Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, February 05, 1925, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL * 1 ' ' ? ? . > ? w JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher UEVOTED TO HOIE INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1879 ? ? VOL. LV. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, OA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925 No. t BUSINESS HOUSES BEIN6 REMODELED AND IMPROVED 1b line with the building boom now in progress a number of busi ness houses in Perry are being re modeled and repaired adding to their appearance and usefulness. The garage building of the Mc Leudon Anto Company is being remodeled and enlarged to take care ot its expanding business. An attractive automobile supply store with plate glass front will be pro vided an extension built on the rear for shop and storage. Messrs J. W. Bloodworth and W. E. Berry are setting a fine ex ample by removing the galvanized iron awning from the front of their store property on the south side of'Carroll street adding to the ap pearance of their property. Mr. Bloodworth will further im prove the store building occupied by Mr. E. M.Johnson by remodel ing the frout and building plate glass show windows. He has re cently built an extension on the rear of his property occupied by the Perry Pest Office. Mr. W. E Berry has also recently enlarged his store building with extension on the rear Improvement in the Ford Agen cy building on Main Street has just been oompleted The roof of the Perry Methodist Church is being recovered. Extensive improvement aad en largement of the Wells Hotel have recently been completed adding to hotel facilities of the city. INCOME TAX MAN HERE FEB., 10 Josiah T. Rose, Collector of In ternal Revenue for the District of Georgia, announces that for the convenience of those who file or may be liable to file Federal In come Tax Returns he has assigned his entire force of deputy collec tors to visit the important towns as d cities in Georgia to assist, without cost, taxpayers in prepar ing their returns for 1924. The filing period for 1924 turns is from January 1st to March 16, 1925, inclusive. A Deputy Income Tax Collector will be in Perry en February 10th. ? 1 111 1 O ?????? GROVANIA P. T. A. f j/T-? The P. T. A. of Grovania held its regular meeting at the school house on Friday January 23rd. with Mrs. S. T. Ellis, the president in the chair Tho minutes of last meeting were read and approved, after which the president called for re ports of committees. Mrs. 6. E. Briti then gave some statistics on Illiteracy. A paper on "Thrift" was read and discussed by Mrs. Kilpatriok. Mrs. Ne Smith read a helpful article on "The aims of a good school.". Ways of getting funds for bani fit of the school was next discuss ed. It was decided to give aa oyater supper at the school house on Friday night February 20th, X Blount and Imperial Plows at M. P. Honser's, Parry Ga. ?Sweet Milk at Heart and Evaas Drug Store. Bay eoal now at H. P. Honser's Perry Ga. Sweet Milk at Heard and Erana Drug Store. HOME BUILOERS IN THRIVIN6 CONDITION The Home Builders, Inc., a corporation organized here for the purpose of building homes for the citizens in this oommunity is in a thriving condition aa shown by a report ef the stockholders meeting held last week. The earnings of the year 1924. amounting to 8 per cent, were added to the surplus fund of the company. Starting a little more than a year ago with a small capital and still with capital less than $10,000, the Home Builders are ably ful filling ihe mission for which they were organized, ot the same time making a reasonable percentage on their investment. The operations of the company will be somewhat enlarged this year it is said Two additional dwellings have been contracted for will be built for home owners at an early date. NOTICE OF ELECTION Whereas a vacancy has been created in the office of Treasurer of Houston County by the death on Januarv 14th, 1925 of A. M. Andersen, Treasurer of said coun ty. Ordered, that an election be held in said county on the 19th day of February, 1925 to fill the unexpired term of the said A. M. Anderson as such Treasurer. Wit ness my hand and official signature this the 17th day of January 1924. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary Houston Go. Ga, ELECTION NOTICE i i *r '*!**'?