Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, December 31, 1925, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL it " JOHN L. HODGES, Publisher BEV0TED TO HOME INTERESTS, MtOGKESS AND CULTUM ESTABLISHED 1870 ? ' ? VOL. LV. FERRY, HOUSTON COUNTY, OA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1925 Passing of the Old Tear OLD Year; tonight our And parting we shall Who on the journey fc And all their joys TOO late'Co^lhange what now is past; And yet we hurried on too fast Along the pathway of your days. ^ Where New Years come, but no year stay?. Y OU carried gifts, you showed me grief, And confidence, and unbelief; And now, when I their value know, The journey ends, and you must go. Au LL through the future still untried New Years will travel by my aide. And they perhaps be friendly, too, But 1 shall still remember you. \\/e had our secrets, you anciT? 7 T I cannot bear to say "Good-bye!'1 So as you vanish from my sight rn softly whisper just "Good^ni^ht!** KAN TERRELL REED to To* TW* ^ CHURCH NQtfS METHODIST The Woman's Missionary So ciety will hold the first meeting ox the new year next Monday, Jan. 4, at 3:30 o'clock at the Methodist Chnrch. This is a very importan6 meeting as the new officers are t? be installed and the pledge cards signed. A large at* tendance is desired. Instead of the Wednesday even ing prayer meeting a Watch Night Service will be held on Thursday night from 7:30 to 8:30. At the preaching service Sun day morning,installation of officers of Quarterly Conference will take place. Sunday night subject for sermon, "Am I my Brother's Keeper?1' Sunday School-rl0:15 a. m. Church Service?11:30 a. m. Evening Servicc?7:30 p. m. Epworth League 6;30 p. m. BAPTIST The Y. W. A. will meet next Monday afternoon at' 3:30 wKh Mrs* Tom Cater. Mrs. J. P. Etheridge leader. Subject: "Special W. M. U. Objects." Snnday School 10:15 a. m. Churnh Service-11:35 a. m. Evening Service 7;30 4 Br t. P. U-6:00. ' PRESBYTERIAN Preaching servieei erefy second Sanday at 11:30 a. m. And 8:00 p. m. Srfdday school at 10:15 'a. irf. every Snnday. Rat. Jas. M. Mc Olrt pastor* v ?* KATHLEEN NEWS Mr. C. W. Gillespie wftnt to North Carolina for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grady Wheel er of Kathleen announce the birth of a son. Wm. Grady Jr. on December 26. Moore's Siding had quite a good time dnring the Chrintmae holi days. One amusing Incident was the attempt by the residents to climb a well greased pine pole, twenty-five feet high. Five dol lars was placed on top of the pole as an inducement to the climber*. Lenard Keith, a twelre. year old boy, came within six inchos of the top, and was awarded the five dol lars, as he came the nearest to it Sack raees also caused much laughter and fan. On Christmas Eve. the men dressed like "Aunt Andy" and the ladies like "Uncle Rube" and serenaded those not taking part. PEYTON-WHITE Miss Lena Peyton, of Kathleen and Mr. Chaa. White of Bradenton Fla. were qaitely married Sunday, Dec. 27, at tbe home of Ordinary Cooper, in Perry. They left rmediately for points north on their honeymoon. COLE?ARNOLD Miss Lucy Cole and nr. Lester Arnold were uqited in marriage at the bride's home in Bolingbroke, Ga., Saturday morning, Dec. 26. Tbe eeremony was witnessed by only the immediate relatives After a short wedding trip, they will be ?I home at Montezuma, Ga* The bride was a* teacher of tbe Ferry whdols for a year and a half, "haying resigned at the. eloM- of setiooMMs year,, ?. . HAL GILBERT ELECTED TO TAB BETA Pi Tan Beta Pf, Tech'? honorary engineering fraternity, at a recent meeting elected 13 seniors. Elec tion to this fraternity is consider* ed one of the highost honors at* tainable at Teoh. One of the seniors receiving this honor was Hal Gilbert, Jr., of Perry, Ga. This fraternity was first organ *3 ed at Lehigh University in 1885, and chapters are now found in most of the engineering schools of good standing thioughout t> e country. BRIDGE PARTY A delightful event of the. Yule tide season was the bridge party given bv Mr. and Mrp, Whit Traylor at their home Wednesday evening. The reception rooms were deco rated with various Christmas greens. After the bridge, a lovely buffet supper was served. The hostess was assisted in enter taining by her daughter Chloe, and Chloe's little friend, Sara Gilbert. * . Guests for three tably*rTbridge were present. ,WW D. D. C. MEETING The Sergeant .Clinton Doncaa Chapter of the U. D. G. will meet next Wednesday, Jam. 6, at 3:00 p'clock with Mrs. IS. F. Barfield. A large attendance Is desired, ?Mis* Annie Woodard. Urn. Betty Woodard arid Boh WMJarfe ffjfent Friday in Bonaire with Mr. and . Mrs. Billy J Woodard and Tuesday la Fort Valley " With Mr. and Mr?. Hottier Edward?. ] WE ARE NOW IN POSITION TO MAKE PROMPT SHIPMENT Of All Orders For High Grade Fertilizers N Either in car lots or less. , NITRATE OF SODA $65.00 per ton f. o. b. our plant (or cash. Prices subject to changes made by THE IMPORTERS. "It's What's IN The Bag That COUNTS." HEARD BROTHERS Manufacturers of High Grade Fertilizers. MACON, ? GEORGIA May Happiness juid Be\ours Each Day of the ' New Year. Perry Warehouse Co. PERRY, GEORGIA. New Year'? Greetings For 14 long years we have toiled in your midst? We have watched Perry grow. We have prosper ed and we take this means of thanking our friends and customers for their Support and trust in us. We expect to remain in business and will carry a full line of Groceries, Hardware, Stoves and Ranges and General Merchandise at the very lowest prices consistent with good business. We will meet ? any competition. , Wishing you a prosperous new year.' J. W. BLOODWORTH, Z"' PHONE No. 94. , i ' >? ' ; ? ? ????? 4'' The Busy Big Store. Perry, Ga. ?y i,. No Tim? Uke the Present To Pay Your Subagriptfea ? *1 >< t .?