Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 01, 1925, Image 3

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Balloon Ti res You Know Are Stronger and Safer McLendon Auto Co., PHONE 57 PERRY, GA. We Think Of You And strive to serve you and please you. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete. Our STEAKS and FRESH MEATS are the best in town. Our market and store clean and sanitary LET US SERVE YOU KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. New Cotton Warehouse i We take pleasure in announcing to the Cotton Growers of this section that We have opened a New Cotton Warehouse in Perry. Livestock for Sale or Trade COME TO SEE US PLANTERS WAREHOUSE E. M. BECKHAM'& T. L. WARREN, Mm Perry, Georgia. Change of Life "When change of life began en me," says Mrs. Lewis Lisher, of Lamar, Mo., "I Buffered so with womanly weakness. I suffered a great deal of pain in my back and sides. My limbs would cramp. I didn't feel like doing my work, and there are so many steps for a woman to take on a farm. I was very anxious to get better. A friend rec ommended CARDUI The Woman's Tonic to me and I began using it. I certainly improved. I went through change of life with out any trouble. I can highly recommend Cardui.". At the age of about 40 to 60 every woman has to pass through a critical time, wnich is called the Change of Life. At this time, great changes take place in her system, causing various painful and disagreeable symptoms. If you are approaching this period,- or are already suffer ing from any of its troubles or symptoms, take Cardui. It should help you, as it has helped others. Sold by all druggists. ti-y? COMPARISONS Diamonds and charcoal are essentially carbon yet their values and usefulness are as far apart as the poles. So it is with Scott's Emulsion Many imagine that all oils are similar, but when the usefulness of cod'liver oil is compared with all other fats, the 'difference in value is as far apart as common charcoal and diamonds. Scott's Emulsion is cod liver oil made pleasantly available to build up those who are rundown or weak. Bcott & Bowne, Bloomficld, N. J. J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACOIDENT-HEAI-TH-GROUP The GUY that puts the SURE in your Insurance. 303-303 itiz ens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRfcSEN TATIVEMISSOURI STATE LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY POR HOUSTON COUNTY. II costs no more to get the best pelicy and the inosfe efficient ser vice so why net get ifc. Am just as elose to you asyj ur telephone. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. Wa arc prepared to clo?a loan* prawptly on Farm L bad*. ? par ti Interest. DUNCAN & NUNN, Ferry, Ga. JOHN W. BLOODWORTH Attorney and Coit>?rltob At Latv Perry - Groboia. Wa Practice !r? Both State and Federal Courta. DUNCAN ft NUNN A?torn?y* ft Councellers at Law. Fraetiee in All Cemrta. FERRY, OA. Acetylene Welding at McLendon Auto Co ?Call in and get our new low prices on those good Goodyear Tires. MeLendon Auto Co. ?"FORURNT?1, 2, 3 and 4 horse Jaras for rent near Hawkinsville, ?a. R. S. Andersen, Mawkinsville, oa. ?Sweet Milk at Heard Jb Evans Drer Store. ?FOR SALE?Ligkt Brahm Ceehrel?, T. F. Anderson, Ferry, O*. A MAN I VISITING MACON * \ Should not fail to call at Ben son's- There you'll find every thing first class for a first class man, be he old or young. Clothing and Furnishings of Tested Merit, Clothes that will give Satisfaction, at or dinary pi ices. Be Sure to Visit Bensons. F. C. BENSON COMPANY, Inc 572 Cherry St? Next Bibb Bank MACON GA. Qood Resolutions Bq THOMAS A. CLARK Dean of Men, University of Illinois EVVMAN never made good reso lutions nt t lie beginning of the year, he affirmed, or at any other time, for that matter. lie didn't believe in the practice. "The mo6t of such resolutions are a Joke, anyway," lie said, "so why go through the humiliation of breaking one's promise to oneself? I don't make 'em." And so Newman retained all his had habits, made no Improvement in his ways of thinking and living, and ulti mately became a back number. Good resolutions are simply one Il lustration of the will to do things. Without such resolutions there would be In the individual no reform, no im provement, no progress in the right direction. Unless we resolve to do bet ter and have the will and principle enough to carry out the resolution, wo spell retrogression for ourselves. There is a certain fitness in making good resolutions at the beginning of the year. There H a psychological advantage In starting at the beginning again, of seeming to put the past be hind one and getting a new stnrt. Fortunately, many men keep these resolutions nnd so