Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, April 23, 1925, Image 2

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TAX SALES CooTgla, lioukten C?vaty. Will be H'>ld before Clie Court House door withiu the I??;**1 hour? of ??1?? on the first Tuesday in M iy 192"? to satisfy Fi Fa's for Matt? and County t*xcs f.?r tin- year i9i4, the following properly to wit: All that tra-t or parcel of land, lying and being in the 9th dintriet "roriuiral ly Houston now Peach County, Georgia and ? eing ull of lot No. 17.4 and < ontain ing 202'i acre?, mot? or less. Levied or. as the property of R. F. Jones. Tenmt in possession and owner notified. Also at the s une Iiuie and place ihat City lot on tlx corner of Kast Miller Str< et anil Central Avenue with all im provement* thereon; located in Fort Valley, Georgia now I'each I'oiiuiy formerly Houston County, Georgia, and b Mi'i(l("l us "oUowh: North by lot of \\ . it W. M. Wright, Kast by lot of T. J. Shcpiird, South by Central Avenue, anil West b\ Miller > t reel. Levied on us the property of (?.'L Wright. Tenant in possession Hud owner notifit-d. Al ii it tae !-'iue time and place all tha? true' oi parcel <>f land lying and be ing in the C".v of* Fort Valley, Ge 'r_sa, anu in the Uib district of originally Houston, now I'ea h Count/ Georgia, and be ng that lot fronting Mil font on the s utu side of 1'restou Street, and runn'iiK back in a Southerly ili tet on a uni'orin width ot' lt>4 fo t for a distance of 2."?7 feet t ? the I). Hu us lot, and bonu le<l a? follows: North liy I'crson Btr et. I list by li. H. Hartley, West by lot of K. O. Miller and Geo. Ji. Slappey, Smith by lot of 1). Hum*. Levied on a* Ihe property of 'he W. M. Blew-ster. Tenant in possession and owner not died. A No at tli" samo lime nnd place nil th it tract of land lyinjf and being in origin 11 ? y Houston, now I'each < oiintv, a~id more partioubuly d gcribod toi lows: Beginning at a point on the Ma con Road, lead ng Irom Fort Valley io Maoon, Georgia, and where the .Macon road intersects with Taj lor Mil] road a di*t tnce of 218 feet i'? a Northerly di rection: thence West a distance of 100 fret; theme South a distance of 3.17 lee!; thence Northeast alonir M?con road 900 fret This land being % mile from Fort Valle)*? Georgia. Levied on a? tho pro perty of 11. 0. H a nee. Tenant in pos sesion and owner notified. Also at t'le same timo ?n l place all tbat tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in th" city of Fort Valley G a rgia, and m ?ro pirticularly defcrib d as fol low#: Beginning at the corner of the intersection of Kail Koal and Piestnn Streets f >r a starting point and running thence in a northerly direction along the easterly line ot Railroad >treet for a distance of l<>d feet, thence in a n Easterlv I'irection for a distance of 257 feet; tlirnco in i Southerly diiecti ?n along the property 1 lie of J. W. Wool folk lands for a distance of UK) -feet, Northerly lines of Preston Street; tbenee along the iioitherly lines of the sai<l Preston Street for a distance ml 2-'>7 feet to the point of b?ginnin Levied on as the property of T. M. Antijoino. Tenai t in possession notified. Al o at the ?tine time and plac? all tbat tractor parcel of lani, situate, ly ing and being in tho !)th District of originally Houston County (now Pencil County) being known in the Fort Valley Home Pla'-e of R. L. Avera, and beii g 70 acres, more or less, in lots 211 ?nd 912 in snid d ntrict an i hounded as fol lows: North by Ian Is of Mrs. A. M. Lamar. East by lands of John Neil and West View sub- livi-on of Fort Valley, Ga., South by Orange Street and lands of A. S. Evans and .1. H. Buirl; and West l?v binds of J. (\ Hartley. Levied on as the property of E. L. Avera. Ten ant in possession notified.' Also at the simo time and place that lot situated on Church Street in the city of Fort Va civ, G i, originali v Houston (n >w Peach) County, Ga., and beinu tin lot deeded to I. N. Uo\al by 15. T. Marshall, said lot fronting on Church Street 7">li feet, nnd running back an equal d'stinceof 213 feet, bounded North b>' Ch'iruh Mree", South bv H. T. M ir shall, Eiist bv other lot of in I.N Royal ami West by lot of Mrs. ,J M. Grays. Levied on as the properSv of 1. N, Rova!. Tenant in possession and owner n ?tilled. Also at the same time nnd place all that tract or parcel <>f land lying and be ing in the City of Fo't Valley, Ga., orUiirilly Houston (now Peach) County, Ga., nnd fronting North on Church Street 10:i feet an I running back South with n uniform widh of 103 feet, thence East and West a distance of P55 feet and bounded a* follows: Norlit by Church Street, Enst by W. II. Brown's lot, South by Houser and Ku sell Edwards, nnd West by W. B. Norton. Levied on as the pr>pertv of C. H. fSatum >ns. Ten ant in possession and owner notified. Also at the same time and plnce that certain tract, lot