Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, February 19, 1925, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL JOHN Li. HODGES, Publisher DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CUITURE ESTABLISHED 1870 VOL. LV. PERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1!>, 1925 No. 8 LAUNCH LOCAL PROJECTS AT CIV1TAN MEETING Extension Oi Central Railroad To Clinch field Favored; R. L McKenny Is Speaker. By a unanimous vote the mem bers of the Civitau Club went ou record Thursday night, in tbeir ?weekly meeting, as favoring the exteusiun of the Central of Georgia liailroad from Perry to Cliuchfiold formerly Coreen, a distance of six miles. Launching the movemeut to ex tend t his line of road, Is only oue of tjhe many activities in which the Civitan Club will engage duriug the year 1925, as it has a careful ly mapped out program on those things for wich it will stride dur ing the year, one of the most im portant being to beautify Perry and make it one of the most at tractive places in the south, and a point to be sought by tourists in passing througli either winter or gammer. The Civitan meeting Thursday night was largely attended, only two members being absent. Several visitors from Macon and other points attended the meeting and made short talks of an appropriate nature, adding to the pleasure and profit of the evening, which is regarded as having been a very beneficial one in many respects It. L. McKenney, president and editor of The Macon News, was a club guest and made the principal talk of the evening. Mr. McKenney was filled with enthusiasm regard ing his subject, Central Georgia, and never tires in telling of its greatness. He paid a glowing tribute to the people of Central Georgia, its farms, its peach orchards, its pecan groves, its climate and all things else in which this section of the state has an advantage over other sections of the country. Hti predicted that Perry would experience a greater growth during the next five years than she had teen during the past twenty-five years, basing his predictions on the new cement plant, improved farmiug and the improvement shown along all lines. The talk of Mr. MeKenney made a most favor able impression dpon his hearers because of the enthusiasm he manifested and because of the deep interest he feels in the wel fare of all of Central Georgja, Following the talk of Mr, Mc Kenney, a number of other visitors ?were culled upon by President Nunn, who responded briefly, ex pressing their pleasure iu being able to attend a Civitan meeting in Perry. All of them expressed confidence in Houston county and Central Georgia and their future development. Felix Guntber. general manager of the new CI inch field cement plant, which is now nearing com pletion, was called upon to toll something of the operations of his com piny. Mr. Gunther stated that from' the time his company shipped the! first car of freight to Coreen, now Clinehfleld. until the present, the | railroads have bandied 77"? ca:'-1 load- of fi??LTlit. in solid car- lot*, for them. gave figures showing1 that 773,(MK) feet of lumber bad been used m tli?1 construction oi'< the immen?' plant, in addition to the lime, cement and other n; i tet'i ti 11 a- ;;< jn* o it < ? i struciion. He expre ss! t In- ?><_? I if? f" that his comp-mv would b? rcAdv to ?u opera* ions hy tin? middle' ofAp -il. if no further drawback is experienced. Prudent Nunn siafcd. 'follo,w ing the talks, that the club had mapped out a definite program for, the year, and tbat he had been given assurances by the heads of ihe ladies' clubs of the town that they would back the Civitan Club to the limit in its efforts to build Perry. Mrs. J. P. Cooper, presi dent of the Parent-Teacher As sociation, expressed herself as * be ing in hearty sympathy with the Civitans in their efforts to ac complish greater things for Ferry and assured them that her club was with them to do anything they could: Mrs. K. L. Cater, president of the Clinton Duncan Chapter. United Daughteis of the Con federacy, expressed herself along similar lines. Miss Katherine Thomas was elected pianist and Miss Aurelia Cooper clHb reporter. At this point announcement was made tbat a mass meeting would be held Fri day night, for the purpose of tak ing action toward providing athletic headquarters for the high scbool. The following resolutions were introduced by J. p. Duncan, and unanimously adopted: "Whereas, it is currently re ported that the Central of Georgia Railway Company is contemplat ing the extension of its road from perry to Clincbfield (Coreen) a distance of six miles, and, ''Whereas, it would be of great benefit to the city of Perry and surrounding community for this extension to be made, and whereas the business of the cement p^ant at Clincbfield will amountjip 250,090 tons per anaum; the item of coal alone being 60,000 tons. "Therefore, be it resolved that this club will most heartily give its support to this project and as sist as far as it can, the railroad in making this extension. "Bw it further resolved, that the president appoint-a committee to consist ot three members to confer with the proper authorities of said railroad in regard to this matter and that the secretary furnish the Central of