The Home journal. (Perry, Houston County, GA.) 1901-1924, December 27, 1923, Image 8

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“He’s Already Patented Four Invent! ..TTtUNNY thing, too . , . . When he first mo said, Send In that coupon. It was the beat move' H came hero he was just an ordinary worker. , I ever made—I knew it the minute I started' mf X For a time, when things were alack, I even first lesson. Before, I had beenworking in a sort thought that we might have td let him go. of mental fog—Just an' autoroqtk part of tho “Then, gradually, I noticed an improvement in machine in front of me. But the 1. G. 3. taught > his work. Ho seemed to really . roe to really understand . what I was doing.' (• "Well.' that was just a start. Three times Binco he has-'come to me wlth-lmprovenwints on our ma- chinosid-imprOVements that are ‘ understand what he was doing. "On6 day ho came Into my office nnd said he had worked out a new arm for the automatic feeder; I was a little skeptical at first, but when he started explaining to me, I could seo that he had really dis covered something. And when I • startod questioning him, I was ‘amazed. He certainly did know what ho was talking about. "So wo sat down and talked for over an hour. Finally, Tasked him where ho had learned so: much about his work. He smiled and took a little book from his pocket. " "Thero'B no secret about: It,’ he Bald. ‘Tho answer's right hore. Four months ago I saw ono of those advertisements of the Inter national Correspondence Schools. been seeing them for years, ut this time something lnsfd of These inventors and many others once stadied with thel.C.S. JESSE <5. VINCENT ' Vic«-prtiid«»t of Packard Motor Ctr Co., inrinlor of tka Packard Twin-Six and co-ia- vantot of tho Liberty Motor. JOHN C. WAHL Firat ricc-praiidcat of Tk« Wakl Co., invantor of tka Wakl Adding Mackiaa, tka Evaribarp and tka' Wahl Fountain Pan. W. J. LILLY Invantor of tka Lilly Hina' Hoiit Controller. H. E. DOERR Chiaf Mechanical. Engineer, Sculli. Sfaal Cot, St. Laait’ being adopted in other plants and wnien a ,«■? — TEAR OUT HERE — — — INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, BOX 889; Without coat or obligation on my part, please tell me'how I can qualify for the position or in the nubjact before which 1 have marked finX in the-list below:— Civil Engineer “ ‘ * " Hurvoylng and Mnpplng . Mins Foreman or Engineer InH m Electrical Englimwlo*. Electric Lighting Mcelianloal Engineer Mechanical Draftsman Mnchlno Shop Fraction Railroad l'oeltlona • Contractor and Builder Architectural Draftsman MS*™-! Pharmacy Bualneii Management Induitrtal kfanagomsnt d Management on which he receives a royalty.-Ho is certainly a splendid example o'f . :,,the practical value.and thorough-: ness of I. C. S. trailing." ' Every, mall bring^ iett'crii from fstudents - of the I. C. S. telling of advancements and larger, salaries , won through spare -time. Vstudy. . - There’B still l a chance‘for you,' it you will only make the Btart. i»;;\ . Just fllTokt an^Tnall thiu cqupOh , : printed .below and. without.cost, or , obligation; get tne- full stoi-y of what the I. ,C; S; can do for you* K iC To-day-—.not To-morrpw.—is ..the, C day to tako that first -definite step - toward Success.; s -, , ;\1 — «r-i <*»:•;; Jj. SCRANTON, PA. >. !,;$ yptf.t Ipa, n.