The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 20, 1923, Image 6

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' ■ 1 O 'V K 31 v. | S!PFWALK GLEANINGS LOCAL NK\VS;01' .’< \VN AND COUNTY —Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Barfield moved into their new home on Bwilt Streeh this week,....... . , —Mr Harris Hardison of ...Live Oak Fla., is visiting his mother Mrs. 0. H. Hardison in ►.Perry. —Mrs. £ T Hurst and Miss Lula Hurst left this week to spend Christmas holidays with their daughter and sister Mrs. Neal Mo- Puaul at Foulau. — 1 Tax .Collector Tharpe was in Perry Tuesday, Wednesday ana Thursday of this week for the purpose of col ico ting State and County Taxes t' is doing his lab (round for that purpose, Six merchants of Perry will give away a Ford car at 3 o’olook Christmas Eve afternoon on the Court House ttcpiure.Holder of the luoky tioket must be present to receive the reward. A large crowd Is expected. • Tho children and pupils of the school are happy in the antic ipation of school closing Thursday for the Christmas Holidays. The Perry school will open again on January 1st. YOUNG LADIES HAVE GOOD TEAM Perfy High School has one of the best girls 1 basketball teams seen in this town in several years, the sextet having won tyro games last week by large margins. Montezuma was defeated Wednes day by a 36 |o 14 score, while Eastman went down Saturday on the small end of a 21 to 14 count. The latter victory was won with out the assistance of Martha -Sue Woolfolk, crack forward, who shot oJovon field goals-in the game against Montezuma.. • • The team is ah * exceptionally good one, their accuracy, in passing and goal-shooting rivaling that of many boys’ aggregations. Every member is an individual star, and' thero aro bright prospects, for them. J| The following young ladies com pose the squad : Martha S u .e 'Woolfolk, Blanche Hearn and Em ily Martin, forward*} Myrl Meyer, Susie Mae Thompson and Josie Lee McLendon, centers and Mar tha Strother (captain)and Phoebe Harper, guards. The Perry boys’ term will play Fort,Valley hero on Thursday. LUCIUS HUM TO HAND V FRIDAY \ '# Lucius Mallary convicted mur derer Will be executed at the Coun ty Jail here Friday December21st a recent appeal to the Governors by his Attorneys Messrs ,Vising and' English having failed to bring clemency for the negro. All properalions for. the exe cutions have been made and the doomed man will be. led' .to the soaffald sometime between ten and four o’cloqk Friday next where he will pay the penalty for his crime, Mallary was accused of ; the unirdcr of Isabel) Taylor an old negro woman at hendersoh on December 26th 1921, it being shown that the Woman was brutaly beaten to death with a stick and robbed. Was tried aud convicted at the Apr!) Term 192261 the Superior Court and was sentenced to hang However a new trial was appealed for and denied and the " case was then taken to'the Supreme Court of Georgia. In this decision passed down last - October the* Supreme Court confirmed;the findings of tho lower'court and the negro was resentenced to be hung setting the* date of Execution on December 21st. . , The negro pays the penalty just two years after the commission of the crime. .... • This will be the first execution in Honston.Oounty in'ten years,* TO BUILD NEW JAIL • • MJM; Following the recommendations of the Grand Jury, the County Commissioners are advertising for bids for the construction of a now §nd modern Jail here. Architects drawings of tha pro posed building shows a modern structure with ample provision for •prisoners, sanitary and secure cells aud modern locking devices •s well as quarters for jailor. The new jail will meet along felt want in Houston County and will replace the old unsanitary and insecure prison which has .cause much unfavorable comment for a long time -. it is proposed te begin construe tion on the new jail as soon as,as favorable bid is accepted. The ad vertisement for bids appears ifi this issue of The Home Journal. u --- . .V H- : >i.'