Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, January 29, 1925, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher r DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1870 VOL. LV. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 ' No. 5 P. H. 5. WINS FROM UNAD1LU The P. H. S. Basketball teams boys aud girls won from Unadilla Friday afternoon ou local court. Boys bad an easy time defeating tlio visitor? 48 to 12, with the seeouii team playing second quart er. l"Ue girls had quite a different proposition to handle; for the lass es from Unadilla offered stiff opposition. And it was only thru thii excellent guarding of the Per ry girls and the ease with which Mi ri Meyers found the basket that victory resulted. This girl registered every point for the home team liti ia all. The score ended 26 to 16. Ou Friday night, January 30, both teams will plhy Vienna in Vienna. February Gth the boys will play Coehran High; ou Feb ruary 13, play Eastman. Both games on local court. February 20 they go to Hawkiusville for game. There is some doubt as to whether Cochran and Eastman will give us games on out door court. Arrangements may be made to play in Fort Valley. People lets build an athletic building, one that can be used for bashctball and gymuasium. This is the crying need of our towu now. We have noplace for amuse ments, no football field, no basket ball court, no baseball diamond. These things are just as essential as many other things we spend our money for. Other towns not as prosperous as Perry have them. Marshallville has an athletic build* ing, so has Fort Valley, Moute zuma, Coehran, Hawkinsville, Vienna,Eastman?every where ex, oept Perry and Shanty. J. M, Gooden. WARNING NOTICE Notice is hereby given that parties engaged in the following busiuess are subject to a special tax and must register with the Ordinary and pay their special lax by the first of January of each year. Advertising Agents,Auctioneers, Automobile Tires, accessories etc. Automobile Garage, BarberShops, Book Agents, Bicycle Dealers, B e a u t y Parlors, Construction Companies, Contractors, Corpor ations, Cafes and Restaurants, Goal and Wood Dealers, Dance Halls, Electrical Agents or Con tractors, Gasoline or Oil Trucks, Hotels, Insurance Agents, Ice Gre;irti Dealers, Junk Dealers, Lightening liod Agents, Lighting System, Live Stock Dealers, Motor Buses or Taxi Cab, Motorcycle Dealers, Moving Picture or Vaude ville, Pistol and Cartridge Dealers, Playing Cards, Pressing Club or Dry Cleaning, Skating Kink, Soda Fount, Slot Machine, Swimming Pool, Sewing Machine Agtfht, Under Takers, Weiner Stands. Warehouses (Cotton) Warehouses (Merchandise.) S. P. Crowell Tax Collector u. D C. MEETING The Clinton C. Dnucan Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy will meet next Wed nesday afternoon February 4th at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. N. C, W#llons. Members are invited to be present. Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store. EVANS WINS PEACH ' REFRIGERATION CASE The case of A. J. Evans agaiust the Central ot Georgia Railway Company tried in the Houston Superior Court and concluded hero last Friday was decided in favor of the plant ill. The suit was brought by A. J. Evans to recover from the Rail road Company, claiming damages j to the amount of about $J 100-00 i on two cars of peaches shipped in 1923 from Porry and Fort Valley. Evans alleged that the fruit ar rived at market in damaged con dition as a result of poor refrigera tion. The Jur\ found in favor of Evans awarding damages to the amount of $600.00 Thi? principal point at issue was whether or not a certain type of refrigerator car, known as a short car or smaller Bunker Car of 6800 pound ice capacity furnished adequate refrigeration for the transportation of the peaches. A very exhaustive examination into the method? of refrigeration, transportation and marketing of peaches was made and the testimony of a score or more witnesses.on each side was heard. The case was heard before Maloolm D. Jones and was in progress for seven days. General Walter A. Harris, Mr. John Harris and Messrs Dunoan & Nunu were attorneys for the Cen tral of Georgia Railroad while Messrs. JLt. L. Smith and Grady Harris conducted the case for Mr. Evans. THREE MORE DWELLNIGS BEING BUILT Mr J. P. Cooper began con struction last week on the first of three dwellings which he will build on the lower end of Ball street. The dwellings will be for rent and will help supply the growing demand for residences in Perry at this time. These resideces will be the latest addition to Ball Street which has been developing rapidly during the past eighteen months, nine dwellings and a plant o* t tie Gulf Refining Company having been built on