Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, March 16, 1972, Page 1-A, Image 1

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VOL. 102 NO. 11 $50,000 Campaign Check Presented At Political Rally Nunn Reveals Plans To Seek Post Os United States Senator State Wide News Coverage At Rally Houston County State Representative and Perry attorney Sam Nunn Jr. officially announced his candidacy here Wed nesday for the post of United States Senator. Nunn delivered his announcement speech before a crowd of hundreds of his friends and supporters at a barbecue and rally held at the Nunn Farm near here. Television and newspaper reporters from all around the state were also in at tendance to cover the speech. A press tent was set up on the farm and there were more than 40 members of the news media in at tendance writing stories and taking pictures of the ceremonies. (The full text of Sam Nunn’s announcement ad dress appears on this page and page 5A of this section. Seated on the platform at the rally were members of the Perry, Warner Robins, and Centerville City Councils and the Houston County Commissioners along with a number of other Houston County elected officials. Perry Mayor Malcolm Reese served as master of Woman Announces For School Board Race Mrs. G. N. (Sandy) Elliott of 403 Pine Valley Drive, Warner Robins, has an nounced that she will be a candidate for election to the Houston County Board of Education Post N 0.2 this fall, now held by Dr. W. G. Talbert, Jr. “As a concerned and active mother, I believe there is an urgent need for the influence of a mother in the important decisions that directly affect the welfare and destiny of the children in the public schools of this county.” Mrs. Elliott said. “It is with deep concern and an irrevocable desire to serve that I am seeking this post and I am seeking the support of all concerned parents in my efforts to be elected,” she said. Mrs. Elliott is the wife of Lt. Col. (Ret.) T.A. Elliott. She is the mother of three daughters, Vivian Ann (Mrs. j Houston Countians Pay $6,127,000 Towards The National Debt | What is it that Houston County residents pay three times as much for, via their Federal taxes, than for aid to education? What is it that takes a bigger piece out of their U. S. tax dollar than Federal spending for :$ pollution control, aid to housing, price support for agriculture, manpower training and the space program, all combined? Interest on the national debt, that’s what. Because the ceiling on the national debt, $430 billion, is about to be reached, the Nixon ad The Houston Home Journal The Perry Area’s Favorite Newspaper For The Past 100 Years ceremonies and he, along with Warner Robins Mayor Homer J. Walker, Cen terville Mayor Hollis Molton and County Commission Chairman Robert Byrd, presented Nunn with a check for $50,000 for his campaign fund. The check represen ted a portion of the funds raised in Houston County for Nunn’s campaign. Houston Representative Vince Moyer introduced Senator Stanley Smith of Perry who introduced Sam Nunn. Nunn’s speech, a “ get tough in Washington” type theme was en thusiastically accepted by the hundreds of Nunn sup porters gathered at the rally. Nunn has been a rumored candiate for the U. S. Senate seat now held by David Gambrell for the past few months. A source close to the James W.) Holler of Alexandria Virginia, who was graduated summa cum laude from the Macon Hospital School of Nursing; Tomi Elaine Elliott, a 1969 honor graduate of Warner Robins High School and now a freshman at the University ppr v s; ul mm Mrs. Sandy Elliott PAGE 1-A candidate said he has taken a long, hard look at the race and that he (Nunn) sincerely believes he can fill a void in the race for U.S. Senate and win the campaign. Opposing the Perry lawyer and farmer for the race will be Senator David Gambrell, former Governor Ernest Vandiver and State Treasurer Bill Burson. Those are the announced candidates, however there are several others con sidering the race but have not yet made their decisions. A veteran political ob server at the rally stated, “If Sam can come on strong in the next few months around the State, he can win this thing. There’s no doubt about him being the best man for the job. But he’s got to get to the people.” Evidently Nunn will “get to the people” beginning this week as the long schedule of campaigning begins right away, according to a member of his campaign staff. of Georgia; and Joni Alberta a second grade student at Miller Elementary School in Warner Robins. The Elliotts were tran sferred to Robins Air Force Base in 1965. Just before his retirement in 1969 Lt. Col. Elliott was tran sferred for five and a half months to Fairchild Air Force Base in Spokane, Washington but the family like this area so much that they returned to Warner Robins to live after his retiremnt. Mrs. Elliott and her family attend the First Methodist Church in Warner Robins. She has been very active in many youth organizations such as Girl Scouts; has taught Sunday School; is a past president of the Officers Wives Club; has been PTA president in various schools; has been a substitute school teacher; and is an active sports enthusiast. ministration, faced with a massive deficit in the next fiscal year, has requested a multi-billion boost in the legal debt limit Since $430 billion is a sum too colossal to grasp, it is broken down for better understanding. If it had to be paid off at this time and if everyone in Houston County and in the rest of the country had to chip in an equal share to liquidate it it would require $2,160 from every man, woman and child, or more than SB,OOO per family. Since there is, of course, no plan to pay off the debt, it presents no immediate problem. What is PERRY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1972 28 PAGES jft. <■■■ f «L - • I Rep. Sam Nunn Jr. Perry Has Many Big Blood Donors At least 29 persons in the Perry area have given one or more gallons of blood at Red Cross Bloodmoble visits, according to Cliff Hamer, recently appointed chairman of Perry’s blood committee. Hamer, administrator of the Perry-Houston County Hospital serves as a Red Cross volunteer under Dr. J. L. Gallamore, co-chairman of the Houston County blood program. “We have