> m -v NOTICE On a new ruling from ihe Post- aoaster General E, F. Dj Carriers ase relieved from serving- their routes;on Christinas Day. B. F. D.. patrons will please' arrange to get their mail the 'day before. Frederick Bonder, jp'. M,' t -"V . V , f AUTOMOBILE ST01EN--F00R CONVICTS ESCAPE | Four whjte. convicts from the camp near Fort Valley escaped from 1 their , camp, car about l2 o’clock Monday^ night. Sometime 'that same night an Essex Coach automobile was stolen from the garage of Dr. H. E. Evans here. L’he garage is located beside the Fort Valley road where the con victs have'been passing daily and it is thought the car had been spotted for the get-away. The car is said to have been seen on the road to Hawkinsville and the escapes are thought to have headed toward Florida. The escape from the oamp was effected by breaking a hole through the iron floor of the camp oar, which had been rusted out *and replaced with timber. The stripes had been removed and wore found in the car and it is evident that the men had previously been supplied with citizens clothes. Two of these men had escaped the gang before and one of. them! ®h6t.. Ike escaped men, are Robert Norton, Charles Holstead, George Sutton and Harry. Peterson. BIG COMMUNITY TREE CHRISTMAS DAY The ohildren of the community are looking forward with happy anticipation ip the Christmas Tree to be staged at the . Court House of 4:30 o’olock on Christmas Day . The ladies Committees have been preparing .for the occasion for some time and the event will be made a happy one for > young and old alike. Trucks will be provided to bring the Children i'h, and' every body of the entire community is invited. Fruit will be on the tree for children, with a Santa' Clause and ‘‘everything”. Carols will be sung aud a happy program, rendered. Come out and enjoy the occasion; ■T*rrr — Christmas Is only a few days off. Now is the time to select your GIFTS GO TO T. D. Mason’s Headquarters for ' Holiday Goods, Gifts for Everybody. Large Assortment of Toys Electric Trains, Basket 'Balls, Dolls, Stoves, Tea Sets, Mechanical Toys| Wagons, Wheelbarrows^ Automc biles, Velocipeds Aif Rifles, and hundreds of other things to make the little folks happy. Santa Glaus has put a let ter box at the entrance of the store and all the ttle pnes should write their letters and drop the* 1 * We have Alluminum Per- culators, Electric Irons, 7 lash Lights, Knives, Watches and Clocks Christmas Boxes. To INVESTORS Just at this time Increasing optimism and growing con fidence suggest a firmer tone is just ahead Yet with the railway situation undeter- raided, and many peace adjustments still, to make you hesitate to commit yourself Logical to place idle funds at libera* nterest here, under the conditions that ixist For you can arrange to get your mon key practically when you need it. We pay 4 per cent on Time Deposits. PERRY LOAN S SAVINGS BANK . - *‘The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry.” PERRY GA. 'HHtl ; '' 1 m *wm IIKft* 'W . •; , D Ai R NOTICE _ . „ of the D> A R yfifl be iheld at th'6' residence of ICrs “Crowell - ok Thursday kfterfibon at 3:30 tfefock. • •CARD OF THANKS Vift ■' ■“ >.• . •; •*} We wish to- thank - • eaGh and evbry one of our friend s that^ielp ed'us ami also those that ; offered thqir;' " bln the recent illn6ssadd death "of bur loving'Husband r aiid Father. vT'. .. May, (Soti’s richest, blossint be upon each -one of you is. our prayer. ,v,.. ■ ‘ J»*. • Mrs. W.'A. Dunbar Misses Mario and Sarah Dunbar s. H. D. and kL S. Dunbar .' Fresh shipment for Christ mas. One to five pound boxes. Fruits and Nuts of all kinds, Cranberries, Lettuce and Celery, al ways fresh. FIREWORKS You will find a complete line here and at Mr. s E. E. King’s residence; Make our store your headquarters when in town. Shop early and ayoid the rush. We will THE ALADDIN LAMP as a CHRISTMAS Gfl One reason the Alladin sells sofastat this seai of the year is because it is/so popular as a X’mi Gift. It solves the puzzling problem^what to givi in many a home. And fhis year, more than ei people are looking for something. practical, soi thing useful, something economical. What article so well fills these requirements Aladdin? What is there that could bring so much chec the home as a good white light? What else could be purchased for any where the same price that would be so much enjoyed * f every member of the family?' Where can be found , another Christmas that will save enough in cost of operation to for itself in a few months and at the same ' renduer such a useful service to the owner? I can give you special prices on the Alhadin Li this mouth. JAMES D. MARTIN, Jr., Distribute PERRY, - GEORGIA. f' .packages. oi' T.:;aM^S0iNf PHONE 46. i ;■ ? s\ r -; •. . . ■ f • 5 • •. ,.A . . ' li'ii .1’-. </■'$%& ■Y«4 •.<>0*^7,'' ' ,K ( ■ :'••• \-.y Make their Appeal. Our Bu ness is Good. There's a Reason. of hardware. - ^ * ries prices in let us u to See serve ii PERRY, GA.