Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 25, 1924, Image 5

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PERSONAL AMD OTHERWISE LOCAL NEWS OIT TOWN AND COUNTY ?Mr. and Mrs J. M. Gooden are visiting in Leslie, Ga. ?Miss Katharine Thomas left Banda j for her home in Savannah. ?Rev. W. K. Dennis spent Sun in Monta?ama. ?Miss Mary Bailey isft Friday for her borne in Cochran. ?Mr. Fred U. Houser of At lanta is visiting relatives here. ?Migsas Mozel and Delia Lord ?re spending the holidays at Com merce. Ga. ?Miss Norine Swanson. of At lanta, is visitiug homefolks during the holidays. ?Miss Mary Lee Oreene is ?pending the Christmas holidays with her family in Gray, Ga. ?Miss Ola Mae Snggs is at her Home in Leslie, Ga.,for the Christ mas vacation. ?Miss \nnie Wallace, of Mo lena, Ga., is with homefolks here during ths holidays. ?Miss Lucy Cole is spending the holidays ot her home in Bol ingbroke, Ga. ?Mr. Charles Dean, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mr?. H. T. Dean. ?Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Mar shall of Lakeland, Fla., are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Smoak. ?Miss Beverley Wallace, of Bessie Tift College, is at home for <jhe Christmas holidays. ?Mr. and Mri. Conrad Miller are visiting relative in Kingsport, Tenn. ?Miss Frances Cooper, of G. 8. Q. W , Killsdgeville is at home for the Christmas holidays. ?Miss Tussie Bennett, of Ello, |g spending the holidays with her family here. ?Miss Mattio Lou Moats is spending her vacation ritk her family in Poulaa, Gt. ?Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Over street, of Sylvania, Ga., ar? visit ing Mr, and Mrs. M, M. Rainey. ?Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cater had as their geust for dinner Sunday Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Qulllian, of Maeon* ?Miss Frances Cater and Lucile Jordan, of Wesley an Col leg? ara' with their respeotive families for, the Christmas holidays. ? Miss Edna Chapman, ef Bir mingham, Ala., is spending the Christmas holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs.Tom Chapman. ?Miss Dorothy Brunsen,of Sar asota, Fla., arrived Saturday to spend Christmas with her parents Judge and Mrs. C. E, Brunson. ?Regardless of the weather, the Christmas pageant will bo given Christmas night at the Baptist church at 8 o'clock. ?The Gen. Daniel Stewart Chapter of the D. A. ft., held its monthly meeting with Mrs. J. P. Ethridge last Wednesday,with Mrs Whit Tray lor. the newly elected regent presiding. ?Mrs. Neal McPhaol and little daughter Lora Barnaul, are visit* iig M rs. Sam Hurst for the holi days. Mr. MoPhaiil will oeme up lor Christmas. P. T. A. HAS CHRISTMAS TREE FOR CHILEREN Following their annnal cistern the Parent-Teacher Association gladdened the hearts of the chil dren ef the Perry Scheel District with a gergeoaa Christmas tree an last Friday when the school closed for the Ohristaas holidays. 4s the weather was se warm and lair, the tree was placed in the cchccl yard. Tae tree was indeed pretty with Its many deceratiens sad freients. Bach child was presented with fraitc, candy,aid toys hyeldianta Clais. NEWS OF THE CHURCHES ***** METHODIST i A lively Christmas program wus given by the Juniors assisted by the Primaries at the Sunday school hoar last Sunday. The children have done excellent memory work and this program was a credit to them and their Sunday school teachers. Dr. W, F. Quillian, President of Wesley an College delivered an im pressive sermon at the church service, using the following scrip ture as a text: "'Unto you is bnrn this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Miss Lois Swanson sang a Christmas song very sweetly. ? Despite the bad weather on Sun day night, the Epworth Leagme had a fairly good attendance and held a Christmas service. BAPTIST A Christmas pageant will to given at the Baptist church Thursday night, December 24, by the young ladies Sunday school class, assisted by the other classes and also members of the other two denominations in town a free will offering will be re paired for the Sunday school rooor| now under construction at this church. Gifts for the needy of our | community will be taken Thurrt; day night, and distributed by ai representative from each of the Sunday schools in town. IN MEMORY OF MRS. DORA POOL MASHiUl In the quiat hour of midnight. Saturday, November the 15, the Death Angel made its waya into the home of Mr. Robert Lee Mar shall and siezed his devoted wife and beloved companion, Mrs. Dora Pool Marshall, leaving to mourn its call with much sorrowjand grief the lonely husband and a host of relatives and friends. Many weeks, sometimes months, o! discomfort and suffering mark ing the last years of her life, had been borae without complaint.Her cheerful spirit braved the grasp of illness with great forbearance and fortitude in humble submission to the will of her God whom she trusted and served- Friends and loved ones nearedher bed-side,that they might heed any thought and every desire to eomfort her. but God in His wisdom saw fit to take her to dwell with Him in yonder's house not made with mortal hand and now she dwells there while the influence of a gentle life hovers o'er those who knew her. When but a girl she united with Hickory Grove Methodist