Hunters, we are reads for bird season, Guns,Shells, Leggins, Beits, and other sporting goods. T. D. MASON PHONE 46. Get the Habit Nine-tenths of the things you do are really the result of your “habits.” The degree of success you make in life will largely determined by the kind of habits you cultivate or permit to grow upon you. It pays, therefore, to acquire as many good habits as possible, and once a thing is fixed as a habit, it be- comss a sort of instinct or “second nature.” Get the savings habit. It is a good one. Start an account here to day. PERRY LOIN & SAVINGS RANK “The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY GA. FOR SALE book-keepers desk smooth golden oak fini with top book rack and 3 drawers, good as nei $17.50 cash will buy this bargain. set of one horse wagon harness, made of Keai leather, leather traces with chain hooks, leathJ 7 ■ nr ^ ..J collar and leather lines, has been used very littl $12.50 cash will buy it. J. D. MARTIN, Jr PERRY, GA. *> Courtesy and Servic Make their Appeal. Our Bui ness is Good. ThereVa Reason. Our line of hardware, Groc< ries and Farm Supplies is coli J W Perdue, G E Perdue, Mrs. M F Edwards, Mrs. J D Edwards our prices , are rij Come in to see us and let us serves i |- j v ;„' ■. PERRY, GA. ^