Newspaper Page Text
m:—■With only one mo
for car.-:-;ii S niug, j 4L,
ached a climax 6f intensity. /
was a perfect 'tornado of
speeches, manifestors
coiiuter-accusations on all points cal
ciliated to influence the voters. The ' In the matter of
principal'figures in the campaign hur- L Slocum,
tied from constituency to constitth
Cncy, making last-hour orations und
Appeals in behalf of their respective
Candidates. Lloyd-Georgo displayed
[touch activity in the election.
In Bankruptcy
| y Bankrupt.
: tJnder and by virtue, of an order passed
by the Referee in Bankruptcy, the under
signed ns trustee will sell on the 18th
day of December, 1923, between the legal
i , J hours of solm for cash, before 1 'court
[Heart Balm Is Paid To Stafte Beauty door iti HousioirCounty, at'Berry,
Chicago.—The $100,000 breach of thegjbllo.wtoE described proper-
toisb miit of Mary Lygo, former ' S
iiHon X i „ | 088/6 acres of land, more or less, in
.Ilies beauty, against Gordon C. j Houston County, « Georgia, being de-
orne, wealthy clubman, . and;, One berthed *4 follows:' '136'iicres of lot No.
ir a similar amount against Mrs. jj}6, and the whole of lot No. 56 contaim-
.atbarino Tliprne Camp, Thorne’s ing W2/4' acres, making tlio total amouht
mother and divorced wife of William of nereago 33814 acres, more or less, and
[VBilly”) Camp, for libel, were settled bein I thl) same property sold by order fit
>ut of court. One report was that tlll, § a &erior Qoiut.of Kpustui^ County at
« 1 i the Cfctobor I oim, 190J, and deeded to
Mrs.’ 8 D ‘ s locum by the Commissioner,
•i >viso; That truct or parcel of land lying
and being in the 11th District of Houston
the settlement was for
Thorne himself said that he paid Miss
t>yeo $8,000, of which $6,000 was to
fcrop the suit, and $3,000 to dismiss ' County 150 acres
Action against his mother.
„ , more or less and being
that tract lying SB the east side of lo
" ‘ od
Georgia, Houston County.
Will be sold before .the .court house
door between the legal hours of stile on
tae first Tuesday in January i9?4 the fol
lowing property to wit:
All that tract or parcel of land contain-
wm I
No. 44 and divided from the balance o
said lot by lino running north and soul
; through said lot No. 44, and boundedon
the north by lands of Mrs Mamie Home!
Train Derailment Laid To Wreckers
I (Cincinnati, Ohio.—Derailment of
laoulsville and Nashville passenger ; Bust bv lands of W H Talton; South b
to No. 6 was the result of a second • public "road from Bonaire to Thompson’s
*mpt within a few hours to wreck and WesL byhipds ofF. F. Walker,
passenger train on that road be- I Tho first of said above described prop-
eon Latouia and Independence Ky. twn r? offered ?f, cd fr °?, tbe V T ®l
l distance of nniv n ^ ’Jr,, Dr. W B Green, and then will be offered
! distance of only a few miles. Fail- i subjeet to the lien of Dr. W. B. Gieen,
and the sooornl described tract will be
offered first froed from the liens of W H
‘embered my
e it.. . After
as better.. I
t|re in the first instance waB due to
timely discovery of a displaced
toll by a trackwator, who flagged an
accommodation train just in time to
prevent It running Into the ditch. The’
second attempt, however, resulted In
the derailment of the locdmotlVe
Talton and the Dannonberg Company,
and will then bo offered subject to the
Hens of W. II. Talton and the Dannen-
berg .Company. Whichever raannor of
sale the most Will .be reported to
the court for confirmation.
Kill* His Mother And Then Himself Said sale ip made subject to confirmation
Sharon, Pa.-Charles Swogger 4ft c0urt > T! th , e 8u « c ?f ful bid t de J
■hnt Ami iriiioii Tiia will be required to doposit 10 per cont of
J? M Mrs -' Oil-? his said bid when made. *
r«r Swoggor, 60, at their home ht This'tbo 3rd day*of Decomber, 1923
Lackawanna township, seven miles
east of hero, at night and then com
mitted suicide. Tho tragedy was the
culmination of a quarrel between the
lltptfer and son, earlier In the day,
according to reports to the authorities.
