Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, July 02, 1925, Image 2

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Pains Very Severe **F Buffered from womanly troubles which grew worse end worse as the months went by." says Mrs. L. II. Cantrell, of R. F. D. 9, Gaines ?IJle, Georgia. "I frequently had very ?evere p.iins. These wore so liad that I wan forced to go to bed and stay there. It seemed to me my back would come In two. CARDUI For Female Troubles taught school for a w&fte, but my health was so fcrnt I would have to stay out ?rvmetimes. This wont on till I pot so bad I didn't know what to do. "One day I road about the merits of Cardul. and as I kad some frienda who had be*-n helped by ft, I thought i would try It. I began to rte* belter after I had taken Urnlf a bottle. I decided to keep and give it a thorough trial and I did. I took in ?I) about 12 bottles and now Z am perfectly well. I do mot suffer any pain and can 4o all my housework." At All Druggists' Safety Ko fatelligcnl man or woman dwabts the absolute safety of Old liir Legal Reserve Life Insurance today and certainly not a Com ij with forty y?ars experience five hundred millions of in ice in force? Service >?dadea the solicitation of your fcwinesM, the medical examination tkr del ivery of the policy, collec tic? of premiums. arrangement of knuv, assign men ts change of bene <r?axias, etc..and finally the proofs and payment to bene ichry? Satisfaction only be gained by entrusting yonr business to one who is not xtn\j willing but capable of serv ing Jf*u with safety. J. GUY JACKSON, "Tke Guy Who Puts The Sure In Your Insurance." Acoid en t- lieai th-G rou p Miwouri State Life Insurance Co., Gitrzens aud Southern Bank Bldg, Phones: 1142-3514-w Box 53 Macon, (ia. W. Cooper Jones, Loctcf Kepiesentative. ICE BOOKS ask our customers to pur 4'iumr Ice Books. Wo caa ??ire <n>trV>r service. Iiooks can be fcaA at Houston Banking Co. J. El. Dar is & Son. ?fOR SALE?Now dwelling on Svili Street. 5 rooms and b?th. liknl term?. Apply L- C- How irtrry. <?a. VOX SALK:?1000 bushels Ally's Improved L'otton seed tl-25 p?rt?nshel. K. J. Thompson Perry ?la. K. F. I>. No. 2 Acetylene Welding at McLtndo* Auto Co ?POR SALE?Tool? Cotloa Saad mmM Ear Com. Apply A. P. lb A Son. Ferry, O a. TVtrmond Gray Watarmeloa M (or ?%la. 75o per ponad. L. C. Parry dm. 1h?i i wop d #ray Watermeloa wd Sar mte 75? par paaad. L. #. td, Psrry Oa. SHERIFF'S SALE Georgia, Houston County. Will be sold befor the Court House door, within the legal hours of sale on ' the first Tuesday in July 1925 thw fol lowing property to-wit: Two Buckeye Incubators levied on ! and tot?* sold as the property of W. | E. Himihitt to satisfy a Laborer's Lien i from the Superior Court ? f Houston ! County in favor of C. C. Price vs W. i E. Himihia. Also at the same time and place two Buckeye Incubators levied on and to be sold as the property of W. E. Himihia to satisfy a Laborer's Lien from th? Superior Court of Houston County in favor of T \V. Banks vs W. E. Himihia. Also at the same time and pla<*e one Cletrac Tractor and one Oneida Truck levied on and to be sold as the property of J. C. White to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. from the City Court of Houston Court of Houston County in favor of C. H. Roberts, for the use of J. H, Parham vs J. C. White. This June 1, 1925. C. C. Pierce Sheriff. NOTICE TO EXPRESS PEACH SHIPPERS All peach crates by express must l>c securely strapped at each end by good substantial wire, baskets, must also be wired. J have purchased a wireing ma chine and wire aud can do this work for you at very small cost only 5 cents per crate or basket. Let me do this wireing for you at express oflice. Train due to leave at 6:40 p. m. Central Time; try and get your peaches here at least 30 minutes before leaving time. H. T. Dean. Agent REALE STATE FOR SALE Announcing the opening of a Very Desirable SUB-DlVlSON. 'I his tract of beautiful, rolling woodland and cultivated land is situated at C*inchfield. Ua., sereu miles southeast of Perry, 6a., and contains 226 acres suitable for either building or cultivation. It is iu full view of the Glinchfield Cement Plant, which is the largest in the South and now operat ing, employing hundreds of work men subsequeuting an enormous payroll which will be circulated at this point. This tract is the logical position for the future city of Clinchfield and will be surveyed andlayed off with this view in mind, with both business and residential lots and if one so desires acre or more lots may be had on the west side of the tract for truck farms, orchards, etc. The