Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, May 28, 1970, Image 12

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Legal Advertisements PERRY. HOUSTON COUNTY, GA. 31069. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1970 omowAir-s CITATION SUM 0 t GtOflll Houston County TO AH TO Whom It May Concern: ■e». William 1. Palmer having, ill proper form, applied to me for Permanent Latter* of Administra tion on the estate of Letter E. Ho vermale late of laid County. lhl» la to eke all and lingular the cre ditors and next of kin of Lester E. H overmale to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause. If any they can. why permanent adminis tration should not be granted to ASv. William J. Palmer on Lester K. Hovcrmaie estate Witness my hand and official signature, this Bth day of May. INTO. FRANCIS V. ANNIS. Clerk Court of Ordinary Ault man. Hulbert. Bulcc A Cowart Warner Robins, Ga Attorneys tor Petitioner* tic 5-7 ORDINARY'S CITATION Georgia. Houston County To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that How ard E. Wilson Sr, as administra tor of estate of Amellls H. Wilson, deceased, having applied to me by petition for leave to sell the real estate of said Ameilta H. Wilson, deceased, and that an order wsu made thereon at the May Term, 1970, for citation, and that citation issue, all the heirs at law and creditors of the mid Ameilta H. Wilson, deceased, will take no tice that I wiM pass upon said ap plication at the June Term. 197'), of the Court of Ordinary of Hous ton County; and that unless cause ts shown to the contrary, at said time, said leave will be granted. This May 4, 1970 FRANCIS V ANNIS, Clerk Court of Ordinary G. L. Hattawoy Attorney for Petitioner dtp 3-7 ORDINARY'S CITATION Georgia, Houston County Court ol Ordinary At May Term. 197(1 The appraisers upon application of 1 label Macaulay Schell, widow of said James W. Schell, for u twelve months' support for her self and one minor child, having fllad their return; all peraons con cerned hereby are cited to show cauoe. If any they have, at the next regular June term of this court, why said application should not be granted CLINTON K. WATSON, JR, Ordinary Aultman, Hulbert, Bulce A Cowurt Attorneys at Law Ferry. Georgia 4lc 5.7 ORDINARY'S CITATION Court of Ordinary. Houston County, Georgia 7V> Any Creditors and All Parties at Interest: Regarding Estate of Mury Lou Fuqua Fowler, deceased, formerly of the County of Houston, State of Georgia, notice Is hereby given that Helen F. Cason an heir at law of the aal ' deceased has filed applica tion with me to declare no Admin istration necessary. Said application will be heard at my office Monday, June 1, 1970 at 10 o’clock A. M., and It no objection Is made an order will be passed saying no Administration is necessary. May 4, 1970 CLINTON K. WATSON, JR Ordinary Aultman. Hulbert. Buice A Cowan Attorneys at Law Warner Robins, Ga. 4tc 5-7 ARTIICLES OF INCORPORATION On application of George H. Well*. Sr.. Perry, Georgia. Articles of Incorporation have been granted to HEART OF PERRY MOTEL INC. by the Honorable Geo. C. Culpep per, 111, Judge of the Superior Court ol Houston County, In accordance with the applicable provisions 01 the Georgia Uplines* Code. The registered ofllce ol the corporation Is located at KXIb Main Street, Pei - ly, Georgia, and Its registered agent at such address Is George B. Wells Sr. The purpose ol the corporation Is: ta> To purchase. Improve, devel op, lease, exchange, sell, dispose of, and otherwise deal In real es tate, to purchase, lease, build, con struct, erect, occupy and manage buildings of every kind and char acter whatsoever; to finance the purchase, Improvement, develop ment, and construction of land and buildings belonging to or to be acquired by J.t)ls corporation, or any other person, firm or corpora tion. tb) To bold, purchase, own, deal In. mortgage or convey real estate and personal property without any limitation or restriction whatsoev er. In this State and In any other Slate or Country. tc) To enter Into, or become a partner In. any agreement for shar ing profits, union of Interest, co operation. Joint venture or other wise wKh any person, firm or cor poration now carrying on or about to catty on any business which this corporation has a direct or Inciden tal utuhorlty to pursue. td» To build, erect, construct, lease or otherwise acquire, manage, occupy, maintain, and