Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, April 09, 1925, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE ESTABLISHED 1870 VOL. LV. PERHY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY^ APRIL 9, 1925 No. 15 SUPERIOR COURT iN SESSION Hoaston Superior Court has been in session here for three days with Judge Malcolm Jones presid ing. The court assembled Mon day moruing for the consideration of cases on the civil docket. There were no trials on \londay morning the time being consumed in ar ranging the dockets for Wednes day and Thursday. There was no| court ou Tuesday. Owing to the absence of Solici tor Chas. Garrett, who is ill in Macou, there was no consideration of criiniual warrants by the Grand Jury this week. The Grand Jury will be in session next week when the Solicitor General it is expect ed will be sufficiently recovered to take up the criminal business be fore the Grand Jury and the Court, The jurors who will ser7e tlie| court during the criminal session next week are as follows: Traverse Jury ?O. A. Tliur-j mond, H.A. Tucker,Cooper .Tones, O. B. E Imondson, J. A. Middle brooks, I. Y. Heard, W. R. Jones, G. L. Slocuonb, J. R. Underwood, J. A. 8mith, S. P. Billingsley, J. S. Niblett, D. B. Corder, R. E. Harper, J. M. Pool, E. P. Barfield C. R. Aultman, W. J. Jenkins, J. T. Bell, L. VI. NeSmith, J. J. Jones, C. F Cooper, H. S. Kezar, ?3. W. Hickson, Jr., G T. Pierce, B. H. Edwards, G. E. Heagy, W. A. Strothcr, E. C. Fagan, G. L. Small* E. L. Woodruff, U. I. Ogle tree, W. G. Kemper, J. H. Short, J. C. Parker, J. M. Hunt. Tales Jurors?Emmett Connell,1 J. W, Kersey. Meade Tolleson, B. L: Roberson, S. P. Crowell, J. T. Sisson, W. F. Jones. Walter Riley, W. E. Berry, E. D. Tucker, C. O. Tharpe, Harry Bonner, B. H. An drew, Jr., J. D- Marshall, Jr., L. G. Collins, A. G. Leaptrot, S. D. Harrison, O. L. Estes, A. B. Raui mage, J. G. Brown, A. F. Hort mai, W. F. Bixby, J. V. Rey nolds, J- P. Ethridge. Give in your taxes by May 1st. W. C Watson T. R. Give in yonr taxes by May 1st W. C. Watson T. R. The science of correcting faulty vision with the aid of properly fitted glasses is a profession now fully recog nized and justly appreciated. The examination we give your eyes leaves no doubt in your mind. EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MACON OPTICAL CO., J. N. Kalish F. H. Johnson Mmoq, Ga. Middle class: Thoas who usa tha batter kaifa whan company eaaas. PERRY BEC0MIN6 ASPARAGUS CENTER Shipments of asparagus from this point up to the present have leachod such volume as to rankj Perry as one of the important shipping point? for that product. While the industry is compara tively new here a considerable acreage has been planted in as parigus in this section during the! past three years. Shipments from this point will inciease from year to year as the young beds attain I growth and maturity. Express shipments from Perry up to the first ef this week amounted to 1,118 crates for the, season with a daily shipment averaging 1O0 crates during the past week. TO GET IN TOUCH WITH NAVY VETERANS The Commanding General of the fourth Corps Area, comprising the eight Southeastern States, is making an effort to get in touch with all young men who have re- j ceutly served in the Navy or Ma rine Corps, ia order to extend to thuui au invitation to join the, Cit izens' Military Training Camps ! for July, this summer. The War Department instructions, recently issued, direct that credit be given all previous Navy of Marine Corps men for service in those branches in making assignment to a course in the C. M. T. C. As most of these yonng men, and especially those with World War experience, are beyond the age of 24 they would be assigned to the higher courses and all of them would be acting Non-Commissioned Officers, depeuding upon the amount of serviee they had seen. The same allowances as to rail road fare, food, clothing and all other necessary expenses, would be available to ex-Navy and Ma rine Corps men. | Report has beeu received from the Eastern Corps Area that great numbers of Legionnaires, who served in the Army, Navy and Ma rine Corps during the war, have asked for assignment to the train ing camps in order to help train the young men who are to take their places in the ranks. The C. M. T. C. Officer of the Fourth Corps Area, Red Rock Building. Atlanta, Georgia an nounces that there have been al ready accepted nearly 1,000 ap plications from ex-service men who will act as Non-Commission ed and Commissioned Officers dur ing the coming encampment. Increase ike Beauty andValue of Your Farm andtiomeJOfo (Avera?