Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, July 09, 1925, Image 2

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An Opportunity AGENTS WANTED: Liberal Commission and Renewal Contract, with exclusive territory, offered by the i Life Insurance Company of Virginia LOW, NON-PARTICIPATING RATES. Dou ble Indemnity and Disability Income Fea tures; over fifty years experience in busi ness, with $273,000,000.00 Insurance in Force. Prompt in payment of Claims. B. W. TORRANCE, General Agent, 1032-33 Healey Building, Atlanta, Georgia. v Pains Very Severe "I suffered from womanly troubles which grew worse and worse as - the months went by," saya Mrs. L. H. Cantrell, of R. P. D. 9, Galnes ville, Georgia. "I frequently had very severe pains. These were so bad that I was forced to go to bed and stay there. It seemed to me my back would come In two. CARDUI For Female Troubles "I taught school for a while, but my health was go bad I would have to stay out sometimes. This went on till I got so bad I didn't know what to do. "One day I read about the merits of Cardul. and as I had some friends who had been helped by It, I thought I would try It. I began to get better after I had taken half a bottle. I decided to keep on and give It a thorough trial and I did. I took In all about 12 bottles and now I am perfectly well. I do not suffer any pain and can do all my housework." At All Druggists' E j id ICE BOOKS We ask onr customers to pur chase Ice Books. We ca? gire quicker service. Books can be liad at Houston Banking Co. J. H. Daris & Son LOANS ON FARM LANDS. W? ar? pnpwuj ?? doM Imm pnwyOr om Wmha ! 9 par ?t DUNCAN A NUNN. V? DUNCAN * MUNN Ktmrmf 9k CwiiMim ?4 Law. hMtlM to AM r- PIUT,?A. W. A. STROTHER >IN*U?AMCK For Fruit Jars and Cans Rubbers and Strings and Water Melon Paper see GEO. C. NUNN, "THE HUSTLER" PERRY, GA. Opposite Depot Phone 31. Odd Spmciea of Fith Only one known species of flih ha? the habit of swimming on Its back. This Is an Inhabitant of tropical wa ters, known as the globe fish. The skin on the under side of this fish is loos? and can be fUled with air st will. When the fish blows Itself out In this manner It naturally tarns on Its hack ?ad goes on Its way In that position. Candy From Tf la India there flourisbe? a specie? of tree which produce? ?uf?ry flowers that are used as candles. Th? petal? of the flowers drop from the tree la the early morning and are picked up by the women and children, who spread them In the ?on to dry. A slo gle tree I? saM to provide 800 pound? of flower? annually. NEW HARDWARE Coming In Almost Daily. Come in often and look over Our Stock of Hardware and Farm Implements. We think it will be to your Advantage. B. H. Andrew & Son Perry, Georgia "AT YOUR SERVICE" IT IS A PLEASURE I TO SERVE a Satisfied Customers '' Our Steaks and Fresh Meats Will Please You' Quality and Quick Serviced Is Our Motto Give Us A Call KING & BOLER FRESH MEATS GROCERIES PERRY, GEORGIA. CALL ON US FOR PRICES On Niagara Orchard and Cotton Dusting Machinery and Niagara Dust and Spray Material Fertilizer for Orchard and Farm All Kinds of Feed Stuffs. Your Business Will Be Appreciated PLANTERS WAREHOUSE Perry, Georgia. QUALITY and SERVICE Courteous and Efficient Service for LADIES and GENTLEMEN b y COMPETENT BARBERS a t THE QUALITY BARBER SHOP, Perry, Ga. RIES & ARMSTRONG RELIABLE GOODS ONLY Phene 836 315 Third Street Macon, Ga.