Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, May 21, 1925, Image 2

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TAX SALES GMrfU. Ctuty. Will be add before the Court Iluus? door within the legal hour? of Hal? on the first Tuesday in June 1925 to satisfy Ki Fa's for State and Count/ taxes f.?r the year I9<4, the following properly to wit: All that tract or parcel of Nnd, lying and being in the Wth district of otiginal ly Houston, now Peach County Georgia, and heing a pwrt of the Singleton place and compiling r?7 ncres. more <>r less, and bounded North and East by Mrs. 5. T. Hunt Sr. pUce, South aid Wist by John L. Wilson place. Levied on as the property of H -land S. Jonn*. Tenant in possession nnJ owner notified. Also at the same time and place all tk%<?t ci rtain property being one Store liousc in the C ty ot F??st Valley, Geor gia. and now in i'each County. Georgia, and No. 110 on Main Street, and forui ?*ly rented by S. Silva, now by Nick Strickland. Levied oa as the property of W. H. Carithora. Tenant in possession and owner notified. A ho at the a'me tun'* and place tha lot in the City of Port Valley, On., lot eated on went ai le of Anderson Avenue and fronting on aaid Avenue a distance of 62 1 0 feet and running back in a Westerly diru? tion a distance of 214 feet to a ditch and h ing I he residence form erly of J. W. Hill and being th? City lot deeded by I. Hrinen to Mrs. M. R. Orr en July ?*?th, 1921. Levied on as the property of Mm. Minnie H. Orr. Tenant in pissecs:on an I owner notified. This M'iy6, 19*5 C. C. Pierce Sheriff ORDINARY'S CITATIONS Georfia, Houstea Cttntf P. L. Borum h-iving applied for Guardianship of C. II. Floyd, Cynthia Kug. no Kl ?yd and Annie Louise Floyd minor children of Mr. au4 Mrs S. C. Floyd, deceased; this is lo notify all person concerned to show cause if any they can why his applic dion should not be grants I at the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in June next, This May 5, 192.'). M. L. Cooper, Ordinary. Oeetfte, Kousfcm M. K. Aikin haviu { applied Mr letters of administration on tha estate of W. M. Aikin deceased; this ia to notify all Suraons concerned to show cause if aay tiey can why his applio ition should not be grauted at the Court of Ordinary on tke tirat M >nday in Juno n"xt. This May 5, 1925. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary. Ofoifta, H S. V. I'srk r, a lmiuistrator of the ?state of Weeks Parker deceased, Laving applied for letters of dismission from his administration; this Is to notify all per sons concornu I to showcause, if any they oan why his application should not be granted at tho C ulrfc of Ordinary on the first Monday in June next. This May 5, 1925. M. L. Cooper, Ordinary. ? Georgia Houston County Nellie Amakor having applied for let ters of administration on the estate of Kddio II. Jackson (lecoased; this is there fore to notify all porsons concorned to show c.iusi* it' any they can why his ap plication should n<>t be grauted at the Court of Ordinary en tho first Monday in June uext. This May 5, 1025. M. Ij. Cooper Ordinay, SHERIFFS SALE Weoigia Houston Connly, Will bo s "M before the court house door on ihe first Tuesday in Juuo 1925 within tli t le.^al hours of sa[e the follow ing property lo-wil: All tImt tract or parcel of land con taining thirty-five [36] acres, more or less of lot of land No. 221, in tho 13th District of Houston Qounty Georgia snil beinx the Southeastern comer, bordering on the West on Rudy Branch; on the Kast by Ian Is of Mrs. Lucy Mo->rehead; on the North by public ro^d, and on Siuth by <he Old Lester Plantation, and being tho land where said Oliver Brown now resides, and being the land more fully described in deed from W. H. Roberte to Oliver Brown aud recorded in Deod Hook No 23, folio 338, in Clerk's office Houston Suporior Court. L-vied on as the property of Oliver Brown to satisfy ? <1 fa from the City Court of Houston C-uinty in favor of Heard Brothers versus Oliver Brown. This May 5, 1925. Also at the same tim<* and place, One 1 ton Truch motor 11967614, 1925 model Levied on ae the property of W. E. Himihia and found in his possession, to satisfy a fi fa from J. P. Court of the 619 District O. M. versus W. E. Himi kia dated April lft, 1926. This May 6, 1989. C. C. Pierce Sheriff. 