Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 22, 1925, Image 3

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Balloon Tires You Know Are Stronger and Safer Means Good Wear McLendon Auto Co., / ? * PHONE JS7 PERRY, GA. We Think Of You And strive to serve you and please yOu.4 Our stock of GROCERIES is complete. Our STEAKS and FRESH MEATS are the best in town. Our market and store clean and sanitary LET US SERVE YOU KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. New Cotton Warehouse We take pleasure in announcing to the Cotton Growers of this section that we have opened tNew Cotton Warehouse in Perry. Livestock for Sale or Trade COME TO SEE US PLANTERS WAREHOUSE E. M. BECKHAM & T. L. WARREN, Mgrs Perry, Qeorgia. Gained Ten Pounds Mrs. George S. Hunter, of Columbus, G a., says she suf fered severely with female troubles. "2 h?H to go to bed and stay sometimes two weeks at a time/' says Mrs. Hunter. "I could not work. My . . . wfre irrtgular and I got very thin. I tv.^nt from 126 pounds down to less than 100. My mother had been a user of The Woman's Tonic and she knew what a good medicine it was for this troub le, so she told me to get some and take it. I sent to the store after it and before I had taken the first bottle up I began to improve. My side hurt less and 1 began to mend in health. J. took four bottle* in all during the last ten months. Cardui acted as a fine tonic... I am well now. I have gained ten pounds and am still gaining. My Bides do not trouble me at all and my . . . aru quite regular. I know that' Cardui will help others suffering from the same trouble." Take CarduL E-101 . VITAMIN QUALITIES Many people, young and old, get plenty of food but the vitamin qualities out of which come the powers of resistance, are minus, and malnutrition and weakness ensue. Scott's Emulsion Is indeed the plus-quality that so many children^and adults need to help sustain the body in normal strength and vitality. A very little Scott's after each meal helps, to vitalize the deficient diet. Scott's Emulsion promotes growth ?builds strength. 6cott & Bownc, Bioomficld, N. j; J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LIFK-ACCIDENT-HEALTH-GROUP The GUY that puts th? SURE in ' your Insurance. 305-305 itiz ans & Southern Banjc _ Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRfc SEN TATIVE MISSOURI STATE LIFE IN-, SURANCE COMPANY FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. Local agents wanted in Porry, Fort Valley, Marsballville and Unadilla. Experience not essen tial but character is. LOANS ON FARM LANDS?"" We are prepared te done 1mm prewptly ob Farm Land*. 6 par. at. IntereeL DUNCAN A NUNN. Ferry, 6a JOHN W. BLOOD WORTH Attornby and Couksfltor ! At Law Perry - Okorgla. We Fraetloe In Both Stat? and Federal Courts. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run-down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In ?ood health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease. It Is jfreatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. HAIjI/9 CATARRH MEDICINE Is a Combined Treatment, both local and In ternal. and has been successful In the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Bold by all drugrlsts. P. J Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. ?FOR R RNT?1, 2, 3 and 4 horse Jar m s for rent near Hawkinsville, (it. R. S. Anderson, Hawkinsville, oa. -Sweet Milk at Beard k Evans Drue Store. ? FOR SALE?Light Brahma Oochrelf. T. F. Anderson, ? Perry, Ga. Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store. The Great Idea In Our Business Is To Sell Quality Its the greatest business building idea we know*of. Fine quality in your suit means more style, more wear, more val ue. You'll be glad to get it? Everybody is. Suits $25.00 to $45.00. Some * with two pants. YOU SHOULD SEE THEM. F. C.BENSON COMPANY, Inc The Square Deal Store MACON GA. Coughs Always Dangerous?Quick Way to Stop Them Chronic coughs and chest colds often lead to more serious trouble. Not onfy is the infection itself dangerous, but the continual coughing spells day and night bo weaken your entire system that you can no longer fight off disease. So stop a cough the quickest you can. Todo this there is nothing better than that old-time tried and proved remedy?Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. Doctors say there is nothing like pine tar extract to quickly loosen and remove the phlegm and congestion which are the direct caoaeof the cough, while the honey both gives a pleasant taste and helps soothe irritation. The quick relief to the stubbornest cough often ?eems almost magical. But be sure you get the genuine Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey, and no substitute. Dr. Bell's is the original pine-tar honey and has been known for over a quarter of a century as the best. It is scientifically compounded of just the right proportions of ptne-tar, honey and other* quick-acting, healing ingredients which the best doctors Kave found to aid in quick relief. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, ?o can be given even to young children?fine for spasmodic croup. If you want the best, a medicine that often relieves the severest cough overnight, make sure you get Dr. Bell's. Only 90c at any good druggists. Dr. BELLS PINE - TAR ~ HONEY FOR COUGHS Lasts ten years! Makes old roofs good as new?Any kind! Easily applied. Used by largest concerns past 25 years. Informa tion on request or send $8 for trial 5 ga!!on, can; sent prepaid?fully guaranteed. EXCELSIOR PRODUCTS CO. 6S FOURTH AVE.N.Y.CITY ?FOR SALE?Hand made reed flower baskets, fruit baske's, sew ing baskets, coasters, nerving trays, sandwich trays, etc. Mail orders filled. Mrs. . M. Walker, Bonaire, Bonaire, Qa., Konte. 1. -WANTED?Seed 1'eas, Brab ham or Iron. Please (juote price and quantities. S, G. Coleman, Way cross, (ia. W. A. STROTHER ? INSURANCE Psmtv. ?*. ?Investigate the Ballooa Tire Idea. We bave them. Let us show yoa. McLendon Auto Co, ?Ilouse lor Sale?Seven room house on Washington Ave. Aj> ply S. L. Norwood, Sr., Perry. Ga. I j?Percy Transfer Company hauls i&nything, anywhere, anytime, 'phone No. 40, perry, 0a, LAND SALE. Georgia, Houston County.. Whereas, on tUe llib day of Mint. 11)20 Mu. ?epu Pat? Duncan executed* and delivered to Toe Second investors Mortguge Security Company Limited hMc deed, uuder Section ".;30G of the lUItf*' Uode of Georgi^, to thv lanua lureinaftea described, for the puiposo of securing*. debi referred to in said deed, which dr.-e<3 in recorded in the Clerk's othce of Hou? tou Superior Court in liook cf decde^ pa^e 457. And Whereas, in suid deed, said gnufc tor gnve to said grant- e and assigns tiia power to sell said lands in case of de fault in the prompt puyment at maturkt; of iuteiest er princip?] of said bebt. Now Therefore, by virtue of the power so vested in the undersigned, which. 1? nlbre accurately shown by reference to ? said dted the undersigned will sell aft. ? public outcry to the highest bidder, fow cash, on January G, 192b during tbeiegaA hours of sale before Houston County ; Courthouse door at Perry % Georgia, llit lands described in the aforesaid do?*,., to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land knows.'' as the old Laidler Place near ?lko^. Houston County, Georgia, and morer particularly described us follow?:. Be - ginning at northeast coiner of lot ?P.. land No. 172, running west 45 chain* and 28 links, thence south eleven chains and Fifty (50] links, thence soulk-j 18 degrees east 140 chains, thence- west' 33 chains, thence south 18 chains and 33 links, thence cust 45 chains, thence ooctla. Eighteen (18) chaiis 83 links, thene? easi 17 chains and 80 links, tlience north; * 45 cliains, thence west 17 chains and 84' " links, thence north 90 chains to place ei beginning, containing by calculation five hnndred fiftv two [552J acres, all i? thc Thirteenth (13th) District of Hocw ton County, Georgia, being one hundsed ninety e-ne and fifty six hundreth* (191.50) acres of lot No. One hundred* seventy tvyo (172), One hundred thirty nine and fifty hundreths (1/59.50) ncnee- ? of lot One hundred seventy one (171)r Eighty one (81) acres of lot one hun dred seventy (170J, sixty (00) aerea ?# lot one hundred sixty nine (189) an* eighty (80) a?rcs of lot one hundrMt sixty-seven (107), being parts of lote 172, 171, 170, 109 [Fractional lot) an* 167, nil in the 13th District of Houston* County, Georgia. Said The Second Inventor* Mortgage Security C?mpany, Limited, assigned ?aid debt and deeded said land te undersigned to secure same. Said' deed refforded in the Superior Court Gltrk'a*. Office of Houston County, December 3% \ 1920, in Book SI, page 142. 'I he said deed first above meniioned* was executed and delivered Co seuuie tki ? payment of one certain preroi?;sory v note for the sum of $>1000 dated 1Kb 1 1920 and the principa?, dfcbt, bearing ? interest at the rate of 8 per cent pet annnm. Said principal debt is now p?st due br the terms thereof, and remains unpaid. The total amount of principal and internet that will be due on enid debt on the dat* of B ile is $5484. Fee simple titles will be mado to the purchaser at said salf and?? the proceeds ef such mle will be appfoexf first, to the payment of said debt witb interest and expense? of this proceeding? and the remainder, if any, will be psM over to ?aid Mrs. Zeph Pile Duncan aw her legal representative. Dated this ninth day of December 1934. Thelnvestors Mortgage 8eenrity Cos? panj, 1/imited. By Henderson & Davie, its Attorney a?. Law.