Church Sets Revival Here Rev. John Padgett, pastor of the Perry Assembly of God Church on l>ee Street, announced that revival services will begin on Monday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. Guest evangelist will be Cortez Frazier, Presbyter of the Macon Section. On the night of Sunday, March 19, the Crossroads Quartet will be featured at the 7:30 p.m. service of the church. A cordial invitation is issued to the public to attend any of the services. numerous people on our lists who have to give only one or two more pints to be included on our gallon-donnor lists,” says Hammer, “and they will have an opportunity to donate blood Wednesday, March 22 when the Blood mobile will be stationed at the Agricultural Building from 10:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.” At least six Perryites are multi gallon-donors. They are: Raymond Gornto, Harold F. Green, T. F. Hardy, William Kelly, Billy Barrett and W. J. Sexton. Citizens who have given at least one gallon of blood are: Wylene B. Andel, Dan Britton, Caroline Brown, Marion L. Brown, Alma Dayton, Bobbie J. Dean, Robert Downing, Joe A. Gaylor, Donald A, Colder, David Hawk, Vivian Hawk, David Helm, Betty D. Howard, Duane Inskeep, Virginia Jones, John War ner, Robert D. Vance, Perl Sholl, Isobel M. Schell, Allen C. Pritchett, Jr., Martin Luther Mosteller, Vemetta Monroe and Una Martin. of concern, however, is the huge amount of in terest that must be paid on it annually. It will total no less than $21.2 billion during the next fiscal year, second only to the cost of national defense, the new budget shows. Residents of Houston County will be paying approximately $6,127,000 toward these interest charges, in line with their normal share of the overall tax load. Per local family, it amounts to some $340. Since 1941, when Congress moved to put a limit ★ An Editorial ★ Sam Nunn On The Horizon SAM NUNN JR. ANNOUNCED his candidacy this week for the United States Senate. It was an an nouncement that came only after weeks and months of decision making and thought about the future. Sam Nunn made the decision with a positive attitude of winning the race in November. He sincerely believes he can run successfully and so do his supporters. It has been a positive pre campaign approach from the beginning with all obstacles taken into consideration. The Home Journal also believes Sam Nunn can and should be elected United States Senator. Our opinion is not based solely on the fact that Sam Nunn is a favorite son candidate. We have taken a long look at those candidates who are officially running and those who might offer for election and we see only one bright spot on the horizon. That’s Sam Nunn. In the weeks and months ahead, Georgians from Ringgold to Cobb Town to Whigham will know who Sam Nunn is and that he is the man all Georgians solely need to represent them in Washington. Nunn’s Speech Carries ‘Get Tough ’ Theme (Editor’s note; Follows is the full text of the an nouncement speech made by Sam Nunn here Wednesday when he revealed his plans to run for the U. S. Senate.) The office of the United States Senate is the highest position which can be bestowed by the people of a sovereign state. Georgia has been ac customed in the long years of her history to send to represent her in the United States Senate men of vision, men of character and men of ability who exercise their own independent judgments on matters affecting our state and our nation. There are two reasons why I seek to be your United States Senator. First, the heritage of our fathers - Make no mistake about it Sam Nunn has a long road to travel bet ween now and November. I takes a lot of effort, time and money to run for the U. S. Senate. The Nunn campaign is getting off to an impressive start but the “home folks” will have to keep busy in the months ahead to insure that the campaign stays on a sound base at home. This we believe can be done. We hope that Houston County gets behind Nunn like no other county has ever gotten behind a favorite son candidate. We believe it will be done with the volunteer efforts and financial support that a cam paign of this magnitude demands. We take considerable pride in being the first newspaper in the State of Georgia to officially endorse the ; candidacy of Sam Nunn Jr. for the United States Senate. We believe in 1 Sam Nunn. We believe in his sincerity and concern for all Georgians. We believe in his qualifications. We believe he is the bright spot on the horizon for all Georgians. We believe he will and should be United States Senator from the great State of Georgia. --8.8. second, the future of our children. Our heritage - My own father believed that the prime duty of government is to protect the persons and property of its citizens from criminals at home and from enemies abroad. Yet, over the past few years, the crime rate in our country has in creased at an alarming pace. Crime today is no respecter of economic levels; its victims are both rich, poor, black and white. Who today has so much material wealth that he is free of the fear of violence to his family, to his children, or to himself? Who today is immune to the heartbreak of drug ad diction which threatens his on Federal spending, during Franklin Roosevelt’s ijij presidency, by placing a ceiling on the national i|!|; debt there have been many changes in the ceiling. Congress has raised the legal limit 23 times in the subsequent years, as Federal spending ji| continued to mount As a result, the ceiling is now ;i:j; many times as large as it was initially. The annual interest charges have grown :|:j proportionately. Since 1960 alone, they have climbed from $9.2 billion a year to the current rate of $21.2 billion. loved ones? Who today is not afraid to walk the streets after dark in our large cities or even in some of our small towns? As to threats from other nations, we have seen during the past few years an ominous and concerted ef fort on the part of certain elements in the United States Senate to dismantle our military and scientific superiority. This trend, if continued, will reduce America to a second-rate power, our government will be in capable of assuring the future security and freedom of its citizens. The founders of our Cont. Page 5-A