the world and the Individual are made better. The effect of ending the old year with nn orgle Is permanently to Injure the character. To begin with a good resolution Is a long step toward improvement. "I'm going to do my work better this year," Faber said to me. Perhaps he will not carry out all his good Inten tions, but if he only starts right the chances of success are favorable. The man who never makes good resolutions, who has no urge or inten tion to reform his present condition Is not likely to get far morally, and the nmn who Js afraid to resolve to do better Is weak. <?, Western N&wepaper Union.) Have Not Yet Seen Him The faet that none saw Christ after His resurrection except those who loved Him Is suggestive that Ills ene mies have not yet seen Ilim and do not know Him.?Echoes. With One Hand Hod chastens us by many Instru ments. but with one Hand.?Christian Evangelist. A New Kind of Pincuthion , A pincushion is h 1 way8 a usefol and appropriate gift, and here is one that is rnoKt satisfactory. Fill a amall wooden, pasteboard or metal bo* not over an inch deep, as full of steei wool a? possible. Cover the top neatly with a bit of ribbon or any pretty goods at hand. Pins and needles stuck onto the cushion are kept bright and free from rust by the steel wool, and the , bottom of tbe box keeps them from ^workifig downward. LAND SALE. Georgia, Hoimton County. Whereas, on tiie 11th day of March li'liO Mis. Zeph Pate Duncan executed and delivered to Tbe Second Investors Mortgago Seoulity Company Limited h?r deed, under Section "3300 of the 1910" Code of Georgia, tu this lands hereinafter desuribed, for tho purpose of securing a dobi referred to in saio deed, which d<-ed is recorded in the Clerk's otlice of H ous tou (Superior Court in l>ook V8 cf deeds, pujjo 4<?7. And Whereas, in said deed, said gran tor gave to uuid grunt? o and assigns tne power to sell said laiuls in cuse of de fault in the prompt payment at maturity of iutero^t ?r principal of said hebt. Now Therefore, by virtue of the power so vested in the undersigned, which Is more uccuiately shown by reference to said deed the undersigned v?ill sell at public out' ry to the highest biduer, for cash, on January 0, during thalefftl hours of sale before Houston County Court house door at I'erry Georgia, the lands desciibed in the aforesaid deed, I to-wit: AW that tract or parcel of land known as the old Laidler Place near Klko, Houston County, Georgia, and more particularly described as follows: lie ginning at northeast corner of lot of land No. 17*2, running west 45 chains land 2b links, thence south eleven (11) J chains and Fifty (50] links, thence south i 18 degrees e?st 140 chains, thence west 33 chain", thence south 18 chains and 33 'links, thence east 45 chains, thence north i Eighteen (18) chairs 33 links, thenoe east 17 chains and 80 links, thence north I 45 chains, thence west 17 chains anil 80 links, thence north 90 chains to place of begiuning, containing by calculation five hundred fi 11> two [552 J acres, all in the Thirteenth (13th) District'of Hous ton County, Georgia, being one hundred ninety ono and fifty six huudreths (191.50) acres of lot No. One hundred seventy ttvo (172), One hundred thirty nine and fifty hundretbs (1139.50) acres of lot Ono hundred seventy one (171), Kighty one (81) acres of lot one bun dled sov?nty (170), sixty (0U) acres of lot one hundred sixty nine (1 (50) and eighty (80) u' res of lot one hundred sixty-seven (1(57), being parts of lots 172,171,170, 109 [Fractional lot) and 167, all iu the 13th District of Houston County, Georgia. Said The Second Investors Mortgage Security Company, Limited, assigned ?aid d? bt and deeded said land to the undersigned to secure same. Said deed recorded in the Superior Court Clerk's Office of Houston County, December 30, 1920, in Hook 31, pago 142. 'I he said deed first above mentioned, was executed and delivered to secure In payment of one certain promissory note for the mm of $*?000 dated March 11 tb 1920 and the principal deb', bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent per anfium. Haid principal debt is now past dne by the terms thereof, and remains unpaid. The total amount of principnl and interest that will bf> due on said debt on thedate of 8?le is $*>484. Fee simple titles will be made to the purchaser at sai4 sale and th? proceeds af such mln will he applied first, to th? payment of said debt with interest and expense? of this proceeding and the remainder, if any, will be paid over to said Mrs. Zeph F ite Duncan or iier legal representative. Dated this ninth day of December 1924. Thelnvestors Mortgage Security Com' puny, Limited. By Hendprson & Davis, its Attorney at Law.