> - J First and most The first starting battery (1911) was an Exide, and today more new ears leave the manufacturers’ hands equipped with Exides than with any other battery* . ... ■ ... *:•” ' " - - i[.H !){({( :■ We have the right size Exide for you, and the right kind of repair service for makes of. batteries. - 0 ■< Ing and hanking Law untanoy (including C.P, iol»on Coat Accounting Bwfineu Enfltih BuiImn Bpanllh S8J rat*!’- SbW r:- t Pereone raiding in Canada should aend this coupon to the International Correapondenie Schools Canadian, Limited \ “ Montreal, Canada, :?.• •: v i V f’*, .*■-vv ~ !r '" Local Representative, S. L. Poitchard, 563 1-2 Mulberry Street i, Ga. :\i FIVE PLANTATIONS FAR SALE WITHOUT MONEY Located as follows , One at Hayneville One at Elko One at Henderson One at Piriehurst, Dooly County One at Vienna, Dooly Cciu^y Parties interested must have mules,* corn, labor and credit; "- Foir terms apply to A. A. S 3 V K, PERRY, GEQRGIA, £ »»l ttr Make it Speed Up by Using ,u:m :| £r.!SW j iiA; Fot your Farm, For your Store, For your Office, For your Shop Its Good Advertising » ■ml «t an< ■■y'St LET US HAVE uii >n vti if _ I jfjPP ?!.? at> »iiit -Avi.- U V iu-X'' tag.!* voa L.-;rA „ ees 54 minixtes east.798 feet to a point thence nortli:2 degress S in‘i l n it t e s ; e h b « 1040.8 ,f fi e t t o -a' itake thence . 4>orth 9 degrees.. 14 mifiutes .4 feet to ,a point ; thence south teaweat 03fifeet to a ’ >gree. 64 minutes ginning .point. , fi by lands „of J A Houser, West-hy lands of Lotus Code south by public, road Wnd’lah'd^ r oTii^- e Lb [brown,, and Jr., and,hein|g-that tr^ot of rlnudaSshtftrp by platanfi ^urvey of C S .y^nee,.C., :r B, recorded in Map Book No. I page 130, clerk’s Cifice Supenor Court of Houstot oo«intyTOeoTgiSrMd=Watf , o?tbS!pfirpoie of payiug the debtfliof^atd''^statd ‘ and sisH v' fifuns bfiyaM. Da Pnw ' bo gosalddDf^ gd -of 1 ->,ri,ay< - . < -. ij e brt-A- t'i'cj) fi >-i ’ f ' ..yr.ehvt--: THE IIO PEKUY,^: i-- nr*’- J- We handle only genuine ExideA^aris i tlfliMi 3BSBS $42.50 LOOK SPECIAL HOUDAY Opportunity of Your life Time . Don’t sptnd your hsrd earned money fooli«hlf ;«*d I'jm P0 Cr'Vi :-k; v.I • f-.tfi Give bM tM best thwe Is, it is thi i long rnn, to be remembored for ever iwt '•t'^oiii tWeriiyib%e emsl^sed ^tfi ey;^ ,-iwatch. iSend post ofhee ordef-^-..- ; ^ . sent to yon;>TeKistered;;ftilly^tlsiiMd^paejk^d'in eX‘ ^wev -^4 ATTENTM Wonderful 18 (eighteen karat)," solid gold, white- ot green wrist watches, latest designsi octagon shape models, full jeweled. The Wery thimg that yon ; have wante'd ahet admired on others, in the rfiach of everybady. Get ibFoti w.oii -piti-vf- i-Si StV ft: ..i-'tM jiff.-: Iru4 ’-f;'” .:v,i VlyW .;' ci siciox] ir T |I1[ .. , tul . mvlooo<t VM/VM mam ■ ^ygp'.'ipw ii. .-..auiuj.i. m,a ... J 'isii/oo ,-iifj rti hhm'itwfu .n : , ri 'tv Vjii o : i T'wwno flistflaO -to" «o«*a<.dof). s/j ■>£ an Uouinty : a^ Low Rate ed-'tTbi-na .is’aiioan' *cJ/uro?-M-i *oni fiftM oi G!fJ)' ,tW. otl'oo'b at '’n-uliqta&i'ia fifiv/' ytufif? Vi'filna « Jf. .vjf.-roo:) iiLffJ; fit vtrIbb aifi-Jo- \ Macon; Georgia artof'fclolV wh'J a*ica8 ; . eiafRiK'-- if.f-ii'i- Tr r .Jio ifiiM ,'snilJjxKffi fxooood. ft'/jifi .t IE JOURNAL and orf.t aqlrtmfffi .o'in uip&ftpb? y/j.. ,noiJou-xJaG£j' id fllLd efiJ. «WOl.» if< ail Jl rtoijfihvfio'o istiqcS ntfiTpop ps\' y;ss>yo no Iioirno onpil Jio^oa id/’*"" 1 JihitXiLii. rf/^lrlr,irnn««rV nrt.i Si* fill fwjnt ?«. edi afllslhTBijdat. fit jfafrfvi* .fvot ii; ,1'iOQCIX^i - i .,. m r