6 6 6 Is a prescription for Golds, Gripp?, Dengue, Headaches, Constipation, Bilfii liousness. It it the most speedy remedy wt know FOR SALE?Cheap fer cash or terms, Silrertoae Grapbephoa*. food aa new with 40 up-to-date ?ocords. Apply Co T. P. Aader soa. Perry, Ga. Scalped by Indians 56 Years Ago; Dies in Bed lireut Bend, Kans.?Sculped und left for dead by Comanche Indians on the famous Santa Fe trail years ago, Allen W. Edwards lived to a ripe old age, dying at Ids home at Waukomls. Okla., at seventy-four, lie is survived by his wife and several children. It was while he was a hoy of eight een that Mr. Edwards almost lost his life under the scalping knives of the Indians In Kansas. With a company of freighters he traversed the Santa Fe trail with a Itussell, Majors and Wnddell wagon train hound from Ne braska to Santa Fe. At Walnut creek, near Great Bend, the wagon train was ambushed by a war party of hostile Comanches. Edwards had been cnt off from the wagon train at the first attack and stunned by a blow from an Indian war club. Thinking his victim dead the Indian warrior coolly scalped the boy and then left him to join the assault against the wagons which had been drawn up in a circle by the freighters. British Insurance Pays for Surgical Operations London.?Surgical Insurance is the newest thing In England. Several com panies now issue policies for a small premium each year which guarantee, if the holder is obliged to undergo a surgical operation, that all expenses, Including the services of a high-class surgeon, at the best of private hos pitals, will be paid. Applicants for such Insurance must pass a medical examination, and men over fifty and women over forty-five are not consid ered desirable risks. The fifty-year age limit In the case of men as against forty-five In the case of women rather upsets the pre vailing idea that the expectation of life Is greater in a woman than a man. The head of a family may also, In the same policy, Insure his wife and rhlldren against operations. Dental operations are not Included la the poli cies. Water I i Literally Their Staff of Life The most amazing race of human be ings is undoubtedly the El Molo, a tribe of "fishmen," who inhabit the desert wastes bordering Lake Rudolf, In Kenya colony, Africa. This tribe represents the only known specimens of semlamphlbious people and it Is a curious fuct that any tribesman dies If he is kept without water for about three hours. As a rule they drink every hour during the day, for even an hour and a half without water causes crack ing and bleeding of the lips, the Bos ton Transcript says. The El Moro tribesmen spend their days swimming in the waters of Lake Rudolf and fishing from frail rafts constructed with palm branches. Fish is almost their only diet and they have no opportunity of varying their menu, unless they are fortunate enough to spear a hippopotamus. The water of Lake Itudolf is undrinkable to anyone but the El Moro, for it contains a large quuntlty of soda and has an ob Jectlonable taste. The proportion o i soda In that lake Increases yearly, and It Is believed to be this fact that has caused the "fishermen" to becouic u deformed race. No Remorse When Are sweeps through the woods, one feels thnt at Inst there is some thins that can do justice to a hornet'? nest. An Adventurer A good clerk appears to be per sonally Interested In what jou want to buy. He appears so. because he Is. Each snle Is n little adventure for hlin. When Pep la Needed We have no delight in rending a newspaper which "never hurts our feelings." Who would have a diet of nothing but butter, unsalted at that? - 1 ? ? ? Prune* Redeemed Prunes suffer under undeserved calumny. To 3 cents* worth of prunes add 20 cents' worth of clotted cream and they are redeemed. A Real Di?a*ter First Hobo?"Good "evlns ! "Ere's a nice go!" Second Ilobo?'"Wot's up now?" First Hobo?"This year's cham pagne vintage Is a failure."