Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, August 16, 1945, Image 2

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL Published Weekly at Perry, Ga. JOHN L. HODGES. Publisher. RUBY C. HODGES. Editor. Official Organ of Houston County and City of Perry. Subscription, $1.50 per year, Payable In Advance Subscriptions out of state of Georgia. $2 per year, payable in Advance. Subscriptions, anywhere for Six months, $l. Entered at the Post Office in Perry, Ga., as Mail Matter of Second Class. EXPECTED TO BE SNUBBED A colonel had a man up for not (Saluting and gave him a good bawl ing out. Two days later, to his amazement, the same man passed him and again did not salute. “Didn’t I speak to you about salut ing the other day?” he asked curtly. “Yes,” replied the culprit, “but I didn’t salute you today because I thought you were still mad at me.” NIGHTMARE \ (■ i. ste. i 1111 l Nit—l just dreamed I had a job. Wit—You look tired! Party Line Jack—Hello, Jane, can I see you tonight? Jill—Sure thing, Jim. Come on over. Jack—But this isn’t Jim. Jill—And I’m not Jane, but come on over. 4 Lost ami Found Mrs. Smith—Where is that pretty maid who was passing out cocktaili a while ago? Hostess—Oh, are you looking for a drink? Mrs. Smith—No, I'm looking for my husband! J Relative Advantage Harry—Are you going to hear my aunt sing? Jerry—No. I have to look after my little brother. Harry—l sure wish I had a little brother! Very Helpful Mrs. Brown—We agreed that it would be helpful if my husband and I told each other all our faults. Mrs. Blue—How did it work? Mrs, Brown—l haven’t spoken to him since! Fair Enough Nit—What would you do if you found a man in a fainting condition? Wit—l'd give him some brandy. Nit—But what if you didn’t have any brandy? , Wit—l'd promise him soma! i v Up or Down 'ij Mr.—Suppose I should be taken away suddenly, what would become of you, my dear? Mrs.—l'd stay here. The ques tion is, “What would become c 4 you?" Holiday Fun 4 He—. May I hold your hand? She—Certainly not. This isn’t Palm Sunday. He—lt isn’t - Independence Day cither. _ — | Naturally! Janc-Why is it that bald-headed men always seem to have the nicest dispositions? Joan—l Suppose it’s because notlv ing ever gets in their hairl a $ School Daze Prof.—Why did the Puritans come to America? Studc—To worship in their own way, and make other people do the same. NO FINGER BOWL Customer—Waiter, this soup is cold! Waiter—What do you want me to do? Burn my thumb? Love 'em All Joan—And Bill told me I was the only girl he ever loved, Jane—And doesn't he say it beautifully! IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson Rv HAROLD L LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of TKe M iv Bible Institute of Chicago. He lc:.:.ed by Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for Avgust 19 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected ;.nd pyrltfhted by International Council of Religious Education, used by permission. JACOB REALIZES THE PRESENCE OF GOD LESSON TEXT—Genesis 28:10-2* GOLDEN TEXT—The Lord Is nleh unto all thorn th.it call upon Him, to alt that call upon Him in truth, —Psalm 143:18. Crises bring out the real qualities of man. When they lead him into the very presence of God, they be ! come an experience, the remem brance of which can bring blessing I all through life. Jacob had such an experience in our lesson, and it is the more re markable because he wa* a man i ! whose life was far from commenda- i I ble. His mother, Rebekah, had de termined that Jacob was to have Isaac’s blessing, even though she had to use falsehood to get it. Jacob shared the deception I planned by his mother, and thereby I he received the blessing of Esau. Not willing to wait God’s time for ’ the carrying out of His purpose, they sinned to gain an advantage. Then to escape the wrath of Esau, he had to flee. I. A Revelation of God’s Grace | (vv. 10-15). The fugitive was overtaken by darkness on the second night of his journey, and made his bed in the I open. Then came the magnificent | vision of the ladder to heaven. Heaven and earth are not separat | ed. There is away to reach the throne of God, and there is away lor God to reacli and bless His peo -1 pie. The vision of the ladder j reassured Jacob. God renewed to Jacob the cov- : enant with Abraham and with Isaac. He does not forget. Men make j treaties only to break them. God says, “I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spok en” Cv. 15). 