Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 15, 1925, Image 3

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Balloon Tires Vou Know Are Stronger and Safer Means Good Wear: McLendon Auto Co., PHONE 57 PERRY, GA. We Think Of You And strive to serve you and please you. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete. Our STEAKS and FRESH MEATS are the best in town. Our market and store clean and sanitary LET US SERVE YOU 9 KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. New Cotton Warehouse We take pleasure in announcing to the Cotton Growers of this section that we have opened tNew Cotton Warehouse in Perry. Livestock for Sale or Trade COME TO SEE US PLANTERS WAREHOUSE E. M. BECKHAM & T. L. WARREN, Mgrs Parry, Oeorgia. Practical Nurse Tells Mrs. N. E. Snow, of Route 1, near Paris, Tenn., tells the story of hor experience as follows: "1 am ?2 years eld and I have be*n a practical none for more than 20 years, tak ing mostly maternity cases. One of my daughters suffered from cramping at . . . She would just bend double and have to go to bed. The Woman's Tonic was recommended to her and she only had to talce about two bottles, when she hardly knew that it was . . she suffered so little pain. "M y youngest daughter was run-down, weak and nervous, and looked like she didn't nave a bit of blood left?just a walking skeleton, no appetite and tired all the time. I gave her two bottles of Cardui. It built her up and she began eating and soon gained in weight and has been so well since." Cardui, the Woman's Tonic, has helped suffering women for over forty years. Try it. At .11 druggists'. E_100 FRUIT TREES Just as the orchardist is able through nourishment to increase the vitality and resistance of his apple-tree to winter's cold, so is the body fortified with Scott's Emulsion Thousands now take it as regu larly as they take food, to build healthy resistance and to protedt them when winter's cold arrives. Take a lesson from Na ture?keep your body strong to resist weakness take Scott's Emulsion 1 Bcott fit Bownc, BlooxmGeld, N. J. J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFE-ACCIDENT-HKALTH-GJtOUP The GUY that puts the SURE in your Insurane?. 303-303 itiz ens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESEN TATIVE MISSOURI STATE Lire IN SURANCE COMPANY FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. Local agents wanted in Perry, Forb Valley, Marsballville and Unadilla. Experience not essen tial but character is. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We ara prepared t? do?? Imu prearptly on Farm Land*. 8 par ?i latere? t. DUNCAN * NUNN, Ferry, Oa. JOHN W. BLOOD WORTH ATTORNEY AND CotttBF.LT OB At T iAw Perry - Heoroia. Wa Practice In Both Stata and Fedoral Courts. HOW S THIS? HALL'S CATAnilH MEDICINE will do what we claim for It?rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucou3 Surfaces, thus restoring normal condi tions. Bold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. ?FOR RRNT?1, 2, 3 and 4 horse Jarms for rent near Hawkinsville, <ja. R.S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, oa. ?Sweet Milk at Heard k Evans Drue Store. ? FOR SALE?Light Brahma Ceohrelt. T. F. Anderson, perry, Oa. Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store. The Great Idea In Our Business Is To Sell Quality Its the greatest business building idea we know of. Fine quality in your suit means more style, more wear, more val ue. You'll be glad to get it? Everybody is. Suits $25.00 to $45.00. Some with two pants. YOU SHOULD SEE THEM. F. C. BENSON COMPANY, Inc The Square Deal Store MACON GA. COUGHS Quick Way to Stop Them Persistent, racking coughing, which by rapidly weakening your entire sys tem lays you open to more dangerous infections, can be checked often with the first dose of that old-time tried and proved remedy ??Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. And there's a reason. Doctors say there is nothing like pine tar to quickly loosen and remove the phlegm and congestion which are the direct uum of the coughing, while the honey both gives a pleasant taste and helps soothe irritation. It is often astonishing how quickly thiscombina tion relieves the stubbornest cough. But be sure you get the original Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey, and no substitute. Dr. Bell's has been known for overaquarterofacentury as the best. It is scientifically compounded of just the right proportions of pine-tar, honey and other quick-acting healing ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, so