* increase due to ?planting, reported by real estate dealers.) The planting1 o{ a few fruit and ornamental trees will quickly increase the value of your borne in accordance with the pcrccntatc quoted At small cost you may hare pecan, persimmon and fig tre?? that will soon yield a profit. Ro*?S, flowering: shrrbs and vines are inex pensive. They add beauty and valu? to the borne and pleasure to the owner. Everything needed to beautify your homo frounds and garden m listed in o?r new il lustrated catalogue. It will be Mailed fre? ? request. Writ? for it today. GRIFF ING'S INTBR8TATE NURSERIES /MfaoMTill?, Florida ?FOR flALB?TaoU 0?tUa g?i ?nd Ear 0?m. Apply A. F. Smith A ??*, Parry, Gi. BONAIRE HAS LIVE SCHOOL Bonaire is not dead, bnt still alive and prospering every day. The school means so much to our community, and we're proud to say that we have a good school. ' We invite everyone to visit our school and also our P. T. A. meat* J lugs every first Friday afternoon. { We are trying very hard to make a success of our Parent-Teacher ; Association and we hope that more of the Bonaire people will come and help. Also we would like to have more attendants from Wellston, Kathleen and Union. You should come and visit the school and see what your children are doing and also cooperate with us in our P. T. A. Now we have only a tew mem bers, but we are putting fourth every effort to increase our mem bership. Our meetings are very interesting and entertaining. The music is fine and reflects credit on the teachers and pupils too. I To increase the interest in our P. T. A., wo are planning to have a picnic dinner'soon. | Recently at one of our school exercises wo sold forty-seven dol lars worth of ice creaui for the benefit of the school. i At our next P. T. A. meeting wo will serve ice cream and other refreshments. Come and bs with us. When Bonaire people start, any thing they strive earnestly to make a success of it. We don't see any use of going backward, when we can go forward. We in tend to make a success of our Parent-Teacher Association and we earnestly ask every oue in Bon aire and the whole school district to cooperate with us in the in terest of our school district. (P. T. A. Membsr.) ACQUIRES WASHINGTON STREET PROPERTY J. P. Cooper last week purchas ed the residence property on lower Washington Street for many year? owned by negroes and novr occu pied by Corinne Dudley colored. The purchase will open up that thoroughfare and make possible further building development in that section of the city. Mr. Cooper announces that he will improve his property and and build one or more additional dwelliugs on the lot at an early date. MICKIE SAYS "SE<3j acwGOUurr, VjE KIKi WUfcRM YJMEkJ \T IS NECE9SAR.V, ?.\JT VJHEU VJS BREAVC OUR UECK<?> V GVf OUT A JOB OF Pfc\UT\VlG tEE. N FEWER AV4* THEVj WE DOWTT COME AFTER. NT EER THREE UIEEK9, TUAT fAAVCES ME SORE * I We Have Just Completed j OUR NEW j FERTILIZER PLANT ! And equipped it with the Latest and Most Modevn Machinery. !We are better piepared than ever to take care OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. j Write, Phone or Wire Us for prices on com x plete Fertilizers or any grade of Fertilizer Ma ji terials for Home Mixing. J "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS." 1 HEARD BROTHERS. 3 Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. ! MACON, - GEORGIA Three months of the new year is pased. Spring is here, we have enjoyed an excellent business?there is a rea son, we carry a full line of Hardware, Tools, Cutlery, Enameled Ware, Crockery, Galvanized Tabs, Well Buck ets, Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and other thing*, too numerous to mention, and our prices are always right. Our stock of Groceries is complete and our pricrs are 10> per cent cheaper than our closest competitors. Trade with us and save money. Follow the crowds and you will not go wrong. J. W. BLOODWORTH, PHONE No. 94. The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. HEADQUARTERS FOR Steaks and Fresh Meats of All Kinds. Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prompt Service. Phone 12. E. F. BARFIELD & CO. PERRY, GA. We are always in the business for Hay, Corn,Peasr Seed Cotton, Cotton Seed, Velvet Beans, etc.Cone to see uswhen you want to see these products. We carvy a full line ot Spray Materials for peaches and can take care of your wants in any quantity.. Lime, Sulphur, Oil Emulsion, Arsenate of Lead* Automic Sulphur and any kind of Dust. We car ry a complete stock of Lime, Brick, Cement, Sami^ Gravel, Shingles, etc., for building* Perry Warehouse Co.