1 In His matchless grace God re- ■ liovod Jacob’s fear by assuring him ; of His protection; his loneliness by His divine presence; and his uncor- | tuinty regarding the future by the promise of blessing. Jacob’s hetvt was deeply moved by liis dream, and as he awoke to full consciousness, he came to 11. A Realization of God’s Great ness (vv. 16-19). Full of holy fear and awe, Jacob realized the presence of the infinite God. It is a proper and wholesome reaction when a man, realizing him- i self to be in God’s presence, is over- j coma by the awe-inspiring experi ence. Theologians, preachers and teach ers have dared to speak swelling words of disrespect concerning His miraculous power, have denied the deity of His Son, and have ques tioned the authority of His Word. Having sown the wind of unbelief, they have reaped from the people the whirlwind of irreverence, a be littling of God, and a rejection of His authority (Hos. 8:7). Jacob was reminded of God’s im mediate presence, "the Lord is in this place.” The place of his vision of heavenly things had special j moaning to Jacob. The thing that Jacob “found out \ that night was not that God visits j man, but that God is with man ' wherever he i«. We expect to meet I Him in the sanctuary, but He is near us in the market place. Not alone in the sanctuary, but where the mul titude gathers in defiance of His law, He is there” (G. Campbell Morgan). This rich experience led Jacob to HI. A Recognition of God’s Good ness (vv. 20-22). The God who would supply his 1 every need, who would watch over 1 him and keep him, was recognized i by Jacob as being worthy of his 1 devotion, and he made a vow that He should be his God (v. 21). The grace and goodness of God are intended to bring men to faith ; Him and devotion to His service. Vet men can go on year after year, the beneficiaries of all His bounty, j and never so much as say, “Thank you,” let alone recognize Him as Lord. Jacob made a very practical and | workable decision to demonstrate ! the reality of his vow. He promised I that one-tenth of all God gave him i should be returned to Him, Many have followed his example and found blessing in giving a tithe for the Lord’s work. Some who count themselves far better than poor, weak and tricky Jacob have done far less to show their appreci ation of God’s blessing. Note also (hat Jacob raised a stone of remembrance, and gave the place a name which forever after would recall not only to him. but to posterity, the wonderful blessing of that night. It is a great thing to keep fresh the memory of the occa sions when we have met God in spe cial blessing. Trickery and deception were changed to truthfulness and devotion when Jacob met God face to face. The same blessed transformation awaits those who meet our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in faith. Have i you met Him? I Petition For Renewal Of Charter Houston Superior Court. In Re Georgia Lime-Rock Company Georgia, Houston County. To the Superior Court of said j County: The i'etition of Georgia Lime licck Company respectfully | shows: i 1. That your Petitioner was , duly incorporated and made a body corporate tor a period of twenty (20) years by order ofi, the Judge of the Superior Courtii of Houston County on December! 10, 1027. 2. That the charter of youri Petitioner will expire on Decem ber 10, 1047 unless renewed and extended as herein prayed. 3. Your Petitioner desires that its charter be renewed and extended lor a period of thirty (ive (35) jears from and after December 10, 1947, with all the right, pov ers, privileges and im munities {.ranted in said original charter and all rights, pow ers, privileges and immunities which may now or here after be gi anted or allowed to like cc rporations by the law's of the Slate ot Georgia. 