or parcel of land, situate lying and being in Fort Valley, G?., and in originally Houston (now Pench) County, Ga., same being known ns the Avera lot, also as the Kitchen lol Bnd the Hart'ev lot, and bring the place whereon F. M. Vining now lives, and fronting on Main Street ^10 feet and running back South with uniform width 420 feet, and bounded North by Main Street, Ea't by G. W. Tiinmc, and West by W. C. Fagan an^containing 2 acres, more or less. Levied on as the pr ?perij of F. M. V tning. Tenant iu possession and owner notified. Also at the same time nnd pla<>e all tbat tract or parcel of ia'id lying nnd be ing in the eitv of Fort Valley. Ga., and in the Uth District of originally Houston (now Peach) County, Georgia, fronting 112 feet on Knoxville Strpet, and run ning baek of even width a distance of 430 feet, miking said lot 112 by 430 f. et. ! L* vie Ion as the property of the defe"d j uut, J. C. Hurtle v,. Ti na m t iuposnesniou j a ti't owner not'tieil. i AUo at ihe same lim? and place that I l?'t in the city of Fort Vail v, CJa., an I in tli>'9th district of originally (-{ouston (?low Peach) County, Georgia, and b?iniX t hut l"t fronting on College Straet 107 feet and runu'ug hack South a 'li tance | uniform width 107 feet for u distnu* e of . 1 448 ft el to the rignt of way of ilie South- | i western Kail Bond. Bounded North by j College Street; South by right-of-wav i of Southwest rn Kail Koad; W?-nt by W, ? | ?>. Tharpe lot, h nut by Hartley lot, Hiley , and l)jd 1 ?ts. Levied on an the property i i of Lawton M. Culpepper. Tenant in 1 j possession and owner notified. I Alco at the h inie timu and plaeu all : that tract or par-el of land lyiug and be 1 ing in the city of Fort V Iley, Georgis, and beginning 011 ",e corn? r of ColJeg? and Miller Street;, and (routing lo4 fe t on College Street mid running hack on Miller Street feet to t'ie Hill lot, and boutw'e I North by < liege Street, ' East by Glenmore Green, js< qtli by Miller Street, ami west by Hill int. J Levi d on a-? t lie propery ?>f Mrs. M. F. ' Marshall. Tenant in posse sion and i owner notified. Also at the same time and place all that tract or land situate, lying nnd be ing the city of Fort VaLey, Georgia, and in the yih d strict of origina l.v Houston, | now 1'each] County, Georgia, and lo cated on the South s do of Church Street1 and fioniing Norih Forty-eight [4H] i fcot on Church Street, and being of n ! dept of 22~> feet, and bounded North by Court h street. Kast by lot of Miss Lizzie ! Tnweat, on the South by Mrs, Wilson, land West bv S. B, Wilson's lot and alley. Levied on as the property of li. T. Marshall. Tenant in possession and owner notified. Also at the same time and place all that tract orp ircol of land lying and b ing in the 0th district of originally Houston now Peach County, Georgia, and being a part of land lot No. 240 in said district nnc comprising of 20 acres, of said I t 240 and betng in a triangle in shape, and bounded North and northeast by lands of Mercet Univeisity and Robt. Flournoy, South and Southra t by the public road leading to Flynt K ver, and We-ttbv lands of Glenmore Green. Levied ou as the property of Jno. F. Trontman. Tenant in possession aud owner notified. Also at the same time an 1 place all that traci or parcel of land lying and be ing in the 9th district of Houston cow IJeach County. Georgia, *nd being known as the M<>ses Birn place and comprising parts of lots Nos. 196-221-219-220 and J more defin tcly described in deed from Moses Barnes to James Taylor. Levied on as the property of O. 8. I ay lor. Ten ant in possession and owner notified. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the city of Fort Valley, originally I Houston County, now Peach County, Georgia, nnd fronting on Person Street 100 feet nnd running back south of equal distance 120 feet to lands of L. L. Brown, nnd bounded North by Person Street and East by Miss Madge .Tamos, South by L. L. Brown, and West, by Congregational Chur'h and J. L. & Mrs. A. H.Long. Levied on as the property of T. R. Ousley. Tenant in possession ana owner notified. Also at the same time and place all that tract or parcel of land lying and be ing in the 0th district of originally Houston now Peach Cooaty, Georgia, and being all of lot No. 139 except 40 acres in tne Southwest corner of said lot. and bounded North bv Bateman lands, Kast by the J. F. Sykes Estate place: Sou Hi bv public road, and West by lands of Jas. Barnes, Mrs, J. F. [..owe and 0. L. Bateman and known as a part of the J. K. Bushing place. Levied on as the property of Dr. C. Z. McArthur. Tenant in possession and owner notified. Also at the same time nnd place nil that tra t or parcel of land lying and be ing in the Eighth (Hth) distr et o f originally Houston [now Peach] County, Geergia, and being th ? north half of lot No. 00, containing 101# acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of