operate buildings for hotel purposes, m>- 1«ls. dwelling houses. apartment house*, office buildings, and busi ness structures of all kinds fur (be accommodation of the public and of Individuals; and to keep man age. conduct and operate hotels, m dels, apartment houses, dwelling houses, restaurants, lunch and tea rooms, barber shops, and cases fur the accommodation 01 the public and of Individuals; and to buy. sell, exchange, lease, subdivide and Im prove real estate with all the us ual and necessary services per taining thereto, and to conduct and cany on the business of providing meals and iood for the general pub lic. and buying and telling any and all other things necessary or desir able In connection with the opera tion of a motel or a hotel business. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall commence business I* Five Hundred 18300.00) Dollars. 4tp 5-7 TAX SALE City of Perry; Houston County Georgia. There will be sold at public out cry before the Court House dour In Ferry, Houston County. Georgia during the legal hours of sale, to the htaheat bidder for ceeh. on the First Tuesday In June, 1970. the fallowing real estate, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known and designated as Lot Ho. 4 In the Beavers Heights Subdivision, the same being located In the City of Perry, Houston Coun ty, Georgia, according to a plat of survey of said Beavers Heights Sub division. made by Rhodes Sewell, Surveyor, on February 21. 1850 Copy of said plat being recorded in Map Book 2, Page 338 Clerk's Of *ice, Houston Superior Court. Said Plot I* hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto for the shapes, metes, bounds, courses and distance* of said lot. Sold property levied upon as the property of Pauline Porter, Defend ant In FI. Fa. to Mtlafy fl. fa. for the years (* 1 1968, issued by City m £ erry _ ogalnet Mid Defendant in F. Fa, Tenant In possession of said FMMJitoes notified: April 13. 1870. a Marshall, City of Perry I ______ 4tc 5-7 NOTICE OF SALE Georgia, Houston County Because of default In payment of Indebtedness secured by a deed to secure debt executed by Commun nlty Realty. Inc. to Conley R. Tircy and Ladonna F. Tlrey dated October 30, 1963 and recorded In Deed Book 210 page 306, Clerk s Office, Hous ton Superior Court, the undersign ed, Conley K. Tlrey and Ladonna F. Tlrey. pursuant to the power oJ_ sale contained in said security deed will, on the first Tuesday In June. 1970. during the legal hours of sate, at the Courthouse door In Perr>, Houston County, Georgia, sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash the properly described In said deed, to wit; All that tract or parrel of land lying and being In the City of ret ry, Houston County, Georgia, and In Andrew Heights Subdivision therein being known and designated as Lot No. 4 In said subdivision ac cording to plat of survey of same prepared by T. F Flournoy, survey or, in October, 1941, a copy of said plat being recorded In Map Book 1, Page 326, Clerk’s Ofiice. Houston Superior Court. Said lot has such shapes, metes, bounds and courses and several distances as are shown on aforesaid plat of survey and said plat of survey Is hereby referred to and made « part of this description. Said lot Is located on the corner of Charles Avenue and Charlse Drive and Is bounded on the north by Lot No. 3 ol said subdivision, on the east by Charles Avenue, or. the south by Charlse Drive and on the West by Lot No. 16 ol said subdivision. A deed will be made by the un dersigned to the purchaser at said sale. The proceeds ol said sale will he applied as provided In said deed to secure debt. Cunley It. Tlrey and Ladonna F, Tlrey As Attorney In Fact for Community Realty. Inc. Lawrence C. Walker. Jr. Attorney at Law Perry, Georgia 4tc 3-7 NOTICE Georgia, Houston County The following described lands having been declared to be surplus property by the City ol Perry, same will be offered for sale before the courthouse door In the City of Per ry on June 2, 1970, at 11:00 o’clock A. M.: All that parcel of land lying and being In the City of Perry. Hous ton County, Georgia, known and designated as Lot No. 12 "added March 8, 1948" in Cater Subdivision Extension according In a plat of said subdivision oi record In Map Book 2, page I9f, Clerk's Office, Houston Superior Court. ALSO; All that portion of Lot No. 6 in Section 1 In the Cater Extension In