Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 18, 1924, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE ESTABLISHED 187? VOL. LIV. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1924 No. 51 ELECTION OF HOUSTON OFFICERS CALLED FOR JANUARY 7th. NEWLY ELECrED OFFICERS FROM PEACH TERRITORY RESIGN; RACE IS ON TO FILL VACANCIES. An executive order from Gov ernor Walker h;is been received by the Ordinary directing the au thorities to call an election to till the vacieneies caused by the resig nation of the nine county ofiicers recently elected from the Poach county territory. The executive order together with the calls for the election b?y the Ordinary and clerk of court to be held on Janu aay 7tli, 1925 appear in this issue. Eight of the officials of Houston County recently elected have no tified Governor Walker that they will not qualify for the offices, and joined iti a request that a special election bo called to choose their successors. The seven officials who have re signed, live in that poriion of Houston county that will become a part of Peach county when the new county is created on January 7. C, T. Stubbs, who lives in the Houston county territory has also decline to qualify* The Houston county officials ?lect, who signed an agreement to give up their offices were Emmett Hcuser, clerk; (ieorge D. Ander ?on, sheriff; T. E. Tharpe, tax col lector; C. N. Rouniree, tax com missioner; A. W. Tabor, com missioner, and charles Vanoe, sur veyor and C. T. Stnbbs. ordinary. J. E. Davilson Keprcsantativ? elect has also tendered his resig nation and a call for the election ef of successor on January 7th ia published. It is said that most of the these officials will become candidates for similar offices in the new county of Peach, in the special election that will be held on January 7. NOTICES OF ELECTION Georgia, Houston County. Pursuant to au order of his Ex cellency, Governor Clifford Walk er, and in conformity to the laws of *aid state, aa election for Ordi nary of said county is hereby or dered in said county for January 7th, 19^5, to fill the unexpired] term of Hon. C. T. Stubbs elected j to said office, a vacancy having been created in said office by rea son of the refusal of said C. T. Stubbs to accept his commission and to qualify as Ordinary of said eounty. W itness my hand and official signature this the 17th day of De cember, 1924. H. L. Wasden. Clerk Su perior Court, Houston County. Georgia, Houston County. Pursuant to an order of his Ex cellency, Honorable Clifford Walk er, Governor of Georgia and in conformity to the laws of said ?tate an election is h ? r e b y ordered in said county for Janu ary 7th, r.)25 to fill the unexpired terms of tho following countj offic ers towit: ? Emmett Hoaser, Clerk Superior Court. G, D. Anderson, Sheriff. T. E. Tharpe, Tax Collector. C, N. Kountree, Tax Receiver. C- 8. Vance. County Surveyor. A. W. Tabor, Counry Commis sioner. O. J. Hateman, County Com missioner. Vacancies having been created in all of said offices by reasen of the refusal of all of the above nameri officers to accept their re spective offices. Witness my hand anil official signature this the 17th day of De cember 1924 Hmmett Elouser, Ordinary Houston County Georgia. Georgia, Houston County. Pursuant to au Order of his Ex celled?}'. Governor Clif ford Walker, and in conformity to the laws of said State, an election is hereby ordered in said county on January 7th, 1925, to fill the unexpired term of Hon. J. 15. Davidson as a member of the Legislature from said county to the General Assembly of said State. A vacancy in said office be ing created by reason of the resig nation of the said J. E. Davidson from said office. Witness my hand and official signature this 17th day of De cember, J 924. Emmett Houser Ordinary of Houston cwunty Georgia. EXECUTIVE ORDER In Re: County Officers Houston County It being made to appear that the Governor has issued his pro elamation declaring that the con stitutional amendment creating the county of Peach in the state of Georgia was duly ratified by the eleotorat6 of the state and that said Peach County has been legal ly created as of date January 1st, 1925: And it farther appearing that certain officers in and for the county of Houston who have been elected to county offices, the terms of said offices to commence as of date January 1st, 1925, have for mally notified the (Governor in writing that they decline to accept commissions for thoir said several offices and decline to qualify as such officers, the said officers so declining being the following, to-wit: Emraett Houser, clerk Superior Court. G. D. Anderson, Sheriff. T. E. Tharpe, Tax collector. C. T. Stubbs, Ordinary, c. N. Rountrce, Tax Receiver, c, S- Vance, county Surveyor. A. W. Tabor, county commis sioner. O- J. Bateman, county commis sioner. And it further appearing