Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 04, 1924, Image 5

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PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE LOCAL SKWS OK TOWN AND CO" STY ? Mrs. McKee Enloe, of Macon, is the guest of Airs. Chas. Harris. ?Mr. and Mrs. .Toff Moore of Americu? spent Friday here ?Miss Mary Bailey spent the Thanksgiving holidays in Cochran. ? Mis? Catherine Thomas spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta. ?Miss Frances Hancock spent Thanksgiving in Atlanta. ?Misse? Tussie Bennett of Elko and Lois Bennett of Macon were at hotna several days last week. ?Mr- and Mrs. John L. Hodge* spent the week-end in Talbotton, Georgia. ? Mi ss Mattie Lou Moats spent Thanksgiving at her home in Poulan, Ga. ?Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Orr and Davis Orr spent several days in Columbus, Ga., last week. ?Miss Lorinno Edwards of Fort Valley visited her sister Mrs. H. P. Houser last week. ?M rs. A.llmau, of Valdosta,Ga., is the guest of her sister. Mrs. 8am Crowell. ? Mr. Perry Short of Macon was tke truest of his brother, Mr- J. R. * Short Wednesday.! ? Misses Dora Pool and Annie Ruih W*?den spent the day in! 2d aeon Wednesday. ?Miss Ola Mae Suggs spent Thanksgiving at hor home in Les lie, Ga. ?Mr. and Mrs, Julius Heard have moved to Mr, W. J. Short's k?me. ? Mr. and Mrs- C.A. Thurmoad sfent several days last week with their daughter, Mrs. Foy Thoma son, of Columbus. ? Mrs. L. M. Paul, Sr., and Miss Roselyn Paul spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mrs. Chas. Garrett in Macon. ? Miss Mary Lee Green went to her home in Gray, Ga., last Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holidays. ? Mrs. Lamar Mullis,of Cochran spent several days last week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. F, Cooper. ? Mr. and Mrs. Alva Davis spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Neal McPhaul, of Doerun, Georgia. ?Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thompson ?eatortained about one hundred friends at a barbecue dinner Sun day. ?On Friday night Miss Jennie Lee Duncan entertained thirty of the young contengent with a bar becue and o'popsum hunt. ?Miss Hazel McQueen enter tained a number of hor young friends at a weiner roast Thurs day afternoon. ? Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Ward and son, Charles, of Macon, spent Thursday with Mr. aud Mrs. S. P. Bouser. ? Misses Florence Weavsr and aud Frances Hobbs, of Macon ?pent the week-end with Miss Su sie Mae Thompson. ?Mr. Fred H. Houser, of At lanta. spe?t several days with homefolks last week en route to Jlorida. ? Messrs Marion and Parks JHouser, of Atlanta spent Thurs day with Mr. and Airs. H* P. Houscr. -Mrs. Mary Brunson and Miss Cinderella Brunson, of Dublin spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. m, O. Edwards. ?Mr. aad Mrs. L. F. Cater had as their guests for ths day Mon day, their daughters, Mrs. Farmer and Mrs. Jones of Macon and Mrs. Llayd M way no of San Francisco. California. Mrs. Swayne as Miss Jean Vaighn. Tisited her cousin. Miss Helen Cater in Psrry several years ago and will be pleasantly ramemtored fcy her frien4s hers, U. D. c. MEETING Mrs. C. C. Duncan was hostess to the Clinton Duncan Chapter of the U. D. 0 Wednesday afternoon An interesting literary program was given. Mrs. 11 T < filbert read a tribute to Civil warjheroes and to World war heroes. A business session was held and it was decided to have the Christ inas bazaar Friday night, Decem ber 12, at the Court House, in teresting features to bo the mas <1 urade party, the candy boo'h, and the gift shop. After t he meeting, a social hour was enjoyed and a delicious salad course was served. BUFFET SUPPER A lovely buffet sapper was given at the beautiful country home of Mrs. Jesse Davis Wednesday of last week by Mr*. Davis and ^rs. S. L. Norwood. Jr. Quantities of of pink roses were used in decora tion in the living room. Aftet supper the guests enjoyed games of bridge. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Tom Cater, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Holt Skellie, Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Norwood. Jr., Mr. and Mrs, George Jordon, Mr. and Mrs. George Martinez. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Davis, Miss Elizabeth Brunson and Mr. Felton Norwood. A FAMILY REUNION t Mr. and Mrs. N. W. H. Gilber entertained with a barbecue din ner Thanksgiving day. The occa sion was also a family reunion of the Edwards family, the members present being Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Edwards, Miller, Jr., Mrs. W. G. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Edwards of Fort Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Houser Edwards and family of Fort Valley, Mr. Henry Ed wards of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Rebert Morgan, of Macon, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Short and fam ily. A number of friends were also present. VISITORS ENTERTAINED Miss Susie Mae Thompson enter tained for her house guests, Misses Florence Weaver and Frances Hobbs. of Macon, Saturday even ing at an o'possum hunt. Before the hunt a weiner roast was had. At at late hour the guests were served a lovely chicken supper. CARNEY?CLARK Mr. and Mrs. J. E, Carney of Kathleen, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mable Alice to to Mr. Paul V. Clark of Macon. The marriage occurred Nov., 27th, Elder J. R. Hunt perfermed the i ceremony. ?Mr. and Mr?. H M. Heard have moved to thoir new residence just completed en North Main Street. ?Mr?. Jesse Davis entertained the Bridge Club at a lovely bridge luncheon Wednesday, ?Miss Lucy Cele spent t h o Thanksgiving holidays with home folks at Bolinbroks Ga. ?Dr. Duncan Cater, of Greens boro, N. C., and Dr. and Mrs. It. L. Cater, Jr., and family of Ma son, spent Thanksgiving day with Dr- and Mrs. R. L. Cater, Sr. ?Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Paul, Jr., entertained with a turkey dinner last Wednesday evening inviting Mr. and Mrs. George Nunn. Mrs. L. M. Paul, Sr., Miss Koslyn I'aul and Mr. Paul Cerey. ?Those out-of-town attending the funeral of Mrs, S F. I)a*her lasi Thursday were: Mrs. sceKee Bnloe. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Daiher, Messrs Ksifer Dasher and 8ol Dasher, and Mrs, Ludie ??ming way, all of Macoa. Do your Christmas shop ping early. You will have better gifts for you friends if you will do your shopping at T. D. MASON'S i The store best prepared / J to supply your needs. Good range of Toys, Dolls, Latest Novelties and Holiday Goods. Everything you need for your Christmas Dinner. Cakes, Pi?s, Deserts, Sal ads, in fact everything good to eat. We will have a supply of Christmas Candy. T. D. MASON Where Quality Is Paramount. PERRY, GA. PHONE 46. Gusher or Gasser? Are you coming in a gusher or a gasser, a might have been? Indications of what you are to day determine largely what you will be later on. The sands of thrift bear oil. The rocks and mud of waste just seal you up. A little sand and steady drilling will bring you in. PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS SANK "The Oldest and Strongest Hank in Perry " ! PERRY G A. WE ARE CFERING THE FOLLOWING Mens Clothing and Over Coats, Womens Dresses and Cloaks, Underwear and Sweaters, at Very Close Prices for the Next 10 Days. H. P. HOUSER, PERRY, GA. COMING! COMING! Christmas is only a few days ahead / Make it a big Christmas by buying your gift goods from us. We will have for ladies all kinds of pretty gifts. For the men, beautiful Neckwear, Hand kerchiefs and many other gifts that please the eye of man COME TO SEE US SANTA WILL BE HERE j H. T. GILBERT, PERRY, GA. Money to Loan oa Farm Land* in Houston County a* Low Kate of If yaa w\mi money quick wriU orca'l Hatcher-Turpin Co. M Mulberry St. M?a, B?tgig,