can be given even to young children?fine for spasmodic croup. If you want the best, a medicine that often relieves the severest cough overnight, make sure you Set Dr. Bell's. Only 30cat any good druggist's. Dr. BELLS PINE -TAR-HONEY FOR COUGHS NOTICE I have moved my shop from near the Perry Warehouse Co., to B- H. Andrew & Son's shop. I wish to thank.you for your past patronage and will certainly ap preciate your work this year. Yours for business, W. A, Curtis. ?FOR SALE?Hand made reed flower baskets, fruit baskets, sew ing baskets, coasters, serving trays, sandwich trays, etc. Mail orders filled. Mrs. C, M. Walker, Bonaire, Bonaire, Ga., Route, 1. ?WANTED?Seed Peas, Brab ham or Iron. Please quote price and quantities. S, G. Coleman, Waycross, Ga. W. A. STROTHER ? INSURANCE Perry. ??. ?Investigate the Balloom Tire Idea. We have them. Let us show you. McLendon Auto Co, ?House for Sale?Seven room house on Washington Avt. Ap ply S. L. Norwood, Sr., Perry. Ga. ?perry Transfer Company hauls anything, anywhere? anytime, phone No. 40. perry, Ga. ' ?Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store. FOUR ROOMS for rent. Apply , to Mr?. L. E. Me Lester, Perry, Ga. LAND SALE. Georgia, Houston County. \Vh?reas, on the llih day of Maroh lU'JO Ms. Zcpu lJatu Duncin oxecutod and delivered to The Second Investors Moilgago Sccuiity Couipauy Limited hor deed, under Suction "3;WU of the 1U10M (.'odo uf Ueorgiu. to the lanuu hi reinafter described, lor the puiposeof sccui ing it debt referred t j iu sain deed, which deed is recorded in the Clerk's othc? ol Hous ton Superior Court iu Hook V8 t f doeds, puj;e 4o7. And Whereas, in s?id deed, Haid gran tor gave to tsuid gruut> o uud assigns too power to sell said lauds in case of de fault in the prompt ( ayuient at maturity of iutere?t or principal of said bobi,. Now Therefore, by virtue of tho power bo vested in the undersigned, whieli IB more accuiately shown by referenc? to said deed the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, for cash, on Junuary 0, 1925 during the legal hours of sale before Houston County Court houte door at Perry Georgia, the lauds desciibed in the aforesaid dead, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of Uud known as the oid Laidler Place near Klko, Houston County, Georgia, and mor? particularly deaeribed ?s follows: Ue gianing at northeast cornor of lot ot land No. 172, running west 46 chains and 28 links, thencs south eleven (11) chains and Fifty (50] links, thence south 18 degrees east 140 chain), thence west 33 chaum, thence south 18 chains and 33 links, thence east 45 chains, theuee north Eighteen (18) chairs 33 links, thence east 17 cbams and 80 links, thence north 4"? chains, thence went 17 chains and4)0 links, thence north 1)0 chains t? place of beginning, containing by calculation five hundred filtv two [562J acres, all in tho Thirteenth (13th) Distiict of Hous ton County, Georgia, being one hundred ninety one and fifty six hundretha (191.56) acres of lot No. One hundred seventy two (172), One hundred thirty nine and fifty hundreths (139.50) acres of lot Ono hundred seventy one (171), Eighty one (81) acres of lot one bun dled seventy (170), sixty (GO) acres of lot one hundred sixty nine (IftU) and eighty (80) a'-res of lot one hundred sixty-seven (107), being parte of lots 172, 171, 170, 169 [Kraotional lot) and 167, all in the 13th District of Houston County, Georgia. Said The Second Investors Mortgage Security Company, Limited, assigned said dt bt and deeded said land to the undo signed to secure some. Said deed recorded in the Superior Court Clerk's Office of Houston County. December 30, 1920, in Book SI, page 142. j 'I he said deed first above mentioned, was executed and delivered to secure the I payment of one certain promissory note i for the Mim of $5000 dated March 11th 1920 and the principal debt, bearing isterest at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. Said principal debt f? now past dne b? the terms thereof, and remains impalo, The total amount of principal and interest that will be due on said debt on th"date of s?le is $5484. Pee simple titlea will be made to the purchaser at sai4 sale and the proceeds of such sale will he applied first, to the payment of said debt with i interest and expenses of this proceeding und the rema'nder, if aoy, will be paid over to said Mrs. ?eph Pato Duncan o? > her legal representative. Dated this ninth day of December 1924, The Investors Mortgage Security Com pany, I/united. I'y Henderson A Davis, its Attorney a| Law.