Perry, Houston Coun ty, Georgia, described us follows; Beginning on the north line of said lot at a point which is 71 feel cast from the northwest cor ner of saJd lot; thence east from said point for a distance of 9 feet to the northeast corner of said lot; thence south tor 130 feel to the southeast corner of said Jot; thence west for 72 feet to a point which Is 8 feel east from the southwest corner of said lot; thence along a line to the point of beginning. Said land Is commonly known us the ,"Boy Scout Properly" In the City of Perry. Sale must he confirmed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Perry, and the right Is reserved to accept or reject any bid. This 16th day of April, 1970, MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF PERRY 4tc 3-7 NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Georgia, Houston County; Whereas, heretofore, on the 7th day of November, 1969. Theron M. Rea of Houston County, Georgia, did execute to North American Ac ceplance Corporation a certain se curity deed lu Ihe following land: All that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being In Land Lot 163, 3th District,- Houston Coun ty. Georgia and being known and designated us Lot 4, Block D of Green Acres Estate Subdivision, Section 6. according to a plat of survey made by Waddle Surveying Company, Inc. of record In Plat Hook 7. Folio 200. Clerk's Office. Houston Superior Court. Said plat and record I hereof are hereby made « pari of this description by refer ence thereto. There Is located on said properly a dwelling house known us Jon Widow Avenue. War ner Robins, Houston County. Geot ,glu. Where us, on the 7lh day of No vember, 1969. the said Theron M. Rea conveyed to the undersigned a note of even date, the said se curity deed, and <hc said land des cribed therein; all as shown by a security deed recorded In the of fice of the Clerk of Ihe Superior Court of Houston County. Georgia. In Hook 333, Page 133; and Whereas, the said note has be come In default us to principal and Interest and the undersigned elects that the entire Hole, principal, and fivlerest, become due at once; and Whereas, the said note Is being foreclosed and subject to a prior deed to secure debt, given by Ther on M Rea to Flckllng & Walker, Inc.. In the principal amount ol 812.200.00. dated August 2'2. 1964. anti‘recorded August '24. 1964. in Book '223, Folio 212. Clerk's Ofllce. Houston Superior Court Now there tori', according (o the original terms of said security deed and the laws In such cases made and provided. Ihe undersigned will expose for sale lo Ihe highest hid der for cash the above described land, after proper advertisement, on Ihe first Tuesday In June. 1970, lietween the legal hours of sale before ihe Courthouse door m Pei ■ rj. Houston Couhly. Georgia The proceeds from said sale will be used first to Ihe payment of the prior mortgage as hereinabove described, then lo Ihe payment of said note to the undersigned, principal. In terest. expenses and attorneys fees, and Ihe balance. 11 any. de livered to the said Theron M Rea. Ihe agent or legal representative ol such party. This the 4lh day of May. 1970 North American Acceptance Corp.. Attorney In fact for Theron M. Rea Westmoreland A Patterson 903 Georgia Power Building Macon, Georgia 31201 4tc 5-T NOTICE or PUBLIC SALE or REAL ESTATE Georgia. Houston County Because ol the default In the payment of the Indebtedness secur ed by that certain deed to secure debt, executed by Maurice B Har well to C. B. Steele, dated Febru ary 12. 1969 recorded In Deed Book 319, Page 372, Clerk s Office, Hous ton Superior Court. transferred and assigned by C. B. Steele to Robert Vuncannon by Instrument dated May 6, 1970, the undersign ed, Robert Vuncannon has declar ed the entire amount of said Indebt edness due and payable in accord ance with the terms of said deed and the note secured thereby; and pursuant to the power of sale con tained in said deed, there will be told by the undersigned at public outcry before the courthouse door In Ferry. Houston County. Georgia, on the first Tuesday In June. 1979, same being June 2. 1970. within the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, the following described property; to-wit: An that real estate In the City of Warner Robins, Houston County, Georgia, known and designated as Lot No, 10 In Block “D" of the Tanglewood Estates Subdivision as fully shown by a plat of survey of record In Map Book 8, page 281. 