The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, November 29, 1923, Image 8

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“He’s'Already Patented Four Inventions” ••TT^UNNY tiling, too . . . When ho first H came hero he was Just an ordinary worker. JL For a time, when things wore slack, I even thought that wo might have to let him go. “Then, gradually, I noticed an Improvement In his work. He seemed to really understand what ho was doing. “One dny ho came Into my office and said ho had worked out a now arm for tho automatic fecdor. X was a little skeptical at first, hut when he started explaining to me, I could seo that ho had really dis covered something. And when I started ctuestloning him, I was amazed. Ho certainly did know what ho was talking about. “So wo Bat down and talked for over an hour. Finally, I asked him where ho had learnod so much about his work. Ho smiled and took a little book from his pocket. “ ‘There’s no secret about It,’ ho said. 'Tho answer’s right hero. Four months ago I saw one of those advertisements of the Inter national Correspondence Schools. I had boon seeing them for years, but tills tlmo something Inside of These Inventors and many others once studied with the I. C. S. JESSE C. VINCENT yice-proidcnt of Paekord Motor Car Co., inventor of the Packard Twin-Si* and co-in ventor of (he Liberty Motor. „ JOHN C. WAHL Firit Wce-pre.ident of The Wahl Co., inventor of the Wahl Addins Machine, the Ever.herp Pencil and the Wahl Fount.!. Pan. W. J. LILLY Inventor of tho Lilly Mine Hoiit Controller. H. E. DOERR Chief Mechanical Earineor, Scnllia Steel Co., St. Lenli. me said, Send in that coupon. It was the best move I ever made—I knew It tho minute I started my first lesson. Before, I had been working - In a sort of mental fog—Just an automatic part of the machine In front of me. But the I. C. S. taught mo to really understand what I was doing.’ © "Well, that was Just a start. Throe times since be has come to mo with improvements on our ma chines— improvements that are being adopted In other plants and on which he receives a royalty. I-Ie Is certainly a splendid example of the practical value and thorough ness of I. C. S. training.” Every mail brings letters from students of tho I. C. S. telling of advancements and larger salaries won through spare- time study. There's still a chance for you, if you will only make the start. Just fill out and mall the coupon p £yJ to, l below and, without cost or obligation, get the full Btory of what tho I. C. S. can do for you. To-day —not To-morrow — is the day to take that first definite Bten toward Success. TEAR OUT HERE — INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, BOX 889 Without position Autnmnhlln Work (iii» km: I mi Oporatlna Alrplanu Hnglnoi It ii n to Elnclrlcnl Enidnoorlne ElMtrlo r.lulitlDK Mrrluinlrfil ICimlnoor Mrchunlcal Drnftsmon Machine Shop Practice llnllroiul 1‘oHltlons Name cost or obligation on my part, or in the subject before which Civil Knslnoor Hurvoylmr nml Mnpplns Minn Foroinnn or Knidnoor Mnrlnu Engineer Architect Contractor nml Ilulhler Architectural Draftsman -Structural Englncor . Chomlatry U Pharmacy SCRANTON, PA. please tell me how I ean qualify for the I have marked an X in tho list below nuflncM Manasomont □ Salesmanship Industrial Management * Advertising nuskicnsr?aw 0 “ 0nt ■ &or“ Phy snd Tn>,n * Hanking and Hanking taw " m civil Sorvlco Accountancy (Including C.P.A.) Nicholson Cost Aecountlng Bookkeeping liuslncas English Business Spanish Ilnllwny Mall Clork Common School Subjects High School Subjects Illustrating Fronoh ........ Street Address p lty State Occupation-.