Tho Swoggers ore Bald to be among
to® wealthiest cattle breeders in Penn
sylvania. Their HolBtein oattle have
jjfon many prises In this and other
J. T. SiB?on,
. Trustee in Bankruptcy ot
Estate of John I Slocum.
Georgia, Houston County.
i Special Session Length Uncertain
; Atlanta.—Just how much longer it
{will take the Georgia legislature to
{finish the work for which It was call-
to special session by Govornor Clif
ford Walker appeared extremely un-
I pertain. But few members of either
{house were in the city following ad
journment of the assembly for Thanks- *--•*» «».. H uuuiu pun
giving, Those few who did remain : cbaae m°»oy of $2000.00 and interest due
in -the capital city for their' holiday *p;j*I Smith und G O Smith. Said land is
.expressed wldnlv vnrvimr wi, rue „„ > bounded on tho north by the lands of G 1
C Ome wh Ch Un,T , g , , , Hunt and B A Hoard, on l ho east by the
h ? ft re « u ^ ed be ' ; lands of E. Taylor, on the south by the
fore adjournment,sine die could prop-1 lands of J It Hilks, Jr., and on the west
«rly come. Called to enact tax re-i by lands od Ed Calhoun, said land is
form measures, to pass laws provid- k] lown o s the J I Smith place in said
{tog for free text books in schools of county for the purpose of paying a certain
‘the stato, to create a budsret oomml„.: P*°? is8 ° r >' n0 * e heariug date July 14th,
Under and by virtue or a power of sale
contained in the deed oxeeuteti on July
I4th, 1922, and recorded in Clerk’s Office
of Houston Superior Court in Book “82”
Folib 82, tho undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale at the court house door in Bald
oounty on fiist Tuesday in January 1924
during the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, . the following
property to wit: All of one half undivid
ed interest in one hundred and fifty nerfes
of land in the 10th district of Houston
Counly Georgia owned jointly with G T
Hunt subject to a balance of unpaid puri
and I then re
mother used to i
thei first bottle I ! .
began to fleshen up and 1 re-
g ained my strength and good,
ealthy color. S am feeling fine.
. I took twelve bottles (of Cardui)
and haven’t had & bit of trouble
Thousands of 6ther women
have had similar experiences in
the use of Cardiff, which has
brotight relief where other
medicines had failed.
If you suffer from female ail
ments, take Cardui. It is a
woman’s medicine. It may be
fast what you need.
At your druggist’s or dealer’s.
E 92
48.3‘i Acres'off-of’ the east’part
number'3|l; and 13 acres of the soutli
east oorhar ef lot number 31,81:-aU^lying
in one body. Sfiid lands art bounded on
- - " ” *- East
V/eft'lij 1?^£ tfhels i ‘ Said : fand£&otfn as
part of Jaines Tefre'ntine placeyAnd be
ing about two miles southwest of Perry,
Houston County, Georgia and having
such metes and bounds and coerces and
distances as will more fully appear by
plat thereof irfade by Paul Johnson C. E.
December 19, 1919. Levied upon and
sold as the'property of B. \Y. Long to
satisfy a ft. fa. issued from the City Court
of Houston County and "returnable to the
January Term 1924 in favor of the Fed-
1 T J mill o rvn JriaV R
—Thorbugh-bred Collie Dog.about
14 months old for sale orexchange
for ’Poshurn Dog. R. M. Aultman,
, R. F.'l)
Byron, (3a
No. 1.
-—-FOR SALE—The W L Henry
home on .Macon street with all
modern equipment. Apply to A
A SmoakPerry, Ga.
ouston County
si applied for
Georgia; r __
Mrs Mary Ldvifrtoije has . KF .. W
exempt ion of personalty and the setting
apart and Valuation of homestead, and 1
will pass upon the. same nt.10. o’clock,-a,,
m. on the 24rl>.y in December 1923. This
3rd. day of '"December, T923.' *
A. C. Riley, Jiidgo C< C. h. County
acting Ordinary.
eral Land-Bank of Columbia against
W. Long : and The Houston National
Farm Loan Association. Tenant
session notified.