'Oerk'a Offlde 1 , Houston Superior Court. Said plat and the recorded copy thereof are hereby made a part of this description by reference thereto. Said property will be sold as the property of Maurice B. Harwell by the undersigned as Attorney In Fact for Maurice B. Harwell and the proceeds of said sale will be ap plied to the payment of said In debtedness. the expense of said sale, all as provided In said deed to scure debt, and the balance. If any, will be distributed as provid ed by law. This ftth day of May, 1970. ROBERT VUNCANNON As Attorney in Fact for Maurice B. Harwell Aultman, Hulbert. Buice A Cowart Attorneys at Law Warner Robins, Georgia 4tc 5-7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Georgia, Houston County Notice Is hereby given that MAT TIE LEE JACKSON, the undersign ed. filed her Petition In the Super ior Court of Houston County the 11th day of May. 1970, praying for change In the name of Petitioner's son from Luther James Hudson to Luther James Jackson, and notice Is hereby given to any Interested or affected party to be and appear In said matter in said Court on or before 10:00 (ten o'clock) a. m. on the Twelth (12thi day of June, 1970, at which time all objections to the granting of the relief prayed for must be filed In said Court. This the Bth day of May, 1970. MATTIE LEE JACKSON Pattttonn 4tc 3-14 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Georgia, Houston County Notice Is hereby given that MAT TIE LEE JACKSON, the undersign ed, filed her Petition In the Super ior Court of Houston County the 11th day of May. 1970, praying for j change In the name of Petitioners' ( daughter from Dianne Hudson to Dianne Jackson and notice is here- , by given to any Interested or as- | fected party to be and appear in , said matter In siad Court on or i before 10:00 (ten o'clock' a. m. on ) the Twelth (12th) day of June, 1970, j «t which Lime all objections to the I grunting of the relief prayed for t must be filed in said Court. 1 This the Bth day of May. 1970. i MATTIE LEE JACKSON I Petitioner 4lc 3-14 ( 1 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION « On application of CARL L, BEARD, I 105 Briarcllff Hoad, Warner Robins, r Georgia, articles of incorporation 1 have been granted to OBSTETRICS 1 AND GYNECOLOGY P. A by the 1 Honorable George B. Culpepper. Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County, In accordance with the applicable provisions of the *. Georgia Professional Corporation * Code. The registered office of the f corporation is located at 105 Briar- , cliff Road, Warner Robins, Georgia, and Its registered agent at such ad- • dress Is CARL L. BEARD. The pur- j pose of the corporation Is to pro- , vide medical services Including hut ( not limited to the practice of \ Obstetrics and Gynecology. The | minimum capital with which the i corporation shall commence busl- 1 ness Is 8500.00. 4lp 3-14 i ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION On application of James E. Kel ley, Route 1, Box 220, Byron, Geor gia articles of Incorporation have been granted to KMW, INC. by the Honorable Geo. B, Culpepper, HI. Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County, In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the cor poration Is located at Route l, Box 220, Byron, Georgia and its regis tered agent at such address Is James E Kelley. The purpose of this corporation Is the purchasing of real estate and Improving and developlong said real estate Into Mobile Home Parks, constructing stationary buildings of every na ture us required by such Mobile Home Parks, also lo do any type of construction for owners of such parks to buy and sell at retail any good s produced or Items of any nature useful to occupants of said parks and any other transactions Incidental to such business and lo do and perform any other act or tiling relative to the conduct of such business authorized by law. The minimum capital with which tin* corporation shall commence business Is Five Hundred and no/100 ( 8500.00 > dollars. 4tp 3-14 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION On application of MICHAEL N. TSAMAS. Warner Robins. Georgia, Articles of Incorporation have been granted to SHOE CORRAL, INC. by Ihe Honorable George B. Culpeppei, Ml. Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corpor ation is 202 S. Pleasant Hill Road. Warner Robins. Georgia and its re gistered agent at such address is MICHAEL N. TSAMAS. The pur pose ol the corporation Is to en gage in the buying and selling at wholesale or retail women's, men's and children's footwear and rela ted accessories The minimum cap ital with which the corporation shall commence business is 861X1.00. 4tp 3 -14 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT Articles of Amendment have been granted to "UNITED FINANCE AM) DEVELOPMENT COMPANY" by ih> Honorable George B. Culpepper. 111. Judge Superior Court of Houston Counlj. Georgia. In accordance with the applicable provisions of Ihe Georgia Business Corporation lode. The purpose of said Articles of Amendment is lo Increase the amount of Class A stated capital ftom B,tk).tXK).tX) to an amount not to exceed $1,200,000.00 and to in ci ease the Class B slated oaptltal from 87.000.IK) to an amount not o exceed $12,000.00, and to change the par value of the Class A Capl tal Slock from *2 00 per share * -40 per share and to change the Prom' soo °' Jr 18 !* B l ' apllilJ s ‘ock from $ .02 per share to 8 txM per * ftare ' 4tp 3-14 TAX SALE City of Perry: Houston County Georgia. There will be sold at public out cry before the Court House door In Perry. Houston County. Georgia during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the First Tuesday In June, 1970, tne following real estate, to-wlt; All those certain City lots locate I In Oehlahatchee Subdivision, City of Perry, Houston County. Georgia, known as follows: Lots 7.8, 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 18 and 19. Block A; Lots 8, 10. 11, and pari of Lot 3, Blink B; Lots 3. 6. 7,8, 9. 1.2, 3. 4. Block C: Lots 4 and 5. Block D. Said property levied upon as the property of Community Really’. Inc . Defendant In Fl. Fa. to satisfy tax fl. fa. for the year (s) 1969. Issued by City of Perry, against said De fendant in Fl. Fa. Tenant of said premises notified: April 7. 1970. This 30th day of April, 1970. B. E. DENNARD SR, City Marshall, City of Perry 4tc 5-7 TAX SALE City of Perry: Houston County Georgia, There will be sold a* public out cry before the Court House door In Perry, Houston County, Georgia during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the First Tuesday In June, 1970, the following real estate, to-wlt: That certain City lot located In tne City oi Perry, Houston County, Georgia known as Lot 4, Andrew Heights Subdivision and designated as 1209 Charles Ave., according to the present system of numbering In the City of Perry. A dwelling house and other Improvements are located on said lot; the following vacant lots In the Nonthside Subdivision; Lots 4,6, 7,8, Block B; Lots 7 and 8, Block C; Lot 3, Block D; Lots 3, 5 and 6, Block F; an unnumbered lot In Block H; 29.8 acres on U. S. 41 North; and 57.66 acres on Satter field Road. Said property levied upon as the property of Community Realty, Inc.. Defendant In Fa. Fa. to satisfy tax fl. fa. for the year(s) 1960. Issued by City of Perry, against said De fendant In Fl. Fa. Tenant In pos session of said premises notified' April 7, 1970, This 30th day of April, 1970, B. E. DENNARD SR. City Marshall, City of Perry 4tc 3-7 NOTICE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION On application of CYNTHIA JEAN WILLIAMS, articles of incorpora tion have been granted to WIG IM PORTS, INC. by the Honorable C. Cloud Morgan, Judge oi the Super ior Court of Houston County, in ac cordance with the applicable pro visions of the Georg a Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation Is located at 104-B Archdale Drive, Warner Robins, Georgia, and Its registered agent Is Cynthia Jean Williams. The purpose of the corporation Is to buy, sale and otherwise dispose of "wigs", "wiglets,”, "falls" ano any and all other hairpieces and related accessories. The minimum with which the corporation shall commence business Is $500.00. 4tp 5-21-70 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION On application of L. V. Oslglan, Warner Robins. Georgia articles of Incoroporatlon have been, granted to PENNY FINCHER'S SHOPP, INC. by the Honorable George B, Culpepper. 111, Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code, The registered office of the cor poration Is 1531 Watson Houle vard, Warner Robins, Georgia, and i Its registered agent at such address is L. V. Oslglan. The purpose of the corporation is to engage in ihe < purchase and sale of real estale; to ( engage In buying or otherwise uc- j qulrlng, selling, trading, exchang- i Ing, or otherwise disposing of, at j wholesale or retail, as principle, , broker or agent, fabrics, piece | goods, bedspreads, curtains, furni ture, appliances, carpel, household furnishings and any other accessor ies or Incidentals which a major ity of the board of directors deem necessary and ancillary to said bus- ‘ iness. The corporation shall be em powered to do any and all things necessary and Incidental to the carrying on of this business, includ ing but not limited to the right to employ office personnel and to bor- 1 row money; and such powers as are now or hereinafter provided by law. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall commence business is $600.00. 4tp-3-21-70 PETITION FOR DIVORCE The Superior Court for the County of Houston, State of Georgia. Jack I L. Absetz Vs. Margaret Obrien Ab setz, Civil Action, Divorce, Ducket No. 10583, Date filed, May 18, 1970, Order for Service by Publication dated May 18. 1970, Summons. The defendant Margaret Obrien Absetz Is hereby commanded to file with the Clerk and serve upin Charles R. Free Plaintiffs attorney, whose address is 14 Hardeman Building. Macon, Georgia, an ans wer within 60 days of the date of the order for service by publication. Witness, The Honorable Geo. H. Culpepper, Judge of said Court, this May 18th, 1970. TOMMIE S. HUNT, Clerk, Houston Superior Court 4tp 5-21-70 NOTICE OF NAME CHANGE Georgia, Houston County. Notice Is hereby given that John Dunham Warner and Gwendolyn Joan Warner filed their petition to the Superior Court of said County on the 19th day of May. 1971. pray- , ing for a change in Ihe names of their children. Debbie Ji Uroher and Robert Lee Booher. to Debbie Jo Warner and Robert Lee V\ arncr, and notice is hereby given to any Interested or affected party to te and appear in said matter in said Court on or before June 26 1 970. at 10 o'clock a. m. at which time all objections to the granting >.f the relief prayed for must be lilid in said Court. This May 19. 1970. JOHN DUNHAM WARNER GWENDOLYN JOAN WARNER D. Warner Wells, Attorney Fort Valley, Georgia 4'p 3-21 NOTICE Georgia, Houston County Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Bernice Thomas Nygarrd. the un dersigned, filed her petition with the Superior Court of said county on Ihe 21st day of May, 1970. pray ing tor a change in the name of the petitioner's natural born daugh ter from LOIS CAROLINE NYGAARD to ' LOISA CAROLINE NYGAARD". and notice is hereby given to any Interested or affected party to be and appear In said matter in said ’ court on or before 10 o'clock A. M. on the 22nd day of June, 1970. at which time all objections ito grant ing of the relief prayed for must be filed in said court. This 21st day of May. 1970, Mrs. Bernice Thomas Nygaard Petitioner Austin J Kemp. 11 Attorney for Petitioner 1544 Watson Blvd. Warner Robins. Georgia 31093 4tc 5-28 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION On application of Jimmie J. Selph. Articles of Incorporation have been granted to "SELPH CONSTRUC TION & DEVELOPMENT CO.. INC.” by the Honorable Geo. B. Culpepper. HI. Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the cor poration is located at 1437 Watson Boulevard, Warner Robins. Georgia, and its registered agent at such address Is Jimmie J. Seph. The pur pose of the corporation is to en gage in all activities necessary to curry out the development and Im provement of real estate In Hous ton County. Georgia, and at such other places as the corporation may deem advisable. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall commence business is $1,000.- °°- __ 4tp 5-28 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION On application of D. L. Fountain. Articles of Incorporation have been granted to "HOLIDAY ESTATES REt REATION CO." by the Honor able Geo. B Culpepper. 111, Judge of the Superior Court of Houston bounty in accordance with the ap plicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The re gistered office of the corporation is located at 1213 Watson Boule vard. Warner Robins. Georgia, and ts registered agent at such address Is D L Fountain. The purpose of the corporation Is to engage In the development of real estate and to develop, build and maintain all types of recreation facilities and perform all functions necessary to carry out these purposes and con nected therewith. The minimum cap tal with which the corporation shall commence business is $6,000 - °°' _ 4tp 3-28 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION On application of D. L. Fountain, Articles of Incorporation have been granted to "HOLIDAY UTILITIES & DEVELOPMENT CO." by the Hon- orable Geo. B. Culpepper. 