this street during that time. Another dwelling belonging to the Perry Hotel has been moved on this street and is being re modeled. The building of the New Perry Hotel at Main and Ball Street and the Standard Oil Filling Station to be buiJt on the opposite corner will add much more to this section of the eity. MICKIE SAYS? wunst mi VJV-O VJUL RUttjcD tSH TOO MOCW RISING \ IT DfcOVt'UlNV INTO SNVlvrRUPTCV?. "TVAE ADVERTISING U1UZ DOME ON "THE MAW'S COMPETITOR! NEPl CITY ELECTION FEBRUARY 12, COUNTY ELECTION FEB.. 10 A special election to fill the un expired term of t lie late A. M. Anderson as Treasurer of Houston has been called by the Ordinary to be held ou l!?nrsday February 19th Polls will bo open at all the regular voting precincts of the county and the same rules in force as govern regular elections. , City Council has also called an election to fill the vacancy on that body caused by the death of Mr. Auulerson, to be held in Perry on Thursday February 12th NOTICE OF ELECTION Whereas a .vacancy has been created in the office ef Treasurer of Houston county by the death ou January 14th, 1925 of A. M. An dersou, Treasurer of said county. Ordered, that an election be held in said comity on the 19th day of February, 19213 to fill the unexpir ed term of the said A. M, Ander son as such 1 reinsurer. Witness my hand and official signature this the 17th day of January 1924. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary Houston Co. Ga. ELECTION NOTICE An election is hereby called for for Aldermairof the City of Perry to fill the Vi^Cancy caused by the d?ath of A. M. Anderson, said election to be held nn the 12th day ot February, 1925. This January 2G, 1925. C. E. Brunson, Mayor, S, P. Crowell, Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENTS For Treasurer Of Houston County The friends of Mrs. A. M. An* dernon announce lior candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Hous ton County for the unexpired term of the late A.M. Anderson. Subject to the rules of the special elecfcien to be held on February 19lh, nex*. The office of Treasurer of Hous ton County having been made vacant by the death of Mr. A. M. Anderson, 1 am requested to an nounce myself a candidate for the unexpired term of said office, sub ject to democratic regulations. Your vote and support will be appreciated. Respectfully. James R. TI nnt. / ???o FOR ALDERMAN Friends of John L. Hodges an nounce him as a candidate for Al derman of the City of Perry in the election to be held February 12, 1925. NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Tax payers who have not paid their State and County taxee for 1924 will please take notice that fi fas are bow in my hands and that I will begin levies at an early date. Taxes must be paid at oace to avoid extra eost. Resreetfolly, e. C. Pierce Sheriff. We Have Just Completed OUR NEW FERTILIZER PLANT And equipped it with the Latest and Most Modern Machinery. We are better prepared than ever to take care OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Write, Phone or Wire Us for prices on com plete Fertilizers or any grade of Fertilizer Ma terials for Home Mixing. "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS!" ? * * HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, - GEORGIA. PURE GARDEN SEED FOR SALE By C. S. Glisson, a Georgia man of Hawkinsville, Ga., Pulaski County. To the people of Perry and Houston County. Saturday, January 3lst, O. S. Glisson, of Hawkinsville, Oa., will give a Pure Garden Seed Demonstratiou in our store. He will show you how he has made a success trucking by using pure seed, thd right kind of fertilizes and the proper packing Sor market. See the sesd he has produced and the form ho offers them to you. Read his circular at our store. See his seed coru that produces 6 to 20 ears to hill. H? will show you the hills of c?rn here Saturday at 3:15 o'clock. Re member the time he arrives on the minute and hear his message for ho has trucked for 20 years and his message will be valuable to you. This means boys, girls, ladies and men. J. W. BLOODWORTH, PHONE No. 94. The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. HEADQUARTERS * FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone 12. E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay, Corn,Peas, Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Come to see uswhen you want to see these products*. We carry a full line ot Spray Materials for peaefies and can take care of your wants in any quantity. Lime, Sulphur,. Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead,, Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car ry a complete stock of Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Shingles, etc., for buildiag. Perry Warehouse Co.