Church, later with the other membership of that church, moved her letter to Elko, where she remained until her death, loyal and active to and for its cause which she chcrished so much. Our hearts are sad and we miss her in this temporaay separation and while we bow to the inevitable wo realize our loss to be gain for her, therefore be it resolved: First?That in the death nf Mrs Marshall, the Wemaas Missionary Society of Elko suffers the great less of one of its moat loyal mem bers and officers; Second ?That we hold her in loving memory, regarding her life as one of the treasnros of our so ciety and her friendship, of which ?he had a lofty ideal, a great priv ilegt; Third?That we thank God for tho consecrated Godly life aad influence among as; Fourth?That wo desire to ex tend the bereaved husbaad oar deepest and most profound heart felt sympathy; Fifth?That a eopy of those res olutions be seat to Mr. Marshall, a copy sent the Houston Homo Journal for publication and a copy be spread upou our minutes. Ilk? Missionary Society, Greetings As time passes, customs change, but Good Witt| endures forever9 and what time could be more fitting for its expression than the holiday season? It is then we like to think of our customers as our friends and partners; that our own welfare is a re flection of theirs. So, as a yeav of fulfill ment merges into a year of hope, we sent you our warmest good wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. T. D. MASON Where Quality Is Paramount. PERRY, GA. PHONE 46. WE WISH TO EXPRESS OLJR APPRECIATION TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PATRONAGE DURING THE PAST YEAR. MERRY CHISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR. PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK "The Oldest and Stroefeit Bank im Perry " PERRY GA. THE QUESTION OF GIFTS We can answer it for you- They are the most ap- | predated. The serviceable kind of Gifts. Read over this list, make out your memorandum and come here. FOR WOMEN?Collar ?ad Cuff Sets, Handkerchiefs, the big* gest and preteiest line wo hare ever shewu, Beads. Bar* rets, Hosiery, latest shades. Bed Room Slippers, Sweaters, Tewels, Turkish Bath Sets, Takle Sets, Btc. FOR MEN ?Auto Gloves, Work Gloves, Hats, Oaps, Neckwear, Suspenders, Bed Room Slippers, Skirts. Handkerchiefs; I Garters, Sox, Rain Coats, Overcoats, Suits. Elc. FOR GIRLS?Sweaters, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Beads, Bob Combs, Barretes. Bslts, Btc. FOR BOYS?Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties, Rain Coats, Sweaters. Handkerchiefs, Etc, Buy in Perry, keep your meney at home. Lei us show you. H. T. GILBERT, PERRY, GA. "WE MUST BE GLAD; WE MUST BE KIND" TfjrT WAS the usual day-time street J| car crowd. lie tired-looking girl?overworked and underfed?and beside her the girl of leisure with her vanity case; the weary business man, with lila paper before bis eyes, and the rollicking crowd of boy acouts. The banker who bad had an accident with bis car, and resented the fact that he had to go heme In the street car. The over dressed matron, aid the fat woman who filled the space for two?and was mad at all the world because of It The grouchy old man in front of us, who growled at the street car system and the universe in general. Beside me Mt a woman with two children?one a baby of three and the ?ther a lad of six; they were poorly dressed. The baby began to whimper and the mother hastily soothed her, while the greuch In front glowered at her. "Talk to 111' sister," whispered the mother. "Make her to be Interest." ?ad the aix-year-old. hardly mere thai a baby himself, turned to baby sister. "Not cry, not fret I" he said cheerfully. This tlase te be ver* glad. TLis time ef hely day because Christmas aos' coma Tea get orange, eae baby dell. If ver* good?perhaps red balleoa." People were listening now. bat the little group beside me were aacoa sdMS of K. TL? baby bad fixed her black eyes *? big brother, aad whea be paused she said briefly? "Mere I" i ad be hastened aa?"Lights la the ah epe aaauy toys?Chrietaaa* tree la flhareh. tad ever N# Uad 1$ mxt body?stockings to nnng up toe candy?" "More!" demanded the baby. The girl had put away her vanity box and was listening; and the bank er across the aisle smiled at the child. "And ever one be happy?yes?be cause of those Christ Child," finished the boy, as their mother rang the bell, and hurried out carrying the baby and her many bundles. People exchnnged smiles, and tha grouchy old man who was getting off, too, turned to help her with the chil dren and the bundles. And the words went with me, re? peatlng themselves over and over? "We must be glad, we must be kind? ! because of those Christ Child."?Anna Demlng Gray. <?. 1124. w?it?m N?w>P>P?r Union.) _J liod Knows Man takes account of our fallur?^ but God of our striving.?Christian i Evangelist. Ruled The world is ml?d by reason; tM Christian la ruled by the wledew ?1 God.?The Living Werld. Ltt Us Skin? There are enough gloomy hearts U the werld. Let us shine for the Lord J ecus.?14. G. H. It Is Easier ! It Is always easier to discuss tM duties of others than to Ae our ow% ?Jota O. Whlttler. , Can See Galas of Heaves | When a mas stands by faith ee tM Bible, be ess easily sss the gates s^ heaven.?Western Christian Adv?oet%