111, Jud ge of the Superior Court of Hous ton County, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Geor gia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation Is located at 1213 Watson Boule vard, Warner Robins, Georgia, and its registered agent as such address is D. L. Fountain. The pur pose of the corporation Is to devel op real estate; to build and main tain streets, roads, highways, side walks and sewers: to build, main tain. and Install sewage treatment facilities, Including but not limited to septc tanks; to lend money; to engage In all other activities not specifically prohibited by the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall commence business is $1,000.00. 4tp 3-28 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION On application of Sammie L. Nel son, Rt. 1. Box 740, Warner Robins, Georgia, and R. Wayne Lowe. 201 South Pleasant Hill Road, Warner Robins, Georgia, Articles of Incor poration have been granted to ELBERTA CONVALESCENT HOME, INC., by the Hon, George B. Cul pepper 111, Judge of the Superior Court of Houston County. In accord ance with the applicable provisions of the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation ts located at 201 South Pleasant Hill Road. Warner Robins, Georgia, and Its registered agent at such address Is R. Wayne Lowe. The corporation Is organized for the purposes of; Leasing, owning, and operating medical homes, nursing homes, and convalescent homes, Including the leasing, owning and operating of the premises and facilities therefor; the construction, erection, repair ing and remodeling of buildings and structures of all types, includ ing residences, apartments, stores warehouses, office buildings, nur sing homes, medical homes, con valescent homes, and others; buy ing. selling, exchanging, leasing owning, subdividing and improv mg real estate, with all the usual and necessary services for itself and others. The minimum capital with which the corporation shall commence business is $300.00. Adams. O’Neal, Thornton. Hemingway and McKenney By: Jerome L, Kaplan 549 Mulberry St. Macon, Georgia Attorneys for Incorporators 4tp 3-28 NOTICE OF BUSINESS Georgia, Houston County Personally appeared before me. Ronald G. Calhoun, who on oath deposes and says that he. Ronald G Calhoun, P. O. Box 230, Warner Robins, Ga. is doing business in Houston County, Georgia at Warner Robins, under the name and style of CROSS ROADS MUSIC COM PANY. The business to be carried on is Sheet Music Published, Copy rights to songs, Music pul to words. This affidavit is made in accord ance with the Act of the Georgia Legislature approved August 15, 1929, and amended March 29, 1937, and March 20, 1943. DONALD G. CALHOUN Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of May, 1970 E. P. CARTER Notary Public, Houston County, Ga. Filed in office May 22, 1970 TOMMIE S. HUNT, Clerk 2tp 5-28 NOTICE OF BUSINESS Georgia, Houston County Personally appeared before me. Ronald G. Calhoun, who on oath deposes and says that he, Ronald G, Calhoun. P. O. Box 230, Warner Robins, Ga., is doing business in Houston County. Georgia at Warner Robins, under the name and style of Crossroads Music Company. The business to be carried on is Sheet Music Published, Copyrights to songs, Music put to words. This affidavit ts made in accoixl ance with the Act of the Georgia Legislature approved August 15, 1929. and amended March 29, 1937 and March 20, 1943. Donald g. calhoun Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of May, 1970 E. P. CARTER Notary Public, Houston County, Ga. Filed in Office May 22, 1970 TOMMIE S. HUNT, Cleric tti pi JL jfc - * ; k* |i|| f t MRS. RUBY THAR PE RETIRING TEACHER CROSSWORD PUZZLE | ACROSS 45. Desires 9. The Toddy’s AnSWCr 1, Farm 47. Jokes Wise _ implement that Men’s Bxl 5. One of a fall flat s,s pair 48. Is in sane- g dpj^i^sT 9. Language arrears turn o op(rffi'ifoi| 3|o|Nj v of a 13. Colt’s Polynesian WWN mother EggjgMxß group 1. PTA 15. Type a ilx* aj* ». v|w|i|n i 10. Shows member measure n 118 ?TvV_3 n i t o concern 