Murchison & Murehison, M. C. Murchi son Mgnr. Tenant in possession and owner noti fit d. Also at the same time nnd place all that tract or pireel of land hinir and be ing in the 9th district of originally Hous ton now Peach County, Georgia, and compr sing 50 acres, more or lovs, in the Southeast corner of land lot No. 236, and being the snine land purchased of L. M. Posey and now occupied by A. C. Murray. Levied on as the property of Amos C. Murray. Tenant in possetsion ami owner notified. Also at the same time and place all that tract of parcel of land, situate, ly ing and being in th 9th district of ori ginally Houston, now Peach, county, Georgia, and being the east half of lot No. 99 in said district and containing 101 acres, more or less. Levied on as ?the property of the defendant, R. M. Foster. Tenant in possession and own er notified. This April 9th, 1925. C. C. PIERCE, Sheriff. 1 FOR SALE:?Ear porn for salo i Apply J. T. Hancoeh, Fort Valley |Ga. R. F. 1>. No. 1. Increase the Beatify and Value cfYour Farm and Home 20% (iverage increase due to filiating, reported by real /state dialers.) The plantlcir of o few fruit ar.d ornamental tree? w.ll quickly increase the value of your home iu accordance with the pjreentage quoted. At small co?t you may hnve pecm, persimmon and fig trek* that will soon yic'.d a profit, kosrs, flowering shrubs and vir.es a*c inex pensive. They add beauty and value to tho Dome ar.J pleasure to the owner. Everything needed to b?ai'tify your horn? {rounds and Karden is li?'ed in o'ir new 11? lustrated catalogue. It will be mailed frea on rc juest. Write for it today. GRIFF ING'S INTERSTATE NURSERIES Jacksonville, Florida EASTER THE SEASON TO BUILD The Easter Season ushers in the Springtime. ?he season of home building:. Have you completed lyotir plans? If so. lot us give you an estimate on the lumber you will need in its construction. We h:ive mil lions of feot of high grude lumber. The kind you wil feel perfectly safe in using tor durability. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley, Ga. ORDINARY'S CITATIONS Georgia, Houston County A. F, Zorn having applied for letters of administration with will annexed on the estate of Mrs. Amelia C. Smith de ceased. This is to notify all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said application should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in May next. This April 8, 1925. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. N. W. H. Uilburt, iidminislrator of the estate of Wilson Cherry deceased, having made application for dismission from liis administration. This is to no tify all persons concerned to show cause, if any lliey can, why his application shonld not be granted at the Court of Ordinary on Hie tiist Monday in May next. This April 9, 1925. M. Li. Cooper, Ordinary. Georgia, Houston County. The appraisers appointed to set aside a years support for widow Mary Cliett and minor ehi'dien of Mo^e Cliett deceased, having made their returns t? this court. Thi< i? to no'ify a'l persons concerned to show cause, if nnv the; <->;n, why th?ir returns should not be adoMfod <! m the order of the court of Ordinary on tho first Mond'iy in May next. This April Oth, 19i5. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary. _? EXCUSION FARES TO ATLANTA ACCOUNT GRAND OPERA APRIL 20-25,1925. Faro find one-half round trip from points in (Jeorgia and Ala bama. open to the public. Dates of sale April 19 to 25 inclusive, fiual limit April 28, l!)25. For total fares, information as to schedules, reservations, etc,, ipply to nearest ticket agent. C KN T R A [j O F G EO RGIA R AIL WAV The Hight Way. i.OANS ON FARM LANDS. We are prepared to do?? lean? ?rowptly on Paras Laads. C par st (?MnA DUNCAN ft NUNN, Ferry, <U_ DUNCAN ft NUNN Attorney* ft Ceaacellers al Law. Fnctln tal Att C? PKUT, OA. W. A. STROTHER I INSURANCE PlRRT, t*. NEW HARDWARE Coming In Almost Dailey. Come in often and look over Our Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements. We think it will be to your Advantage. B. H. Andrew & Son Perry, Georgia "AT YOUR SERVICE" IT IS A PLEASURE TO SERVE Satisfied Customers Our Steaks and Fresh Meats Will Please You "Quality and Quick Service" Is Our Motto Give Us A Call KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. CALL ON US FOR PRICES On Niagara Orchard and Cotton Dusting Machinery and Niagara Dust and Spray Material Fertilizer for Orchard and Farm All Kinds of Feed Stuffs. Your Business Will Be Appreciated PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Perry, Georgia. RIES & ARMSTRONG RELIABLE GOODS ONLY ? Phone 836 315 Third Street Macon, Ga. "LITTLE RED SNUBBERS" $6.00 per Set. Stops side sway, rebound and broken Springs. Makes your Ford ride like a Lincoln. Try out a set and convince yourself. MUSE MOTOR CO. PERRY, GA. Pay Your SUBSCRIPTION Now