Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 08, 1925, Image 7

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In Cash Prizes The Atlanta Georgian CROSS WORD PUZZLES $25 Daily, $600.00 a Month PRIZE PUZZLES NOW APPEARING DAILY. NO SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SECURE. JANUARY Special R. F. D., Rate During the month of January only R. F. D., pat 'rons can get the Daily Georgian and Sunday American for the extremely low price of $6.00 per year. The Daily Georgian only, one year $4.70. These rates not good outside of Georgia and only on R. F. D. Routes or in towns where we do not maintain a delivery agency. Those living in towns where we have local agents should arrange for delivery of the Daily Georgian and Sundav American for 20c a week. Win A Cash Prize Bargains In Used Ford Cars and Trucks It will pay you to see our line of Ford Cars and Trucks before you buy. Cash Terms Trades ADAMS-BUCHANAN MOTOR CO AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER MACON, GEORGIA. Horse Markets Coming Back Hon? market* ar? coming back. As both farm and city are demanding more and better horses, better prices may ultimately result, according to the Sears Roebuck Agricultural foundation based on a study of the trend In the buying power of farm horses during the past 07 years. Low prices probably will continue to discourage horse and mnle produc tion and cause a falling off in tbe equine population until average prices return, the Foundation believes. But already horse breeding operations have begun to expand in the districts possessing the kind of foundation stock capable of producing the sort of horses the market wants. Attractive prices are now being paid for all good, big sound shapely drafters coming to market and good fcorsee of the wagon type weighing 1,400 to 1,000 pounds. Prices have ad vanced from the extreme depression of two yean ago. How soon the turning point will be reached on the rank and file of horses Is uncertsln. Previous cycles of horse snd mule prices as shown by the mo cotnpaayiag chart have varied greatly in length. The first lasted eleven yean from depression to depression, the second eighteen yean and the present cycle Is already twenty-seven yean. It seems logical to believe that an upward turn In prices which will last for a decade or longer will start before long ?ad that good horses and males produced from ma tings In ths next few years will get ths benefit of thst advance by the time they reach marketable age. Good bones an the exception on farms today. It I? unthinkable that good fnnncn will be content with plugs for long. To Our Out-of-Town Customers "BUY AT HOME WHEN YOU CAN WHEN YOU CAN'T BUY AT CARTER'S" Hardware and Orchard Supplies I ? Mil . I. 'i r 'r ' % ? ? ' ? ? ft' ! This is our New Year Message to our thousands of friends and custo mers in the great territory of Central Georgia. c :? (- : :? < ?. ? ?/ r -u, ' In sending this message we have no desire to unspur the trade. of your home merchant, it is our place to supplement him and to supply you with the many articles of merchandise which it is impossible for the merchant with a limited patronage to carry. t " * ? ' 'y *' AUt.;. It will pay you tp make a trip to Macon at this time. You will find our stocks are new, everything is conveniently displayed which makes selection easy. Everything that is possible to carry in a Hardware ? Store can be found here. .. ti, Our Orchard Supplies include everything from the smallest to the largest items. We are Wholesale Distributors for the following line.? ard carry a com plete stack at all times. I Southern Fence, Red Top Posts, Clark Hairows, Acme Harrows, Hardie Sprayers, Hudson Sprayers, Rex Spray Materials, Cummer Crates, Ed g er t on Baskets and numerous other lines. \ i ? ?? . 1 Phone, Write or Call on us for prices. 1 The Opportunity to Be of Service Will Be Appreciated. : : pi ?'? et m ??, i i . ? j ? CARTER IMPLEMENT COMPANY , ? ? ? ? i ? ; i i / i - ? Wholesale and Retail t .! 553-555 Popular Street, , Phone 4803 MACON, GEORGIA. There is in your town a man or a woman ' ' * ' ' 11 ' '' 1 ' \.. . fj i (j) J i ?' ? i .;. I t ? i who will make a good Life Insurance ; I . j 1 <i I' Salesman and earn more money than : ? r '? v ! ' ?"? they would in any other position. . <t - i. . ? ? iu , . . >.> .? , . < ? i .,i Either myself or one of my representa tives will visit there shortly and I will ask you to write me that you are interested, so that 1 can make an engagement to meet you when you arrive. 1 J 11 Assetts Over $700,000,000.00 R.F. SHEDDEN, Manager, Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York, Grant Building, Atlanta, Ga.