Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, June 25, 1925, Image 7

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There are other good clothes ?there are other low prices ....but there's not such a combination of good clothes and low prices as BENSON'S. Palm Beach Tropical Worsted SUITS SUITS New Spring Styles $22.60, $27.50 2 Pants Some with 2 pants $16.50, $18.00 2 Pants suits $25.00 In Choice Spring Styles$35.00 F. C. BENSON COMPANY, Inc 572 Cherry Street MACON GA. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS and TRUCKS It win pay you to see our line of Ford Cars and Trucks before you buy. Cash Terms Trades ? , ADAMS-BUCHANAN MOTOR CO AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER MACON, GEORGIA. REDUCED ROUND TRIg rAR^fr SHERIFFS SALE Georgia, Houston County. Will oe sold befor the Court House door, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in July 1925 the fol lowing property to-wit: Two Buckeye Incubator* levied on and to he sold as the property of W. E. Himihia to satisfy a LaDorer's Lien from the Superior Court of Houston County in favor of C. C. Price v? W. E. Himihia. I Also at the same time and place two Buckeye Incubators levied on and to be ' sold as the property of W. E. Himihia i to satisfy a Laborer's Lien from thn Superior Court of Houston County in favor of T W. Banks vs W. E. Himihia. I Also at the same time and place one Cletrac Tractor and one Oneida Truck ! levied 011 and to be sold as the property of J. C. White to satisfy a mortgage fi. I fa. from the City Court of Houston Court o' Houston County in favor of C. H. Roberts, for the use of J. H, i Parham vs J. C. White. This June 1, 1925. C. 0. Pierce Sheriff. * NOTICE TO EXPRESS PEACH SHIPPERS All peach crates by express mast be g ?curely strapped at cach end by good substantial wire, baskets, must also be wired. 1 have purchased a wireing ma chine and wire and can do this work for you at very small cosfc only 5 cents per crate or basket. Let me do this wireing for you at express office. Train due to leave at 6:40 p. m. Central Time; try and get your peaches here at least 30 minutes before leaving time. H. T. Dean. Agent REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Announcing the opening of a Very Desirable SUB-DlVlSON. This tract of beautiful, rolling woodland and cultivated land is situated at C|iuchfield. Ga., seven miles southeast of Perry, Ga., and contains 226 acres suitable for either building or cultivation. It is in full view of' the Glinchfield Cement Plant, which is the largest in the South and now operat iug, employing hundreds of work men subsequenting an enormous payroll which will be circulated at this point. This tract is the logical position for. the future city of Clinchfield and will be surveyed and layed off with this view in mind, with both business and rcsideutial lots and if one so desires acre or more lots may be had on the west side of the tract for truck farms, ?rchardft, etc. The electric power for this city and community is being relayed from Jackson, Ga., via Macon and Perry, and will be sufficient for any necessity in the manufacturing line as well as electric lights. There are two railroads and the Central Dixie Highway throngb here assuring good transportation. .You have heard the story of this land but don't let us convince you? come convince yourself that this is the best investment of your life before they -advance in price and lower their value to you as an investment. don't DELAY?COME TODAY Apply to Marx KUNZ E. B. GINSBERG. I. C. CHAMBLISS, JR. All of Perry, Ga. LEGAL NOTICE O?i|U, Htaattii Onaly. All creditors of the estato of Tom Bentley, late of Houston County, de ceased, are hereby notified to render their demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebt ed to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This June 9th, 1925. REBECCA BENTLEY, Adminis tratrix of Tom Bentley, deceased. 219 Georgia Casualty Building, M*con, Qa. ? BORED WBLLS?We will bore1 or repair your well at a reasonable price. Apply to W. K. Hester in 1 care of F. M, Parker, Perry, Ga.,' Route No. 1. | USED CARS FOR SALE One Old? eight touring.... #30.00 One Grant six touring $15.00 On? Ford ton ring $15.00 One Natienal touring 925.00 Merritt & Anderson Bres. ?o. Hftwkinsvillt, Ga. The Charm of the Stairway IN most houses, the stairway has a very prominent Ibcation in the entrance-hall or living-room, and consequently is the first object that meets the view of all who enter. This means that the appearance of the stairway is responsible, in a great degree, for the reputation of the whole house. The stairs must be well and strong ly made to withstand hard and con stant usage, the materials must be good, and the finish must be care fully maintained for both economy and beauty. The color scheme for the stairs should blend with those of both upper and lower floors, and, if the house is of period desygn, it should be in harmony with the period. For the house of English or Mis sion or chalet type if the hall is well lighted and the rest of the house schemed to permit it, the woodwork and stairs may be of a soft nut brown, rubbed to a dull gloss. This finish is at its best in a rather statelv hall, and blends perfectly with pew* tcr fixtures and petit-point tapestfieJ. In the house built on Colonial lines, and in fact in many other types of houses, ivory enamel, in any one of its many tones, with the fresh severely simple atmosphere it car ries with it, will transform the hall beyond belief. Where the paneled woodwork and doors of the hall, the risers and slen der spindles of the stairway are of ivory, ebony treads and handrail will be found a delightful variation ol the conventional mahogany. Just below the stairway may be placed to advantage a table and chair of mahogany, beautifully fin ished so that the charm of the fina old wood will show to greatest ad vantage and at the same time be kept in an excellent state of preser vation. Other appropriate articles of furniture may find a place in the foyer* but as a rule it is best to use only a few piect-s and place thoM few to the best-advantage. We^Are Now In Our Tomporary Location New Andrew Building Ready to Serve You With Fountain Drinks of all Kinds Cigars, Cigarettes, Ice Cream We Specialize in Filling PRESCRIPTIONS and carry a full line of Drugs and Toilet Articles Heard & Evans Perry, Ga. Dixie Wall- Atlas FOUR PAGES Page 1?Twelve Southern States This is a true Map of Dixie showing the twelve SOUTHERN States completely. It shows the Automobile roads, the best roads being indicated by a heavy red line, the second class roads by a lighter red line and the third class roads by a still lighter red line. You can easily see what a wonderful advantage this will be to you when taking a trip. In other ways the map is complete in every de tail. It shows all the small towns?the railroads?the experiment stations and the agricultural colleges with a blue ring around each. It is handsomely printed in four colors and is just the map you should have hanging on your wall for ready reference. Page 2?Towns and Cities This page gives a complete list of towns and cities with the pop ulation and the key so that you can easily locate any town you wish? This page also contains an editorial, alphabetically arranged, telling about the work each experiment station shown on the map is doing to help you. Page 3?Big Map of U. S. and Alaska This big map shows the entire United States and Alaska. No home is complete without an up-to-date, reliable map of our country ?and this is one that just fills the bill. Page 4?Map of the World How often in the newspapers you read some article about a coos try or city in some far-off part of the world. With this big Map of the World on the wall you can instantly locate it, adding interest to the article. A good, up-to-date map of the world like this is highly educational. With the map are also 30 portraits of all the world* rulers, etc. and HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL Weekly, 1 Year SOUTHERN RURALIST Semi-Monthly, 1 Year ALL THREE FOR 11.75 CALL AND INSPECT THESE MAPS AT THE JOURNAL OFFICE