?Punch. The Slhnmert Moo?? New York City's slimmest house Is the building on the corner of Mel rose arenue and 161st street In the Bronx. It Is no wider than a roan's outstretched hands. The lot Is only 8 feet 8 Inches wide and 22 feet deep but the owner has built a two-storj house on It. Increase the Beauty and Value of Your Farm amiHome 70% (A vera ft increase due to flan! inf. reported by real estate dealeri.) The planting: of a few fruit sr-l ornamental trees will quickly increase the value of your borne in accordant c with the percentage quoted* At small cost you may have pecan, persimmon and hg treat that will suon yield a profit. Roses, flowerinr xhrubs and vines are inex pensive. They add beauty and value to the home and pleasure to the owner. Everything needed to beautify your home (rounds and garden is listed in our new tU lustrated catalogue. It will be mailed free ?n request- Write for it today. GRIFF ING'S INTERSTATE NURSERIES * Jacksonville, Florida ASTER THE SEASCK 10 El'IL The Eauter Season ushers in the Springtime, the season of home building. Have you completed your plans! If so, let us give you an estimate on the lumber you will need in its coastmction. We have millions of feet of high grade lumber. The kind you wil feel perfectly safe in using tor durability. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley, Ga. FRUIT TREES Just as the orchardist is able through nourishment to increase the vitality and resistance of his apple-tree to winter's cold, so is the body fortified with Scott's Emulsion Thousand? now take it as regu larly as they take food, to build healthy resistance and to protedt them when winter's cold arrives. Take a lesson from Na ture? keep your body strong to resist weakness? take Scott's Emulsion! Scott & Ho-wne, Bloomficld, N. J. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL'S CATARIlll MEDICINE haa been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH 3IOTICINE con sists of an Ointment which Qiilcltly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all druggists. P. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. Ohio. MONEY TO LOAN I am prepared to Lo&o M one? or Real Kstate without Commia?ion, A. A. 8MOAK, *?nc, Perry. Q* LOANS ON FARM LANDS. W. arc prepared t* doio Imw r#wptly on Fare* C par cl atom *. DUNCAN & NUNN, Fifrf, fl*. DUNCAN * NUNN AUmuj* A C*taa??ll*rs ?( Law. Practice la AU Ccurta. PEKBT, OA. W. A. STROTHER I INSURANCE PKRRY. Sa ?FOR SALE?Tools Cotton feod *nd Ear Com. Apply A. F. Smith A ion, Perry, Ga, Thurmond Gray Watermelon ^eed for tal? 7f?c por pound. L. C. Howard, Porry Ga. Thurmond Gray Watsrmol< m Seed for sals, 76e por pssad. L. 0. I Howard, Porry Qa. NEW HARDWARE Coming In Almost Daily. Come in often and look over Our Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements. We think it will be to your Advantage. B. H. Andrew & Son Perry, Georgia "AT YOUR SERVICE" IT IS A PLEASURE TO SERVE Satisfied Customers Our Steaks and Fresh Meats Will Please You "Quality and Quick Service" Is Our Motto Give Us A Call KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. CALL ON US FOR PRICES On Niagara Orchard and Cotton Dusting Machinery and Niagara Dust and Spray Material Fertilizer for Orchard and Farm All Kinds of Feed Stuffs. Your Business Will Be Appreciated PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Perry, Georgia. QUALITY and SERVICE Courteous and Efficient Service for LADIES and GENTLEMEN COMPETENT BARBERS a t THE QUALITY BARBER SHOP, Perry, G?. Money to Loan on Farm Lands in Houston County at Low Rat? of Interes. If y?u want mm/ qaick, writ? or call HATCHER-TURPIN CO., 235 Mulb?rry St. Ma??n, Georgia.