' ‘ade‘t^i
Also at same time and place the
following described projperty to
wit : One acre more or leak of the 12^
acres bought by' Dr. H. M, Holtzclaw
from S L Norwood, and- by Him from
Charlie Poltind;' - said aore' 1 bfeing 22 feet
wide, extending biick from Port Valley
toad the same width to lands owned by A
F Smith. Said ftCre being 88 feet from
the middle of the road leading from . the
Fort 'Valley rogd »nd rumnlng^belWefb
the Town of New Mope, and said
acres mentioned above, and extending 92
feet up the Fort Valley road, said land
bounded north by lands bought by ..John
Smith: south! bj’lands of George 1 Roberts
on east by Fort Valley road, Sald';1land
bounded north by limde bought by .John
Smith; south by lands of George Roberts
on e tst by Fort Valley road and west by
lands of A F Smith. Levied on and sold
as the property Lela Nplson to
fi. fa.- issued ftom Houston' City Com
favor of Perry Warehouse Company vs
Lela Nelson. This 5th day of December
id ■ IH HI ^44
' , lt f r ® nf °rcement of tax and said note was made and executed
tlatyn op sth.ttfte books,, tp; pass^ttoMaidjJ.. R .-tripling ami] bein.
muditiug department, the prograsH
mado „to date. While lnoonsider-
. Proposal to create a state]$46bB.0o in.I he principol^suin. and bear-;
:d by.
^ program , still fax
(from compinifi v
Withdraw Plea In Roberts Caso 1
Rome. The writ of habeas corpus
scently Bworn out here to obtain; the
freedom of L. M. Roberts; Wa Iker.
county conyict, recently arrested in
(Atlanta, was withdrawn here after
;the case had been gone into before
pudge John W. Bale, of the My courts
iAgreement between Chairman Patter-
-eon, of the state prison commission,
land attorneys for Roberts that he was
>to make bond pending final decision
1“' “to cktio faulted in the withdrawal.
{Rbberts wns sent to the state farm
>at Milledgevillo from Walkei; county
where he had been sentoheedi in 1917
ito serve 15 years for highway rob
bery. He was released on q, writ of
habeas corpus when it was discover
ed that no record for his arrest or
conviction could be found in Walkor
.county. He was , rearrested at the
order of the prison commission.
..WJAsaiajJi■ fi
1 :$460lOO.m.|l
ing interest from date at the rate of 8
pqr cent per . animm making the total
aijnount due lo date, both principal and'
interest-,'Five Thousand mid Fifteen dollars
togotlior With timeout of this proceeding
as is provided in this deed. Acoiiyeyance
will be, executed to tbe purcahsertb’y the
undersigned, us i s authorized in the said
deed with power to secure the
debtednoss. J
B. 'W. Grcenp, by his Attorney nt Law
j. B. Jackson.
r-F O R SAL E-—Indian Game
cochrels at $2.00 R. M. Xulman,
Byron. Ga., R. F. D. No-
V Bpy Killed In Auto/nobll.e Accident
’• '.Atlanta'.—Homers. Ergle, ; 13-yoar-old
j*P n of Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Ergle is
dead; Thomas Fillpot,, young negre.
delivery boy, is dying at a local hos
pital, and John Smith, is in another
jhMpitnl with a fractiired skull and
foot .expected to live^afi victims of an-
tomobile accidents. Young Ergle and
FRlpot were Crushed beneath the high-
ment, as they stood upon the sidewalk
« the corner of Pryor street and East
Georgia avenue, about 9:30 o’clock at
®ight Smith, ^according to police re-
porta, was speeding but. General ave-
phone pole. His car was demolished,
And he whs tokdn to a hospital, where
doctors ^stated his recovery was not
SNipected. ^
Notico is horoby given to all creditors
Qf ; tbe astato of Nirgil Taylor, late of
said State and. County, deceased, to
render in an accoiuit.ofUall their demands
to me:within the time stibseribed i.y law
properly, made out.. This the 28th. day
of November 1923.
(*r. pq s ■
l E.:Hf>LTS&qLAW
Inouranck On Farm Propbrty
A Specialty
^^«kria,Piki, Sick Headache, Costive
Bowels, Dumb Ague, Sour Stomach,
B f! ch »ngj your food does not
assimilate, you have no appetite.
Also &#the"same time and " place 800
bushels corn more or Je s s, ungathered in
in field; 8000 pounds of seed cotton more
orleess in house; 1500 pounds seed cot
ton more or less ungathered in field; 10
tons of hay more or less is house, 8000
pounds of fodder more or less in house
levied on as the property of J A Smith to
satisfy a fl fa from the - < ity Court of
Houston County in favor of Cotton States
Fertilizer Company vs J A Smith.
can be quickly Relieved \
Sloan’s. Stroke it on gently
don’t have to rucnit^jjfii ;Te:
muscles relax. The pain eases
- .. .... — —... then.-8topsJ'Gotr'p- bottle fr
Also "fc the fiamo time and place, ono JgmLitoggist tydi^Mccnp
iy mare mule about 12 years old named willnot stain.
