Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 08, 1925, Image 5

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PERSONAL AMD OTHERWISE IX>CAL NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY ?Mr. and Mrs.MarxKunz gptut New Years Day in Macon. --Mr. Rupert Day, of Macon, visited homefolks here Sunday. ?Mr. and Mrs. George Winn, Jr. returned Sunday from a risit to Bawkinsville, Ga. -^Miss Irene Baird, of Qrovania 4>*Dt several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Carlton Pierce. ?Mrs. Ida Rogers and Miss Nell Rogers are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rogers in Miami Fla. ?Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Bailey Jr. ?f Cochran visited Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Gilbert Sunday. ?Miss Frances Couey has re turned to Pavo, Ga., to teach in the schools. *? ?Miss Annie Wallace has re turned to Molena, Ga., to resume her duties as teacher. ?Mrs. Cora Boterweg, of Ma con, spent several days hero this week. ?Mr. W. K. Couch, Jr., return ed to his home in Tolbotten last Thursday. ? Mr. and Mrs. Sam Houser And family returned Tuesday from a trip to Lakeland, Fla. ?Dr. and Mrs. Frampton Far flier and little Helen, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L F. Cater. ? Mr. Robert Bonner of Macon ?itiled friends and relatives here Thursday. ?Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Greene ?f Cochran visited relatives in Ferry this week. ?Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Dobbins attended the faneral of Mrs. Dob bin's aunt, Miss Sophronia Evans at Hephzihah. Ga? last Friday. ?Mrs, Donald Smith is in the Oglethorpe Infirmary at Macon. Her frionds wish her a speedy recovery. Dorothy Brun?on n&is returned to Sarasota, Fla,. to re sume bar duties as teacher in the schools. Rev. W. K. Dennis is attending the Cordele District Preachers' Institute held at Abbeville, Ga. this week. Mrs. George W. Johnson and Mrs. Scott of Sasser, Ga.. visited Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Chapman this freek. ?Mrs. J. R. Amos (nee Miss Sudie Conaell), of Florence, Ala., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R- H. Gonnell near Perry. ?Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Riley and children have returned to their home, Welch, W. Va-, oftoravisit of several weeks to relatives here. ?Mrs. M. M. Lowry was called to Dawson, Ga., Saturday night J on account of the illness of Mr. Lowry's brother. ?Mr*. L. M. Paul, Jr. and at tractive children, Lee and Mary, are visiting her parents, Judge and Mrs. Horace Holden, of Athens, Oa. ?Mrs. H. C. Cam bliss and sobs Henry, Earnest and Carl, of Ma con. spent several days daring the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Marx Knnz. ? *? ?Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Marsh burn, ?( Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. G. h. Sloeumb and Miss Dewey Slo ?nmb, of Kathleen, Mrs. Honser, Misses Miriam Edwards and Ger trnde Brown, of Fort Valley,spent Saturday with Mrs. I. T. Weodard And Miss Annie Woodard? \\ ?The collefo students and the colleges they have returned to are as follows: Misses Louis? Warren Frances Cater and Lncile Jordan, to Wesleyan; Misses Doris Rainey. Afnes Dean. Margaret Cooper and Frances Cooper to G. 9. C. W.; Miss Lurilo Beckham to Shorter? Messrs Parks Honser and Lewis Tabor to Toeh; Messrs Louis and Hal Gilbert to Emory; Mr. Ver-, ?on Walla?? to Mere?r and Mr. 0liatoa Cotter t? G?rd?n. NEWS OF THE CHURCHES METHODIST 1 The Womans Missionary Society will hold the first business meet ing of the yeai* next Monday after noon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gsorge Nuna. Every member is urged to bo present as this will be a very important meeting. Sunday Sehool 10:30 a. m. Church Servldes 11;45 a. m,,and 7:45 p. m. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. You are eordially invited to at* tend these services. The Epworth League will have a social meeting Friday night in the Sunday school reoms of the charcd, beginning at 8:00 o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN There will be preaching services at the Presbyterian church both morning and evening next 8unday Jan.. 11, by the Pastor, Rev. J* W. Smith, at the hoars 11 a. m? I and 8 p. m. Sunday school at! 10:15 a. m. BAPTIST, The Senior Girl's Class and Senior Boy's Class of Sunday schoel were entertained at a love ly buffet supper Friday evening: by their teachers Mrs. R. L. Cater and Mrs. Eliza .31 assee. Several of the college set home for the holidays were invited, j The Primary classes were enter tained by Miss Catherine Cater at a. pretty party at her home Wednesday afternoon. Sunday school at 10:15 Preaching 11:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. l! B. Y. P. U. 6;30p. m. SCHOOL OPENS MONDAY The Perry Consolidated School opened Monday morning with a splendid attendance to begin the spring term. The out-of-town teachers and those who have been away visiting had returned during the week-end to resume their duties. Miss Mary Bailey was succeed ed in her work by Miss Louise Rainey, who is well known, hav ing taught here several years ago. MiSs Bailey now has charge of the Expression Department and has alreudy a promising class. The school continues to grow in numbers as well as in many other respects. The enrollment last fall was around 330 and it has increas ed some with the spring opening Progress is being made on the new building and it should be ready for occupancy in abont two months. u. D. C. MEETING The Clinton Dnnean Chapter of the United Daughters of Confeder acy held the first meeting of the year with the President, Mrs. B. L. Cater Wednesday afternoon* A short and interestinf literary pro gram was gives. After a business session, a social honr was enjoyed and delightful tea aud sandwiches served. It was decided to observe Robert E. Lee's birthday with appropriate exercises it the Methodist ehnrch Monday, jannary 19, at 3:00j o'clock. F. T. A. MEETING The Parent-Teacher Association i of Perry will hold an important meeting at the home el If ra. J. P.I Cooper en Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. All seniors are urged to be preeetli , Go To T. D. M A S 0 N 'S The Store Whare Quality Is Paramount. PERRY, GA. PHONE 46. V?, , Will He Always Look Up to You? Today, through his childish eyes, your little boy looks up to you as the greatest Daddy in the world. He believes in you with all his heart. As the years go by an understanding comes, will you hold that same respect? Will you be able to give him the eduoation he out to have, to buy him the things he w ought to have? 3 It is up to you. Come in and talk it over with one of our officers. This bank is helping hun dreds of others in similar circumstances to get ahead. I PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK ,%The Oldest and Strang??! Bank in Perry " PERRY GA. We Have Just Completed OUR NEW FERTILIZER PLANT And equipped it with the Latest and Most Modem Machinery. We are better piepared than ever to take care' OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Write, Phone or Wire Us for prices on com plete Fertilizers or any gfade of Fertilizer Ma terials for Home Mixing. "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizer*. MACON, - GEORGIA. FOR SALE On Perry and Fort Valley Road One Mile fitirerry. Land in Ten Acre Lots S. L. NORWOOD, Sr., Perry, Ga.