Georgia Railway Company a copy of these ( resolutions," JOHN F. HOUbER DIED SATURDAY John F. Houser died at his home in Elko early Saturday morning after an illness of several months. Houston loses one of her best citizens in the death of Mr. Houser. He was a man of high ideals and puiposes, and stood for the best in every thing. For twenty-four years he served as a member df the board of edu cation, and twenty years of this he was chairman of the board. He was also a very prominent man in the church life of his community, and for a number of years aeted as steward in the Methodist Church. Mr. Houser is survived by one brother, W. F. Houser, of Macon; one sister, Mrs. C. J. Marshall of Elko; two daughters, Mis. Will Gaines of Elko. and Mrs. Clark Hard Ulan of Philadelphia, Pa.: ( i 901008) f>. W? and J, O. a., of Mlko, and Dr. L. G. Jlouser of Bait imore. The funeral serviee \vae held from the homo Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and the interment was at Kvergreen cemetery nt P?-r. ry", Rev. K. M. MiicGregor officiat ing. " ATHLETIC COURT FOR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY ASSURED HALF OF FUND SUBSCRIBED AT ENTHU SIASTIC MEETING. J. A. MILLER GIVES SI,000. Through the hearty co-operation of the Civitau Club and other organizations, the donatious of the public spirited citizens of perry aud community and the generous contribution of Mr. J. A. Miller President of the Clinchfield Port laud cement co. has made possible the build.ng of a modern Basket Ball court and Athletic Building in perry. At an inthasiastic. meeting of citizens held uuder the auspices of the civitan ciub Friday night more than half of the necessary fund was subscribed. President S. A. Nuun of the civitaus explained the purpose of the meeting. J. P. Ethiidge was made chairman of the mass meeting and J. L. Hodges secretary. Short talks were made b y citizens, members of the school faculty and pupils .explaining the need of the athletic and leceation building, for the school as well as the people of the community. At the beginning of the meeting Mr. VV. A- iStrother announced the contribution , of $I0U0.00 from Mr. J. A. Miller for the Clinchfield Portland cement co. The announcement was inthu siastically and gratefully received adding encouragement to the effort to raise the necessary fund. Olher contributions ranging from ? 100.00 to one dollar were made by ciiizenst organizations, aud pupils of the school, the total to date amounting to $2800.00. A committee was appointed to have plans submitted for the building, get the cost of same and decide on location, and to solicit subscriptions from other citizens of the community. With the whole hearted co operation of all the people, the new athletic building is assured and construction should be under way within a few weeks, ELECTION OF COUNTY TREASURER THURSDAY The special election for County Treasurer to fill the unexpired term of the late A. M. Anderson is being held throughout the coun ty today (Thursday.) With the recent announcement of additional candidates consider able interest has been aroused in the race and all four candidates were very active during the last few days of the campaign. The votes are being cast as we go to press but no prediction of the re sult can be made at this time. The candidates are J.VV. lUood wortn, H. P. Houser, James li. Hunt, and W. A. Slrother. SATURDAY IS TAG DAY Saturday is CJeorgo Washing ton Tag Day for t lic I). A. Every citizen of the town will be given an opportunity to eontribub to f ho work which the T). A. IJ. Chapter her? is undertaking. < Young ladies of the town wi 1*1 bp ?'i pplied with small American Hags will) which citizens who con J tribute will be tagged. Hon ! pas ! them by. but help :? good cau?c. I Committee. We Have Just Completed OUR NEW FERTILIZER PLANT And equipped it with the Latest and Most Modem Machinery. We are better piepared than ever to take care OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. Write, Phone or Wire Us for prices on com plete Fertilizers or any grade of Fertilizer Ma terials for Home Mixing. "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS. Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, - GEORGIA. Now is the time to stock your panlry with Flour. We are in position to sell you Flour at $2.00 a bar rel less than the Mills are asking for it. WE CAN UNDERSELL ANY COMPETITOR Our prices are also right on Groceries, Hardware, Farm Supplies, Cotton Rope, Plow Shapes, Crock ery and everything to work with. All we ask is a chance and we will convince you that we can save you money on any article we sell. J. W. BL00DW0RTH, PHONE No. 94. The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone|12 E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay, Corn,Peas, Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Come to see uswhen you want to see these products. We carry a full line oi Spray Materials for peaches and can take care of your wants in any quantity. Lime, Sulphur, Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead, Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car ry a complete stock of Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Shingles, etc., for building. Perry Warehouse Co.