Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, February 12, 1925, Image 3

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Economy Wear Speed v Get Our Prices-on Balloon Tires Before You Make a Change Hems Good Wear McLendon Auto Co., PHONE 57 PERRY, GA. We Think Of You And strive to serve you and please you. Our stock of GROCERIES is complete., Our STEAKS and FRESH MEATS are the best in town. Our market and store clean and sanitary LET US SERVE YOU KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. New Cotton Warehouse We take pleasure in announcing to the Cotton Growers of this section that we have opened a New Cotton Warehouse in Perry. Livestock for Sale or Trade COME TO SEE US PLANTERS WAREHOUSE E. M. BECKHAM & T. L WARREN, Mfra Perry, Oeorgia. Sideache Backache "I h*ve been taking Car aui," says Mr?. Lillie Bolton, of Lake Providence, L*. "I got down in bad health and lost in weight until I oni/ weighed 120 pounds. I had bad pains in my sides and back and my lees hurt me until I couldn't walk. I stayed in bed half the time. I tried all kinds of medicine, but it did m? no good. Finally I tried GARDU1 The Woman's Tonic "It seems like it did me good from the verv first. After I had taken half a bottle I no ticed an improvement. I con tinued its use and I got bet ter and better. The pains in my legs and sides disap peared and I began to gain in weight until now I weigh 155 pounds and feel better than I ever did in my life. I am perfectly well and strong. I have given it to my girls, too." Cardui has relieved many kinds of pains and distress ing symptoms caused by fe male trouble. It should help you, too, in the same way. Why not give it a fair trial ? ' P. 103 DAILY STRENGTH Nature has admirably fitted the body to fight against weak ness but there is need for a daily renewal of strength, which comes easiest through nourishment. Scott's Emulsion is a practical aid to health and strength. If you are pale, under weight or weak, Scott's is the restorative that builds you up Nature's way through nourishment. Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. J. GUY JACKSON INSURANCE COUNSELOR LlFE-ACCIDBNT-HEALTH-QJtOUP The GUY that put? the SURE in jour Insurance. 305-303 itiz ens & Southern Bank Building. Telephones 1142-3514-w ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESEN TATIVE MISSOURI STATE LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY FOR HOUSTON COUNTY. Lecal agents wanted in Perry, Fort Valley, Marshallville and Unadilla. Experience not essen tial but character is. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. We are prepared le close loan? prowptiy on Farm Laade. 6 per at. Interest. DUNCAN & NUNN, Ferry. ?a. JOHN W. BLOOD WORTH ATTOUNRy .AND COU>?EJLTOB At L>fw Perry ?- (J f.oboia. We Practice In Both Slat* and Federal Courts. Hail's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run-down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are In ?ood health. This fact prove? that while Catarrh 1? a local disease, It Is srreatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. IIAM/S CATARRH MKDiriNE Is a Combined Treatment, both local and In ternal, and has been successful In tho treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold *y all druffKlsts. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. ?Sweet Milk at Heard A Evans Drug 8tor?. ?House tor Sale?Seven room house on Washington Ave. Ap ply S. L. Norweo*, Sr., Perry, Ga. ?perryTraaefer Company hauls anything, anywhere, anytime, rhoae No. 40, Perry, 6a. , The Great Idea En Our Business Is To Sell Quality t L r Its the greatest business building idea we know of. Fine quality in your suit means more style, more wear, more val ue. You'll be glad to gel it? v Everybody is. Suits $25.00 to $45.00. Some with two pants. YOU SHOULD SEE THEM. F. C. BENSON COMPANY, Inc The Square Deal Store MACON GA. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES Account Mardi Gras Celebrations New Orleans, La., February, 19 24, 1925. Inc. Mobile, Ala,, February. '20-24, 1925. Inc. Pensacola, Fla., February 22-24 1925, Inc. % Fare and one-half round trip, tickets on sale to the public to New Orleans, February .17 to 23, inclusive; to Mobile, February 18 to 23, inclusive; to Pensacola Feb ruary 20 to 23, inclusive. Final limit of tickets March 3, 1925, except that tickets may be extended to March 18, 1935, by depositing them with Special Agents at destination, and upon payment of fee of #1.00 por ticket. Apply to any ticket agent or representative for total round trip fares, schedules, sleeping car res ervations, and any other informa tion desired. CENTRAL OP GEORGIA RAILWAY "The Right Way." Pine-Tar and Honey Still Best (or Chest Colds and Coughs Oii? mothers and grandmothers would never be without pine tar syrup in the house for coughs, chest colds, etc. This was many years ago, but modern medi cine has never been able to improve on this time-tested remedy. Doctors say the pine tar is hard to beat for quickly loosening and removing the phlegm and congestion that are the actual cause of the cough. At the same time pine-tar and honey soon soothe and heal all irritation and soreness. The kind that has been used with never fail ing success in thousands of families for years is that known as Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. This is scientifically compounded of just the right proportions of pine-tar. honey and other quick-acting, healing ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. It contains absolutely no opiates, narcotics or harmful drugs, so can be given to young chil dren? fine for spasmodic croup. It tastes good, too. If you want the best, amedicine that of ten stops the severest cough overnight, be sure you get Dr. Bell's Pine-T-^JIoncy. It costs only 30c at any good drug;<**3. Dr. BELLS PINE -TAR-HONEY FOR COUGHS Lasts ten years! Mak? old roofs good as new?any kind' Easily applied. Used by largest concerns past 35 years. Informa tion on requestor send $8 for trial J ga!!on. can. sent prepaid?fully guaranteed. x EXCELSIOR PRODUCTS CO. 85 FOURTH AVE.N Y.CITY Fire Insurance at R. P. Homer's Perry G a, SHERIFF'S SALE Houston County, Georgia. 1; Will be sold before the court house door within tli? legal hour? of Male ob the first Tuesday in March 1925 the fol lowing property to-wit: "All that tract or parcel of land sit uathd lying and being in the 13tli Dis trict oi the County of Houston, ntate of Georgia, consisting of whole land lot number two hundred and sixty two [962] containing two hundred and two and one-half [202r.cres, more or le^s and eighty-five 85 acres, more or less off tli? east sidi*. of land lot number two hun dred eighty-five(285), the whol* lying in one body of two hundred eiglity-seven and one-half 287% acres niofe or less, and comprising the lands sel aside a? dower for Mrs, Zilphia Lane out of th% ostati- of Sanders Lane deceased." Levied on as the property of F. Greene and C. S. tiurr and found in their possession, to satisfy a fi fa fron* the Superior Court of Houston County in favor of J. N. Buff, administrator of th^ Estate Mrs. Fauuie V. Davis vi F. m. Greene and C. S. Gurr. This January, 28, 1925. C. C. Pierce Sheriff VALENTINE is the time to send FLOWERS. Place your order with Mrs. Geo. Winn, Perry, Ga. , Agent for Idle Hour Nurseries, M aeon ^ Ga. ?FOR SALE -350 bushels Petty Toole Cotton Seed, planted here one year. $1.00 per bushel. Ap ly J. T. Hancock, Fort Valley, Ga? R?ute No. 1. ?LOST-35 x V/2 Tire and Aim on road between Fort Valley and Unadilla. Finder please notify Hohen Garage. Gordele, (ia.f and receive reward. ?CASH Paid for False Teetb, dental gold, platinum and discard ed jewelry. Hoke Smclting& Re fining Co., Otsogo, Michigan, W. A. STROTHER 'INSURANCE Perry, Oa. ? Investigate the Bal loo* Tiro Idea. We have them. Let us show > you. McLendon Auto oo. Blouat and Imperial Plows at H. P. Hoaur's, P?rry Ga. ?Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store. Buy coal new at H. P. H over's Perry Ga. Sweet Milk at Heard and Evans Drug Store.