4. Your Petitioner attaches hereto as Exhibit “A” a certified copy of a resolution duly adopted at a called n eeting of the stock holders of Georgia Lime-Rock i Company, said resolution provid- ( ing lor the renewal and exten sion ol the said charter for a pe riod ot thirty-five (35) years from its date of expiration, De cember 10, 1947, Wherefore, y c u r Petitioner prays that its said charter be re newed and extended for a period of thirty-five. (35) years from and alter December IU, 1947 and that it be granted all rights, powers, privileges and immuni ties granted in said original ! charter and all rights, powers, privileges and immunities which n ay now or hereafter be granted ( r allowed to like corporations by the laws cf the State of Georgia. S. A. NUNN, Attorney for Petitioner. A RESOLUTION “Resolved by the Stockholders ef Georgia Lime-Rock Company 11 at the Officers of said Company i si all proceed to file a petition or! ai plication to the Superior Court; iol Houston County, Georgia, forj ll e renewal and extension of the pi esent charter of Georgia Lime- Re ck Company for a period of thirty-five (35) years. “Resolved further that the C fleers of said Georgia Lime- Re ck Company take all necessary sU ps to have the charter of said cciporaticn renewed and extend ed for said additional period of thirty-five (35) years from the date of its expiration, December 10, 1947.” I, G. G. Ware, Secretary and .Tu asurer of Georgia Lime-Rock Ct n.pany do hereby certify that tl e abf-ve and foregoing is a true a i d correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Stockholders ol Georgia Lime-Rock Company at a special meeting of the said stockholders held at Perry,Geor ( gia, on the 24th day of Ju1y,1945. 1 lurther certify that more than ti n (10) days notice in writing w as given to each Stockholder of ncoid of said Georgia Lime : Reck Company of the date and ! pit ce of said special Stockholders meting. That there were out standing at the time of said meeting 1500 shares of stock ol said Company. Th a t 1312) _• i shares of stock vveie represented lat said meeting in person or by proxy. That 1312’ shares ol stock w'ere voted in favor of said Resi lution and no shares of stock w ere voted against said Reso lution. This 24th day of July. 1945. G. G. WARE. Secretary-Treasurer. EXHIBIT “A” I Petition For Renewal of Charter Houston Superior Court In Re; Geoi gia Lime-Rock Company 'i 1 e within and foregoing pe tition of Georgia Lime-Rock Com 1 any for the renewal and exten sion of its charter for a period ol thirty-five (35) years from and after December 10, 1947,'coming on regularly to be heard before I me: and Said petition being found by me to be within the purview and intention of the laws of the State of Georgia providing for the re t*w al and extension of charters (f corporations: It is therefore considered, or der, d and adjudged that the said petiiion be and the same is here by granted: that the charter of said Georgia Lime-Rock Com I any be and the same is here by rent wed and extended for a pe riod of thirty-five (35) years from and after December 10. 1947; and that said Petitioner be, CLASSIFIED ADS For Sale--Just received plenty I of Turner picker and hay baler | parts. Merritt & Anderson Bros. 1 Co.. Hawkinsville, Ga. 8:23 ——— M i ■■ ■■■■ ■■■—.- ■ For Sale —Four Mules and two Mares with mule colts at Hill Crest Farm, Perry, Ga., Route 2. T. W. Hooks, Lanier Hotel, 8:23 Macon, Ga, HATCH YOUR OWN CHICKS Beginning Sept. sth, will have available space for custom hatch ing. Hen eggs 3c each. Call or see Mrs. Louie M. Hartley. Fort Valley. Route 3. 8:30 j i ROOFING SIDING INSULATION CONTRACTORS Through our many branch warehouses we can g i v*e prompt service anywhere in Georgia. Gall or wmite for estimates Phone 3121 GEORGIA ROOFING & SUPPLY CO. 306 Oglethorpe St. Macon. Ga. LEGAL SALE OF LAND GEORGIA, Houston County. By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said State and County, there will be sold at public outcry, on the First Tues day in September, 1945, before the courthouse door in Perry, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described land in said county, to-wit: That tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the j 10th District