* An election is hereby called for Alderman of the City of Perry to fill the vacancy caused by the death of A. M. Anderson, said election to be held on the 12th day of February, 1925. This January 26, [925. C. E. Branson, Mayor, S, P. Crowell, Clerk. ANNOUNCEMENTS jfi v For Treasurer Of Houston County The friends of Mrs. A. M. An derson announce her candidacy for the office of Treasurer ef Hous ton County fer the unexpired term of the late A. M. Anderson. Subject to the rules of the special electien to be held on February 19th, Hex*. The office of Treasurer of Hous ton County having been made vacant by the death of Mr. A. If. Anderson, I am requested to an nonnee myself a candidate for the unexpired term of said office, sub ject to democratic regulations. Your vote and support will be appreciated. Respectfully. James R. Hunt. FOR ALDERMAN mm ?T?!r Friends of John L. Hodges an nounce him as a candidate for Al derman of the City of Perry in the election to bn held February 12,1925. ? | German Silver loo of copper, nickel and ne, and sometime* a little iron and n. makes Gerroar eiirer. ELKO NEWS Miss Delia Smith, of Locust Grove, is the guest of her sister Mrs. L. W. Houser. Mr. and Mrs Charles Brooks, and small daughter, Christine, have retarned to their home inJack sonville Fla., after a risi t to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Onie E. Marshall, and small daughter, Derothy, of Macon, spent Sunday with their parents Mr. snd Mre. J. L. Eu banks. Mr, and Mrs. Georgia T. Eu banks spent Sunday in Plains, with his mother who is ill at the hospital. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of the Blko Methodist church met with Mrs. E. I. Holmes and spent a very pleasant afternoon. MRS. EMMETT BARNES SR. IS DEAD Mrs. A. Emmett Barne8, Sr., died at the residence, 300 Harde man A. venue, at 5:30 o'clock Satur day morning, afternoon an extend ed illness. She suffered a stroke of paralysis a few days ago, this hastening her death. Fnneral services were held from the First Presbyterian Church at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoou. Dr. George Stanley Frazer, pastor, and Dr. Rutherford B. Douglas, lormer pastor, officiating. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Mrs. Barnes was 55 years of age. Before her marriage sbe was Miss Roberta Waddell. She was born in Columbia, S. C., but moved to Houston County, Georgia, where she met and married A. Emmett Baines. Mrs. Barnes had been a resident of Macon for thirty-seven years, during which time she had become active in the First Presbyterian Church and the United Daughters ef the Confederacy. Besides her husband, she is sur vived by ene daughter, Mrs. T. Rad Turner; two sons, Robert Waddell Barnes and A. Emmett Barnes, Jr., and one half-sister, Mibs Jennie .Cross, of Macon.? Macon Telegraph. PERRY HIGH WINS TWO GAMES FROM VIENNA Tli? Perry High School basket ball team won from the Vienna team last Friday, afternoon by a score of 27 to 19. The fame was one of the best erer witnessed on a Perry court. W. Gray, Edwards and H- Gray were the best men fer the Ferry outfit, while Tonily and Swearinger were the high point men for the Vienna team. The Perry girls defeated the Vienna girls in a hardfought game by a score of 21 to 16. The stars for the Perry team were Meyers and Woojfolk. Graves and Ganons were the best players for the Vienna team. No Remorte When fire sweeps through the woods, one feels that at last there Is some thing that can do Justice to a hornet's nest. Queer, i en't It T Mrs. Bauer?"Tell a man something and he lets It In one^ear ahd out the other." Mr. Snner?"fw, but a woman lets It in at both ears and out of the mouth." Modern Newa Country citizens now doo't ha?e to gather aronuu the store in the gro cery to discuss public questions. They get all that in their newspapers and a great deal more. We Have Just Completed OUR NEW FERTILIZER PLANT And equipped it with the Latest and Most Modevn Machinery. We are better prepared than ever to take eare OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Write, Phone or Wire Us for prices on com plete Fertilizers or any grade of Fertilizer Ma terials for Home Mixing. "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, - GEORGIA. Now is the time to stock your p&nlry with Flour. We are in position to sell you Flour at $2.00 a bar rel less than the Mills are asking for it. WE CAN UNDERSELL ANY COMPETITOR Our prices are also right on Groceries, Hardware, Farm Supplies, Cotton Rope, Plow Shapes, Crock ery and everything to work with. All we ask is a chance and we will convince you that we can save you money on any article we selL J. W. BL00DW0RTH, PHONE No. 94. The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. t Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone 12. E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay, Corn,Peas,, Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Come to see uswhen you want to see these products. We carry a full line ot Spray Materials for peaches and can take care of your wants in any quantity... lime, Sulpbur, Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead/ Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car* ry a complete stock of Lime, Briek, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Shingles, etc., for building. Perry Warehouse Co.