Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 01, 1925, Image 8

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ANNOUNCEMENTS For Clerk Superisr Court. To tlio voters of Houston County. I ?m ?candidate for Clerk of Superior Coart of Houston Ceunty and will np prociato jour support in (he election ?oon to be heid for county officers. Respectfully. Jak? M- Culler I hereby announce myielf an candidate far re-eluctioa to the oflfl? ? of Clerk ot the Superior Court of Houston County and earnestly solicit your support and influence. I( elected 1 promise a faithful discharge of the duties ot the office. Respectfully, H, L. Warden, I hereby annouaoe my candidacy for the eflics of Clark of Haperior Court of Hoaaion County subject to the rules of the coming election. Tour veto will be Appreciated, RespeCtifully, J. H. Clark, For Sheriif Houston County 1 heroby announce myself s candidate for tin* ofliceof HIierilT of Houston Coun ty snbjoot to ih? rul?? of the coming election. I will npproc iate your wuppoit. Rospectfnlly. Carlton En I i'ieice. To the voters of Houston County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho office of Sheriff of Houston Coun ty subject to the rules of the coming election. Your vote will he appreciated. Respectfully, VV. li. Watson. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Houston County subjeot to the rules of the coming election. 1 earnestly aolicit ysur support. Respectfully, T. S. Chapman. Through the solicitations of friends 1 am a Candidate for Sheriff of Houston County. I Fledge my best effort in the administration of the office, if elected. Thanking one and all for any kind word and their support. Respectfully, John R. Stripling. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce iny candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Houston County anbject te tli? emiiing election. Your vote will be appreciated. Ronpectfully, YV. O. Watt. on. For Tax Collector To tlie voter? of Homton County. I announce myself a candidate for the ?ffice of Tax Collector, subject to tho rules of tho coming olection. Thankiug you in iidvHuce for your sup port. W. A. Woodard. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ta.v Collector of Hous ton County subject to tlio rules pt the roming election. Your vote will b# ap preciated. Respectfully. 8. Crowell. I hereby announce my self a candidate for tho office of Tax Colloctor of Houston County, subject to the coining election. Your vote nnd support will be appreciated. Respectfully. W. 11. Talton. I hereby nnnour.ee mj' candidacy for the office of Tmx Collector of Houston County subject to the rules of the coming election, Respectfully, J. E, Carney. For Ordinary To the voters of Houston County. 1 respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the oH'ice of Ordinary of Baid County. Subject to rules and regulations of the Democratic Party, ?romisinp if elected to the very Vest service of which 1 am capable. M. L. Cooper. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Houston Cpunty, subject to the rules of the com ing election. Your vote? will be ap preciated. Kespectifnlly. H. K. Covington. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of CoUnty Com amasioner of Houston County aubjectto tke rules of the coming election. Respectfully, G. 1). Tucker. For CoaDty Commissioner By the solicitation of my friends, I announce myself a candidate forCountj Commissioner subject to the rules and | regulations of the Democratic election j to !?.? h?ld January 7, Owing to the lateness of this an nouncement, it will be impossible for me to ^ee the people of the county in dividually, but I will appreciate your support, and if elected 1 will endeavor to serve the people to the best of my ability. Respectfully, O. B. Muse. The friends of Mr. J. P. Cooper an nounce him for the office of County Commissioner of Houston County sub ject to the rules of the coming election January 7. For Representative I hereby announce tfant I am a candi date for the Legislature from Houston County in the election to be held January 7, 1925. Respectfully, J. P. Duncan. PETITION FOR CHARTER Georgia Houston County To the Superior Court of Houston | County. The petition of Vaughan ( 'amp of the State of South Carolina and County of Charleston and J. Meade Tolleson and S. A. Nunn, both of the county of Houston and state of Geor gia respectfully shows. 1. That they desire to be incorporated and be made a body corporate under the corporate name and style of "Gro vania Groves, Incorporated", for and during a period of twenty years with thp privilege of renewal at the ex piration of said period of time. 2. The object of said corporation is pecunimiry gain to its stock holders. 3. The principal oflice and place of busi ness of said corporation shall be in Houston County Georgia but petitioners desire the privilege of establishing branch offices and agencies in any county of the state of Georgia and in other states should it become necessary or desirable to do so. 4. The principal business to be carried on by said corporation is the growing and marketing of peaches, pecans, asparagus and any and all other agri cultural and horticultural products that they might desire to grow: The breed ing, raising and marketing of hogs, cattle, poultry and live stock of all kinds: The planting, growing, budding grafting and marketing of nursery stock of all kinds: The buying, selling, handling on commisson and otherwise dealing in any and all of the above products. 5. The capital stock of said corporation shall be $>10,000.00 and petitioners pray that they be granted the privilege of increasing such capital stock from time to time by a three-fourths vote of the oustanding stock to an amount not to exceed $60,000.00. 