Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, March 23, 1972, Page 1-A, Image 1

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| Perry Attorney Larry Walker Appears Front-runner |Rumors Blossom For State Representative Post 1 Political rumors about who might run for State Representative in the spot now held by Rep. Sam Nunn have been floating around the southern part of Houston County like a gunny sack full of helium filled balloons. The post will be wide open for the coming elections because Nunn will not seek re-election. He is making a bid for U.S. Senator. The Georgia House of Representatives reap portioned itself in the session just ending and as the districts now stand, Houston County could very well elect three State Representatives in stead of the two we have had for the past four years. Houston is split three ways. Two Representatives will be elected from the northern part of the County (Warner Robins) and one representative will be elected from the southern portion of Houston (Perry) and part of Macon County and all of Schley County. The strongest rumor in Perry at this time seems to be that attorney Larry Walker is interested in VOL. 102 NO. 12 Bids To Be Taken City Approves Library Plans Perry City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve final ar chitect’s plans and specifications for the building of the new library here. Members of the library m i f - I ■« mgafik fsssßmf *- I' 11 i I ii 1 1 i i i ! l' ii iiJ h In l .l I'M v Kflß *Tm K| Mayor Reese Turns Over Gavel Mayor Malcolm Reese (left) turns over the City’s gavel to Mayor pro tem Dan Britton. Mayor Reese presided over his last City Council meeting Tuesday night. His resignation takes place next Friday. Mayor pro tem Britton will take over as the City government head at the first meeting in April. Reese has served as Mayor since Jan. of 1970 and his term officially ended this Jan. but because of a court suit contesting the December City elections he has had to remain in office. He announced two weeks ago that he would no longer be able to serve until the court case is settled because of business reasons. Britton is a long time member of Council and has served as Mayor pro tem under another administration in the past. The Houston Home Journal The Perry Area’s Favorite Newspaper For The Past 100 Years board, headed by Chairman Judge Paul Armitage, met with Council and presented them with architect Robert Oliver’s final plans. Judge Armitage asked that Council give their approval and they did. seeking the post. Walker was contacted by The Home Journal this week and said he didn’t have any official statement at. this time but he did express an interest in the race. Walker is presently the Municipal Court Judge and has been rumored as the next City Attorney. He is a native of Perry and has been interested in politics in the past few years, although he has never been ac tively involved in local politics. Sources close to Walker say he is “very in terested” in running for State Representative from this district and that he is now in the process of “feeling out” his chances. The source also pointed out that Walker has strong ties in the rural areas of Macon and Schley and Houston Counties because of his father, Cohen Walker, who is long time farm equipment dealer in Perry. The senior Walker was on the Houston County School board for more than 20 years and retired from politics two years ago. Also considering running for the post is former PAGE 1-A After the vote of approval, Mayor Reese told Judge Armitage, “Judge, it looks as though you should now go out and build a library in Perry.” Judge Armitage indicated that advertising for bids will PERRY. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1972 begin right away for the $150,000 plus facility and a date of April 25, was set for the opening of bids at City Hall at 3:30 p.m. Judge Armitage stated, “I want to thank this Council, and especially Mayor Reese, for the assistance you have rendered this board in preparing a library facility for the citizens of Perry and Houston County. We ap preciate all you have done and we look forward to working with Mayor pro tern Britton and the other members of Council in the days ahead as the library building progresses.” Mayor Reese said that $23,000 has been placed tentatively in the budget for the operation of the library the first year. Reese also indicated that some operating funds will probably become available from the Houston County Commissioners but the amount has not yet been determined. Council Adopts Official Holidays For Employees On the recommendation of Councilman James McKinley, the Perry City Council Tuesday night adopted 8 official city holidays for city employees. McKinley said in the past that the City has not had an official listing of paid holidays and he recom mended the following days off for city employees; Christmas, New Years, Independence Day, Memorial Day, Veteran’s Day, Labor Day, Washington’s birthday and Thanksgiving. Representative D. C. Peterson of Kathleen. Peterson, a retired school teacher, previously served in the Georgia House for three terms but was defeated two years ago by Vince Moyer of Warner Robins. Peterson, contacted by The Home Journal, said he is “thinking seriously” about getting back into politics and he expressed an interest in the Representative post in this area. Peterson indicated he was “talking to some people” to find out whether or not he will run. Perry Mayor Malcolm Reese, who resigned effective the last day of March, has been a rumored candidate but he told The Home Journal this week he has no plans at this time to seek the post. Reese stated, “My plans right now are to run Security Federal to the best of my ability and I am not considering any political races right now. However, November is a long way off and I wouldn’t want to make any decisions at this time. But as of this date I can say that I am not planning B ' !f W" J ? '®f/ ; ; U . ■ j. 1 vb* |h a ri^Pin^itiMßfE,'sll s I h -|HV W Ribbon Cutting Opens Grant’s Store Here Mayor Malcolm Reese cut the ribbon Monday morning officially opening the new 50,000 square foot W. T. Grant’s Store at the Grant’s Plaza Shopping Center here. Taking part in the ceremonies are from left, sales personnel, Agnes Wilson and Martha Wilson, assistant managers Grant’s Store Opens Hundreds Attend Sneak Preview Grand Opening The new 50,000 square feet W. T. Grant’s Store officially opened here Monday mor ning with ribbon cutting ceremonies. The store, however, held a “sneak preview” grand opening on Sunday afternoon and hundreds of shoppers filled the store to take advantage of the grand opening specials. The opening of Grant’s marks the beginning of business of the largest store in Perry and the first complete department store in the City. Grant’s is the third store to open in the new Grant’s Plaza Shopping Center. Winn Dixie Food Store and Health Cross Drugs opened their doors for business 3 weeks ago. Grant’s will be open for business 7 days a week and will be one of the stores joining other Ferry stores in opening on Sunday. Their Sunday business hours will be from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor Malcolm Reese cut to run for State Representative.” Reese indicated that he would not rule out political races in the future. He said there is a possibility he will get actively involved in politics in the future but he would not say in what area. Reese is now serving as local treasurer of the Nunn For Senate Campaign. From what The Home Journal can learn, Larry Walker seems to be the top prospect for the Representative post. Although Walker has not made any announcements about his intentions, sources close to the Perry attorney have indicated that he will probably be near the courthouse when the Democratic qualifying opens on May 15. The Home Journal also attempted to learn if the upcoming elections in Houston County will be run on a plurality or majority basis. Some officials seem “in the dark” about the way the races will be run. The Home Journal has not been able to get a definite answer but it appears the County races will be run on a majority basis, at least at the present time. Delores Distefano and Bill Gregory, store manager Don Simmons, Mayor Malcolm Reese, saleslady Doris Ralston, personnel manager Alice Roasio, saleslady Bernice Morton and Perry Chamber of Commerce President Joe Poole. the red ribbon to officially open the new store Monday morning and he was assisted by store manager Don Simmons. Simmons said the store opened for business with some 85 employees, most of which have been hired locally in the past few weeks. A number of Perryans have been hired by Grant’s as department heads and in other jobs. To kick off their grand opening, Grant’s is running a full section of advertising in this week’s Home Journal in section C of this week’s paper. 3 SECTIONS 44 PAGES Simmons said the new Grant’s store is looking forward to a successful operation in Perry and that they will strive to serve Perry and Middle Georgia shoppers in the best possible manner with prices and merchandise second to none. A number of other stores are slated to open in the shopping center soon. Crumpton’s Shoes, a ladies and men’s store, a jewelry store and a fabric shop are among those that are sup posed to locate in the new Grant’s Plaza Shopping Center along with the other stores already open.