^ Persons resxdxng m Canada should send this coupon to the International Correspondonce Schools Canadian. Limited. Montreal, Canada. Local Representative, S. L. Poitchard, 563 1-2 Mulberry Street Macon, Ga. TO FIX SHOALS FOR FORD New Bill Intended To Meet Mr. Ford’s I Objection To Present Status j Of The Projeot Washington,-—Acceptance of Henry wd’s offer for tho MubcIo Shoals, In., water power and fertilizer proj ect, through government construction ' *n new steam auxiliary opwer plant i replace the Gorges plant disposed of recently to the Alabama Power company, is provided in a bill prepar* pialto acceptance the Ford offer pob- slble as well as desirable. That other and large power con cerns were considering offers to the government for Muscle Shoals has boon reported, Representatir Madden admitted, but he expressed the belief that Mr. Ford was best equipped to develop Muscle Shoals. - ~ waivronco with Senator Lodge of Massachusetts , in a, u.u prBjpar- Republican leader of tha annat* HaJ Madden, Repub- j first M any considerable length be- ,f an ’ I1 ^ nols - * or introduction imme- ( tween the twe since Mr T 1 lately upon assembling of tho HZ'‘1 Mr ‘ .°®®IMge- en «*efldge And Ledge Talk Things Over Washington.—President Coolidge re- Petrtah, chief of the army air ser- eently had an extended conference 1 rlce * and the state department has with Senator Lodge of Massachusetts SBked tho consent of foreign govern- smail tnark notes ’which passers-by had tossed into It. Money is the most plentiful thing In Germany today. U. 8. Planes To Circle The Globe Washington,—Plans for an around- the-world flight next March by fbur or five big air machines have been mapped out for army air pilots. Sec-’ rotary Weeks has approved the proj ect as submitted by Maj. Gen. Mason M. Patrl9k, chief of the army air ser- trlilA final A mAaIa a. a . AWA miiuuuuiuu imme- lihtely upon assembling of tho now congress. The bill will be introduced either lby Representative Madden or by Rep resentative McKenzie, Republican, Illinois, of the committee which orig- toaMy brought forth tho legislation that died in the last congress, it will be similar to the original legislation «*cept for the addition of a new sec tion designed to meet conditions re sulting from the sale of the Gorgas Steam Power plant. • Y nder tho now section, Represen tative Madden would have the govern- ment, through tho war department, substitute an auxiliary steam power plant capable of developing 40,000 horsepower. Tho bill would author ize construction of the plant directly oy the government or its construction under contract by Henry Ford or his corporation. Another provision would authorize the war department to ac quire, by condemnation or otherwise, 0r thG steara P 0 ™* Plant on «»e Black Warrior river near Lock £ f m a No. a 2 “ trlP °' la “ d ““•’’"’W A limitation on the cost of the aux iliary plant Is provided under Repre- sentative Madden’s draft of the new U lB Bt,pulated tha * the cost of tho new plant should not be more than the amount reoeived by the fl?J q rn i men /‘~ ab0Ut 53.6.00,000—from the sale of the Gorgas plant. fN? ei l r . e T tatlve Madden * said he &•' new Mil would meet Mr. kered the white house, Mo statement regarding tho conference was obtain able at tho white house, oftd Senator Lodge maintained his customary reti cence. Information is that thp presi dent’s message to the coming congress was discussed—tho legislative program and the political situation. Ueyd-Georgo Shore* Protection Policy Northampton, England.—Former Premier; Lloyd-George condemned the policy of the Conservatives as not be ing a remedy for unemployment ,The real reason for lack of employment was tho Impoverishment of Great Brit ain's customers in consequence of the war, he said, and the first thing to do to remedy the situation is to put these customers again in a position to buy. “At this moment it is a settle ment In Europe you want—protection, not against French mills, but against French militarists,” he said. Dredge Steward Drowned At F*t Pierce Fort Pierce.—Slipping from a pipe used as a bridge between a dredge and the shore, Hames H. Wilson, 36, formerly of Savannah, was drowned here recently. Wilson was a steward aboard the dredge. Although he was rescued within a few minutes and a pulmotor used he failed to revive. Wilson was born In Brunswick, Ga. The‘body will be sent to Savannah Tor burial. He is survived by his wife and a child. Wn-nrVc >yuu ‘u meet Mr. of the $r<3 l T 6nt StatUS 1 CaPPy store Of Marks For Beggars was sold ■ 3 M^ t; SS £t f r the Gorgas Plant .' Munich.