Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 04, 1924, Image 7

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B. H. ANDREW & SON We are prepared to sjpplv your needs in Plows, Plow Gear, Plow Repairs and Plow Gear If you have some land that i6 hard to turn see us about the Chattanooga Slat Wing Plow We guarantee it to give absolute satisfaction in any kind of lands. B. H. Andrew & Son Perry, Georgia. "AT YOUR SERVICE" LIVING ROOM SUITS We have displayed on our floors at Macon, 4 ear 1 )a is oi Living Room Furniture, Fibre Suits, Cane Suits, Over stuffed Suits, the very newest designs patterns and coverings. FIBRE SUITS as low as $47.50 CANE SUITS as low as $135.00 OVERSTUFFED SUITS as low as $145.00 Come to Macon and select a Living Room Suits from our display for Christmas. We can save you money. FREE DELIVERY ANYWHERE IN GEORGIA. JOHNSON BROTHERS "The Furniture Men" 461-463 Second St., Macon, Ga., Phone 2081 HARDWARE and ORCHARD SUPPLIES BEST LINES BEST PRICES BEST SERVICE Phone or write us your needs. CARTER IMPLEMENT CO., Wholesale and Retail 553-555 Poplar St. "Macon, Ga. BEWARE OF THE OLD TIME EYEGLASS PEDDLER Why take a chance and real ly pay more for glasses when buying from the trav eling optician. To get re sults and pay the standard price for glasses is to have them fitted by reliable and established concerns. Call on us when in Macon. Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted. MACON OPTICAL COMPANY J. N. Kalish F. H. Johnson 4G8 Cherry St, Macon, Ga. FOR SALE On Perry and Fort Valley Road One Mile from Perry. Land in Ten Acre Lots S. L. NORWOOD, Sr., Perry, Ga. Buy Your Christmas IrVesentt From the Reliable Jewelry Store MAX LAZARUS Over 35 years in Business In Macon BOY'S WAriCH Same size as /Illustration. A good Boys Wat h. Our Price -.95c ORDER BY MAIL We guarantee every article as represented. Add 5c for postage an ' ''wtirauee. LADIES WRIST WTCHES Oar Price $10. With ribbun band, white or yellow gold. Octagon or round shape. Fully guaranteed by us. INDRSTRUCTABLE I'E AItLS Our Prices $5 to $15 We are showing the largest assortment of Pearls in Macon. We have what you want. FOUNTAIN PEN With gold filled band and solid gold point for men. With ring without clip and band for ladies. Sam? size as illustrations 1.25. Sterling Silver Thimbles all sizes Extra Special i5c Largest Selection of DIAMONDS IN MACON $12.50 to $500 Come in and see our wonderful stock of Diamonds. MAX LAZARUS JEWELER AND DIAMOND MERCHANT 353 THIRD STREET MACON, GEORGIA Buying Power of the Farmer The purchasing power of farm romrn'xlltles continues to rise. Latest esti mates show an average of 4.8 points higher for the first eleven months of this year than during the corresponding months of 1023. according to a report of the Sears-Koehuck Agricultural Foundation, based on the new Index numbers of farm prices prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture. Farm prices show a combined value of 134 on November 1. 1024, ns com pared with 100 In 1913. This combined Index number Includes 30 farm com modities which represent more than ?0 per cent of the value of products sold by farms, the Foundation points out. Using August, 1900. to July, 1014, as 100, the purchasing power of these products stood at 87 on November 1 of this year In 1918 the purchasing power was 106, decreasing to 69 In 1921. In 1922 It ros? to 74 nnd by 1923 the average stood at 78. During the first eleven months of this year the purchasing power of farm commodities averagi-d 82.:{ as compared with 77.3 in the same period a year ago. Advances In Rrain, which averages about 22 per cent of the total value of farm products sold, and la price of meat animals, which averages 27 per cent, have been the largest factors in the Increase of the farmer's purchasing poorer since 1921. The grain farmer received during the early part of thl* year prices about 10 per rent above the pre-war five-year average. This had rlaen to 30 per cent Increase by July. At the tame time the general prlcc level of coauBoOltle* tbe firmer ku to bay range? 80 to 80 per cent above the 1913 IrraL POLLYANNA CCLYUM When a woman starts keeping ac counts it's ten to one that she suspects her Inis l>aml is spending more for clothes tliaii she is. The janitor down at t be t lical re says t li 11 11*0:11 t In* looks of the l):ilcony. Darwin was right. The man of means UsimI to have ;i den. ? w, says i >111 lie is more likely to have a love nest. Tliey say t It i if you fee1 itchy that*8 a sure ??? ?;? you're going to get souii't h i iifc. No. that means you already have it. Piano Turner ( .? ?tfcle boy at door): Sou. have my musical instruments t h . : .1 turning? Hoy: Naw, but, maybe my sister's beau will let you tune him Ma sed he wasn't hi??h toned 'nuff for us. It blew so lii ?1 in Kirksville, Mo., all the t'e 11 Ir rs were blown off a rooster- Prohibly, says l>ill? there was a political a??e)|i>in?lrr !n 1 he neigu boi ho<> ', Son: Where is the paint re in overt Mother: Why, what do you want it for? Son: Sister w:i its something to wash her face with. Uncle Romus says "If somebody don't put on the hair brake-do women are gonna cut it all off ?" Customer: Have you asy Lin coln Shock Absorbers for "Coles'?" Clerk: No, sir. It's Bromo Quinines for colds. FAST MAIL She: I have so much corres|)ond? ence that the letters are just roll ing in. lie: Huh, they must bo circular letters. A FEItRY SAD CALAMITY A tear for the girl in the Lincoln Wh? swore she could drive with out thinkcoin While indulging in talk, She steered off 1 lie dock. And the ferry msn claim she'l still sinkcolu. Home life is disappearing and country life is oisappearin g. Bill thinks about all there is left is wotta life At least bad luck makes a very good conversation. Fools rush in where wise men fear to wed, snaps Bill. One woman felt flat tared election day. She had a difficult time con vincing the judges that she was old enough to vote. Bill says the advocates o f preparedness might write more about it, if their fountain pens weren't empty. Bill takes time to point out thatsoon many fine girls are g"ing to make the mistake of judging a man by the kind of Christmas gift he sends Too frequently, he asserts, a 10-cent man sends a C-dollar gift. Keeping everylastingly at I t enables you to find the drug sec tion in a drug store. What, this country needs is not a job for every man, hut Bill says a real man for every job. Can't Be Helped There can't be progrena without dig ging up old thing*?and that makes a mu*?. Polite Politeness forbid* i?eople telling that you ar? a f'?ol every time thef have occasion to think yoo on*. Among the M Using What has become of th? old* fashioned novelist who could inspire the affection of hi* reader? for at least one of bis character*?