6. The capital stock of said corporation shall be divided into shares of the par value of $100.00 each. I'etitioners pray that they be granted the right to ac cept improved and unimproved lands and equities therein, live stock, farm implements, farm products, and such other equipment or supplies as are necessary or desirable in the carrying on of the business of said corporation, at a fair market value, in payment for capital stock of said corporation. 7. Petitioners pray that they be grant ed the right to have and use a corporate seal, to sue and to be sued, to pur chase, own, cultivate and sell real estate whether improved or unimprov ed, to borrow money and pledge any or all assets of the corporation as security therefor, to execute promissory notes, bonds or other evidences of indebted ness and to secure the same by security deeds, mortgages, deeds of trust or otherwise, and that they be granted all other rights, powe -s and privileges necessary or incidental to the purposes hereinbefore enumerated. 8. Wherefore petitioners pray that they be incorporated for the term aforesaid and with all rights and privileges afore said, and with all rights, privilges and immunities that are now or may here after be granted to like corporations under the laws of the state of Georgia. DUNCAN & NUNN Attorneys for Petitioners. 6?orfU. loaatvn C?nly. 1 H. L. Wasden. Clerk of Houston Superior Court do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the petition for Charter of GroVania Groves, Incorporated, as of file in this office. Witness my official signature and seal of said court, this December 19, 1924. H. L. Wasden, Clerk Superior Court Houston County. FOUR ROOMS for fent. Apply to Mrs. L. E. MaLoter, Terry, Qt. .? -?-t?-. -? ?./??' i The Path and The Brook By MARTHA BANNING THOMAS (9. IH*. WMl<rn N?wap*p?r U&ioa.) WAS New Year"! Er?. Bright jfll moonlight lay on the hillside. It ?hone softly on the little path that led to the wee stone house at the top; and It glittered like a million dia mond? sprinkled over the brook. The night was crystal clear, and every star shone with polished brilliance. "It was a night like this ten yenrs ago thst he last walked over me," spoke the path in a sweet, plaintive vorice. "I listen and listen for him every New Year's Eve, but he has never come again." "It was a night like this ten years ago that they both stood beside me and said how beautiful I was In the moonlight," said the brook In a clear, bubbling voice. "I wonder what hus become of him and why he never returns." "She w a 1 k 8 down the hill every day to the the letter-box, and once I heard her Bay: 'If he doesn't write me this New Year'?, Til know he's dead.' " The little path grew quiet In the moonlight. The brook crooned softly to Itself. "What was It he said to her that last night about going away?" asked the path after a moment. . "He said: 'If I'm ever going to make a cl*Min, fresh start In life I must do it now. I'll leave you, dear, and never come back until I've kept my promise.' " "Ah, yes, I remember," sighed the little path, "he was young and he had done a foolish thing?I've forgotten wh?t, but they loved each other so. She has waited all this time." Again they were very still, there In the clear moonlight. "Hark !" whispered the brook. "What is It?" asked the path. "I hear some one coming." "I hear two persons coming! What can it mean? One comes down the hill and one comes up!" A man's figure slowly followed the little path up the hill. A girl's slight form conic down like u w r a 11 h. They met where the path winds nearest the brook. "You?" said the man's voice, and It was filled with wonder. "You?" asked the girl. "No, no, I'm asleep and dreaming." The brook and the path held their breath for very amazement. "Ten years ago tonight I left you hj? re on e w Venr's five," salct the man's voice. "You forgave my wrong-doing and X went away to start all over Again. It has token all tills time to reach tlie place where I dared to come back. I was sure you would he gone, married, and had forgotten me." The girl gave a sharp, happy cry "We were so young then, dear, hardly more than boy nnd girl. Hut I have, waited nnd waited and now I can hardly believe you have come back? a man!" They drew together and went on up the path. The moon shone brightly. The brook bubbled with delight. The little path led them to the door of the wee stone house. New Year's Eve was the new beginning for two lives. The Passing Years Tears bring a tender satisfaction to one who has lived a good life. The pood deeds one has done will he so many song birds to make sweet mel ody fn his heart. The association of friends will be mor? precious the longer wo cherish them. The con sciousness of growth In grace, the as surance that we are becoming master of onrsejves with the passing years, will add to otir peace when we real Ire that we are growing old. and that <*r span of life la becomlnf narrower. ?**K9Qio<8st Protestant, We Extend our Friends and Patrons Sincere Wishes for % A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Houston Banking Co. "Bank of Service" PERRY, GEORGIA. RIES & ARMSTRONG JEWELERS RELIABLE GOODS ONLY Phone 836 315 Third Street Macon, Ga. Don't Throw Money Away Buy useful Christmas Presents Buckeye Incubators, Buckeye Brooders, Kelly Axes and Handles, Pruning Shears, Lard Cans, Salt for Meat, Plows and Plow Gear, Wagon Harness, Gas Engines, Wagon Lines. PURINA FEEDS Startena, Baby Chick Feed, Laying Mash, Scratch Feed, Cow Chow, Pig Chow, Horse , and Mule Feed, and numerous other useful gifts. Come to see us and get some thir.g useful. J ~ IGEO. C. NUNN, THE HUSTLER Phone'31 Perry, Ga. Opposite Depot