—Begging and beggars hav« was an t teg^af neceTsky’TvItlf co 11 h™™ S ° ,w® mba DOW that the ^b- sideration of kis hM ^ #1 ta C ? n ' I ° EGnerall> carrles s “all bills to development, power and fLtnf * i ^ the ‘ pleas o£ a11 80rts of mendi-! that his offer 11 £ertlllzer * and i cants who stand on street coners with tive Madden Said that W ^®f resenta ’ workman who sat down on a park : Plea to have & the believed h,a bench on his way home from work-fell! struct a substitute > >overn ™ ent c<m- asleep. (His hat slid off hish ead and! jneet all of Mr FoS^ W0uld I landed > crown down, in front of hinf P • • 1 ° ld 3 PbiectiQps and 1 When he awoke .he.,found .it. tuU3 asked wm—... w. .utvigu *weru- ments for passage of the American craft across their homelands and ter ritorial possessions. The route re quires only the approval of foreign governments. Wuson Kcmembdre Birthday Of Child i Waycrosa.—Rowoea Wilson, 11-year- joid girl of this eity, was born on the pfternoon that e* - President Wilson I was- elected to tho office of chief ex ecutive of the nation, awoke on the jnorning of her birthday here recently jto find a package for her bearing the postmark of Washington, D. C. In the ! package was a large photograph of the former president and a letter from Mr; Wilson’s secretary saying that Mr. Wilson had remembered her birth day and wished to express his wishes for many happy returns of the day. Rowena is the feminine of the Anglo- Saxon name Woodrow and she was named for the former chief executive. Rowena prizes very highly the photo graph and Is delighted that a man who has held the nation's highest office, and who is beset with worries and ill-health, should have remember ed her birthday. First and most The first starting battery (1911) was an Exide, and today more new cars leave the manufacturers* hands equipped v/ith Exides than with any other battery. We have the right size Exide for you, and the right kind of repair service for all makes of batteries. McLendon Auto Co., Perry, Ga. We handle only genuine Exide parts Subscribe for the HOME JOURNAL an< keep up with the affairs of the county. $42.50 LOOK MEN SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER Opportunity of Your Life Time Don’t spend your hard earned money foolishly and bny for Father, Brother, Husband or Sweetheart,a cheap gold filled wateh. Give him the best there is, it is the cheapest in the long run, to be remembered for ever and forever. Limited quantity, genuine, solid 14 (fourteen) karat gold watches. Plain-eng., thin or octagon shape- Elgin or Waltham movements, fifteen jeweled or Il linois tweniy-ene jewelled movements. Guarantee enclosed with every watch. Send post office order now, don’t delay, and receive watch immediately sent to you, registered, fully insured, paoked in ex pensive, beautiful lined gift case. Act quick. Poultry Raising Bringing Wealth Athens—Forty-five hatcheries with a capacity of 632,000 eggs are now in operation in the state according to a statement by j. H. Wood, professor of poultry husbandry at the State College of Agriculture. This repre sents an increase of more than 340,- 000 over last year, and indicates some of the progress, made under, the new agricultural program throughout the state. “More than $40,000,000 worth of poultry products were consumed in the state last year,” stated Professor Wood, “and less than half this amoupt was produced here. While the value of poultry and eggs pro duced in Georgia increased more than $1,600,000 this .year we are still im porting about $19,500,000 worth. Ac cording to statistics available, 2,491 cars of poultry products were ship ped into the state during the past year. V\ ' Wonderful 18 (eighteen karat) solid gold, white or green wrist watches, latest designs, octagon shape models, full jeweled. The very thing that you have wanted and admired on others. Now in the reach of everybndy. Get one while they last. EXCLUSIVE WATCH CO; 1482 Broadway, N. Y. C. TELEPHONE BRYANT 10259 ATTENTION LADIES $27.50 Subscribe for the [HOME JOURNAL and keej informed on the afairs of your county -1 @4 ■' v. -V • • i M: >.■#