Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 15, 1925, Image 5

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PERSONAL ANO OTHERWISE LOCAL NEWS 0? TOWN AND COUNTY ?Mr?. H. T. Beall left Thurs day for ?>e Land, Fla., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lee Pallia. ?Miss Tussie Beunett spent last *eek at home owing to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bennett. ?Miss Sara Benton, of Mans field, Ga., was the guest of Miss ?urelia Copper the past week-end* ?Mrs. W. D. Allman, of Val dosta is tho guest of Mrs. Sam Crowcll. Mr. Hal Gilbert, of Georgia Teeh,Atlanta came home Wednes day to attend court ?Mrs. R. L. Cater risited Dr. ?nd Mrs R. L. Cater, Jr, in M?. Gon this week. Miss Anrelia Cooper eater tained several friends at a Bridge party Saturday afternoon in honor ?f her visitor, Miss Sara Benton. Miss Lois Swanson left Tues day for Atlanta where she is visit ing Misses Helen Dennis and No rine Swanson. ?? Miss Sara Gilbert entertained at a hoaae-party last week-end at her home near Perry inviting Misses Chloe Traylor, Margery Short. Lavern Rain mage and Elizabeth Gay. Last week the Houston Home Journal erroneously stated the en rollment of the Perry school to be 330. We take pleasure iu correct ing this and stating that the en rellment is 450, Mrs. M\ M. Lowry returned Friday from Dawson, Ga. Friends are sympathizing with her and Mr. Lowry in the loss of his broth er, Mr. L. A. Lowry, who died at Dawson last week. ?The friends of Misses Helen Dennis and Norine Swanson will be glad to learn that their Kiddie Kottage is so snceessful that they have had to procure the services of an assistant. They will also introduce a new feature, super vision of playground activities, at an early date. ?The many friends of Mrs- T. L. Bailey, Jr., of Cochran, (nee Miss Ruth Gilbert, of Perry,)will be glad to learn that her baby successfully underwent an opera tion for the removal of a safety pin which he swallowed last sum mer. An attempt was made to remove the pin through the mouth but this was unsuccessful, so an incision was made and the pin removed from the stomach. Amon the out-of-town relatives attending the funeral of Mr. A. M Anderson were: Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Short and family of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. c. c. Phillips of Ma coo, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Lee, of] Macon, Mr. and Mrs, John F. Por ter. of Danville, Ga.. Mr. and Mrs T. F. Bradley of Bradley, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. t. F. Phillips of Colum bia, S. c? Mr. and Mrs. Robert] Harris ef Macon, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Horwell ef Macon. ELKO NEWS T Mrs. Charles Brocks and little daughter, Christine, of Jackson ville, Fla., are visiting her parents Mr. aod Mrs. J. H. Clark. The friends of Mrs. G. J. Mar shall will be glad to know tkat she is greatly improved after an accident in which she received an injured ara. Mr. Hall Clark left this week to attend school in Villa Rica. Ga. Misses Catherine and Lucile Marshall, of Grovania. aro visiting their grandmother, Mrs. C. J. Marshall. Mesdaaes W. 8. Riley, J- J* HonserandW. K. Pierce spent 'Wednesday with Mrs. W. H. Buff. . Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lewis have fone to Baxley, da., where they 'will make their fnturo borne. Little Miss Margaret Holmes ?ntertaiaed a number of her friends at a birthday party at her heme Satnrday afternoon. Miss Willie Dean O race who is attending school in Perry spent the week?sad villi heae-folk*. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS METHODIST Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Church Services ll;45 a. m.,aud 7:45 p. m. Epworth League 6:3? p. m. You are cordially invited to at* t?nd these services. BAPTIST Sunday school at 10:15 Preaching 11:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. in. B. Y. P. U. 6:30 p. m. Your presence is desired at all these services. U. D. C. TO OBSERVE LEE'S BIRTHDAY The Clinton Duncan Chapter of the U. D. C. will observe Kobert E. Lee's birthday with appropriate exercises at the Metheditt church next Monday, January 19, at 2:30 o'clock, instead of 3:00 o'clock as published last week. An interesting program of read (insrs and music has been arranged ' with only one short address, and that by a very entertaining speak* er. The school children of the upper grades will be present and sing patriotic songs. Piano solos and a duet by gifted local talent j will be rendered. Two pupils of ; Miss Bailey's Expression class will give apnropriate readings. Besides i he address on "The Life and character of Lee,'' "Memories < f Stonewall Jackson," and ."The Stone Mountain Memorial" will be further subjects for short talks-J At the conclusion of the pro gram. Mrs. Fannie Norwood the widow of W. H. Norwood, Con federate veteran,will be presented with his Cross of Honor. YOUR INCOME TAX Your income tax for the year 1924 is less, in proportion to your income, than was the tax of 1924. A rate reduction, however is not the only benefit afforded by the revenue uct of 1924. Increase in the exemption for married persons, a 25 per cent reduction on "earned income," and other changes in revenue legislation are of immed iate interest to every taxpayer. The revenue act of 1924 requires that returns be filed by every sin gle person whose net income for 1924 was $1,000 or more, or whose gross income was 15,000 or more, and by every married aouple whose aggregate net income was $2,500 or more, or whose aggregate gross income was $5,000 or more. Last year returns were required of married couples whose aggregate net income was 12,000 or more. Husband and wife, living together may include the income of each in a single joint return, or each may file a separate return showing the income of each. Net income is gross income less certain specified reductions for business expenses, losses, bad debts, contributions, etc. The period for filing returns is from January 1 to March 15,1925. The return, accompanied by at least one-fourth of the amount of tax due, must be filed with the collector of internal revenue for the district In which the taxpayer has his legal residence or has his principal place of business. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr?. Cooper Jonas entertained for her little daughter, Betty, Wednesday afternoon, theoecasiea being in hener ef the third birth day of the little girl. Tbe decerations, refreshments, and favors carried out tbe color scheme of yellow and white. The refreshments eensisted of orange ice and candy, and the favors were dolls, fans, and herns. Twenty-four little friends of Betty's were present te help her enjoy her birthday party. ?The friends of Miss Anrelia Geoper regret her illaeae this week. Go To T. D. M A S 0 N 'S The Store Whare Quality Is Paramount. PERRY, GA. PHONE 46. Will He Always Look Up to You? Today, through his childish eyes, y#ur little boy looks up to you as the greatest Daddy in the world. He believes in you with all his heart. As the years go by an understanding comes, will you hold that same respect? Will you be able to give him the eduoation he out to have, to buy him the things he ought to have? It is up to you. Come in and talk it over with one of our officers. This bank is helping hun dreds of others in similar circumstances to get ahead. PERRY LOAN & SAVINGS BANK <%The Oldest and Strongest Bank in Perry " PERRY GA. Dear Subscriber: You are an important factor in the publication of this paper. We appreciate all of our subscrib ers, but how we do appreciate those who have a paid up subscription, and how much more we will appreciate the delinquents when they pay up. We are not in this business primarily for the money there is in it, but we are compelled to have money to publish a paper. We are in the business to serve you, and we cannot do that wall unless you cooperate with us financially. Wt need you and you need us. It will caus# us much regret to drop your name from our sub* scription list, but unless we hear from you at an early date, we will have to do this. Always at your service, we are, Cordially yours, Houston Home Journal, J. L. Hodges, Editor. BE PROGRESSIVE Advertise I n HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL FOR SM.E On Perry and Foit Valley Road One Mile from Perry. Land in Ten Acre Let* i S. L. NORWOOD, Sr., Perry, Ga.