2. Bank 16. Emer- 031/)JJjlßlyA v 12. Altar trans- gency constel- action boat lation 3. Otherwise 20. Pulls with 32. Ten 13. Old- 4. Caribbean a rope percenters fashioned group: 22, Space 33. Zip. etal, firearm abbr out back 35. Frail 14. Patton, 5. Slink 26. Important supports Bradley around. time at 36. Ens and var. the zoo 40. Accom- Ridgeway 6. Counterfeit 27. Wild plished 17. You: It. pushers plum 42. Hammar -18. Among 7. Ancient 28. Buckets skjold 19. Traded, as craft 29. Having a 45. Falconer's produce 8. Be in a handle cry 21. Shote's precarious 30. Nile 46. Exclama area position serpents tion " Stc mf>h if m 24. Actor M.e | * t BP Calhoun 25. Tow’ard 1~” '"'Mvt ' •torn 27. Hollywood 5 Is j- U^ |7 from Detroit Hgf3 fjT* 28. Peel 30. Little i> | it<t 31. Pouch HHjHii -1 |||| Wfo 34. Dame , I j p,; : z ||| Judith or ze r* P *io M ii 37. Depart 55 is i* Up ir 38. Exists ______ 39. Relied 16 |||J” [*« (upon) for , support 41 4i WM 41. Speech- pii ’-a/M maker’s 44 WF* 43. Companion ||||| 4 ~ 44 Endure . Puzzle No. 2022 I3T H - « / ifff JhH « jft zSk m -4 |» S V -MM Sr Sr r * acr ■ i B V 11 _■ * ~ • eZ**' 4ft ' AtfißK § m r THREE MEMBERS OF THE Perry Chapter of Future Farmers were the local winners of the corn production contest. They are left to right, Jimmy Scogin (second place winner), Gene Grinstead (third place winner), and Billy Johnson (fourth place winner). Shown here presenting the check is Harry Dumas, president of the Houston County Farm Bureau. The winner of the corn production was Warren Talton, not shown. The Houston County Farm Bureau sponsors this con test annually for FFA members. SB wßjltßl iSv * $ THESE PERRY Future Farmers members participated in area Rally Day at Tifton last Saturday. Shown here are left to right, Uanny Walker, second in quiz contest; Pat Morton, president; and Julie Click, third in the speaking contest. The string band had recently placed first resulting in a first place in overall talent. Veteran Perry Teacher Will Retire This Year Mrs. Ruby Tharpe is to re tire at the end of this year after 40 years of service in her native Houston County. The Houston County GTEA will honor Mrs. Tharpe, at a retirement program, Tuesday, June 2, 1970. Dr. C. L. Ellison, Head of the Department of Agriculture at the Fort Valley State Col lege, will be guest speaker for the occassion in the Kings Chapel Elementary School Cafetorium at 8:00 p.m. She received her high school education at the Port Valley High and Industrial School and Wendell Phillips High in Chicago, HI. She re ceived the BS degree at Fort Valley State College and wor ked on the Masters degree at Atlanta University, Fort Valley State College and P ennsylvunia. She has served as presi dent, and secretary of the local unit of the Teachers Association. Mrs. Tharpe is and has been for many years a member of the GTEA, the NEA and the ATA. She is a faithful member of the Kings Chapel C.M.E. Church. Her plans are to keep work- Prepare for a Fabulous Future in REAL ESTATE Evening Classes Starting June 2 ENROLL NOW Limited Classes Course Guaranteed Excellent Facilities For Additional Information Call Ken Greer NOTICE TO SELL Houston County proposes to sell the following vehicles and equipment: 1957 Vz ton Chevrolet pickup 1962 V* ton Ford pickup 1966 Chevrolet dump truck 1959 Dodge 800 Truck with fifth wheel 1964 Ford flat bed truck 1956 Vz ton Ford pickup 1965 Dodge dump truck 1965 Custom 500 Ford 1968 Custom 500 Ford 1967 Dodge Coronet 1965 Chevrolet Biscayne Approximately 18 sets of As sorted sizes of concrete pipe forms. A deposit of 25 per cent of the total bid is required for a bid to be considered, and check should be made payable to Houston County Commissioners. Bids win be opened on June 2, 1970 at 11:00 A. M. at the Com missioners Office in Perry, Georgia. Houston County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. , Vehicles and equipment are displayed for in spection, and bid forms may be secured at the Houston ( County Public Work Camp on Kings Chapel Koaa, Perry,' Georgia. Houston County Commissioners ing any capacity she can to help her community and church; especially the young people to whom she has dedi cated many years of service. She is the wife, of Mr. Arthur Tharpe and the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Tharpe. Sr., who lived near Houston Lake. Conservative or liberal? Write a letter to The Home Journal.