that a vacancy exists in each of the aforesaid offices, for the torm of office commencing as of date Janu ary 1st, 1925. Now therefore, it is Ordered that the authorities of said Houston county be aadtbey are hereby authorized to call an election, in and for the county of Houston, to be held on the 7th day of January 1925, for the pur pose of filling the vacancies in county offices for Houston county so, created, and thin is their au thority for the calling of said election This Dec., 15th. 1924, Clifford Walker, Governor. w. c. CHAPMAN DIES Mr. W. C. Chapman of Albany, brother of Sheriff T. S Chapman of Perry, died of- pneumonia Sun day night after a short illness. Besides his brother here he is survived by two other brothers and three sisters. The friends of Sheriff Chapman and family sympathize with them in their bereavement. PERRY CIVITANS TO RECFIVE CHARTER Presentation By Macon Club With Special Program At Court House Thursday Evening?Barbucue And Sweets For Civitans And Guest Final arrangements for the Per ry civitan entertainment at the court House Thursday evening are complete and the stage set for an enjoyable occasions for the civitans and their yuests A special program and pre sentation of the charter to the Perry civitans by the Macon club will feature the occasions. Decorations aud favors will carry out the Christmas idea. A barbecue dinner and sweets will be served under the direction ?f the ladies committees. The entire civitan body and their ladies will constitute an eutertainmeut committee to make the occasion au enjoyable one for their guest. Entertainment committee for the Macon contingent, expects to present some specially numbers at the meeting. E. H. McNeil, director of music at the Blind Acadedy will take part on the program and will render several piano selections. The presentation speech of the Perry Charter will be given by Judge McKibben Lane, president of the civitan club of Macoa. The Macon club was instrumental in the organization of the new club in Perry, and it is filtfpg to the occasion tbat the presides s of the looal club will give the presenta tion speech of the charter at thi* time. The program will be further augmented by s&me fun making from Alan McDonald, popular coiredian of the rtcent Kiwacis Minstrels, and well known Macon humorist. Two numbers on the program will b? furnished by the Perry club. One of these will be an in strumental selection, and the other two readings by well known Perry girls. From present indications there will be at least 50 couples of Ma con civitaus as guests of the Per ry club. PENSIONERS TO RECEIVE $25.00 FOR CHRISTMAS Confederate veterans and their widows who have drawn pensions from the state this year will re ceived an additional $25.00 for Christmas. * Ordinary Houser has received a communication from (Governor Walker stating that warrants are bein*: drawn and that this special pension money for Houston pen* sionerH should be received hero Thursday of thir. week. Veterans or kheir widows who draw pensions and are entitled to this special pension should apply at the Ordinary's ofHce at Ferry for sa?e within the next few days. Those who are not able to apply in person must send a written order so that there wi I be no delay in getting their moncv . The Ordinary is anxious that this money be in the hands of the pensioners at the ear'ie*t date possible and will be it;?dy for disbursement just as soon it i> re-j ceived from the Pension Com- j rnissioner. High Grade Fertilizers We are On the Job from January to January, twelve months each year. You can buy One Sack or A Hundred Tons, or More, any day in the year and get prompt delivery. Our Customers got this kind of Service without any Extra Cost. "IT'S WHAT'S IN THE SACK THAT COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, - GEORGIA. CHRISTMAS OLD SANTA CLAUS, THE TIME TO BE HAPPY. Why go elsewhere for your Christmas Fruits, Nuts? Candies, and all sorts of Toys, when you can bujr them from us for less money and thus pationize home merchants. We appreciate your business and have gone to m. heavy expense to buy the largest stock of Christ mas goods ever shown in Perry. GET OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY. J. W. BLOODWORTH, The Busy Big Store. Perry, 6a. HEADQUARTERS FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone 12? E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay rCorn,Peas ? Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Come to see uswhen you want to see these products. We carry a full line ot Spray Materials for peaches and can take care of your wants in any quantify. Lime, Sulphur, Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead*. Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car ry a complete stock of Lime, Brick, Cement, SandK Gravel, Shingles, etc., for buildiag. Perry Warehouse Co.