electric power for this city and community is being relayed from Jackson, Ga., via Macon and Perry, and will be sufticieut for any necessity in the manufacturing line as well as electric light*. Thera aro two railroads and the Central Dixie Highway through here assuring good transportation. You have hoard the story of this land but don't let us convince you?come convince yourself that this is the best investment of your life before tliey advance in price aud lower their value to you as an investment. DON'T DELAY?COM K TODAY Apply to Marx K UN Z E. 15. GINSBERG. I. C. CHAMBUSS, JR. All of Perry, Ga. LEGAL NOTICI Q??rg]i. Houston Gmty. All creditors of the estate of Torti Rentley, late of Houston County, de ceased, are hereby notified to render thoir demands to the undersigned ac cording to law, and all persons indebt ed to said estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This June !>th, 1925. REBECCA BENTLEY, Adminis tratrix of Tom Bentley, deceased. 21P Georgia Casualty Building. Macon, Oa. ?BORED WELLS?We will bore or repair your well at a reasonable price. Apply to W. K. Hester in care of F. M. Parker, Perry, Oa., Route No. I. USED CARS FOR SALE Ose Olds eight tonring... #30.00 One Grant six touring $15.00 On? Ford tonring $15.00 One National tonring $35.00 Merritt & Anderson Bros. Qo. Hawfcinsville, G?. The Painted Windsor IN all the furniture world painted furniture is the most interesting. It oilers splendid opportunities for expressing individuality in the choice of color and finish and its use in every nart of the house is advocated by the best decorators. Painted furniture may be used to furnish an entire room, or a picce or two like the Windsor chair and table in the illustration will provide a relief note wli^re the color scheme threatens to he <00 r.ombre. These pieces mnv he purchased in the na tural wood nrui painted in any desired color. They may be stenciled or decorated witti decnVomania trans fers. The latter should he varnished or shellacked to make stir?* of their permanent adh^' Tlie planting: of a few fruit and ornamental trees will quickly increase the value of your home in accordance with the pcrcentagc quoted. At smalt cost you may have pectin, persimmon and lig tre?s that will soon yield a profit. Roses, flowerintr shrubs and vines are inex pensive. They add beauty and value to tli? Dome and pleasure to the owner. Ererythinj needed to beautify your bom? frounds and garden is listed in our new il* lustrated catalogue. It will b-j mailed fre* en request. Write for it toda/. GRIFF ING'S INTERSTATE NURSERIES . Jsckiosvill?, Flotida EASTER THE SEASON TO BUILD The Easter Season ushers in the Springtime, the season of home building. Have you completed your plans" If so, let us give you an estimate on the lumber you will need in its construction. We have millions of feet of high grade lumber. The kind you wil feel perfectly safe in u?intr tor durability. FORT VALLEY LUMBER COMPANY Fort Valley, Ga. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a "run-down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bothers them j much more than when they are In good ; health. This fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease. It is greatly i influenced by constitutional conditions. HAM.'S CATARRH MRDIClIfH: Is a Combined Treatment, both local and in- ? ternal, and has been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all drufcsrists. T<\ J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. MONEY TO LOAN I im prepared to Loan Money ?v Kp*1 Kstate without Comumaion. A. A. SMOAK, ^mt, Pcrrj.Q*. LOANS ON FARM LANDS. W? ar? pvpmrmd %m ?lss* srswplly am Wmtm 1 >?!>. S ] DUNCAN A NUNN DUNCAN * NUNN A<l?wn>* A CewiiHwi M IB A1 W. A. STROTHCH INtUffANCI NEW HARDWARE Coming In Almost Daily. Come in often and look over Our Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements. We think it will be to your Advantage. B. H. Andrew & Son Perry, Georgia "AT YOUR SERVICE" IT IS - A PLEASURE TO SERVE Satisfied Customers Our Steaks and Fresh Meats Will Please You "Quality and Quick Service" Is Our Motto Give Us A Call KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. CALL ON US FOR PRICES On Niagara Orchard and Cotton Dusting 1 Machinery and Niagara Dust and Spray Material Fertilizer for Orchard and Farm All Kinds of Feed Stuffs. Your Business Will Be Appreciated PLANTERS WAREHOUSE , Perry, Georgia. QUALITY and SERVICE Courteous and Efficient Service for LADIES and GENTLEMEN by COMPETENT BARBERS a t THE QUALITY BARBER SHOP, Perry, Ca. R1ES & ARMSTRONG RELIABLE GOODS ONLY Phene 836 315 Third Street Macea, C?.