of Houston County, Georgia, and being 125.1 acres of 1 the south side of land lot No. 190 and 105.1 acres of the south side of land lot No. 195 in said 10th (District of Houston County, [Georgia. Said land being fully shown on Plat and Survey made by R. M. Hall, C.E., October 25, 1918 of the property of Charles R. Aultman and designated thereon as lot Number 6 and 7 of isaid subdivision. Said plat is on i record in the Clerk’s Office, Hous ton Superior Court, to which ref erence is hereby made. Being the same land as described in deed from C. R. Aultman to W. W. Wilson and recorded in deed book 27 page 121, Clerk’s Office, Houston Superior Court. Said land will be sold for the purpose of paying the debts of said es tate and for distribution among the heirs. This the 6th day of Aug. 1945, i J. T. WILSON, Administrator of the Estate of W. W. Wilson, deceased. ORDINARYS* CITATION GEORGIA, Houston County. L. A. Woodruff having applied for Permanent Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Mrs. George M. Garvin, deceas ed; this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, to show; cause, if any they can, why his 1 application should not be grant ; ed at the Court of Ordinary on the First Monday in September next. This August 6. 1945. JOHN L. HODGES, Ordinary. GEORGIA, —Houston County: Hollis S. Kezar, Sr., Guardian of Sarah Louise Kezar, Minor, having applied for Letters of Dismission from his Guardian ship: this is therefore to cite all persons concerned, to shew cause, if any they can, why his application should not be granted at the Court of Ordinary on the First Monday in September next. This August 6, 1945. John L. Hodges, Ordinary. Application For Birth Certificate John Goodrich Beavers has ap plied to the Ordinary of Houston j County for a Delayed Birth Cer tificate. Born Aug, 7, 1928, In Perry, Houston County, Ga. and it is hereby granted a’l the I rights, powers, privileges and immunities granted in the said original charter and all rights, i powers, privileges and immuni-; ties which may now' or hereafter be granted or allowed to like corporations by the laws of the State of Georgia. This 25th day of July, 1945. j At Chambers, Macon, Georgia. MALCOLM D. JONES. • J. S. C. M. C. 1 FERTILIZER, LIME & ACID DISTRIBUTORS We have all sizes and kinds. You will need one for your fall cover crops. See us now and select yours. Expecting a lot of WAGONS this week, anoth er lot next week. Get your order in. We have Peanut Plows to fit any tractor. Also several used Tractors, Hay Balers, etc. Indications are that equipment will be more plentiful this fall. Keep your eye on our place. We have Cotton Sheets, Baskets, and Steelyards. We want to buy 100 thousand pounds BLUE LUPINE. Bring in your samples. Prices same as Commodity Credit gives. PEANUTS look good and we are getting ready for handling the crop. Come to see us and make our place headquarters while in Perry. Geo. C. Nunn & Son Phone 31 Perry, Ga. ,FEEDS Good Line of Hog, Cow and Chicken Feeds PAY-DAY and JIM-DANDY We have Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses, Tops, Rub bers and Caps for Canning. J. W. Biooclworth GROCERIES and HARDWARE Phone 94 Ferry, Ga. SUMMER NEEDS Let us supply you with the following needs: Insecticides - Flit, Flyded and Black Flag Sprays. Rotenone Dust for Gardens. Fly Swatters. Glassware - Ice Tea, Water and Fruit Juice Glass es, Pitchers, and Water Bottles. Wooden Water Coolers and Kegs PYREXWARE - CROCKERY - CUTLERY Andrew Hardware Co. Agents INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. PHONE 200 PERRY, GA. “G. I. LOANS” We are making Loans fo Veterans of World War No. 2 under the “G. I. Bill of Rights.” 4 percent interest. 20 Years to Pay—No down payment. SEE OR PHONE Perty Federal Savings and Loan Association Phone 177 Perry, Ga. ONLY THE BEST IN Diamonds, Watches, China, Silverware, Glassware and a complete line of Jewelry See our complete line of Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Visiting Cards Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty KERNAGHAN, Inc. Cherry St., JEWELERS Macon, Ga. £8 More people drink Atlantic Ale and Beer than any other I Isii