Sloan’s Liniment—kills
bay mare mule about 12 years old named
Bell, one- buy horse mule about-12 years
old named Bill, one bay mate mitje about
12 years old named Iiby, oue black mare
mule about 10 years old name Black, and
8(5 logs of 14262 feet of 1 u mber. LevRsd
on as the property of J W - Flanders^ to
satisfy a fi fa-- from the City Court of
Houstoa County in favor of Heard
Brothers versus J W Flanders. This De
cember 1, 1923i i
will remedy there
I am prepared to Loan Money
Real Estate without Commission.
A, A. 8MOAK,
3 ™c. Perry. G*.
L. F- Cater, Admistrator of Estate qf
yirgiiyraylor, ^r deceased^|
Also at the same time and place that tract
or parcel of land lying and being in the
County of Houston; B(atfe ;bfGeorgia,
same being the west halt. of lcit.No. 30 in
the 12th. district of said-'’Cbunty con
taining in the aggregate 101 If acres,
more or less, and bounded as follows:
On west by lands of J M Brown and S jf
Ellis and T H.Rentz,bst’ateT(yffX<]iitl|v}J :
lands of G T Brown.; ,On. east by lands of
F S Davi[s and OB’ Edmondson: and on
south by lands of O B Edmondson, and
being the same land deeded by E h Wim
berly toy Mrs. Ni ~ ' **" ■ '
* v. and Chii4ren ? i
In UseFor Over 30Years
Signature of
F i
Pbrryv;*. Georgia.
Wa Practice In Bath Stata
and Fadaral Court*.
finp^entz Ni;pjer.
Also all that tr^ot pf lapd; hounded on
east by Public rbhd from Perry toHtyne-
ville, on north by land of G T Brown, on
west by Henley property, on south by
church and school property, said tract
containing 46 acres, moro ph* less . beiDg
part of lot located ‘ ini: 12th.: district of
Houston County .
Also 10 acres of land bounded east by
lands of R P and P T Moreland, on north
by lands of R P and P T Moreland, west
by lands of G T Brown, oh south by
lands o£W J Harrison. 8aid traot being in
12th. District of Houston County, being
part of lot known as th«S Parsonage
Levied on as the property of Mrs.. W J
Harrison to satisfy a fi. fa. from the City
Court of Houston County in favor of AM
Anderson versus Mrs -W J. Harrison
Prencipal and M. J. Daniel and, R h.
Brown Indoriefa. ThisDeceinberSjlrh 1923.
" • l ■■ '; ■ i' . ^ . i C' • H
Ma - , \filled JM u. Jiidi
fiSE •
- F. it. Johiiaon
T. S. CHAPMAN, Sheriff.
The GUY that putj the SURE in
Georgia, Houston County.
Mattie Clark Thomas - Equitable Petition
et al - in the Superior
Li ■ y 8 ■ Court of Houston
Jim Coney etf al. - County April
- Term 1924.
305-306 Citizens & Sou them Bank 1 Horace cTarMffir PpKgJS
Building. tatives or assigns.:
Telephones il42-36l4-w You and each of you are hereby eona-
■ manded to be and appear at the next
ONSfY : AUTHORIZED REPRESEN-. April Term 19%< of the;!
TATIVE MISSOURI STATE LIFE IN-' ° f Houston County which
the 1st Monday in April 1,924, 16 make
- your answer* in the above named and
HOUSTON COUNTY. J stated case, as required by the order of
ji ■ . : j the^court.;: A
get' the best Witness the Honorable H A Matthews
Judge of the Superior Court of Houston
“h|d4y of November 1923.
• Clerk Snperiev Court of
It coats no more to
policy and the most
vice so why not get it. Am jusi
aa *loi« to you asyo ui ttlophoao
ient ter-
H. L. Wasden,
Houston County,
• “6ptical Specialists’'
565 Cherry St,.
Macon, Ga.
FOB SALK:- Corn, Hay, CotuN^
Meat, n m, Si^ and Shmil
A. A. Sntoak, Perry, Ga
/ 2
t® tlow lMM
Fj^lMh el Farm .LawU. 6 at.
’ V. M? f ! ; ..’.'t**, V. '• .Vi-. 5 *.
Attorney* ft U w.
Pmtin 'fa All C*urta,